//------------------------------// // Three Crusaders and a baby // Story: My little pony Adventures season 3 // by Kayceejr91 //------------------------------// It's another beautiful day at Tambelon Castle The sun is shining, the birds are singing.. "No! Wait! Put that down!," the voice of Spik'n'Span cried out high above the castle. Whooshing thought the hall's of Tambelon Castle, Spik'n'Span could be seen chasing after baby Flurry Heart. The young Alicorn could be seen causing chaos with her magic everywhere. Flurry Heart began levitating numerous objects, most of them antiques. In a panic Spik'n'Span began catching them one by as they began to drop. Soon he was balancing the pile of antiques on three hooves, while his best to stand on one. Spik'n'Span gave a quick sigh of Relief. "Flurry Heart!" The voice of a young filly called out. Spik'n'Span panicked as Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo race past him. Avoiding contact with the fillies forced the butler to spin on his hoof, inevitably leading to him crashing to the floor, the antiques landing on top of him. Sweetie Belle's horn began to glow as she chased after Flurry Heart. Scootaloo began to float in the air levitated by her spell and zoomed after the baby Alicorn. The young Pegasus proceeded to catch her, and then landed on Applebloom's back. "There ya'll are!" said Applebloom as Scootaloo disembarked, "Who's the cutest wittle baby Awicown in awuv Equestwia?" "Um, I'm pretty sure she's the only baby Alicorn in all of Equestria," said Sweetie Belle approaching her friends. "That's what makes her the cutest," said Applebloom, nuzzling her mane. "Young Fillies!" A stern voice called out sending a chill up the Crusaders Spine. The three of them turned to see Spik'n'Span picking himself from the the pile of broken vases, a tattered painting still hanging around his neck. "When the three of you volunteered to babysit Princess Flurry Heart for Shining Armor and Cadance, I thought, 'What the Hay.. It will give me one less thing to do..' "Spik'n'Span lectured, "But I never thought I'd have to babysit four fillies instead of one!" "Sorry Spik'n'Span," said Applebloom with a nervous smile, "We all were playin' a game of peekaboo with Flurry Heart here.. But she took it a bit to literally!" "And by literally, we mean she teleported away when we had our eyes closed.." said Scootaloo. "Our hooves were in the right place?" said Sweetie Belle shrugging nervously. "Well that is certainly no excuse for carelessness," said Spik'n'Span, "And further more.." "There you are sweetheart!" a loving voice called out. Everypony turned to see Shining Armor and Cadance, followed by Big Star and Shooting Star. "Ahhluuuv," said Furry Heart as she floated out of Scootaloo's hooves and into the hooves of her mother. "Thank you three for watching Flurry Heart while we were visiting my Grandparents," said Shining Armor approaching the Crusaders, "She wasn't to much trouble, was she?" "Oh no," said Applebloom brushing it off, "No trouble at all." "WHAT!?" cried out Spik'n'Span in pure disbelief. "Um Spik'n'Span," said Shining Armor looking confused, "Do you know you have a picture frame around your neck." "You know the say a picture paints a thousand words," said Big Star. "Yep, but Spik'n'Span sure ain't that picture," chortled Shooting Star. "DoHohoHohoHohoHoho!" the two of them laughed. Spik'n'Span turned red in the face, as two old stallions laughed at his expense. "Oh sweet heart," said Cadance as Flurry Heart began to snuggle with her, "I missed you too. Did you have fun today?" "Aww," said Big Star approaching Flurry Heart, "She's looks just like her father when he was her age.." "Except a heck of a lot cuter," chortled Shooting Star. "And a heck of a lot smarter too," continued Big Star. Shining Armor rolled his eyes as the two old ponies laughed, "DoHohoHohoHohoHoho!" All of a sudden, a thought crossed Sweetie Belle's mind. "Shining Armor was a baby?" Sweetie Belle asked her friends. "Well duh," said Scootaloo, "Everypony was a baby at least once." "That's right!" agreed Applebloom, "You, me, Applejack, Spik'n'Span, even Granny Smith was a baby once." "But then how..?" continued Sweetie Belle. The three girls continued to talk amongst themselves, while all the adults dotted over Flurry Heart. All of them of course except Spik'n'Span, who was to busy struggling to clean up the hallway. "Um, excuse me ya'll," spoke up Applebloom. Shining and Cadance suddenly halted there conversation to look down at the three fillies. "We were just wonderin'.." began Applebloom. "Actually, Sweetie Belle was wondering," said Scootaloo, "We obviously already know." Sweetie Belle frowned at the orange Pegasus. "Well," continued Applebloom, "..Where do babies come from? A surprised look suddenly