
by GamePlayer64

Zero Distractions

Zero told The Dazzlings about his time in the human world for over a thousand years. After he heard the sirens’ story of their time in the human world, he experienced all the actions he went through. The wars, the historical moments and deaths which made Sonata uncomfortable to listen to. Zero saw their disgust and told them he’ll buy them lunch if they’ll share with him which they agree since they met another creature from Equestria that was banished to the Human World by the Pillars of Equestria.

They were inside the Siren’s van, eating some burgers, tacos, fries, and chicken nuggets Zero bought with Officer Armor’s money in front of The Dazzlings as they just stared at him as he opened a 2 Liter soda and drank the entire contact without stopping for a breath of air.


Sonata laughed as Adagio and Aria opened windows to get the smell out of the van. “UGH! Can you be any more grosser?!” Said Aria as Zero smirked.

“Well, I could turn into an ogre and fart in this van?” He said as Adagio grabbed him by the collar.

“DON’T EVEN… THINK ABOUT IT!!!” She yelled at him as Zero smiled.

“You know, you’re beautiful when you’re angry.” Answer Zero as Adagio paused, tried to slap him but he changed into a mouse as he ran and climbed up to Sonata’s shoulder. “HA-HA-HA!” He turned to Sonata. “Tell me, are you the nice one of this trio of sisters?” He asked Sonata as she posed.

“Nice and cute one of the group.” She answered.

“Also, the worst of the group.” Replied Aria as Sonata pouted as she tackled Aria as they pulled each other’s hair as Zero jumped off Sonata’s shoulder.

“Fight, Fight, Fight!” Cheered Zero as Adagio looked at him.

“Who or what are you?” She asked as Zero turned human.

“I’m Zero.” He answered as Adagio looked at him.

“That’s not what I mean. I mean what is your race?” She said back as Zero shrugged his shoulders.

“Eh… who cares. I know who I am, I’m Zero.” He said as Adagio backed away.

“Okay…” She said as Aria and Sonata kept fighting as she was annoyed at them.

“STOP YOU IDIOTS!!!” She screamed at them as they stopped and looked at her “If you kept this up, I’ll-” Zero transformed into Adagio Dazzle.

“(Adagio’s Voice) I’ll give you both peeks on the forehead as I say how much you mean to my sad and miserable life. I’ll cry if you leave me all alone.” Said Zero as he turned around and smacked his butt “Whomp! Whomp!” He said as Aria and Sonata laughed at Zero’s acting as Adagio snarled at him. The van door opened as Adagio tossed Zero out as he landed on the asphalt.

“TURN BACK TO YOURSELF!!!” Screamed Adagio as Zero lifted himself as he was on his knees and smirked.

“(His voice) What’s wrong babe?” He said as he shook his rump at her “I thought all girls love to look at their own reflection? I mean you got a nice ass. Sweet buns if you ask me.” He said as Aria and Sonata laughed harder as Adagio turned red with rage.

“Are you this to everyone?!” Screamed Adagio as Zero got up and dust himself.

“Eh…” Zero said while giving them a so-so gesture as he turned back into his human form. “To be honest, I mostly do it to those with big egos. Like Starswirl.” He replied as he got on his feet. “You should see how I messed up his personal life. I flirted with so many old females as him, he freaked out when they wanted him to marry one of them. (Laughing) You should have seen Starswirl as he couldn’t handle the ladies flirting with him. No wonder he became a wizard.” He said as Adagio paused for a bit as she smirked and stuttered as she laughed.

“So that’s why he’s a powerful wizard.” Said Adagio, “I always wonder how come he has no wife and kid.” Aria and Sonata snickered as well.

“No mare for the old jerk because they make him cry.” Answer Aria as Zero snickered.

“Who said I only flirted with mares?” He said as they paused as Sonata laughed at the thought of Starswirl with an old Minotaur or worse for him, an old Siren.

“He’ll never survive marriage!” Said Sonata as they all laughed as Zero smiled.

“This has been so much Bloody Fun but back to business. Since I got my magic back. I will help you if you help me.” He said as Adagio and Aria frowned.

“And what makes you think, we’ll help you?” Said Aria as Sonata looked down.

“Unless you can restore our pendants, Zero. Adagio and Aria refuse to help.” Explained Sonata as Zero looked at them.

“Pendants?” He said as Aria crossed her arms. 

