My little pony Adventures season 3

by Kayceejr91

A Tale of two Princesses

Deep in the underwater city of Seaquestria, a lonely princess swam about nervously in her tower. Princess Skystar kept looking out the window into the open sea. The city hanging down above her shimmered brightly, but it was the open waters that drew her attention.

All of a sudden she saw a young seapony swimming in the direction of her window. He was a pale yellow colt with turquoise fins and a mane.

"I got it for you Princess," said the seapony as he swam into her room.

From behind his back, the seapony pulled out a small purple gem, similar to the one he wore around his neck. A wide smile crossed Princess Skystar's face as she saw the fragment of pearl.

"Thank you so much Terramar!" exclaimed the Princess in excitement, "This means so much to me.."

"My sister will meet you at the top of Mount Aris," said the colt pointing out the window, "She'll lead you the rest of the way.. Just don't let you're Queen Nova find out that I helped you. My father will kill me!"

Princess Skystar smiled and then wrapped the gem around her neck. She then gave Terramar a big hug right and swam out the window, gleefully heading for the surface.

Things were bustling in the city of Tambelon. A googly eyed mail pony was up in the air delivering packages. All of a sudden a large beam of magic shot up into the air, discombobulating the bubbly pegasus.

Down at castle Tambelon, Flash Sentry was standing atop the palace walls in full uniform. As he stood guard, he rose his Blade of the Shining Light up to the sky, beams of bright gold magic shooting out from the tip. But, matter how many time he shot out magic, he couldn't seem to get the result he wanted. A deep scowl was beginning to show up on his face.

"Um, Captain.." said a voice from behind Flash.

A look of embarrassment suddenly crossed his face, as he glance over to see Thunderlane behind him.

"What are you doing?" asked Thunderlane with a raised eyebrow.

"Thunderlane!" stuttered Flash turning to face his friend, "I was just practicing my swordsmanship.."

The pitch black pegasus held out his hooves in front of him, and caught the mail pony just as she was tumbling down towards him.

"May I suggest you practice it in a less destructive manner?" asked Thunderlane with a blank look on his face.

Flash Sentry sighed, "The truth is, I've been trying to recreate the magic I used back at the Crystal Empire. I know that it's powerful, and I know that it could be useful.. I just have no idea how to use it!"

Thunderlane sighed as he set down the grey pegasus with a blonde mane. He trotted over his friend and put a hoof on his shoulder.

"You're already one of the strongest stallions that I know," smiled Thunderlane, "in both courage and valor. You don't need any fancy tricks to protect Equestria."

Flashes eyes looked down at the ground, "I just want to keep Twilight safe by any means necessary."

"Well you don't need to worry about that today.." said Thunderlane as he trotted.

"Excuse me?" asked Flash looking confused.

"Twilight Sparkle isn't in the castle," said Thunderlane with a sly smail.

"What!?" exclaimed Flash

"Oh, isn't this wonderful," said Rarity as she leaned back in her spa chair. She was wearing a fluffy robe, and her mane was wrapped in a towel.

She, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Spike were all lounging about at the Ponyville Day Spa.

"It is pretty nice isn't it?" said Twilight lounging beside Rarity.

"Ding, dang delightful!" said Spike leaning back with cucumbers on his eyes.

"Eeyup," said Applejack as a masseuse pony tended to her back, "After galloping about all of Equestria.. It's nice to finally have a day off."

"Eh.. It's all right I guess," said Rainbow Dash. She and Fluttershy were soaking in the hot tub.

"Come on Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy with a smile, "Admit it, you're having fun."

"Oh all right," said Rainbow Dash blushing, "Just don't tell anypony.. Especially Soarin!"

Pinkie Pie popped up in an innertube, at the center of the tub, "Cross my heart, Hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in my Eye!"

"How does she do that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Well, it doesn't get better than this," said Spike munching on one of his cucumbers, "Do you think Aloe could get me another hot towel."

"I think she's a little busy now Spike," said Twilight looking over towards the door.

Aloe and Lotus Blossom could be seen leading two hippogriffs into the main area of the spa. One was pink with a light blue mane, while the taller one was light yellow with a turquoise mane. Both wore necklaces with a small piece of a purple gem hanging from them.

"Huh, looks like we gotta couple of hippogriffs in the spa," said Applejack.

"Strange," said Rarity, "We don't see many Hippogriff's here in Tambelon?"

"Huh," said Twilight, "I can't quite put my hoof on it, but one of them looks oddly familiar."

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash rubbing her chin, "I could have sworn I'd seen one of them somewhere before, but I can't quite remember when."

"Hi Princess Skystar!" shouted Pinkie Pie as she waved at the yellow hippogriff.

