//------------------------------// // Chapter ten: Post The Gates of Equestria Purple (canon) // Story: Not the best training // by PurpleArtist //------------------------------// Purple was once a feared Equestria Special Forces soldier. He was also once the Prince of the Military for Equestria from the age of 23 to the age of 40. He also once dreamed of having a girlfriend or a wife and a few foals. He also signed his resignation papers and abdicated his position as Prince of the Military. Still, he left a recommendation list of who could replace him and either do the same or do a better job than him. He parted ways from Equestria. The ponies who came out of the woodwork to be friends with Purple when he was Prince of the Military and they only thought they were entitled or thought they were going to get stuff for a discount or for free but all of them left when he abdicated his position but he knew that they were fake friends. Purple even scoffed at the idea of the nine hundred and thirty-seven mares with whom he went on a single blind date with he knew that they wouldn’t show their faces around him because they rejected him and got wooed by his brother Base or another stallion in Purple’s family and they got pregnant and they tried to get Purple to be the baby daddy of another stallion foal but he rejected them. Now he’s just roaming the world trying to find a place to belong but the problem is that he doesn’t stay in one place for long where he’ll stay at a motel in a town or city for a few days and just leave. The first place he went was to the continent of Zebrica and he just roamed the deserts of the various countries that were full of Zebras even though he’s a crossbred alicorn he just tried to acted as if he belonged there but he never felt like he was at home. Purple also sent his cousin Princess Twilight postcards from where he was at or was at and he addressed it to her but sent it via magic he rarely used the post office or telegraph offices on where he went. The only reason why is that he doesn’t want to telegraph his presence on where he’s at or been he just sends them via magic because it’s quicker and by the time Princess Twilight receives them he’s usually long gone. After one year of traveling across Zebraica, Yakyakastan, and Griffonstone he went back to Canterlot to visit Princess Twilight. *** Canterlot, Equestria. Purple is now 73 years old. “Glad to see you’re back and safe,” said Princess Twilight, “How’s your trip so far?” Purple replied, “Borning and already knew I won’t and never will find a place to belong. But I’m going to go and visit Sapphire in her office because I want to see if she wants to hang out or talk.” “Purple there’s no easy way to say this,” said Princess Twilight, “But Sapphire she isn’t there anymore and she broke her immortality spell!” Purple replied, “She isn’t here? Is that what you’re going to say?” Princess Twilight nodded her head and Purple knew what she meant. “It’s my fault that she broke her immortality spell,” said Purple, “I either said something or did something that made her break her immortality spell so she can die. It’s probably the date that you set us up on! I should’ve kept my crush and feelings of her suppressed and I should’ve never made that damn card! Out of what I said or did I should’ve kept my mouth shut around her.” Princess Twilight replied, “Purple it’s not your fault. It was her decision. She wanted me to give you this letter.” Princess Twilight gave Purple an envelope that has Sapphire’s hoof writing and seal on it and he opened the envelope. To Purple. I know we weren’t friends for long and I know you have a crush on me but at least you’re better than Prince Blueblood because at least you can take a hint and not keep pushing your luck, unlike that dumb moron. Yes I know you have a crush on me and I rejected you but we’re friends and I didn’t decide to tell you because Princess Twilight told me that you beat yourself up for your own family hating you and you think you’re responsible for your friend’s death when you were in the military. I just want to say that you’re not the reason why I decided to break my immortality spell, it was my decision because I was getting tired of life and when you get to live to be 3132 years old then you’ll understand why. You were a good friend for as long as we were friends and if I told you then I suspect that you would’ve tried to convince me or persuade me to stay alive. It’s not your fault and you’re not responsible. I also want to say even though I won’t be here anymore, I’ll still be a part of you in your heart and mind. Do me a favor and that is you have a lot of road ahead for your future and you maybe have it rough now but one day you’re going to find it easier and be happy. While yes I did reject you but I wasn’t the right mare for you but there is going to be a right pony for you and that’ll happen one day. You can’t let your brother, sister, and the rest of your family think that you’re inferior and that you shouldn’t have been born but nobody gets to think that about you or say that about you. You’re a much better pony than what they believe and you shouldn’t think about what your enemies think you are because they win and they think that because then you lose and they win so let them lose and keep telling yourself that you’re the better pony than them. To me you’re a better pony than your brother and sister! Your friend, Sapphire Rose. Even though Purple held back from crying but he read it thoroughly but he still thought that he must’ve done something or did something that made her do it though. Purple ever since getting out of the