//------------------------------// // Chapter 7: The Palace of Entertainment // Story: My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld // by specialhoof2022 //------------------------------// After 30 minutes of walking, we'd finally made it to Thrillunt's castle. It was like a luxury hotel, but it's just a royal palace. It had like 50 rooms, meaning it could fit 100 ponies inside. The draw bridge lowered down for all of us to get inside. Thrillunt was going to show a few things before we get to our rooms. "Everypony, welcome to my home." said Thrillunt. "As you can see in these portraits, we have memories of our past rulers of Wonderworld." The portraits hanging on the walls represent the history of Thrillunt's ancestors. There was a portrait of Colter Point, the founder of Wonderworld. "I know him, that's Wonderworld's first prince, Colter Point." I say when I saw the portrait. ""And this portrait has him and Hella Halo together." said Ellagant Glare when she examine the next portrait. "These portraits can also tell us which pony was a ruler of Wonderworld, then the next ones tell us who they marry. Finally, the rest shows the rulers had families of their own." Thrillunt told us. "Anything else?" Bubble Burst asked. "A few princesses were born as alicorns." Thrillunt answered. "That's so cool." I say. "We have a princess who was born an alicorn, but we haven't met her yet." "I bet you will someday." said Clumsy Bumzy. "Whoa. Is this Wonderworld's current ruler?" Ellagant asked when she noticed a portrait of an alicorn princess. "Yes it is." Thrillunt answered. "She's also my wife. Her name's Princess Brightira. She was born an alicorn, and she's the most powerful and most beautiful pony ever." "Well, you'd become so lucky to have a lovely pony princess for a wife." said Tangerine Twist. "I am." Thrillunt replied. "In fact, Brightira and I are more lucky, we're going to have newborn twins in a few days." "YOU'RE GONNA HAVE A FAMILY OF YOUR OWN?!?" I asked surprisingly. My other friends were also surprised to hear the news. "I can't believe it!" said Daytime Darwin. "Congratulations!" said Frosty Flavor. "Thank you." said Thrillunt. "Now come on, I want you all to meet the Princess." "Okay." said Sharpy Gem. "I hope she's amazing." "I feel kinda nervous meeting her." said Fearful Moe. "Don't worry, Fearful." Rollette Skate said to him. "We're all in this together. I'm nervous, too." she admitted in a whisper. As we made it to the throne room, there was Princess Brightira herself, sitting on her throne. She really was indeed the most beautiful princess ever, besides Pipp Petals. She was as tall as her husband, her fur coat was all in a shade of magenta, her wings, mane, and tail were purple and blue, her mane and tail were flowing so beautifully, she wears gold hoof shoes on her hooves, a golden necklace around her neck, and lovely golden crown on her head. And of course, Thrillunt said they were both having a family of their own, Brightira was really pregnant with twins; her bump was so big. "Thrillunt, you're back." Brightira said happily. She got off her throne and trotted to her husband. Then, they both hugged and kissed each other as husband and wife. "How are you doing, honey?" Thrillunt asked his wife. "I'm doing fine." Brightira answered to her husband. "Our city is going great everyday, even some of my new attractions make them more happier." "I know." said Thrillunt. "And Clumsy, how was your day going?" she asked Clumsy. "I'm still having fun." Clumsy answered. "Your Highness, we have some guests needing a place to stay." Just as Brightira saw us, she walked towards us and began to speak to us. "Well hello, little ponies. What a pleasure to meet you." she said. Nice to meet you too, your highness." I say as me and my friends bowed down. "And, I say you look extremely beautiful." "Why thank you. What's your name?" "I'm Special Hoof, leader of Equestria's greatest ream of heroes, the Great Defenders of Friendship." "Well, that sounds impressive. So, what brings you and your friends here to Wonderworld?" I told Brightira everthing about happened. That me and my friends got lost, that we'd got sucked into a vortex, and that we needed to get back home, by finding any miracle around the city. Brightira heard every word I said, and she becoming worried. "That sounds terrible." said Brightira. "Well, do you have parents and/or guardians back at your home?" "Yes we do." I answered. "Oh good." Brightira sighed in relief. "Now Clumsy, why don't you lead your new friends to their room for the nights?" Clumsy obeyed and lead us to our own room, where me and my friends were going to sleep in. "Don't worry ponies, I'm really sure you'll all find a back home soon." Brightira told us. Me and my friends picked out our own beds on our own bedroom. Now that we were all ready, Clumsy began to take us to the playroom; he promised us to meet more of his friends there. While we were walking, I started asking Clumsy questions. "Clumsy, since you live in this castle, you're part of the royal family?" I asked. "Actually, no." Clumsy answered. "I'm just an orphan, and so are the rest of my friends." "Orphan?!?" Joydan Gallop asked shockingly. "Yeah. I'm the first one to live here. Princess Brightira let orphans live in the castle until we find a family. Except that, none of the adults seemed interested in us in their families." "I'm sorry to hear this." Violet Rosey apologizes. "Come on, everypony, let's keep on tracking." I felt bad for Clumsy and and the foals he mentioned, when we heard his sad words. Nopony wanted to adopt them, probably because when the adults looked at them, they realized they didn't want them and left them. And, when Prince Thrillunt and Princess Brightira found them, they let them live with them at their castle for years until somepony adopts them. Orphans are worse to be, but my thoughts were still with my nightmare.