"Princess Skystar!?" shouted Spike and everypony else.

The hippogriff turned to look at the mane six and her feathers suddenly stood up on end. She quickly grabbed ahold of her friend and raced out of the spa.

"After her," cried out Rainbow Dash as she flew out of the hot tub, and zoomed after Skystar.

"Heavens, No!" said Rarity clutching her Robe tightly, "We're not dressed!"

"Uh, Beg pardon, Rarity, but we don't normally wear clothes," said Applejack.

"Some of us have standards Applejack!" snapped Rarity.

A few minutes later, the ponies and Spike all rushed out of the Spa after Rainbow Dash.

"Come on guys," said Twilight, "We've got to catch up to.."

The friends all screeched to a halt as they saw Rainbow Dash right outside of the Spa, with Skystar pinned beneath her.

"It's fine guy's," said Rainbow Dash dusting off her hooves, "She's not that good at flying."

"I told her she needed more practice," said the pink hippogriff standing beside Dash.

Twilight Sparkle trotted up to the princess with a smile, "Skystar, let's have a talk."

The mane six, Spike, and the two hippogriffs, were sitting at a table at the Ponyville Café. The one that was apparently Skystar had her head in her claws.

"This is so embarrassing," said Skystar, "I didn't think I'd get caught this easily.."

"Skystar," said Twilight Sparkle looking confused, "Why were you trying to run away from us."

Skystar raised her head sadly, "I just didn't want to get caught so soon, this is my first time visiting Tambelon, and I really didn't want to go to Seaquestria yet"

"Aw, that's pony feathers," said Applejack brushing the thought off with a smile.

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash, "We won't affect your vacation."

Princess Skystar gritted her teeth, and pulled at her necklace, "It's not exactly a vacation.."

"But, I thought you said you were visiting Tambelon?" asked Twilight confused.

"I am, but it's not exactly a vacation," muttered Skystar.

"Then what is it?" asked Rainbow Dash with a raised eyebrow.

Skystar's eyes darted back and forth as she looked for the right words, "It's more like.."

"It's more like she ran away from home, and she's never ever ever coming back!" said the pink hippogriff with a smile.

"WHAT!?" exclaimed everypony at once.

Skystar put a claw to her face, "Everypony, this is my cousin Silverstream.. She can be a bit much."

"I know the feeling," said Spike glancing over at Pinkie Pie.

"EEEeeeeeeee!" cried out Silverstream as she flew over to Spike and picked him up, "A baby dragon! And it can talk! I've never seen a baby dragon before! And I've never seen a pegasus, or a unicorn, or even an earth pony before either!"

She flew over the group of ponies, still squeezing Spike tightly.

"This is so exciting!" she exclaimed, "I can't believe Auntie Novo didn't want us to come here! This place is amazing! Way more amazing then Mount Aris ever was!"

"I can't breath," said Spike struggling to escape Silverstream's grip.

"I think I like this girl," said Pinkie Pie elbowing Fluttershy.

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes, "Skystar, what does she mean you're running away."

Skystar began to tear up, "I-I-I just can't take it anymore! Mother is driving me crazy! Everyday it's the same thing! All sorts of lessons on how to be the perfect princess, and set an example for the seaponies! I can barely even leave the castle anymore!"

"Oh, come on," said Rainbow Dash shrugging her off, "Being a princess can't be that hard."

Applejack and Rarity quickly covered Rainbow Dash's mouth. Twilight Sparkle slowly turned her head towards the pegasus a dark look on her face.

"Not that hard?" stated Twilight, her eye beginning to twitch, "NOT THAT HARD!"

Twilight Sparkle leapt up onto the table and glared right onto Rainbow Dash's face, "Being a princess is Extremely Hard! As matter of fact being a princess, can be the Hardest Job in Equestria! Have you ever tried being a princess before?! I don't think so! So how can you possible say Being a Princess isn't Hard!?"

"We got it!" said Applejack looking afraid.

"Crystal clear!" said Rarity agreeing in terror.

"Being a Princess is definitely, definitely hard!" said Rainbow Dash panicking.

Princess Skystar slumped back in her seat sadly, "I just need a nice long break from being a Princess.."

"But, how did you become a hippogriff?" asked Fluttershy freeing a panting Spike from Silverstream's grip.

Skystar smiled and held out the necklace around her neck, "This a small piece of my mother's pearl of transformation. Years ago she use it to become a seapony, and marry my father King Hippocampus. Afterwards she split it into pieces so that seaponies and hippogriffs could travel between Mt. Aris and Seaquestria freely."

