G5 Adventures in Chill Out, Scooby-Doo!

by ponydog127

A Mountainside Investigation/Panic on the Radio

At the same time, everyone had gotten out of the van and started pushing when the snow got too deep, and with the help of a man and his three yaks, they managed to push the Mystery Machine all the way up to Pemba, Snow Spell and Minga’s village. Everyone, by then, was cold and tired, not having much energy for anything else. “Wow, that sure was a long drive,” Fred commented, “but we made great time.”

“Great time?! Freddy, I can barely feel by hooves anymore cause of the cold, and you wanna call that great time?!” Pipp said, shivering from the cold and from her anger. “Pipp, calm down,” Zipp told her sister. “As soon as we find our friends, we can get back to sunny, warm Paris.”’

Pipp frustratingly sighed. “I hope you’re right…”

“Are you sure this is the place, Freddy?” Velma asked and Pipp handed Fred her phone, but he frowned upon seeing there were no bars. “I think so, but I’m not sure. None of the phones can find a signal up here.”

“Hey, wait. You can't just leave us here!” Daphne called to the man with the yaks. “No… this mountain is cursed,” he said. “The yaks are unhappy, for they feel the yeti's power. Come on, girls. We're going home.”

The yaks slowly started walking back the way they came, and Hitch began putting all the pieces together. “Okay. Deserted village, yeti's curse, creepy yak guy. Yeah, we're in the right place.”

“Hello?” Fred called as they entered the temple. “Anybody home?”

“Jeepers, this place gives me the creeps,” Daphne shivered. “Hey, check this out!” Zipp said, picking up a green, blue and orange box off the ground, and Daphne gasped upon seeing it. “Scooby Snacks!”

“And where there’s Scooby Snacks, our friends shouldn’t be too far away,” Hitch reasoned. “Don’t be so sure, Hitch. Come take a look,” Velma called from the doors, and beckoned them all outside to see footprints and hoofprints leading away from the village. Zipp put on her visor and began to examine them. “Hey… those are Shaggy and Scooby’s tracks!” Fred said. “And Misty and Sunny’s hoofprints! Along with a couple other ponies too!”

“But why in Equestria would they be heading up the cold mountain?” Izzy wondered. “I mean, heh… they’d wanna be somewhere warmer.”

“I don’t know, gang,” Velma shook her head. “But, I've got a hunch our next clue, will be waiting for us in thin air.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Zipp asked. “The quicker we follow their tracks, the quicker we find them! But we better hurry-- the incoming snow could cover their tracks quick.”


Back at the radio station, Sunny and Misty and Snow Spell were watching Shaggy and Scooby jam out to the records Del had laying around, and Shaggy stepped up to the microphone. “Like, greetings, radio listeners. Shaggy and Scooby, broadcasting live from the top of the world, spinning stacks of wax for all you frostbitten fans out there. Right, Scoob?”

Scooby then began to make several noises on different instruments for a response, causing him and the ponies to giggle. “Oh, you big goof, you,” Misty rubbed the top of his head playfully. “I gotta admit, bringing music to others seems like a lot of fun. No wonder Pipp has so much fun doing it.”

“Hey, guys! Wanna hear my radio voice?” Shaggy asked. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded, and Shaggy assumed a deeper tone for his radio-announcer position. “Like, put down your snow shovel and pick up that thin-air guitar. It's time to stay in and rock out.”

He put on another record and they all began dancing… unaware that the snowman was watching them from right outside.


At the same time as this, the rest of the ponies, Fred and the girls climbed up the mountain and right to the campsite where the group had stayed, finding it in ruins. “What happened here?” Daphne wondered, but then Velma (figuratively) froze when she saw something on the ground. “Daphne, freeze!”

“We’re waaaaaay ahead of you there, sister,” Pipp shivered, trying to flutter her wings to keep them from freezing. “No,” Velma shook her head. “Freeze as in don’t move.