crossed the faces of Shining Armor and Cadance. "Pfft..snicker..Snort.." Big Star and Shooting Star began to chuckle, struggling to hold back their laughter. "DoHohoHohoHohoHoho!" the two old ponies suddenly burst out laughing, tears filling their eyes, "DohohoEEeeHaaHaaHAAAAhahaHAAAAAhaHaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" Everypony watched as the two grandparents trotted down the hallway still laughing louder then ever. "HmhmhmmHmhmHmhmHmhmhmm," said Cadance chuckling to herself, clearly caught up in the joke. Shining Armor began nervously scratching at the nape of his mane, a bead of sweat dripping down his brow. He stared up at the ceiling, clearly trying to figure out what to say. "Babies? Well that certainly is an interesting question," stuttered Shining Armor, "Well the thing about that is.. Oh look at the time! We really must be going.. Shining Armor took Flurry Heart and began trotting down the hall, trying his best to avoid eye contact. Cadance followed close behind still chuckling to herself, "HmhmmhmmHmhmmHmhmmHmhmhmm." The three crusaders looked at each other confused. "What was that about?" asked Sweetie Belle with a raised eyebrow. "Ah never mind," said Applebloom, "We'll just ask Spik'n'Span." The three fillies approached Spik'n'Span as he struggled to reassemble a vase atop of a pedestal. "Spik'n'Span," spoke up Applebloom, "We we're just wonderin'.. Where do babies come from? "Kr'kraaAsh!" The vase suddnly crashed to the floor in pieces once again. Spik'n'Span stood there frozen in terror, a petrified look upon his face. Spik'n'Span slowly began turning his head to look down at the Crusaders. Beads of Sweat were beginning to shoot out of his head like a sprinkle. "Babies?" he stuttered, "Yes well.. That is to say.. Where do they come from? What a fine question.. I would love to tell you! Really I would.. But the fact of the matter is.. The fact of the matter.." "Well what is it?" said Scootaloo raising an eyebrow. All of a sudden, a look of realization crossed Spik'n'Span's face, followed by a sly smile, "The fact of the matter is...this is something you should be asking your sisters about!" "Great idea Spik'n'Span!" beamed Applebloom, "Applejack knows just about everything!" "Um, excuse me," said Scootaloo, "I think Rainbow Dash knows just as much as she does.. If not more!" "Um, I hate to argue guys, but I think Rarity knows the most," said Sweetie Belle. "Let's ask all three of em'," proclaimed Applebloom, "Then we'll be sure to get an answer." "Yeah!" cried out all three of them. Spik'n'Span watched as the three of them raced out of the castle in excitement. "Spik'n'Span, you sly dog," he said to himself, "I do say you get more clever by the day." Later the CMC heading to the apple fields they saw Applejack and Big Macintosh working hard to buck apples. "Well howdy there sugarcub." Said AJ wiping away some sweat. "What can we do ya'll for?" "Actually sis." Said Applebloom "Me and my friends have a question for ya?" "Well shoot then." Said Applejack "We were just wondering where do babies come from?" Said Sweetie Belle Applejack suddenly froze in place a cold sweat dripping down her brow, Behind her Big Macintosh suddenly lost his balance as the baskets of apples he had back suddenly landed on his head. "Ummm...Babies." Said Applejack with nervous smile. "Ooowweee, now that is an excellent question." She then turn to Big Mac "Um Big Mac why do you handle this one older brother!" "Nope Nope Nope Noooo Waaaayyy!" He shouted "She was asking Applejack!" "Well you're the oldest!" Said Applejack while pushing her brother forward. "You tell her!" "Well you're her sister!" Said Big Mac suddenly pushing Applejack forward "You tell her!" "No you tell her!" She said pushing him again. "Nope you tell her!" Big Mac pushed her forward. "What in tarnation is going on out here!?" Said Granny Smith walking out in to the field. "Granny Smith!" Said Applejack and Big Mac with smiles on their faces. "You tell her!" The older siblings push their granny forward in front of the Crusaders and then dashed away. "Um tell her what now?" Said Granny Smith scratching her head in confusion. "Granny." Said Applebloom matter of factly. "We want to know where babies come from." A proud smile came across Granny smith's face "So ya'll ready to know where babies come from." Granny pulled up a large rocking chair and sat down in front of the three fillies. "Well now it's a long story." Granny said "It all started with...