military was suicidal because he was alone, and had no friends, and only family he had would just beat him up for entertainment and thought it was funny and still think it’s funny and entraining and think that he should be put in his place. Purple folded up the letter and put it in his saddle bag, turned around, and started to walk away. He still didn’t cry but he held back on crying even though if he did cry he would’ve flooded the castle because he gets very emotional at losing ponies who he cares about. *** Equestrian Recon Bunker Zeta, Southwest Equestria. Purple was in a bunker that was built into a mountain. Purple had been living there since he knows where it was at and to him it’s off the grid and he no longer has a home. Purple covered the floors with a flammable liquid mixed with a gelatin agent to make homemade napalm. He also took out his combat knife and lit a match and threw it onto the floor and he took the knife and intentionally cut his own throat but not enough that outright killed him but just to put himself in pain and let the homemade napalm finish himself off. *** Several days later in Canterlot, Equestria. Princess Twilight held a hero’s funeral for Purple but when Purple’s family who had beaten him up came, Princess Twilight told them that the only reason why Base, Blue, and the rest of them aren’t there to pay their respects. But they were going to miss a punching bag who did nothing wrong to them and they hated him since the day he was popped out of Harp’s womb and he didn’t do anything to deserve their treatment of getting beaten up. Princess Twilight was right because the rest of Purple’s family hated him since the day he was born. But some speculate he was hated since the night that the sperm and the egg that made him met. Princess Twilight even called out Base and the other stallions for their bullshit and how when Purple was trying to find a special somepony that was a cue for Base or a stallion to woo the mare, have sex with them, and impregnate the mare because Base and them treats mares as they have no say over things and that mares should only be at home to cook, clean, have foals, and do as what the boyfriend or husband says and that they view that the world should be are forced to marry, either by direct violence or by intentionally induced poverty, and every husband is a lazy cheating bastard who is allowed to beat his wife to a bloody pulp and can sell his daughters to the highest bidder with impunity, blink the wrong way the mare get burned as a witch; take a step out the door and the mare get raped on the spot. Only family member that Purple had that came to his funeral was his daughter who’s the leader of Stalliongrad after Purple’s wife of fourteen months had a daughter but she never told Purple because Purple would’ve come back to raise her. Sapphire Sketching Pad even told Base and the other mares and stallions in Purple’s family that if it wasn’t for Princess Twilight then she would’ve declared war on Equestria and had Base and them rounded up and executed by a firing squad with Molotov Cocktails. Princess Twilight was right that now they’re regretting beating up Purple with their bare hooves, wings, magic, baseball bats, golf clubs, tire irons, crowbars, rocks, cattle prods, clubs, wrenches, hammers, shovels, lead pipes, wooden boards, and whatnot. Not adding that if Purple defended himself they would beat him up twice as hard. The only time Purple defended himself he got put in a hospital intensive care unit and was given every painkiller imaginable just to not to feel the pain. Of course even though after getting called out that didn’t stop Base and the other stallions in Purple’s family from going to “sleep” with mares and impregnating them because they didn't care about mares and they believe that mares are inferior to stallions and that stallions like them are God’s or that they should be rulers of Equestria and the world. Doesn’t help that Base and some stallions in Purple’s family have daughters and they treat their daughters like shit and raise them as personal maids and servants and treat them as housewives so they can be “prepared” to be housewives to stallions when they get married. The only nice ones in Purple’s family were Brisk Flyee, Harp, Albatross, Bit Counter, Booker, and Purple himself. But Purple was the final nice one and he didn’t deserve what happened to him and that was the loss of his friends in war and being born into a family that’s sexist and misogynistic and the mares who are straight up bitches and assholes and can be even more misogynistic as the stallions. Purple when he entered the afterlife he thought he was going to Tartarus or to Hell but no and he was reunited with his biological parents whom he’s now meeting for the first time, his adoptive parents, and friends who he lost in the military and in war. To him he was home now and didn't have to live in torment anymore. While in the afterlife Purple also met Sapphire Rose again and when she asked what he’s doing in the afterlife he told her that he was the same as her and he was tired of life even though he was only 73 but he lived through fifty-five years worth of torment with no friends and whatnot and he feels like he been in her hooves. So he decided to do the same but with more pain. Purple felt happy for the first time since he was 24 and didn’t have to fake being happy anymore so others could say “Stop being so selfish!” He tried to be happy but everywhere he went he was picked on or beaten up not adding when he was alive he would voice how he wasn’t happy but everypony in Equestria would say “Stop being so selfish” because