“It's our Siren gems.” She answers “The Rainbooms destroyed them.” Said Aria as Zero looked shocked.

“Wait… they destroyed your gems?” He said as they nodded “How are you still alive?” Zero asked which they looked shocked at him as he looked at them “Yeah, I personally know about Sirens that a pony was too chicken shit to trot up and ask.” He mocked ponies with their cowardliness “A Siren who has their gem broken must have another Siren to restore it within a month or they die.” He explained that Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were baffled that he knew that.

“You knew…”

“I spent some years with Sirens. Maybe before or after you were born and let me tell you one thing about them… they’re awesome at surfing without a surfboard.” He laughed loudly “WIPEOUT!” He was vocalizing the song, Wipe Out by Surfaris. The Dazzlings were impressed by his knowledge of Sirens and their skills on surfing.

“You can turn into anything?” Asked Sonata as Zero morphs into Sonata Dusk with a cute pose as Sonata clapped happily.

“Anything except respect. I can turn into any animal, any human but…” He said as he turned into cereal mascot “I cannot turn into made-up humans or creatures that exist in our imagination that I never seen, is out of the question. So, asking me to turn into your dreamboat of the sea is out of the question.” He said as he heard a snap which means one of them wanted Zero to turn into a handsome sea pony of their dreams.

“Ugh… Even if you tried?” Asked Aria.

“I tried but I became a literal 2D picture of some creature’s dream one. I mean even a crappy drawing turns me into a 2D Cardboard cutout or that paper version of that plumber who beats that giant turtle.”  Explained Zero as he looked at the girls as notice the pendant around Adagio’s neck “I see you manage to collect the pieces of your gem.” He said Adagio covered it up.

“Yes but even if you can restore our gems, the magic within them is gone.” She said sadly as Zero looked at it and smirked.

“Well gorgeous. If I could restore your gems, you and your girls will help me get back to Equestria and I’ll even bring you with me to see the beautiful sea.” Bargain Zero as Sonata grabbed his hand.

“Can you really do that?!” She asked as Zero smiled as Aria narrowed his eyes as she pulled Sonata back.

“And how the hell can you do that? This world doesn’t have Jewelry Makers who specialize in magic.” She answered as Zero smirked and showed a large sharp toothy grin.

“You don’t know me that well.” Said Zero as he snatched Adagio’s pendant from around her next.

“HEY!” She yelled as Zero smirked as he transformed into a large crimson and ebony creature made from the very earth itself.

“NOW… LET ME RESTORE THIS GEM.” Said Zero as he absorbed the broken pendant into himself which horrified Adagio as Zero glowed a bright crimson. The Dazzlings backed away as they witnessed some glowing orbs were heading towards Zero as the orbs contacted him. Adagio and Aria tried to see what’s in the orbs as Sonata put on sunglasses since it was too bright for her as she was what the orbs were.

“*GASP* Those orbs are shards of our pendants!” She yelled as Adagio and Aria were baffled to hear that.

Twilight’s Home
Twilight Velvet and Night Light were in the living room watching TV.

They both looked shocked as they looked up and headed for the second floor. They opened Twilight’s room to see a broken window. “*GASP*” They said as they looked down to see something odd.

“No broken glass?” Said Night Light as Twilight Velvet opened the window to see some shards outside.

“The window broke… from the inside?” She said as Night Light was confused to hear that.

The Dazzlings’ Van
Zero got all the shards as they were absorbed into him as he turned to them. “GOT ALL THE SHARDS BABES! NOW TO MEND AND HEAL.” Said Zero as he spun in the air for 30 seconds. He shapeshifted back into his human form, opened his mouth to let out his tongue reveal 3 red gem pendants, restored and glowing. “Ta-dah.” He said with jazz hands as they were disgusted that they got their pendants and magic back but were covered in drool.

“Ugh…” Said Adagio as she grabbed her pendant as Aria and Sonata did as well.

“Was it necessary to give us our pendants from your mouth?” Asked Aria as Zero got close to Aria.

“No, but it shows how badly you miss your magic.” He answered with a smirk as Zero turned into Aria Blaze and kissed her on the nose. Aria snapped and snarled at Zero who ran around laughing as Aria chased him. “(Aria Blaze’s Voice) I am literally the worst ever!” She laughed as Sonata laughed at the sight as Adagio stared happily at her pendant despite the drool and smell.