(Snoring)" Granny Smith had suddenly fallen asleep in the rocking chair the crusaders quickly grew board waiting for Granny to wake up. "Oh come on girls if Ah know Granny she going to be like this for hours." Said Applebloom. The three fillies began to walk away as they did Granny Smith peeked open one eye. "He he he! Works every time." Said Granny Carousel boutique with in the castle. Rarity was trying out outfits on the three fillies. "Oh yes Scootaloo you look absolutely darling in this hat." Said Rarity Scootaloo was quickly getting annoyed of her frilly outfit. "Look Rarity the truth is we came here to ask you a question." Said Scootaloo "But of course Darling." Said Rarity looking thought some garments. "Ask away." "Rarity where do babies come from?" Asked Sweetie Belle Rarity froze in utter terror. "Where do what from what now?" Said Rarity "Where do babies come from?" Said Applebloom "Well...I..I...The...Thing...Of the Matter is...Oh...Ah...I just remembered I have some more outfits in the back you three stay right don't move a muscle!" Rarity said as she rushed away. The three girls stood there of what seemed like an hour the clock slowly ticking away. "Ugh, when is she coming back?" Said Scootaloo Applebloom looked out a near by window she saw Rarity sneaking away in a designer trench coat and a hat. "Um guys I don't think she coming back." Said Applebloom "Well rolls out Rarity." Said Sweetie Belle "Anypony else got an Idea?" "Well duh we should go asked Rainbow Dash!" Said Scootaloo smirking. "Right after we get out of these girly outfits." Later that day the crusaders found Rainbow Dash lazing atop of a cloud. "Hey Rainbow Dash!" Shouted Scootaloo "Oh yeah squirt how's it going." Said Rainbow Dash "We were just wondering where do babies come from?" Said Applebloom Rainbow Dash's eyes suddenly shot open. "Hu oh!" She said quickly jumped off the top of the cloud and zoomed away. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at Scootaloo with dismissively. Scootaloo smiles sleepily "Ha ha ha maybe we can asked my brother." "So you three want to know where babies come from?" Asked Flash as took a bite of pizza. He Soarin and Cheese were all eating food outside of a café. "Could you tell us?" Asked Scootaloo "Well..."Flash said with a smile. "That's actually a good question, one that took me years to figure out myself. But after going one of my trips with mom and dad, I was able to figure it out!" "Where do they come from!" Said the three girls excitedly. "Babies ponies come from the Abyssinian Goddess Taweret, a creature that is part crocodile part hippo! Once a year she sends a baby ponies floating now the river in a basket of reeds and the lucky ponies who find it become the parnets." The three girls looked at Flash Sentry confused and just freaked out. Flash stanched his head nervously. "Well that's what mom and dad told me...Before they were turned to stone." "What!? That's completely ridiculous!" Said Soarin "I'll tell ya where babies ponies come from." The three girls looked up a Soarin eagerly. "Princess Celestia!" He said proudly. The girls looked at him dumbfounded. "Princes Celestia?" Said Flash sarcastically. "DUH!" Said Soarin "Besides her dad and a few other Alicorns she pretty much in charge of everything else in Equestria." "And where does she get the babies from?" Asked Flash "Hello, she got magic! She just magics them into existence?" Said Soarin "And where to the parents fit in." Said Flash "She delivers them by storks." Said Soarin "Delivers them by storks?" Flash said "And you said mu story was ridiculous!?" As the two stallions argue the crusaders then turn to Cheese Sandwich slurping down a milkshake. "Ya'll have no idea where babies come from do ya?" said Applebloom "Nope!" Said Cheese taking a brake. "This is what happens when you gown up on the streets with out adult role models." The fillies rolled their eyes. "Come on girls let's asked some pony else." Said Applebloom. "So you girls want to know where babies ponies come from." Said Pinkie Pie "Yes!" Said the girls matter of factly. "Well sit down and I tell you what my Granny Pie told me!" Said Pinkie Pie She pulled out a rocking chair, put on some glasses and began blowing into a bubble pibe. "Where is everypony getting these rocking chairs?" Asked Scootaloo Pinkie rocked back to fourth for a minute and then spoke up. "You darn whippersnappers! Ya got no business asking' them kind of questions! Come back when your grown!" The girls looked at her dumbfounded. "Well that's what my Granny Pie told me." Said Pinkie Pie "So you girls want to know where babies come from." Said Fluttershy caring for a nest of birds the crusaders were sitting in the middle of the castle gardens. "Well all baby animals come in to this world in different ways, For example mama sparrow has been laying on this nest of eggs all summer long." "Huh," Said Applebloom "On the other hoof." Said Fluttershy "Mrs. Queen bee over here lay over at least two thousand eggs a day." Said Fluttershy "Oh," Said Scootaloo All the animals began to gather around Fluttershy. Yep." Said