"I've read about those," said Twilight, "But I thought they were incredibly hard to get?"

"I may have borrowed one from my cousin Terramar.." said Skystar blushing.

Twilight sighed, "I of all of ponies can understand how difficult it can be a princess.. And wanting to run away.."

Twilight Sparkle put a hoof on Skystar's shoulder.

"If you really need a break that badly, me and my friends will be more than happy to help you," she said gesturing towards the rest of the ponies.

"Yeah!" the rest of the ponies shouted excitedly.

"Um, Twilight," said Spike tugging on the Alicorn's wing, "Are you sure about this."

"Of course I'm sure about this," said Twilight, "Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.."

"Forever!" proclaimed Pinkie Pie.

"Besides," said Rainbow Dash, "What's the worst that can happen, Queen Novo comes here and sends the Tambelon Royal Guard out to find Skystar?"

Back at Tambelon Palace, Flash Sentry and Thunderlane were making there way to the royal throne room.

"Why did King Nightlight summon us again?" asked Flash.

"I don't know," said Thunderlane, "But he said it was very urgent."

The two stallions burst through the door. To there surprise they saw a light violet hippogriff with a crown atop her indigo mane standing by the King and Queen.

"Queen Novo?!" they both exclaimed at the same time.

"Gentlecolts!" proclaimed Queen Novo, "Round up the Tambelon Royal Guard! We have Skystar!"

The two stallions looked over to the King and Queen for an explanation.

"It would appear," said King Nightlight coughing into his hoof, "That Princess Skystar has gone missing from Seaquestria.."

"Missing nothing," said Queen Novo rather sharply, "That daughter of mine has run away from home! She deliberately disobeyed me!"

"And, um.. What makes you so sure she's in Tambelon?" asked Flash rather sheepishly.

"Are you joking?" snapped Queen Novo as she trotted over the two guard ponies, "All is that girl ever does is go on and on about Tambelon and Equestria. If there was ever somewhere she would run away to, it would be here. That's why I want you to gather all of your forces and scour the city for her."

Beads of sweat dropped down the brows of Flash and Thunderlane as Queen Novo glared at them. With pleading eyes they looked towards the King, who in turn looked to his wife in desperation.

"Queen Novo," said Queen Velvet with a calming voice, "Before we send out a panic across all of Equestria, why don't we give our two loyal guards a chance to find her?"

Queen Novo put a claw to her chin in thought, "Well they are very skilled.. And I have heard of their accomplishments.. Very well, I'll give them till the end of the day."

"We won't let you down Queen Novo," said Flash Sentry giving a salute, "I give my solemn oath that we'll find your daughter."

As the the two Stallions left the throne room, Thunderlane leaned over to Flash.

"And how exactly are supposed to do that?" he whispered.

"Same way we solve all our problems," smiled Flash, "Let's find Twilight."

Down in the Tambelon Marketplace, the mane six and Spike showed there two Hippogriff friends around.

"Ooh! This is amazing!" exclaimed Silverstream, "What's this?"

Silverstream pointed at a buffalo.

"What's that?" she asked pointing at a mule.

"What's those!? she asked pointing at a heard of cows.

"She's, um, rather excitable," said Skystar a little embarrassed.

"She's not the only one," said Rainbow Dash pointing a hoof.

Pinkie Pie and Silverstream could be slurping down somepony else's root beer float right in front of them. The friends all chuckled at the sight.

"So what would you like to do on you do first on your day in Tambelon?" asked Twilight Sparkle putting a hoof on Skystar.

"Well, I don't know," said Skystar rather nervously, "This is all completely knew to me.. I don't even know.. What is That!?"

Princess Skystar pointer to a large building with lots of flashing lights and buzzing sounds.

"That?" asked Twilight Sparkle looking confused, "That's just the Ponyville Arcade.. It's great for little fillies, but.."

Before she could even finish her sentence her sentence, Skystar went zooming into the arcade, sending the young alicorn spinning.

"Ah'm pretty sure she's decided what she want's to do," smiled Applejack.

From within the arcade, Princess Skystar floated around with a bright smile on her face. All around her, fillies and colts were playing brightly colored machines with flashing lights and noises. Everypony seemed to be excited, and having fun.

"All right, way to go!" a young voice stated.

Skystar turned to see a group of colts gathered in front of a large arcade machine.

"You can do it, Button," said a light grey pegasus as he cheered a brown earth pony in a beanie cap.

"I don't think so," said the orange cold with a baseball and a bat for a cutie mark.

Skystar came up behind the four colt's gathered around the machine. Two dragons could be seen fighting on a street somewhere in Manehatten.

"No no no.." said the orange colt as he struggled with his joystick, "No No NO NOOOOO!"

