//------------------------------// // Music on the Mountain // Story: G5 Adventures in Chill Out, Scooby-Doo! // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// As Del Chillman took her and her new friends up to the weather station in his snowmobile, Snow Spell could only think about the two most important things in her life... ...Pemba and Minga. They had been so kind and loving to her since they found her wandering into their village about 5 moons ago, and now... Snow Spell felt guilty about leaving the behind. Soon enough, they arrived at the weather station, and Del opened the door to let them inside. “Brrrrrr!!!” Misty shivered. “It's freezing out there! Even with a bunch of fur on, I don't see how any animal, even the snowman, could stand being outside in the cold.” A small feminine voice yawned before coming out. “Me neither. Even I can't stand it sometimes.” Everyone turned to see a pegasus pony trotting out from the darkness-- a lavender pony with light violet eyes, darker hooves, a green and blue mane and tail and a cutie mark of an aurora coming from a dark cloud. “Everyone, this is Aurora Skies,” Del introduced. “She helps me out at the weather station. Aurora, this is Shaggy, Scooby and some of their friends. Apparently, they got lost up here.” “Pleased to meet you, Aurora,” Snow Spell smiled. “Yeah, you too,” Aurora smiled back. “You guys go ahead and get comfy. Del and I will try and get through to your friends from the satellite dish.” “Finally...” Misty sighed. “The best news we've had all day.” XXXXXXXXX But after a multitude of tries, Del and Aurora just couldn't get through to anyone-- just as Misty thought they were finally getting somewhere. “Well, sorry you can't call the rest of the gang. Looks like the snow storm has blocked out the satellite,” Del apologized as he passed out some hot chocolate. “But boy, am I glad to see you guys. Aurora and I don't get too many visitors up here.” Scooby immediately downed the hot chocolate and got whipped cream all over his face, making Misty giggle and wipe it off. “The last time we saw you, all you cared about was the Loch Ness Monster,” Shaggy said to Del. “Like, what happened?” “Nessie was a no show. I was so bummed,” Del said in disappointment. “But then it hit me. What if I got a job up here and used my free time to search for proof of the abominable snowman? That's where I met Aurora.” “The people who worked here before Del got tired of the cold and left for Miami,” Aurora said, topping off the cups of hot cocoa with some chocolate sprinkles. “I love studying the weather, and its peaceful up here, so when Del wanted to come onboard, I thought I could use some company.” Suddenly, a printer printed out a piece of paper, and Del went over to the microphone and spoke into it in a deeper voice. “Hello, out there. Today's weather report: a major snowstorm is blowing through with highs in the low minus 40s. You're chilling with Del Chillman, spinning music for your mountain morning.” Once Del put on the music again, Sunny looked over the collection of records Del had. “Wow... this is some collection, Del.” “Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “So, like, your big assignment is to be a radio disk jockey?” Shaggy asked. “Well, I'm only supposed to read the weather report but it got lonely after a while, just Aurora and me,” Del said. “It helps to have someone to talk to, even though nobody's really listening. Except for this.” That's when Del put on a nearby hat. “Cool, huh?” “On you, it looks pretty good,” Misty commented. “It just showed up one day, along with this note. Listen,” Del read the note outloud. “Dear Del, I listen to your show every day. I hope you never leave the mountain. Wow. Once I heard that, I knew I just had to keep on rocking, man. I only wish I could stay longer.” Shaggy took the note and read the final line at the bottom. “Like... 'Signed, your number one fan'.” “Hmmm...” the ponies said in thought. Who could this number one fan be? “Hey... I think I have a great idea!” Aurora said. “Why don't you guys be guest DJs on today's show?” “You want us to be DJs?” Misty asked in surprise. “Sure,” Del nodded. “You guys can stay here and watch the station while we head out to search for the other members of your party.” “Like, the five of us can just keep the party going here,” Shaggy said. “Yeah yeah!” Scooby nodded. “Party!” “All right,” Del said as he and Aurora prepared to head out. “Now, remember, that monster is still out there somewhere. So while we're gone, whatever you do: do not open this door.” And just like that, Del and Aurora left the station. “Heh... they don't have to worry about that,” Sunny said. “The last thing we want is another run-in with that winter-wonder weirdo. Hey... what if we open our show with a song sung by one of us?” “Great idea! Hey, Snow Spell? Do you have a song you wanna sing?” asked Misty. “Me?” Snow Spell blinked in surprise. “Oh no no... I like to sing, but... not in front of people.” “But you won't be in front of people other than us,” Sunny pointed out. “And all the people out there will love hearing you. Will you at least try?” “Well... I guess I could try,” Snow Spell said, and Sunny and Misty helped her get set up as Shaggy went over to the microphone. “And now, Shag and Scoob's Radio Show presents a very special performance from none other than... Snow Spell!” Scooby turned on some music from a speaker, and Snow Spell softly began to sing from her heart. The snow glows white on the mountain tonight Not a footprint to be seen A kingdom of isolation And it looks like I'm the queen The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I tried Don't let them in, don't let them see Be the good girl you always have to be Conceal, don't feel, don't let them know Well, now they know As she began to get her confidence up, snow began to dance at Snow Spell's hooves, sparking awe and delight before her friends. Let it go, let it go Can't hold it back anymore Let it go, let it go Turn away and slam the door I don't care what they're going to say Let the storm rage on The cold never bothered me anyway “Whooo-hoo!!” Misty cheered and slid around on a small patch of ice that Snow Spell created, encouraging her to make more wintry magic for her friends to enjoy. It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small And the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all It's time to see what I can do To test the limits and break through No right, no wrong, no rules for me I'm free Let it go, let it go I am one with the wind and sky Let it go, let it go You'll never see me cry Here I stand and here I stay Let the storm rage on With the swirl of her hooves, Snow Spell began to create a flurry of snowflakes that began to swirl through the entire station. My power flurries through the air into the ground My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around And one thought crystallizes like an icy blast I'm never going back, the past is in the past! As she began the final chorus, a dress of solid ice began to form around her body, as well as an icy tiara on her head. Let it go, let it go And I'll rise like the break of dawn Let it go, let it go That perfect girl is gone Here I stand in the light of day Let the storm rage on...!!! The cold never bothered me anyway And after the last words were spoken, everything that Snow Spell created vanished into thin air. “All right, give it up for that magical performance from Snow Spell!” Shaggy told the radio listeners. “Now, let's get onto our next song.”