Fluttershy. "Every baby comes into this world in it's own unique way." "So?" Said Sweetie Belle thinking for a moment. "Babies ponies come from egg." Fluttershy stared at the fillies for a moment. "Yes Sweetie Belle Babies ponies come from egg, Lesson over." Fluttershy then turn to walk away. "Wait!" Said Scootaloo speaking up. "Where do the eggs come from?" "Umm the storks." Said Fluttershy pointed at one of her feather friend. "That's what Soarin said." Said Applebloom "But Ah just didn't believe him." "Are you kidding me!?" Said to Stork suddenly speaking up. There was a magical poof and the stork turn to Discord. "Are you fillies actually paying this!?" He said annoyed. "Discord that's enough now." Said Fluttershy "No I have had enough of this corporate citizenship!" Shouted Discord "I'll tell you kids where babies come from they come from..." All of a sudden two royal guard ponies suddenly appeared. "Discord You are in violation of corporate censorship law, I'm afraid you'll have to come with us!" "No!" Said discord as the guard ponies dragged him away. "This is a violation of freedom speech! The fillies have the right to know etika! etika! etika!" The girls looked at each other more confused then ever. "So anypony else got an idea?" Said Applebloom "You want to know where babies come from?" Asked Thunderlane The three girls where now at Thunderlane's house. "Yes and we've been trying to find out all day." Said Scootaloo "Well" said Thudnerlane." Tapping his chin for a moment and then gave a sly smile. "Oh Rumble!" "Yes big bro!?" Said Rumble as he dash down the stairs. "I was just wondering if you can tell you're friends here where babies come from?" Said Thunderlane "What!?" Said Rumble a look of terror across is face. "You remember littler bro, I told you all about it." Said Thunderlane "Rumble knows!" Said the Crusaders excitedly. "Yes." said Thunderlane pushing his little brother forward. "And I'm sure he'd love to tell you three all about it." "But, But, But!" She said "Now little bro you know you be a good colt and tell these fillies of where babies come from." Said Thunderlane putting on his helmet. "I'd tell them myself of course but I'm late for guard duty." As Thunderlane left the house the three fillies turn to Rumble with big smiles on their faces. "AAAHHHHH!" Screamed Rumble as he rushed out the back door of the house. "Thunderlane I'll get you for this!" "Rumble get back!" Said Scootaloo as she Applebloom and Sweetie Belle raced after him. Rumble began to fly away as fast as he could but The three fillies were closed behind. Scootaloo hopped on her scooter while Applebloom and Sweetie Belle road in the wagon in the back. Rumble flew down ally way after ally way, as the girls raced after him. As he turn a corner he saw Button Mash Tinder Tapes, and Frist Base hanging out in front of the arched. "Guys you git to help me!" He shouted "The Crusader have gone crazy!" "Hop on!" Said Button Mash he pulled out his fancy bike with a side car. The two of the colts hopped in the side car while Rumble hopped on the back with Button Mash. the electric bike quickly zoomed away but Scootaloo was able to keep up with by flapping her wings. "Get them!" said Applebloom "Get them!" "Where'd you learn that from?" Asked Sweetie Belle "Pinkie Pie of course." Said Applebloom As the race countered Button Mash notice a slow moving hey cart crossing the street in front of them. He quickly raved his bike and sailed up a ramp flying high over the hey cart and on the the other side of the street. Scootaloo suddenly screech to a hold just before they hit the hey cart. The three girls watch as the boys vanished of into the distance. "So long sucker!" Said Rumble as the bike raced away. "GGgaahhh!" Shouted Applebloom "Why won't anypony answer our question?" Out in the Tambelon martketplace, music begins to play as ponies walk about there business. The Crusaders peek out from behind a corner, and begin sneaking about the ponies. "Whatever you know, please tell us too," the Crusaders sing popping out in front of a nervous waiter. "Tell us everything and tell us how," they say turning Button Mash away from his game and staring him in the face. "It all a mystery," they sing popping out of a mailbox behind a derpy eyed pony. "That we know nothing about," The bubbly mail pony looks about, trying to find the singing voices. Unfortunately, she is unable to see the fillies. "We can see there's a lot to learn," the annoyed Crusaders sing, as Cheerilee pushes a large number of books in front of them with a smile. "It's all so close and yet so far," the girls spy through a window at Mr. and Mrs. Cake tending to their twins. "We can see you know the answer," they pop up before two upper crust unicorns walking down the street. "Oh, We just