White Fur and Purple Scales

by cosmicriff

Chapter 3

The next day, Sweetie Belle went over to Twilight’s castle to check on Spike.
She knocked on the door and was greeted by the princess.
“Oh, hi Sweetie! Did we have lessons today? I didn’t-“
“Actually, I’m here to see Spike” Sweetie Belle interrupted. “He seemed upset yesterday and I’m a little worried.”
Twilight’s eyes widened, putting the pieces together. “Oh!” she exclaimed. “I think he’s still upstairs in his room. Be sure to knock though, he might be asleep.”
“Thank you, princess,” Sweetie replied, as she headed upstairs.

Sweetie Belle knocked on the door gently. “Spike? Are you there?” She was greeted with a muffled, sad-sounding “come in” from Spike.
Sweetie Belle opened the door to find Spike, still curled up in his bed.
“Spike, I’m sorry about yesterday,” Sweetie Belle said, sitting next to him. “I was being insensitive, I should’ve taken your feelings into account.”
Spike slowly sat up and turned to face her. “No no, it’s okay Sweetie. Really, I feel a lot better after talking to Twilight.” He sighed.
Sweetie Belle smiled softly. “Honestly Spike, I don't think my sister will ever find anyone that fits her high expectations,” she laughed. “But for what it's worth, I think you're pretty great,” she said before quickly giving Spike a small peck on the cheek. They turned to look at each other, eyes widened before Sweetie Belle’s face went red. “Um-“ she squeaked before quickly turning and rushing downstairs.
“Hey Sweetie! Is everything o-“ Twilight started before the young unicorn hurried past her. “BYETWILIGHTGOTTAGO” she exclaimed.
Twilight watched Sweetie Belle rush out, a look of bewilderment on her face. She turned to go upstairs and check on Spike.
When she peeked through Spike’s door she just found him sitting there, his eyes wide and sparkly.
“Of course…” he whispered, raising a claw to his cheek.