"YEEEEESSSSS!" cheered the brown colt as high hoofed his pegasus friend.

"Woohoo!" said Skystar as she began to applaud.

The three colt's turned around and looked at the strange hippogriff, confused.

"Bravo! Encore!" said Skystar still cheering.

"Um, can we help you?" asked another orange colt wearing tap shoes.

"Yes you can," said Skystar, her overexcitement frightening the colts, "You can teach me how to play that game!"

The mane six, Spike, and Silverstream walked about the arcade trying to find Skystar.

"I don't understand it," said Applejack tilting up her hat, "Why would Skystar come in here?"

"Why wouldn't she come in here?!" said Silverstream her eyes beaming, "This place is amazing!"

"I know!" said Pinkie Pie jumping up and down with excitement, "Pizza! Prizes! Games! Ice Cream! Everything a pony could ever want!"

Twilight Sparkle rolled her eyes, "Come on everypony, she's got to be around here somewhere.."

"Um Twilight," said Spike looking confused, "Is it just me, or does that crazy pony over there look a lot like Skystar?"

The ponies all turned, there jaws dropping at the sight that they saw. Over at a side of the Arcade a large number of fillies and colts were gathered around a large dance platform. The foals all cheered as Skystar and Tender Taps danced atop of the platform, following the steps on the colorful screen in front of them.

The girls and Spike approached Button Mash, First Base, and Rumble still looking on in confusion.

"What in Equestria is she doing up there?" asked Twilight.

"Well at first we tried her on Dragon Fighters.. But she wasn't very good at it," said Rumble.

"Then we tried her out on Parasprites.. But that didn't go well," winced First Base.

"But it turns out she's great at Prance Prance Revolution!" said Button Mash with a smile.

Up on the platform Tender Taps, was struggling to keep up with Skystar as she followed the steps with ease. A big smile was across her beak, one like Twilight had never seen before. As the game began to end Tender Taps suddenly stumbled and fell flat on the platform. Everypony cheered as Skystar won, including the Mane Six.

"Look's like somepony's having a good time," said Rainbow Dash floating over to Skystar with a smug smile.

"Guys!" said Skystar leaning over the platform's railing, "This is the most fun I've had since.. Ever! We never get to dance like this in Seaquestria!"

"It is pretty hard to dance, underwater," said Silverstream, "Especially if you only have fins."

"Wooooo!" said Skystar raising her claws in the air, "One more time!"

"Hold on there partner," said Applejack grabbing ahold of one of her claws.

"You can't stay in this Arcade all day," said Rarity grabbing ahold of the other one.

The girls and and Spike began dragging Skystar out of the arcade.

"We've got a whole city to see," said Twilight, "and only one day to see it in."

"One short day"

"In the City of Tambelon"

A happy tune begins to fill the air as the mane six and Spike lead Skystar and Silverstream throughout the city. The ponies they walk past seem to sing along as they pass them by.

"One short day"

"In the City of Tambelon"

The girls lead Skystar and Silverstream forward, singing as they do so.

"One short day"

"In the City of Tambelon"

"One short day"

"Oh there's so much to do"

"Every way"

"That you look inside Tambelon"

"There's something exquisite"

"You'll want to visit"

"Before the day's through!"

As they pass through the streets a large sea serpent with a brilliant orange moustache passes them by. Skystar's eyes glow as bright as diamonds.

"There are creatures wilder than the seas!"

"Dress Salon's!" sings Rarity as they try on clothing in a local boutique.

"Libraries!" sings Twilight as she shows Skystar a towering library while the others sleep.

"Candy Shops!" said Pinkie Pie sipping a sundae with Skystar.

"Gardens!" sang Applejack showing off a brilliant greenhouse.

"And so much more!"

Applejack and Fluttershy sang together on either side of Skystar.

"There are buildings flying in the sky" Sang Rainbow Dash flying past some cloud houses.

"It's all grand," sang Silverstream.

And it's all dry" sang Skystar.

"I think we've found the place where we belong!" They sang together.

"I wanna be"

"In this hoi polloi"

"So We'll be back for good someday," sang Skystar.

"So we can do things our own way," sang Silverstream.

"But for today, we'll wander and enjoy," they sang together.

Everypony in the streets around them began singing along with them.

"One short day"

"In the city of Tambelon"

"One short day"

"To have a lifetime of fun"

"One short day"

"And we're warning the city," sang the two Hippogriffs.

"Now that we're in here"

"You'll know we've been here"

"Before we are done!"

All of a sudden the girls and Spike were forced to screech to a halt. A large brass band began performing in the middle of the streets. In a sudden burst of excitement, Pinkie Pie grabbed ahold of a baton and joined in.