know there's something bigger to this," The jet setting mare and stallion quickly run away with the fillies chasing after them. Desperate to find answers the Crusaders begin singing their chorus. "We wanna know, can you tell us?" "We wanna know about this strange, strange mystery!" "Tell us please, can't you show us?" "Something is odd about this strange, strange mystery!" Cranky Doodle Donkey can seen desperately running away down the street. The Crusaders can be seen chasing after him riding Scootaloo's scooter. "Everypony, every creature we ask," the fillies sing as they chase after the old donkey. "Trots away like never before," they screed to a halt as he slams the door in front of them. "Why won't they answer," an annoyed tomato vendor shakes her head at the three fillies. "This growing question we have for them?" The mare pulls down a metal grate, closing her stand. The three fillies trot away looking depressed. "Ooo, This is a question we never knew," the Crusaders chased after a mare chasing a baby carriage. "We even needed the answer too," they pointed to a picture of a baby pony, but the curly maned pediatrician shook his head. "Beyond the trees, above the clouds," the Crusaders looked through a telescope whiled riding in a hot air balloon. "Why won't anypony answer our question?" Rainbow Dash could seen hiding behind a cloud, trying to avoid the Crusaders. Still desperate, the Crusaders repeat their chous. "We wanna know, can you tell us?" "We wanna know about this strange, strange mystery!" "Tell us please, can't you show us?" "Something is odd about this strange, strange mystery!" The three depressed Crusaders sit down at a large fountain, clearly depressed at everypony denying them an answer. "Why won't anypony tell us?" sang Applebloom sadly. "Is it some sort of big secret?" said Scootaloo annoyed. "Do they think we don't deserve.." sand Sweetie Belle. "To know, the truth," Applebloom noticed a small tear coming down from the unicorns eye. "Take my hoof," said the earth pony confidently, as she took her friends hooves. "It's a truth we need to know," Applebloom pulled her friends forward. The three fillies quickly away, more determined then ever to find an answer. "We wanna know, can you tell us?" sang the Crusaders as they chased ponies about the streets. "We wanna know about this strange, strange mystery!" they pooped up from behind a flag pole, terrifying a pony. "Tell us please, can't you show us?" Lyra tried desperately to pull Bon Bon away from the Crusaders tugging on her hind leg. "Something is odd about this strange, strange mystery!" "...We wanna know," the Crusaders sang out as ponies all around them raced to there houses. Hundreds of doors slammed shut in front of them, leaving the three fillies completely alone in the now empty streets. Apple bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo sat board, inside of a large laboratory, with many buzzing gizmos and flashing lights. "..The reproductive cycle of the common equine is a long and complicated process.." explained the brown stallion with a green tie and hourglass cutie mark. "..For starters.." droned on the Doctor as he tended to a large tesla coil, "..the gestation period of the Equestrian earth pony can last at least eleven months, if not more!" "Can you understand anything that he's saying?" asked Scootaloo. "Not a word.." replied Applebloom. "But, there are so many questions that genetic reproduction cannot explain!" went on the eccentric pony, "For example, how did Pegasi go on to evolve avian appendages? How can they even fly when there wingspan is clearly to small to lift their heavy bodies? And what of unicorn magic? What is it's source? And how did an equine develop a horn out of the center of it's skull? The mysteries of scientific world are endless, wouldn't you agree young fillies?" The Doctor turned around to view the Crusaders reactions, only to find that they were gone. "Young fillies..?" said the Doctor, "Young fillies?" Deep within the Everfree Forest, the three Crusaders stood in front of a bubbling green cauldron inside Zecora's hut. "From wence two ponies fall in love.. A miracle happens from above.." chanted Zecora. The fillies stared at the images appearing in the steam of the cauldron, two ponies with a heart in-between them. "A Mare and Stallion intertwined.. They form a union so divine.." continued the zebra. The images of the two ponies fused together to form a baby. "And through this process, what comes true? A baby pony pure and true!" Zecora finished. There was a bright flash of light and a puff of smoke. When the smoke cleared, the three girls saw Zecora staring down at them, leaning on her staff. The Crusaders stared back up at her blankly. "So.. Where do baby ponies come from?" asked Sweetie Belle. Zecora