My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld

by specialhoof2022

Chapter 12: Attack in the Space Store

Thorn and Caren had enter the store to catch us. They spread out to find as much as they could. Princess Brightira entered the store too, to find and protect us from being captured.

Tender Love showed Violet Rosey some pretty costumes.

"What do think?" Tender asked Violet.

"These costumes are also flower themed? What?" Violet exclaimed.

For me, Daytime Darwin, Brainiac, Clumsy Bumzy, and Nighttime Nathan, we have found the perfect stargazer I need.

"There are the stargazers." said Brainiac.

"They're on higher shelves." said Daytime.

"You're right." I agreed with Daytime. "Ponies, we're gonna need a footstool and a flat kart."

Daytime and Nighttime went to find a foot stool, while Clumsy and Brainiac went to get a flat kart.

Tender and Violet picked out the costumes they want to buy. Brightira had found them before they got into trouble.

"Violet, Tender, thank goodness I found you two." Brightira said.

"Princess Brightira, how was your prenatal check up?" Violet asked.

"No time. You're both gonna be in trouble soon. We have to find the others and head back to the castle."

Tender and Violet obeyed and followed Brightira to find the others. And then, Brightira finds more foals; Sharpy Gem, Frosty Flavor, Bronze Feather, and Bubble Burst.

"Princess Brightira, you're here." said Bronze Feather.

"Come on, kids. We got to get you back quickly." said Brightira.

Now let's visit Fearful Moe, Joydan Gallop, Iron Magnet, and Powder Neutron. They were together to look around the store a little bit more. But, what they didn't notice is Thorn was closing in on them. He turned on his vacuum and sucked in the ponies, trapping in the bag.

"Hey ponies, what happened?'

"I don't know, but I think somepony was playing pranks on us." said Powder Neutron.

"I hope Special will find us." said Fearful Moe.

Grouchy Storm was still having a pretend date.

"My perfect girl, don't you ever forget that one magical moment our worlds met. And, I wasn't grouchy. I wasn't." Grouchy said dramatically. "Can you please say one word already? I'm dying here."

But then, Thorn vacuumed up Grouchy, too.

For me, Brainiac, Daytime, Clumsy, and Nighttime, we were getting the stargazer from the top shelf and onto the flat kart. It was a little heavy, but with a little teamwork, we could get it done.

"Alright. Technically, when loading cargo onto a foot stool..." Brainiac was saying.

"Not a good time, Brainiac. Just push." I say.

Then, Gutsy Scott tagged along to help us.

"Hello lads, come join the club." Gutsy said.

As we were coming down, Clumsy stumbled and fell, causing the stargazer to slide down the footstool and land on the kart. But, the kart was rolling away, until Ellagant, Lolly, Trueheart, and Scarlet stopped it for them.

"There you go, boys." said Scarlet.

"You go, girls." said Nighttime.

"Come on everypony, to the cash register." I say.

We all climbed aboard the flat kart carrying the stargazer and rode it to the cash register.

"This is amazing." said Lolly.

"Where did you learn ho to drive this kart?" Brainiac asked.

"Just self-taught." I answered.

We were getting close to the cashiers, when suddenly, Caren vacuumed Gutsy Scott, Brainiac, Nighttime, Lolly Poply, and Scarlet Tomato. When the rest of us saw what happened, they were giving the kart a more speed to get away from being captured. Caren was chasing us after us, until she saw more of us.

For Tangerine Twist, Present Prize, Rollette Skate, Radish Ryan, Bumble Berry, and Melody Aria, they were looking for me, before Caren finds them and had them cornered.

"Hello, children." Caren said. "You're more adorable than ever."

"Oh, I guess you outsmarted us." Melody said dramatically. "Or not."

Then, me and my other friends came by just in time to save them by letting them onboard the kart before they get vacuumed up. Thorn was chasing them, before he got vacuumed up by accident. Caren was trying to get him out, but she couldn't. So, I stopped the kart and ran by to help her by switching the vacuum from suck to blow. Caren's vacuum was going out of control, it blew out Thorn and the rest of the foals. And then, when Caren was about to turn it off, it blew up, got sabotaged. Thorn got stuck under heavy toy shelves, he's finally trapped. I ran to my friends back with the group, before they get captured again.