"It's the mage"

"It's major itinerary"

"Is making all us merrier!"

"It's on page"

"It's sagely"

"It's breaking down all the barriers!"

Pinkie Pie suddenly began blasting away on a tuba.

"Where's the place where the ponies flurry"

"Has all of us without worry?"


"Isn't it wonderful?"

"Our wonderful Tambelon!"

Skystar and Silverstream marched forward with the mane six happily behind them, Spike on Twilight's back. An entire parade of ponies and other creatures began marching behind them sing and playing instruments.

"One short day"

"In the City of Tambelon"

"One short day"

"To have a lifetime of fun"

"What a way"

"To be seeing the city"

"Where so many roam to," the mane six said gathering around Skystar and Silverstream.

"We'll call it home too," sang the two hippogriffs.

"And then, just like now"

"We can say"

"We're just two friends," sang Silverstream.

"Two good friends," sang Skystar.

"Two best friends," sand Twilight drawing the three of them together in a hug.

Everypony in the crowd behind them posed for the grand finale.

"Sharing one wonderful"

"One short"

"Um, Twilight?" said Flash Sentry suddenly appearing with Thunderlane behind him, "What are you doing?"


Everypony sang with fireworks suddenly shooting off in the sky.

The crowd began to disperse, the excitement over. As they did so Twilight slowly creaked her head over in the direction of Flash, too nervous to speak.

"Flash?" said Twilight a panicked smile on her face, "Thunderlane? What are you doing here?"

"Oooh!" said Silverstream pushing Twilight and Skystar aside, "Who are your friends?"

Sliverstream flapped over to the two stallions and reached out a claw, "My name Silverstream, and this is my cousin..!"

"Apple!" stated Applejack covering her beak.

"Cloud!" shouted Rainbow Dash, joining in to cover it.

"Dandy!" said Pinkie Pie covering her two friends mouths'.

Flash and Thunderlane looked at the girls confused.

"Yes," said Twilight gritting her teeth as she held Skystar close, "This is our new friend Apple Cloud Dandy.."

"What?" asked Skystar looking confused.

"And this is the captain of the Tambelon Royal Guard!" said Spike as he rushed between Flash and Thunderlane in a panic, "and his Lieutenant!"

"Oh," said Skystar nervously biting her beak.

"Okay," said Flash raising an eyebrow in confusion, "I actually wanted to talk to you Twilight.. Is that okay?"

"Sure thing!" said Applejack as she, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash held onto Silverstream tightly, "We'll just take our friends here and take em' over there!"

The rest of the girls led Silverstream away with Skystar creeping up close behind. Thunderlane watched them walk away suspiciously.

"The thing is Twilight.." said Flash pushing Spike aside, "Queen Novo is here in Tambelon."

The ponies and Skystar suddenly froze to a halt at the mention of the Queen's name.

"Queen Novo?" said Twilight stuttering nervously, "Y-y-you don't say.."

"She's really worried," continued Flash "and we we're wondering if you and the girls could help us find her."

Twilight looked over to Skystar. The yellow hippogriff was down on her knees pleading with Twilight not to say anything.

"Ummmmm," said Twilight nervously pausing for time.

"Twilight?" asked Flash looking confused.

"Forever.." whispered Pinkie Pie popping up behind Flash.

"I'm sorry Flash" said Twilight a smile popping on her face, "but we promised our new friends that we would show them around Tambelon, and losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.."

"Forever!" shouted Pinkie Pie in Flash's ear.

"So we can't do anything until we can't do anything until we've shown them around," said Twilight prancing away happily.

"Oh, okay.." said Flash Sentry still looking confused, "Catch you later then?"

The mane six, Spike, and hippogriffs giggled to themselves as Flash turned to walk away. Just as they were about to trot away themselves, Thunderlane raised up a hoof.

"Wait a minute," said proclaimed Thunderlane.

The girls and Spike suddenly froze in there tracks. Thunderlane slowly trotted over to them and looked Skystar directly in the face.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" said Thunderlane with a serious tone.

"Me," said Skystar with a nervous smile, "Nope don't think so.."

Thunderlane stared at the hippogriff for a long time. Sweat began to drip down her brow as she stared into his unblinking eyes.

"Alright then," said Thunderlane suddenly turning to walk away, "It was nice seeing you again Skystar."

"You to Thunderlane," said Skystar waving goodbye happily.

Looks of panic suddenly crossed everyponies face, as they realized what Skystar had just done.

"Gotcha," said Thunderlane with sly smile.

Flash Sentry flapped over to look at the yellow hippogriff closely.