When they all looked down, they saw footprints bigger than two or three of Sparky put together right next to them. Seeing the size of the footprints made Sparky whimper and hug Hitch’s neck for comfort. “Jeepers…” Daphne said. “Giant footprints!”

“They must belong to the adorable snowman!” Fred reasoned, and Zipp muttered to herself and slapped her face with her wing. “You gotta be kidding me… adorable? That’s the best you can come up with?”

“Hold on, gang,” Velma stopped their chatter, noticing something peculiar. “There's something awfully strange about these tracks.”

“I’ll say. This snowman must wear a size-50 snowshoe,” Daphne said. “But look closer,” Velma pointed out. “The creature's footprint, while larger in size, only sinks half as deep into the snow as Daphne's.”

“Hey… they sink half as deep as our legs too!” Izzy said, noticing the same thing. “He must be in great shape.”

“But that doesn’t make sense,” Hitch shook his head. “How could we weigh more than a snow monster?”

“There has to be a reasonable explanation for this,” Zipp said in thought. Suddenly, there was a groan, and Izzy and Fred raced over to the edge and looked down. “Hey gang!” Fred called. “Over here!”

The others raced over at his call, and discovered a freezing Pemba in the cage below. “Oh no… he could get hypothermia down there!” Zipp said. “Let’s get him out and ask some questions-- maybe he saw what happened.”


Izzy managed to get down to Pemba and unlocked the cage, and as soon as Pemba was brought up to safety, Pipp poured him a cup of tea, and Pemba soon recollected all of the events from earlier. “And that is the last thing I remember,” Pemba finished the story. “I don't know what happened to the others.”

Sparky whimpered and hugged up against Pemba’s leg in comfort. “Yikes… that’s some scary stuff,” Pipp frowned sadly. “Don’t worry, Pemba,” Velma assured. “By reading the footprints in the snow, we should be able to reconstruct the attack.”

“By the looks of these tracks, I’d say Ember and Professor Jeffries snuck off on their own,” Fred looked in the direction of the sled tracks, footprints and singular hoofprints. “But why did they go climbing on their own?” Zipp pondered. “At night in the middle of the snowstorm?”

“And what about Minga?” Pemba asked worriedly. “I do not see her footprints anywhere.”

“Now that you mention it… neither do I,” Hitch shook his head. “It’s like she just… vanished with the snowstorm.”

“Well, gang,” Fred spoke, “it looks like we've got a mystery on our hands.”

Velma walked over to a specific spot in the snow, and pulled something out from it. “Jinkies, look! It’s a radio!”

“That’s Minga’s!” Pemba gasped, getting up. “She never goes anywhere without it!”

“Then she must have dropped it,” Zipp pondered, ears pinning, “as the creature carried her away!”

Pipp gasped in horror, eyes widening at that. “You mean… Minga has been kidnapped by the abominable snowman?”

“Oh, this is all my fault. I should never have returned to the mountain!” Pemba said, overwhelmed with guilt. “Pemba, this was out of your control,” Izzy said comfortingly. “But we can find her; I know we can!”

“But what about Snow Spell, Sunny, Misty, Shaggy and Scooby?” Fred wondered with worry. “They could still be out there somewhere!”

“I know Pemba said that Snow Spell knows her way around the mountain,” Hitch sighed, “but… if something were to happen to our friends, I… I could never forgive myself.”

“Especially if Opaline found out they were out here alone,” Pipp said, causing the group to look worried. “Misty mentioned an Opaline before,” Pemba recalled after thinking a moment. “Who is she?”

“An evil fire alicorn set out to gain control of Equestrian magic,” Zipp said grimly. “We’ve stopped her on more than one occasion, but now she has 75% of Sparky’s dragonfire, and has gotten even more powerful than ever! Leaving our friends at a horrible chance at being captured... or worse.”