"Come on, ponies We got to regroup." I say.

Once we were together, we were about to leave. But then, Caren got our attention.

"Ponies, stop going anywhere. I'm not done with you yet."

She was coming towards us, until Princess Brightira stood in front of us to protect us.

"What is the meaning of this?" Brightira questioned Caren. Why are you and the other pony doing this to the orphans and their friends?"

"I am inviting them to a castle, where my queen will present them a big attraction. We're not trying to hurt or anything." Caren answered.

"Vacuuming them is not an appropriate. I will not let you have these foals. I order you both to let them go, leave your vacuums, and get out of Wonderworld."

"I'm sorry princess, but my orders come from my queen. And besides, I'm not leaving until I'm full handed with foals. And, if you ever want Wonderworld to be great, you have to stop with all the fun"

"Excuse me? I'm the ruler of Wonderworld, and I am not stopping fun at all. My ancestor made this city to have happy ponies. I cannot make changes to greediness and glumness. You just leave me no choice, but to deal with you. I may be pregnant with twins, and have a few days left, but since you showed up with some terrible behavior, I must protect my subjects from you!"

And then, the magic dual has begun. Princess Brightira flew up higher and fires her beam of magic at Caren, who retaliates with her own magic beam. Brightira was powerful enough, she may win. But when she had her magic getting close to Caren, she felt a little pain in bump. Caren had finally got the chance to beat her, her magic beam was now pushing towards the princess. Brightira was till feeling the pain in her belly, her magic was getting weak, and Caren's magic overpowered her, smacking her to the floor, knocking off her crown, and causing her beautiful mane and tail to stop flowing.

"PRINCESS BRIGHTIRA!!!" I yelled in stressed.

Me and the other foals ran towards to see how she feels. She was weak and she couldn't get up.

"This is much surprising." said Caren. "Now, I can continue my job."

I knew she could be right, so I had to be the Great Defender of Friendship to stop her.

"Not today!" I shouted. "You are not done yet!"

I began to use my alicorn magic from my hooves to start the fight again.

"Ellagant Glare, help me out!" I ordered.

"Yes, Special!" Ellagant responded.

Caren was blasting magic towards us, but me and Ella blasted our magic back. And this time, our magic was more powerful, we beat Caren, as our magic pushed her out the window, and she fell into a dumpster in an alley.

"We did it, Ella." I say.

Then, Ella saw the rest of our friends still trapped in Thorn's vacuum bag. So, she unzipped the bag to set them free.

Princess Brightira's belly was still painful, and her magic was still weak. We were all a little worried about her defeated.

"I think I'm having contractions." Brightira groaned.

"Sapphire Serum, can you give her a check up?" I asked.

"The doc is in." Sapphire responded.

Then, she took out her doctor's bag she brought to give the princess a check up. Prince Thrillunt arrived with some guards.

"Brightira!" Thrillunt said worried when he saw his wife hurt. "Are you alright, my love?" he asked.

"She was defeated by an evil unicorn." I told the prince.

"I'm weak and having contractions." said Brightira.

Sapphire Serum was touching her belly to see how the princess and her twins were doing. Until finally, she gave Brightira the good news.

"Your highness, you do have contractions, but they're false contractions, braxton hicks. The twins are not coming, and they're fine."

Everyone was in relief, but Brightira's magic was still weak, her mane and tail would never flow again without stronger magic. Then, I remembered the bad guy, I had to do something else.

"Guards, arrest that pony trapped under the shelves." I told them.

"What's the charge?" one guard asked me.

"He and a unicorn mare were using giant vacuums to trap us and taking us to their boss." I say.

"No, you can't arrest me." Thorn talked back to me.

"And now, he was talking back to me and resisting arrest."

The guards obeyed and locked Thorn in chains.

"Well everypony, I'm glad we're all still in one piece, but now we got to pay for the stargazer, get the rest of the stuff we got, and head back to the castle, where we will be safe." I told everypony.

We helped Brightira up on her hooves, and bought the stargazer, and the store. The guards were taking Thorn to the castle dungeons.