"Princess Skystar?" he said suddenly recognizing her.

A sad look crossed the princess's face as she glanced away.

"Twilight!" said Flash glancing at Twilight behind her, an angry look on his face.

"You lied to me!" said Flash zooming over to the mane six, "How could you do that!"

"I had to!" exclaimed Twilight, "We promised Skystar that we would help her take a break away from Seaquestria! And losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend!"

"Forever!" proclaimed Pinkie Pie popping up from behind her.

"But I promised Queen Novo that I'd help her find her daughter," exclaimed Flash, "And breaking her trust would be the fastest way to lose her as a friend forever!"

Pinkie Pie opened her mouth to say something, but then stopped upon hearing his words.

"Huh, nice loophole.." she stated scratching her head.

"I'm sorry Twilight," said Flash floating down and putting a hoof on her shoulder, "But's it's my royal duty as Captain of the Guard tell Queen Novo about this, whether the Princess likes it or not.

A sad look came across Skystar's face.

"We understand completely," said Rainbow Dash putting a hoof on Flash's shoulder.

All of a sudden she picked the stallion up and tossed him into Thunderlane.

"Grab them!" said Rainbow Dash with a sly smile.

Applejack suddenly swung her lasso and tied the two stallions together. Pinkie Pie then began rolling atop of them like a barrel, and rode the right into a nearby broom closet. She then shut the door, and began nailing it shut with some planks and a hammer.

Skystar and Twilight looked at the scene in front of them speechless.

"Is that alright.." asked Skystar looking concerned.

"It's fine," said Twilight gritting her teeth, "Everything's fine.."

"Besides," said Rainbow Dash putting a hoof around Skystar, "We can always let them out later."

"Come on guys!" said Spike take Silverstream's claw, "I want to show Silverstream the Tambelon theater!"

"Ooh!" exclaimed Silverstream, "Sound's exciting!"

As the girls chased after Silverstream and Spike, we zoom in on the broom closet, sitting on the side of a building in the middle of the street.

"Thunderlane," said Flash from within the closet.

"Yes Flash," responded Thunderlane, also in the closet.

"I'm new to relationships.. Tell me, is this an appropriate time to be angry?"

"Yes," replied Thunderlane, "This is a personably reasonable time to be angry."

"Ah," Flash responded, "Thank you.."

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!" Flash Sentry shouted at the top of his lungs.

Hours later Rumble, Tender Taps, First Base, and Button Mash trotted down the streets happily enjoying the night. As colts passed a nearby building, they suddenly heard a loud knocking from an adjacent broom closet.

"That's weird," said Button Mash staring at the door nailed shut.

With a single glow of his horn, he began levitating the boards and nails away. Rumble then proceeded to open the door.

Flash Sentry and Thunderlane suddenly tumbled to the sidewalk along with numerous brooms and mops landing atop of them.

"Um, bro?" said Rumble.

He and the other colts looked down at the two stallions confused.

"What are you and Flash doing inside of a closet?

"Plotting.." said Flash panting angrily, "..REVENGE!"

"And I'm a dancing Pony!" a mare sung upon the stage hanging from a rope.

The ponies in the audience cheered, especially two particular hippogriff's in the front row. The mane six were happy to see them enjoying themselves, except for Spike and Rainbow Dash, who had been snoozing through the show.

"That was amazing," said Skystar, "We never had shows like this down in Seaquestria!"

"It's kind of hard to have them without dancing," said Silverstream.

"Well I'm so glad your enjoying yourself," said Twilight.

"Ya'll sure have a lot to tell yer friends when ya get back to Seaquestria," commented Applejack.

"Get back?" said Skystar excitedly, "I'm never going back!"

"What!?" explained everypony in a panic, even Silver Stream.

"Eh, what! What happened!" said Spike as he woke up.

"Um, I do beg your pardon," spoke up Rarity, "But didn't you say you were just staying in Tambelon for the day?"

"That was the plan," said Skystar, "but after everything I've see today, I've decided I want to see the rest of Equestria as well!"

"The rest of Equestria!?" cried out everypony in disbelief, even Silver Stream.

"Huh! Wha! I wasn't asleep!" said Rainbow Dash waking up.

"Um, cuz?" said Silver Stream smiling sheepishly, "Don't you think Auntie Novo will be upset when she finds out about this?"

"More to the point," said Twilight, "Don't you think she'll miss you?"

"Pfft, of course not," said Skystar brushing the idea off with a wave of her claw, "Besides, I'll be halfway to the Crystal Empire by the time she finds out I was even here!"

"SKYSTAR OF SEAQUASTRIA!" a loud voice boomed filling the entire theater.

