//------------------------------// // Chapter 19: One Last Wonder // Story: My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld // by specialhoof2022 //------------------------------// I was still stuck to the magic stealing contraption, it was steaming me too hot to collect my magic. Bubble and Amber made it to the basement and they gasped in fear, when they saw me being tortured. "SPECIAL?!?" Amber shouted in horror. "Guys, no." I say as I saw my friends in the castle. "What's happening to you?" Bubble asked in fear. "You shouldn't have come back for me." I told them. "We're not leaving without you." said Bubble. "And, we're getting you out of there right now." said Amber. But, before they could free me, Caren Coal attacked them, they had no choice but to face Caren before they can free me. Back outside the castle, the foals knocked Queen Eschew to the ground. That gave them the chance to tie her up with rope. "Now is our chance!" shouted Horseshoe Henry. "CHARGE!!!" shouted Hefty Haman. "Tie up the queen!" yelled Constellation. "Let's go!" shouted Brainiac. Gutsy Scott arrived in time to drop the bowling balls on Eschew. "Bombs away, lads and lasses." Gutsy said. "I'm going for strikes." He dropped the balls, but Eschew blasted at them with her magic. Then, she bursts to stop the foals from capturing her. Caren was chasing Amber, but Amber stopped her by knocking down a cup filled with sharp pins to stab her hooves. Bubble picked up a shovel and smack Caren with it. That smacking also broke Caren's horn. Amber used her earth pony magic to trap Caren in vines, and Bubble Burst made a magic proof bubble and placed it on Caren's broken horn so she couldn't hurt them. Then, Amber destroyed the machine, freed me, and all three of us began to leave the castle and help the others win the battle. Back outside, Queen Eschew became angry with the foals hurting her. "That is enough playtime, foals!" Eschew grumbled. "Behold, the ultimate power of me!!!" She blasted her magic into the sky and created a cyclone, causing all the foals to spin in circles in the air. Eschew got her cages out to imprison the foals. She first captured Brainiac and locked him up. Next, she captured Daytime Darwin, who was holding on to Hitch Trailblazer. Next, she captured Cloudy Carla, who was keeping her balance flying in the cyclone. Then, Eschew kept on capturing more foals: Tender Love, Powder Neutron, Soccer Score, Radish Ryan, Horseshoe Henry, Needle Stitch, Frosty Flavor, Violet Rosey, Pineapple Tidbit, Lemonlime, Lolly Poply, Iron Magnet, Tangerine Twist, Color Carol, and Grouchy Storm. Me, Amber, and Bubble exited the castle, when we saw our friends getting captured. I caught a spear and started to stop Eschew, but she caught me with her magic. "Nice try, kid." Eschew said to me. "I don't need you any more. It's time to break their little wills." Eschew was about to kill me as she'd turn to my friends. "Are you watching closely?" she asked as she pointed me to them. Everypony was in fear as they saw me in trouble. "Your beloved little friend is about to his little green end." Then, she threw me up into the air and began to charge up her magic. Sunny Starscout saw me about to get killed, so she turned herself into an alicorn, flew up to catch me as fast as possible. Eschew bursts her magic upward to me, but Sunny saved me on time. Eschew was angry for missing, she began to shoot again, but then, Sunny blocked it with her magic shield. "Leave him alone!" Sunny yelled. Then, Misty Brightdawn zapped Eschew with her magic. Zipp Storm was flying in circles around Eschew, making her dizzy. And, Hitch Trailblazer freed the caged foals. Then, after everypony was all freed and ready, Eschew was completely surrounded. But, she still may conquer Wonderworld soon again, so I came up with plan. "Sharpy Gem." I shouted. "Do you have the crystals in a shade of red?" "No I don't." Sharpy said. "I only have blue ones." "I have the red crystals." Izzy Moonbow responded. "Why is that?" "I have a plan to defeat the queen. There's a waterfall on the castle wall. Make a portal to trap her. I'll by you some time." I stepped up in front of Eschew, while Sharpy and Izzy were waiting for my signal. "I'm back." I told Eschew. Ready for a second round?" "You are always tough, when we met." said Eschew. "You may be all powerful now, but with the help from my friends, I can still get up." "Well, you would've went with your friends to be home, when you had the chance." Then, she draw out her own sword to start the fight between her and me. Bronze Feather threw me one of his sharp feathers, and I used it as a sword to start the dual. Sharpy Gem and Izzy Moonbow were waiting for me to give the signal to open the portal. I was fighting Eschew as I was blocking her strikes. But then, she threw my sword off my hoof. She was going to blast her magic at me again, until.... "Special, use this!" Gutsy Scott shouted. Gutsy threw me his very own shield, so I could cover myself from Eschew's magic blast. Then, I use the shield to fight her. Radish Ryan was gonna throw me back my sword, I asked him to also throw me a flashlight. I jumped as Radish threw me both the sword and the flashlight. As I caught them, I turned on the flashlight and pointed the light at Eschew's eyes, making her blind. Then, I kicked her in the face. I gave Izzy and Sharpy my siganl to open the portal. I continue to fight Eschew, while Izzy and Sharpy pointed the crystal at the waterfall. Moonlight aimed at the crystal and bounced off and hit the waterfall. I was able to hold Eschew as long as I need, when red portal was opening. "What are you?" Eschew asked me. "I am the Special." I answered. Then, I pushed Eschew as hard as a rock into the portal, banishing her into limbo. With Queen Eschew defeated, Wonderworld was saved. Izzy and Sharpy closed the portal. All the foals gathered me and lifted me up into the air to congratulate me for winning the fight. "The battle of Wonderworld." said Gutsy Scott. "Everypony, thank you very much for coming back." I told all my friends. "I forgot we would still save the day, I lost site of everything else. And, I'm so happy we're all together again." "Me too." said Sunny Starscout. "We knew you weren't dead all along. We would never forget about you." "That's sweet. I definitely owe you an apology. I believed more in a nightmare than I did in all of you." Then, Princess Brightira and Prince Thrillunt have arrive to congratulate us. "Hello, everypony." said Brightira. "You have defeated the evil queen and saved my city." "You also caught the evil unicorn, too." said Thrillunt. The palace guards were taking Caren Coal to the dungeon at the castle, as they chained her up. "It was worth it." I say. "And, to celebrate our victory, I'm throwing a big parade." Brightira announced. "And, I'm giving the defenders an award for expressing their hearts to me." Everypony cheered to hear the news We all did a great beating Eschew after all. And most importantly, God helped us during the battle. He told me he would change bad into good, and he was right. I was proud everything turned out just fine.