“Oh, Scooby-Doo,” Daphne said worriedly, “where are you?!”

Her call echoed over the mountains, and as the group tried to comfort each other, a familiar voice was heard over the radio with some comedy sounds following. “Scooby-Dooby-Doo!!!

Like, that’s right, old buddy!” another voice said, and this belonged to Shaggy. “It’s Scooby and Shaggy!” Fred cried. “They’re on the radio!”

Hitch sighed in relief. “Thank goodness they’re safe! And I bet Sunny and the others are with them too!”


Sunny was writing vigorously about different topics for Shaggy and Scooby to talk about on the radio, while Misty and Snow Spell sat behind Shaggy at the desk, making sure the equipment was working. “And now, for all you mountain music lovers…” said Shaggy, “it's time for your mid-morning traffic report. There's a six-yak pileup on the Tibetan tri-level, got you backed up all the way to the K2 off-ramp. So if you're traveling by yak this morning, try to give yourself an extra day or two, folks.”

During the traffic report, Scooby saw the abominable snowman watching through the window, and made several different comedy noises to try and alert Shaggy and the ponies. “What is it, Scooby?” Misty asked in a hushed voice. “Can’t you see we’re doing something here?”

“Uh… guys?” Sunny saw what Scooby meant and pointed with wide eyes. “Might wanna look behind you...”

“Hey, you're right. Like, I forgot to check the temperature,” Shaggy said, making Sunny slap her face as he turned to the thermometer, and Snow Spell and Misty finally saw what they were talking about, freezing in fear while Shaggy held up the mic again. “Oh, better wear your mittens today, folks. It's a chilly 15 degrees below zero out there.”

That’s when Shaggy finally noticed the monster outside, and he, Snow Spell and Misty screamed as the monster roared. “And,” said Misty, “with a 100% chance of snow monsters!”

The snow monster began to shake the station violently, and the ponies rushed to get their things with Scooby so they could make their escape. “Ladies and gentleman,” Shaggy broadcasted in panic, not knowing the gang was listening, “we interrupt our scheduled program to bring you this special report! Like, live! As it happens!”

Scooby quickly scribbled something on a piece of paper before giving it to Shaggy. “Hang on, folks; I’ve just been handed this important bulletin,” he said before reading it. “Like… HEEEEELP!!!

Immediately, the group barricaded the door, and then hid behind a table as the snowman broke through. They took the table and hit the monster out of the way and ran outside, but darted right back inside and got on their winter outfits, and they ran to the storage shed to hide, but the monster busts it's way in, and found Shaggy and Scooby in disguise. “Table for one, monsieur?” Shaggy asked, taking him to a table. “Like, your menu, sir.”

Sunny, Misty and Snow Spell then came with a plate of frozen food and the monster finds it distasteful, and the the heroes run and the Abominable Snowman chases them until he sees snowmen, and the roars that them to melt them and then one ofthem reveals Scooby, Shaggy, and the others in it. And then we go to the snow-made boxing stadium, with Scooby preparing to face off against the snowman himself. “Okay, Scooby,” Misty said encouragingly. “Hit him with the old one two!”

“Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “One two!”

He began to fight the monster off, but after one fearsome roar, he got scared and backed away. “Come on, champ!” Shaggy encouraged. “Give him the old double, backwards, super-duper Scooby spin!”

Scooby nodded and spun snow back in the snowman’s face, calling him to fall on the weather station. Then, the monster roared at the group of friends, and they screamed and were chased around some more. Everyone climbed onto the roof of the station and climbed up one of the poles, but came to a dead end at the top…

…with the monster tailing behind them. “We’re trapped, everyone!” Snow Spell said in panic, while Scooby howled. “So… what now?” Sunny asked. “We can’t just give up!” 

“I can think of something we can do…” Misty said. Then, in unison, everyone screamed at the top of their lungs, “HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!!

That was the last thing the gang heard on the radio before the signal blocked out.