There was a blinding flash of light, and suddenly Queen Novo appeared, a furious look on her face. She floated down to the stage, with Flash Sentry and Thunderlane close behind her.

"You are in big trouble young lady!" said the hippogriff Queen glaring down at her.

The mane six, Spike, Skystar, and Silverstream nearly leapt up from their seats in a panic. Everypony else in the audience just stared in confusion.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUN!" shouted Rainbow Dash as leapt up into the air.

She and Twilight flew ahead clearing a path for Skystar and Silver Stream, while the others rushed toward the aisle.

"Oh no you don't!" growled Flash Sentry with a furious look his face.

He and Thunderlane flew up into the air blocked off Twilight and Rainbow Dash's escape.

"Down here!" Applejack called out.

Skystar and Silver Stream flew down, as Applejack and Rarity lead them towards the exit.

All of a sudden, two guards burst out of the exit doors. The ponies and Hippogriffs screeched to a halt just before they reached the guards.

Two pairs or hooves suddenly grabbed Skystar and Silver Stream and pulled them into the rows of seats. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy led crept beneath cushions leading the two girls away. Flash and Thunderlane flew down to rows of seats, and began searching for signs of movement.

Flash suddenly noticed something and dove towards the movement. He quickly lifted it up revealing a nervous Spike in his hooves.

"Hehehe.. Hi guys," said Spike Sheepishly as Thunderlane and Flash glared at him.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie opened the side entrance of the theater, cautiously looking in all directions. She began waving her hoof, clearing Skystar and Silverstream to make a run for it out onto the streets.

The two Hippogriff's began running through the bust streets, trying to bend in with the large crowds of ponies and other creatures.

"Um, if you're planning to got to the Crystal Empire, you'd better start now," said Silver Stream nervously.

Skystar quickly began flapping her wings and flew her way up into the Tambelon sky. As she began making her way up to the clouds, a sudden appeared again revealing Queen Novo.

In a panic, Skystar quickly flew back down to the crowd, only to have her mother following close behind. As she began racing her way down the streets, two Tambelon guards blocked her path. Skystar turned to run, but Queen Novo had already landed behind her.

"That's enough Skystar!" said Queen Novo, "We're going home, Now!"

A mischievous look suddenly crossed Skystar's face.

"No!" Skystar proclaimed porudly.

"What!?" said Queen Novo angrier then ever.

The mane six quickly raced up the scene with Silver Stream close behind them.

"I said I'm not coming back to Seaquestria!" proclaimed Skystar, "And there's nothing you can do about it!"

Flash and Thunderlane landed behind the Queen, Spike on Flash's back.

"You are coming back to Seaquestria, young lady," said Queen Novo, "Even if I have to drag you back kicking and screaming.."

"Um, your majesty.." said Flash Sentry nervously raising a hoof.

"You can't make me do anything that I don't want to," said Skystar snapping her claws, "And even if you did, I'd just run away again.."

"Um, Skystar.." said Twilight cautiously, "I don't think this is a good way to.."

"I have had it with your disobedient attitude you lady," growled Queen Novo!

"Well I've had it with you nitpicking, your rules, and your lesson's on how to be the perfect princess," mocked Skystar.

"I can't believe I have raised such an ungrateful and disrespectful daughter!" snapped Queen Novo.

"Well then.." said Skystar beginning to tear up, "..Maybe I don't want to even be your Daughter!"

Skystar quickly covered her beak with her claws, realizing what she had just said. Everypony around them suddenly gasped in shock. Queen Novo just stood there, beak wide open, eyes wide as dinner plates, her bluster completely gone.

"Ooh, this is awkward," said Spike tugging at where his collar should be.

"It's just," said Skystar trying to get ahold of herself, "I want to see the world you know.. Get my wings dirty.. Maybe learn to dance and sing?"

Queen Novo thought for a moment, "So you want to see the world, huh.. Alright then, I'll allow it.."

"You will!?" said everypony around Queen Novo in disbelief, Skystar the most.

"I will," said Queen Novo with a sly smile.

Back in the Tambelon Arcade, everypony was gather around the Prance, Prance Revolution game. The Mane Six, Spike, Flash, Thunderlane, and Silver Steam looked on in amazement as Queen Novo and Princess Skystar stood on either side of the Dance platform. Tender Taps and button Mash stood in-between the two of them in front of the dance screen.

"The rules are simple," said Button Mash raising a bit, "One round of Prance, Prance Revolution.. Winner takes All!"

"If Skystar wins," said Tender Taps, "She get's to stay in Tambelon with Queen Novo's blessing."