frowned "You want to know where baby ponies come from?" asked Trender Hoof. The Crusaders stared up at Trender Hoof and Trouble Shoes atop of there blimp. "Yes," said Apple Bloom exasperated, "We've asked literally everypony in Equestria, and nopony has given us an answer. So could you please answer our question." Trender Hoof looked at Trouble Shoes, and Trouble Shoes looked right back. All of a sudden the two of them began chuckling, and soon burst out into laughter. The three girls looked at them in confusion. "You've asked Everypony in Equestria?" smiled Trender Hoof, "Why didn't you just ask Twilight?" "Twilight?!" exclaimed the three girls, suddenly wondering why they didn't think of that themselves. "Twilight Sparkle, does know just about everything," said Trender Hoof, "If there was anypony in Equestria to ask, it would be her. The three fillies looked at each other excitedly, and then quickly rushed away. "Why didn't you tell them yourself," asked Trouble Shoes. "Mmmm, it's more fun to keep them guessing," replied Trenderhoof winking. Twilight's library The CMC rushed in the library and shouted "Princess Twilight! What a question for you!" "Okay girls." Said Twilight who was just putting down a book and spike at her side. "You three look like you've been all over Templon." "We have." The girls explained. "We asked our family, our friends and pretty much everyone else in templon!" Shouted Applebloom "And all we got was either no answers, Ponies sleeping, Too much answers, run off, and crazy ones too!" Said Sweetie Belle "And my brother and his friends got the craziest answers of all with a hippo-croc god and princess Celestia herself!' Said Scootaloo "Girls!" Shouted Twilight "Claim down what question you have been asking ponies?" "Where do babies come from!?" Said the girls in unison. Twilight then blinked her eyes and then sighed "Okay girls I'll tell you straight up." "Ponies are not going to try and arrest you by doing so are they?" Asked Sweetie Belle "No and I'm not going to even asked that question." Said Twilight "Okay when mares have bigger bellies..." "No we already know that." Applebloom interrupted. "When Cadance got her belly big." "Oooohhh." Said Twilight with a look of realization on her face. "You are actually want to know where they come from. Well that's a complicated story." "Well tell us." Said Scootaloo "How about tell you a story how I learn about it will that help?" Said Twilight "Yes." Said Applebloom "Anything to get this going." Twilight narrated "It all started shorty after Spike was hatched, Princess Celestia asked me and my friends to watch out for him." The image of the mane six and Spike could be seen. "He was a very fussy little thing and not very easy to watch." The mane six could be seen casing after him as he claimed above a roof top. "And there ware a lot of responsibilities that came with him." A baby spike stay in a high chair, baby food was scattered across Twilight's room and the mane six looked exhausted. "We were starting to wonder why Celestia wanted us to watch him in the first place." "But over time." Pinkie Pie could be seen playing patty cake with him. "We came to see him as a friend." Spike could be seen riding Rainbow Dash as she flew. "But more importantly." A young Twilight Sparkle could be seen handing Spike to the king and queen who hugged him tightly. "He became a part of our family." Back to Twilight and the CMC As Twilight story ended the crusaders looked at her curiously. "So where do babies come from?" Asked Sweetie Belle "It's obvious?" Asked Twilight "Babies come from love." "They do?" Asked the Crusaders "Yup." Said Twilight a love from a mother and father and more importantly a love of a family." "Oh..."Said Applebloom "So you need a mon and dad for a baby?" "That's right." Said Twilight "Oh well that makes sense." Said Sweetie Belle "Yeah we should have gone to you in the first place Twilight would have saved us a lot of headaches." Said Scootaloo "By the way is there a chance you can tell my brother and his friends I don't they have a clue." "Well I'll be sure to mention it to them." Said Twilight "Come on girls let's try to get our cutie marks in baby setting again." Said Applebloom "Yeah!" Said Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. As the three girls rushed out of the castle Twilight turn to look at Spike who was sweeping the floor. "What the!?" Said Spike Twilight swooped down on the little dragon giving him hug. "Umm Twilight what are you doing?" Said Spike "Oohh nothing." Said Twilight with a huge smile. "Yeah well while we are asking questions." Said Spike "I kind of have one for you." "Yes sweet, sweet Spike." Twilight said "What happened to my real mom?" Spike asked Twilight's eyes grew wide as dinner plates. "Uh oh." She said.