The Dukes Of Hazzard

by Spike DrakeStar9

A Surprising Discovery

The day in the village starts well and without incident, everyone does their homework and others just walk around. But far from the town, the F-100 is found escaping from another F-100, a person leans out and starts shooting at it with a shotgun.

"¡¿Why did you think stealing our other neighbor's alcohol would be a good idea?!" Spike yelled as he drove.

"¡I wanted to give uncle Nick something, I didn't know he'd react like that!" Grable answered me with a case of bottles of alcohol on his lap.

They keep escaping from the truck while they turn and try to lose them, in one of those turns the other F-100 loses control and crashes into a pond, leaving the cousins alone, but looking ahead, they jump over another mound of dirt, flying through the air until they land and dodge the trees in front of them, ending up in an excavation area, where they end up in the middle of 2 bulldozers.

"¿Did we lose them?" Gabriel asked somewhat stunned.

"Yeah, but that's the last time I'll help you with something as stupid as that" He scolded him for his actions and they get out of the truck, looking at where they are.

"Looks like they're going to make a new ground here or something"

"No wait..." He stopped him, as he saw something that didn't fit with what his cousin said, seeing a big hole going down and mining equipment, then they see an office and go inside, seeing a safe and many files.

"We'd better go back, we'll investigate later" Saying that, they get into the truck and Spike drives at top speed until they reach his farm, where they see a 1980 Ford Bronco painted like a police car. They know there are problems and they know who they are dealing with.

They go downstairs and walk to their house, with the orange haired man carrying the boxes of alcohol, they go in and see no one, so they go to the stable where they find them and 2 unwanted people.

The first wears a brown police suit with black pants and shoes, a communicator on the left side of his chest, and a badge that reads "Ken 'Flash' Coltrane." The second is slightly taller and wears a white suit complete with a black tie, a cowboy hat of the same color, and a black cane. He is: James 'Discord' Hogg. They 2 have been chasing the Duke cousins since they were born.

"For the last time, Discord, we don't do alcohol illegally here" Nick told them for the fourth time, in which he sees his nephews and the two officers turn around.

"¿And what does young Gabriel bring?"

"Um..." He looked to Drake for help.

"A gift for our uncle Night Light" He finished, looking at Flash's face with suspicion and Discord's with disinterest.

"I'll keep an eye on you 2, it's not going to be that you break the law of this quiet town" the young Flash told them, leaving the Duke's home, causing the 3 to sigh in relief.

"¿Where did they get that from?" He asked them, something that made both of them nervous who only rambled on incoherently. Until Night Light sighs and smiles: "From our other neighbors ¿Right?" They nod and give it to him, his uncle thanks them and they go back home.

Hey, let's go check that tonight, I don't know, but something tells me it's something wrong" Garble nods and they wait.

In the night.

They return to the dig site, illuminated by headlights all around, get out of the F-100 and go back to the office, looking at the safe and thinking about how to open it.

"Hmm... I know"

"You think the same as me"

Outside, you can see the truck and behind it is tied with chains that goes to the safe, the two smile and move forward, although it is difficult for the first time, but they speed up until they take it out of there, also breaking the wall a little and dragging it all over the way.

Thorax, as always, is back in his yard testing different pumps and so on, until he hears the unique sound of his friends F-100, he just opens the garage door and they go by, he sees what they are dragging and smiles.

"¿Which millionaire was robbed from? Robin Hoods" He asked jokingly, it wasn't the first time things like that had been brought before him.

"Let's say a dig site, we need to know what's in here" Spike said as he laughed and climbed down.

"And you know how to open safes" Gabriel looked at the holes made with several bombs, knowing the perfect way to open it.

Now they are at a safe distance, with a cable that connects to several dynamites around the box, so they activate it, waiting for the impact, but... Nothing happens, they look at each other confused by this.

"Bro ¿Are you sure it still worked?" The green haired man scratched his neck when he saw that his plan had no effect.

"Of course, I just bought it"

As they get into an argument, Garble looks over at his friend's house, seeing something interesting coming for him. The other 2 continue arguing until the orange haired man returns with a burning bow and arrow, so he takes aim and shoots, not knowing that the shock wave would hit them and knock them down.

"You said we were at a safe distance" Garble said as he got up like the rest.

"I went too far with the dynamite" He responded nervously as he smiled at the boys.

Seeing that it is now open, they go and take out 3 tubes that the impenetrable box kept, they look at their discovery with curiosity.

"Hmmm... what will this be?" He opens one of the tubes only to find rocks, but not just any, but shiny rocks and what they deduce as crystals in them.

"I think it's some type of ore... Wait ¿This was taken from a dig site not too far from here?" He asked the 2 boys, they nod and he pales a little: "I'm not an expert but, if this was there, it means that it is in the whole county, and that place is owned by Hogg"

The cousins' eyes widen, but they shake at not having more information, then Spike proposes something: "We should talk to an expert"

"Our cousin. If Hazzard is in trouble, we have to go on an adventure, but first let's find Twilight"

"¿But what do we do if Discord or Flash get suspicious? We just took the safe from him" Garble wondered, thinking of a possibility so they wouldn't get framed.

"I'll take care of that, you go home" Thorax said.

And with that, the 2 Dukes head home, leaving only John to figure out how to help his dear friends while they're away for a while.