"But if Queen Novo wins," said Button Mash putting his bit in the machine, "Skystar has to go back to Seaquestria."

The two colts quickly raced off the platform to watch with there friends.

"You sure you want to do this mom?" asked Skystar raising an eyebrow.

"Oh I think I'll manage," said Queen Novo

"Is this really a good idea," asked Fluttershy nervously, "What if Skystar wins and she never sees her mother again."

"Nobody can out-dance Skystar," said Rainbow Dash matter of factly.

"Does Queen Novo even know how to dance?" asked Spike.

"We're about to find out," said Twilight biting her lip.

"Ready.. Set.. Prance!" the machine proclaimed.

Skystar and Queen Novo began dancing as the music began. Skystar was following all dance steps with ease, when to her shock she noticed something. Not only was her mother following all the moves perfectly, she was getting bonus points.

"Well what do you know," said Queen Novo with a sly smile, "It seems that I have a knack for this."

Everypony in the arcade watched in awe as Queen Novo danced gracefully atop the platform.

"Where did she learn to dance like that?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"I don't know," said Silver Stream, "I didn't even know Auntie Novo could dance."

"Well, it looks like somepony's heading back to Seaquestria," said Pinkie Pie sadly.

Upon hearing this, Skystar realized she had to pick up her game. She started moving faster, trying the guess the next steps before they happened, in a desperate attempt to get bonus points.

"..Miss! ..Miss! ..Miss! ..Miss!" the machine repeated over and over again.

Everypony began to look nervous as Skystar began to flounder.

"Um Skystar.. You might want to tone it down a bit.." Twilight stated.

But Skystar wasn't listening, she was to busy trying to keep up. Queen Novo's points were quickly stacking up high above her daughter's. In a desperate panic, Skystar tripped on her own to hooves falling flat on the platform.

"The winner is Queen Novo!" Tender Taps proclaimed proudly.

Everypony in the arcade cheered wildly. All except the mane six, Spike, and Silver Stream who were to busy comforting Skystar.

Queen Novo trotted over to who daughter, still down on the floor. She reached out a claw and helped pull Skystar up.

"I once had dreams of seeing the world too," said Queen Novo with a smile, "Picked up a lot of things along the way, even a dance move or too."

"You wanted to see the world?" asked Skystar wiping away a tear.

"How do you think I met your father?" asked Queen Novo, "Did you forget I grew up on Mount Aris? I used to travel all ver Equestria and beyond looking for adventure. Until finally I settled in a little place called Seaquestria, and started a family."

Skystar gave a small smile starting to cheer up.

"I know how desperately you want to leave home and see the world," said Queen Novo Putting a hoof on her shoulder, "I was the same wash when I was your age. But that kind of adventure is fraught with danger.

Skystar frowned.

"If I am overprotective.." finished Queen Novo, "It's because, I'm worried about you."

Suddenly the two hippogriffs began hugging each other as mother and daughter.

"Awwwwwwww," said the mane six watching.

"Bleh," said Spike sticking out his tongue.

Twilight suddenly looked over at Flash Sentry who was standing next to Thunderlane.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Skystar sooner," said Twilight approaching Flash, "But I just really wanted to help Skystar out."

"I know I'm new at this relationship thing," said Flash, "But shouldn't we be honest with each other no matter what?"

"Your right," said Twilight with a sigh, "Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.."

"Forever!" proclaimed Pinkie Pie popping up one last time.

"You know, you could have just told us, what Skystar was up to, and we could have worked something out?" said Thunderlane.

"I was afraid Queen Novo would never let her leave home again," said Twilight sheepishly, "That she just wouldn't understand."

"Take a look," said Flash point to the Queen and Novo still hugging, "Does it look like she doesn't understand?"

"What do you say we extend our little trip to Equeastria," said Queen Novo releasing her daughter.

"Really!?" asked Skystar looking excited.

"Yes," said Queen Novo with a sly smile, " As long as I'm at your side at all times."

"Oh, right," said Skystar blushing.

"Can I come too?" said Silver Stream popping up between them.

Everypony suddenly began to laugh.

Later that night, at Castle Tambelon, Twilight Sparkle approached her parents reading room. Both the King and Queen were busy reading in comfy armchairs.

"Ah, Twilight," said Queen Velvet looking up from her book, "How was your day today."

Twilight approached her mother, and suddenly gave her a big hug.

"Mom," said Twilight, "I just want you to know that I love you!"

"I know," said Queen Velvet, "I love you too."

As Twilight Sparkle trotted away, King Nightlight looked over at his Queen in confusion.

"What was that about?" the King asked.

"I'll explain it to you later dear," said Queen Velvet with a smile.