//------------------------------// // New Lives // Story: The Summer Switcheroo // by dashielovesyou //------------------------------// Star, being the leader of the fashion-forward group, took charge of teaching Rainbow Dash the art of walking glamorously in heels. They assembled near the camp cabins, where they had set up a makeshift runway. Star demonstrated the model-worthy walk, displaying her knowledge of posing and strutting in heels. "Alright, Rainbow Dash, watch closely and take notes," Star said with confidence. She showcased a poised walk, elongating her legs and adding a touch of flair to her movements. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes but still watched her. "Now it's your turn! Give it a shot!" Star encouraged. Rainbow looked down at her heels. Rainbow Dash hesitated for a moment, eyeing the heels with uncertainty, She wore heels before but these were longer. “Fuck it,” Dash muttered. With Star's guidance, Rainbow Dash practiced her heel-walking. At first, she felt a bit unsteady, but Star's patience and encouragement helped her find her balance. Rainbow Dash gained confidence, strutting down the makeshift runway with more grace and elegance with every step. “Great job Rainbow!” Star praised. Rainbow gave a smug smile, her ego washing over her. “I’m awesome, I can do anything!” Next, Star and her group set up a photoshoot area, complete with a stylish backdrop and bright lights. They directed Rainbow Dash through various feminine poses, teaching her how to make her features more noticeable. "Alright, now give us a fierce and fabulous look, Rainbow Dash!" Star directed, snapping her fingers to add drama. Rainbow Dash channeled her inner diva, experimenting with different poses and expressions. With each click of the camera, she grew more comfortable, embracing her glamorous side. After the photoshoot, Star led Rainbow Dash to a full-length mirror. "Now, Rainbow Dash, it's time to affirm your fabulousness," Star said with a smile. "Look into the mirror and say, 'I am beautiful, I am fabulous, I am the most fashionable girl.'" Rainbow Dash furrowed her eyebrows. “The fuck?” Rainbow said and turned around. “Now that’s just silly.” Star and her group stood by her side. “C’mon Rainbow! It’s not silly once you say it.” Taking a deep breath, Rainbow Dash looked into the mirror and spoke the words out loud, with slight deadpan. "I am beautiful, I am fabulous, I am the most fashionable girl," she said. Her raspy voice made it harder to sound girly. “That wasn’t girly enough. Say it like you mean it!” Star said. Rainbow Dash sighed and repeated the process, this time actually trying. “I am beautiful, I am fabulous, I am the most fashionable girl," Rainbow Dash said. Her raspy voice still present but more high pitched. It sounded like a trash impersonation of Rarity. Star and her group applauded, "That was wasn’t bad, I knew you had it in you" Star praised. Rainbow Dash stared at herself in the mirror. Horrified at what she became. Sure the makeover was fun but having to do this the whole summer is hell for the rainbow haired girl. “I’m so gonna be bullied,” The next activity is gonna be hell. The last two were already hell enough for the fashionable teen but this is just Rainbow Dash level. Soccer. A sport Rarity would NEVER want to play. Just using her feet just seems so hard. Although she doesn’t like the sport, that doesn't stop her from cheering on her favorite athlete. She picked up a few tricks Rainbow did while watching her practice, so it shouldn’t be too hard, right? “This should be fun,” Spitfire called out. When she stepped aside, she showed the soccer field. Cheers came among the crowd. Rarity hung her head low. “When will it end?” Rarity prayed. Everyone ran to the field. Spitfire gave everyone their positions including Rarity. Everyone went to their positions waiting for the game to start. Rarity's heart sank as the soccer game progressed. Despite her best efforts, she found it incredibly challenging to control the ball with her feet and her movements. Every time she tried to make a pass or kick the ball, it seemed to go in the wrong direction or barely move at all. Her teammates tried to be encouraging, but really they were just yelling at her. Rarity put a hand on her face. "I'm afraid I'm not cut out for this sport," she admitted. As the game went on, Rarity's frustration grew. She stumbled and tripped over the ball multiple times, attracting a few embarrassing glances from the other players. "Oh, why me?" she thought, wishing she could disappear from the field. The crowd's cheers and the joyous atmosphere that usually accompanied a soccer match felt like a mocking reminder of Rarity's lack of talent in the sport. She felt utterly out of place and longed for the game to be over. When the final whistle blew, Rarity was both relieved and disappointed. She was relieved because she wouldn't have to endure the embarrassment of her soccer performance any longer, but she was disappointed in herself for not being able to contribute to her team. As she walked off the field, trying to put on a brave face, Spitfire approached her with a reassuring smile. "Not everyone takes to soccer right away, Rarity. It's okay if it's not your thing. We all have our strengths and interests," Spitfire said kindly. Rarity managed a weak smile in return, appreciating Spitfire's understanding. "You're right. I think I'll stick to what I know best – designing fabulous outfits," she replied. As Rarity left the soccer field behind, she felt a sense of relief wash over her. Next time, she wouldn't be the next Rainbow Dash on the soccer field. The end of summer was here. Everyone was heading to their hometown and ready for the upcoming school year. On the other hand, it was the opposite for Rainbow Dash and Rarity. Rainbow Dash had undergone a transformation over the summer, becoming a girly girl with a passion for fashion and elegance, she’s like a walking Rarity clone! While she embraced her newfound style, she hated it. The habit of being a girly girl had grown on her, almost like second nature, but deep down, she missed her tomboyish self. She found herself trapped in the routine of makeup, dresses, and fashionable accessories. She swore to herself to never use makeup expect for important events or if Rarity makes her. The fake voice she had put on put a strain to her natural voice, she went back to her raspy voice. At least she could have that back. Rarity had never thought the summer Camp would turn her into a buff and muscular woman. While she had thought of weightlifting as a challenge at first, she soon found herself growing increasingly uncomfortable with her newfound strength, she’s like a walking Applejack clone! (with biceps). The once elegant girl was now struggling to fit into her delicate dresses, and she couldn't help but feel self-conscious about her appearance. Rarity missed her old slender figure and the ease with which she could move gracefully. As much as she tried to hide her muscles under fashionable clothing, it became a constant reminder of the changes she had undergone. Rarity wished to go back to her previous self. As they returned to Canterlot High, Sunset Shimmer face was aghast. "Holy shit! What the fuck happened?" Sunset asked laughing with shock but also joy. Rarity and Rainbow Dash shot her a glare. “Don’t ask.”