//------------------------------// // Epilogue: Little Wonders // Story: My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld // by specialhoof2022 //------------------------------// A few days later back at Friendship HQ at Maretime Bay, everypony was happy to be back home. The orphans were adopted by some parents, even some parents, who were also parents of the defenders. With a little help from Pipp Petals, she live streamed around Equestria and parents visited HQ to adopt a foal for free. And the orphans were also the new members of the Great Defenders of Friendship. In fact, the orphans are gonna have perfect futures for themselves; I feel so proud. For me, I was in my room typing some notes on my computer about our unlikely adventure in Wonderworld. I was so happy that the nightmare was all over. My friends were saved and no longer going to be trouble. God told me that he would after me and my friends, and he was right, he protected us, even during the battle. After I finished typing my notes, I'd got a phone call from the computer. As I answered, it was Prince Thrillunt and Princess Brightira calling me from the communicating computer on their castle roof. "Prince Thrillunt. Princess Brightira. What a surprise call." I say. "Hi, Special." said Thrillunt. "Hello, Special. How's everything?" Brightira asked. "It's all going great. We're all happy to be back home with our families and friends. And, all the orphans got adopted to their new familes, just like they wanted. And, I even made them new members of our heroic team." "That's really good." said Brightira. "So how are you?" I asked. "Are your twins born?" "Yes they are." she answered. Brightira and Thrillunt showed me their newborn twins. It was alicorn fillies. The first twin was named Twinkle Belle. Her fur was pinkish white, and her mane was purple. And the second twin was named Sparkle Smile. Her fur was light purple, and her mane was blue and dark purple streaks. AW, they are so cute." I said when I looked at the twins. "Congratulations." "Thank you, Special." Brightira said. "And, I'm so happy the orphans got families." "They finally got themselves a bright future ahead of them." said Thrillunt. "I couldn't agree more." I replied. "Thanks again for everything." Then, I ended the call. Now, let's go and see the foals who were orphans. Clumsy Bumzy was adopted by two earth ponies. One time he tripped over something and dropped plates of food. But luckily, landed on a dining room table and they didn't break, and not even a drop of food. His new parents didn't mind, as they laughed at him for his big trip, and Clumsy joined in. Trueheart was adopted by two pegasi parents both timid and soft-spoken just like her. They were showing her her father's collection of clouds, and her mother's collection of bracelets. Brainiac was adopted by two intelligent unicorn parents: a father who was a professor at college, and a mother who was a librarian. Gutsy Scott was adopted by pegasus family. His new father was a royal castle guard at Zephyr Heights. Lolly Poply was adopted by Frosty Flavor's parents She and Frosty love sweets together, they would make old and new desserts for everypony. Iron Magnet was adopted by Joydan Gallop's parents. He and Joydan both enjoyed playing games together. They even played the Rock Band game they played earlier. Grouchy Storm was adopted by Cloudy Carla's parents. He and Cloudy loved the weather, but he must learn to calm down and be liked to everypony. Tender Love was adopted by Streamer Smooth's parents. She and Streamer both shared the things they loved together. Radish Ryan was adopted by Horseshoe Henry's parents. They both like to make pictures and fold paper together. Scarlet Tomato was adopted by Sharpy Gem's parents. They both like to make things out of gem and crystals. Nighttime Nathan was adopted by earth pony parents, who loved the night just like he does. Bumble Berry was adopted by a family of beekeeping earth ponies. Even his bee friends were happy to meet some new bee friends. Pineapple Tidbit and Lemonlime were both adopted by Tangerine Twist's parents, and they'd love the farm. They were getting along really well, they even worked together to harvest fruit for Maretime Bay. Present Prize was adopted by earth pony parents, who were both comedians. Lucky Clover was adopted by unicorn parents, who were both Irish like he is. Powder Neutron was adopted by Bubble Burst's parents. She and Bubble love to science together. Sapphire Serum was adopted by a pegasus parents, who were both doctors. Her new father was an anesthesiologist, and her mother an original doctor working at her own doctor's office. Hefty Haman was adopted by Soccer Score's parents. He and Soccer love to exercise and play sports together. And Melody Aria was adopted by unicorn parents, who both sing, dance, and play music just like her. The orphans were so happy to have new families, just like they wanted. But importantly, they're also the new members of the Great Defenders of Friendship. Me and my friends needed all the help we could get. At the castle at Wonderworld, Princess Brightira and Prince Thrillunt were taking care of their newborn twin daughters. They gave they're babies bottles of milk for them to drink, and began to rock them to sleep. Thrillunt and Brightira became happy and proud parents, everything went really went since me and my friends made them the babies' room. Soon when the twins grew older, they will take their mother's place and be rulers of Wonderworld. For me, I was sitting at my desk, designing and planning some inventions, parties, and events based on Wonderworld. I'm sure everypony would be enjoying them in the future. But other than that, it was a great adventure. I had a nightmare and feared it would come true. When me and some of my friends got sucked into a vortex, leading us to Wonderworld, I feared we would never get home and be in danger. But in the end, it didn't happen, we win the battle and got home. All thanks to God, when something bad happened, he can change it into good. He always has a plan for everypony, and he'll still love us no matter what happens. Just remember to keep your faith and trust in God, and everything will be alright. The End And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28 I know the plans that I have for you declares the Lord. They are plans for good and not disaster, plans to give you a future filled with hope. Jeremiah 29:11