//------------------------------// // Summer of Honesty // Story: Under The Apple Tree // by Lunar Hymn //------------------------------// Summer in Ponyville was already off to a great start. The skies were cloud free and the temperature was perfect for any outdoor activity anypony could think of. School let out and the joyful laughter of foals playing in Ponyville Lake filled the small village. Atop a small hill in Sweet Apple Acres was a large apple tree that looked down upon the rest. At first glance it looked like just a regular tree but to a certain human it was paradise itself.  The large tree branches provided a vast area of shade keeping the blazing summer sun from causing a nasty sunburn. The gentle summer breeze drifted up both sides of the hill intersected at its trunk making it the optimal place for relaxation and keeping cool. Anon knew that Ponyville wasn’t the most peaceful of places, but this tree provided all he needed to keep him sane. Which lasted all but five minutes when a certain country mare trotted up beside him smelling like sweat and apples. Applejack was his best friend but he knew she was a hard working mare. Always trying to drag him along to buck apples. She knew well that a human wasn't built for it but insisted he come along no matter what. Something about needing a spotter or whatever. But not once has he seen another pony watching her as she worked. “I know yah like your peace and quiet and all that but since we are on my farm I decided to come check out this place you love nappin’ at. So mind if I join yah?” Anon signaled her over patting the ground right next to him. “Can’t say no to you. Getting into a fight with you would be signing my own death certificate and I'm not quite ready for it yet.” Applejack let out a small giggle. “And here I thought you liked em young. Yah do spend a lotta time with the youngins after school for a moment ah thought you was a foal fiddler.”  “Happy you don't see me in that light. But kids always gravitated towards me and it seems like it carried over here. It’s probably because I hear them out and give them someone older to talk to when no one else will listen. Hell, a few of them even call me ‘Big Bro’ when we meet up.” “Always found it sweet when little Applebloom comes home talking about how yah tell em all bout the world you came from. Couldn’t keep her quiet at all once she learned about those car things. All she could think about is having one of her own.” He chuckled. “Wouldn’t blame her. Humanity spent years creating and improving things to make life a bit easier for everyone. Cars are just one of the few simple things that we enjoy. Driving sure beats walking around any day of the week.” Applejack’s boisterous country mare laugh filled the air. “Sure it would make things easier but nothing beats hard work. That feeling of knowing that you put in 100% of your effort to gettin a task done always feels satisfying.” “Speaking of satisfaction, today is possibly the most perfect day anyone or anypony could ask for. Temperatures just right to laze about and do nothing.” “Might be a perfect day for yah but there's still one thing that could make it a tad bit better.” “Now I'm interested. What makes you say that?” Anon said, raising an eyebrow. “Yah Mind if I ask you a question that’s been bugging me.” Anon nodded in agreement.  Applejacks rose from her seated spot and turned to face Anon. Her emerald eyes shined in the summer sun as she was determined to say something important.  “Have yah ever just felt like there's something missing in yah heart and you know what it is but are too scared to just reach out and take it? Like it's right in front of your hooves and you're constantly thinking about what would happen if it were to reject you.” “You know I'm not good with this cryptic mumbo jumbo, let's just skip to what you have to say.” “Ever since I met yah. Yah always spent time at the farm and even with me. It warmed my heart and I appreciate it, you're the only stallion that has treated me more than just a farmer but as a friend. I always thought I’d be a grumpy old mare like Granny but yah came around and changed it. So all I wanted to say is that I love yah Anon.” Her blush gradually brightened her face while she hid her eyes under her stetson. “Yeah I already knew.” Anon chuckled. “B-but how. I’ve kept it a secret the best ah could. Anyone who did know Pinkie Promised they wouldn’t say a thing.” “I kind of sort of maybe overheard you and Rarity a few months back. You both are quite loud talkers when left alone.” “And why didn't yah say anything?” She had turned as red as the apples hanging from the tree above them. “Cause I was waiting on you to make the first move. If I remember right this Equestria is more of a Mare dominant society so I thought I’d let you come to me.” “Either way, what's your answer to my confession Anon. Yah still haven’t given me a real answer.” “We both already know the answer, my little pony. Yes I will go out with you Ms. Rough and Tough. Somebody’s got to keep you company and it would be my pleasure to be that someone. “Thank yah. I think yah made me the happiest mare alive. Anon I've got another question but this is very important now that we are together.” “Alright let's hear it. You’ve never told a lie and since you say it's important it must be.” “Wanna go applebucking with me tomorrow?” Facepalming as hard as he could, Anon responded.  “You have got to be kidding me.”