they thought it was his job to make them happy over his expense. How he can be happy because he’s surrounded by his family and friends. Purple’s only two friends who are still alive they’re sad that Purple’s gone but they’re not going to cry about it or lose any sleep over it. They have no commander-in-chief to listen to because it was Purple who had them unified and organized but the Princesses don’t know how to run a military and Lieutenant Colonel Vigorous Orchestria she took over and her title is Princess of the Military with Colonel Dusk “Honey Cake” Stable being her second in command. The only reason they’re not going to cry about it is that Vigorous Orchestria and her Rangers have been in a lot of bloody battles even when Phantasia tried to overthrow Equestria and then retaking Canterlot Castle from Elder Facade. Colonel Honey Cake she lost a friend and a friend whom she threw romantic singles at when she was 32 and Purple was 28 but Purple was blind to romance singles but she’s a pilot in the Equestrian Air Force and seen the horrors of war up close. But Honey Cake now wishes she could’ve been more clear that she had romantic feelings for Purple but she wasn’t too clear and was too subtle. Purple didn’t understand that Honey Cake had romantic feelings but he was too blind to her clues so she decided that it wasn’t worth it to keep trying if he wasn’t going to understand. Honey Cake wishes she could’ve just said it more clearly and then Purple would still be alive. She won’t cry about it either but she’ll just keep her bitchy attitude and use sarcasm to get by now. Princess Twilight was right about how Purple’s death made Base and Blue and the rest of his family miss Purple because now they don’t have nopony to beat up and hate for no reason. Now they can be miserable like how miserable Purple was because they never let him be happy and now they can be the same minus that they can woo any mare they want while Purple it was impossible for him to find another special somepony. Princess Twilight even called them out that when they get hurt or get a cramp or stub their hoof onto something they call out sick to work. One time Purple pulled a leg muscle he did the same day was crossing a minefield and he didn’t cry or bitch about it or when Purple had a stiff neck and couldn’t look up that didn’t stop him from grabbing a sniper rifle and doing his job of assassinating 73 enemy high ranking officers and officers, one hundred and forty-four infantry and sabotaging an enemy supply depot with communications relay. That didn’t stop Purple when he was sick, had a fever, and had a broken leg that didn’t stop Purple from boarding an LVT and storming a beach alongside Vigorous Ochestria and her Army Rangers. She would’ve understood if Purple wanted to sit out but she wouldn’t have nurtured Purple like how a mother would nurture her sick child and it didn’t help that Vigorous Orchestria also told Purple that she won’t lift her leg so she could breastfeed him because she ain’t a mother and she ain’t the nurturing and mothery type. She would’ve told her sons or daughters that getting sick ain’t her fault and they’re going to school and whatnot. But Purple got into an LVT and stormed a beach with Army Rangers alongside Lieutenant Colonel Vigorous Orchestria, Base and the other if they had a stiff neck probably would’ve used that excuse just to stare at mare’s asses without getting slapped. Or if they were sick then they would’ve loved being around mare nurses in the Equestrian military and well Base and the other being themselves by the end of the day they would’ve impregnated and put foals into the mare nurses' wombs. If they entered the military but didn’t because they think they’re brave, they’re cowards and on par with Prince Blueblood. Princess Twilight remembered the last time that she and Purple were together he said how he was up there in the stars but Princess Twilight thought he meant to be with his friends who are pegasi or but in reality, he meant he wanted to be with his deceased adoptive parents, dead girlfriend, and dead friends again. Now Purple was reunited with the ponies he gladly calls “brothers and sisters” and they were more brotherly and sisterly to Purple than his own brother and sister whom Base and Blue just used Purple has their own personal punching bag like how the rest of their family used Purple has their own punching bag. Or with Blue, she would treat Purple both as her punching bag and hold him under the covers and fart in his face until she moved out. Princess Twilight was right that they only miss Purple because now they don’t have somepony they can’t beat up for no reason and pick on him for not having a girlfriend or a wife but it doesn’t help that some mares they paid off to go on a date with Purple they only paid them just to have the mare publicly humiliate Purple or them to woo the mare during the date or after the date, impregnate them, and have them go back to Purple so he can raise their foals but Purple more or less told the mares to fuck off because he wasn’t going to be somepony else’s baby daddy. In the Afterlife, Sapphire Rose saw Purple being happy and she even now thought that he is home while he wasn't home and didn't feel at home while he was alive since he left the army but now in the Afterlife Purple is happy and he feels at home too. But Purple still friends with Sapphire in the afterlife as well even though he has his old friends again but he still want to be friends with Sapphire because he was the only mare who rejected Purple but still wanted to be friends unlike the other mares whom Purple went on one date with.