My little pony Adventures season 3

by Kayceejr91

Better watch out you bad guys

A large crowd of ponies are gathered in front of the Comic Stable, most of the sport t-shirts and memorabilia for the television hero, the Mysterious Mare Do Well. At the head of the cheering fans stands Rainbow Dash, with Scootaloo, Soarin, and Spike behind her.

"Woooooooo!" the excited Pegasus cried out, "Mare Do Well! Mare Do Well!"

"Isn't she overreacting a bit," said Soarin.

"I'm sorry what?" said Spike pulling out earplugs.

"This is so exciting," said Scootaloo jumping up and down excitedly, "I can't believe I'm going to meet Galloping Gadot, the actress who plays Mare Do Well!"

"You're in luck Squirt," said Rainbow Dash proudly, "I just happen to know Galloping Gadot personally."

"Um, you met her one time," said Soarin rolling his eyes.

"The point is I know her!" said Rainbow Dash annoyed.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh!" said Spike abruptly, "Here she comes!"

A large stretch chariot pulled up in front of the comic shop. One of the doors swung open, and out stepped Quibble Pants with a smile.

"Fillies and Gentle Colts, allow me to introduce.. Galloping Gadot!"

From behind Quibble Pants, a slender pegasus stepped out of the chariot. She had a flowing black mane and wore a gorgeous sequent ballgown.

"I am the terror that Trot's in the night.." the Pony rehearsed confidently, "I am the highlight of your day.. I am, Galloping Gadot!"

The crowd of fans cheered loudly at the arrival of their hero.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" shouted Rainbow Dash as Gadot approached the entrance.

"Don't I know you from somewhere?" said Galloping Gadot as she passed by Rainbow Dash.

"She remembers me.." said Rainbow Dash practically in shock, "Yes I'm Rainbow Dash! I'm a friend of Quibble Pants! We met at the Con!"

"Yes I thought that was you," said Galloping Gadot with a smile.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" a small voice chimed from behind Rainbow Dash.

Gadot looked down to see Scootaloo, a huge smile frozen across her face.

"And who is this little filly," asked Gadot.

"Oh this is.." Rainbow Dash started.

"GALLOPING GADOT!" Scootaloo suddenly shouted out of pure excitement.

"What a coincidence," said Galloping Gadot, "that's my name too."

Rainbow Dash grabbed a hold of Scootaloo trying to calm her down.

"Um, this is Scootaloo," said Rainbow Dash looking embarrassed, "She's a big fan too.."

"Oh I can tell," Gadot replied.

"So miss Gadot," said Spike taking a photograph, "What brings you to Tambelon?"

"Galloping Gadot has a big announcement to make," said Quibble Pant approaching the Star from behind, "And she's personally chosen my comic shop as her venue."

"Probably because he begged her to," chuckled Soarin.

Galloping Gadot looked out at the large crowd of fans gathered before her.

"Everypony.." Galloping Gadot began, "Before we get to signing autographs.. I have a big announcement to make!"

"Told you," whispered Quibble Pants.

Everypony in the crowd suddenly became quiet, listening in with open ears.

"I am proud to announce that Applewood Studios is beginning production on the Mysterious Mare Do Well Movie!" Galloping Gadot proclaimed.

The entire crowd roared with excitement.

"Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" stuttered Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

"Yep," said Quibble Pants, "and I managed to get us all backstage passes as they begin shooting."

Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Spike all looked at each other in disbelief.

"YaHOOOOOOOOOOOO!" all three shouted so loudly it could be heard across Tambelon.

"Oh borther," said Soarin rolling his eyes.

The crowd of fans continued to cheer wildly at the announcement of the new film. What none of them seemed to notice was somepony in the shadows with a wicked scowl on her face.

A few weeks later, Rainbow Dash, Soarin, Scootaloo, Spike, and Quibble Pants were riding atop a large double decker bus, the sights of Applewood, Coltifornia passing them by.

"On your right," a tour pony spoke up from his microphone, "You'll see the famous Applewood theater.. Followed by the Applewood walk of fame!"

"Is everything here name Applewood?" asked Soarin in annoyance.

"Keep it down Soarin, we're trying to listen!" said Rainbow Dash intently.

The ponies continued down the streets of Applewood atop of their tour bus. Spike, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash looked about in awe at the numerous colorful sights and attractions that passed them by.

"Up next.." the tour pony continued, "We'll be making a stop at the world famous Apple Wood studios! ..Where they've started production on The Mysterious Mare Do Well Movie!'"

"Wooooooooooooooooo!," Spike, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash shouted, "Mare Do Well! Mare Do Well!"

"Kid will be Kids," whispered Soaring to Quibble Pants.

"Mare Do Well! Mare Do Well!" joined in Quibble Pants with the others.

Soarin gave himself a big hoof in the face.

The tour bus soon pulled up to a large oriental theater in front of a star studded walk of fame. A large water tower behind the theater held the image of a stallion in a horse shoe, announcing it was Apple Wood studios.

One by one the ponies unloaded from the.

"Well guys," said Soarin, "Should we head to the backlot?"

"Shhh!" said Rainbow Dash covering Soarin's mouth, "There it is.."

The blue pegasus stared in amazement at a single star on the walk of fame, which seemed to be glittering in the sun light.

"I don't believe it," said Rainbow Dash slowly floating over to the star that had left her speechless, "Do you guys know what this is?"

"No, not really," said Soarin rolling his eyes.

"It Lily Carter's Apple Wood Star of fame!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Who?" asked both Spike and Scootaloo.

"Whaaaaaaaat!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash in disbelief, " How..? Who..? Wha..? How can you be fans of Mare Do Well and not have heard of Lily Carter?!

Scootaloo and Spike stare at Rainbow Dash in confusion.

"Perhaps I should explain," said Quibble Pants calming down a steamed Rainbow Dash.

Quibble Pants smiled down at the young fans, "Lily Carter was the original actress who played the Mysterious Mare Do Well. She performed on the show way back when I was a colt."

"That's right," proclaimed Rainbow Dash proudly, "She basically invented the Mare Do Well that we all know and love today!"

"Then how come I've never heard of her?" asked Spike scratching his head.

"Well, no one's actually heard from Lily Carter in a couple of years," said Quibble Pants pulling at his collar, "Ever since she retired from the show, she's kind of dropped out of the spotlight.

"Never mind and of that!" said Rainbow Dash throwing a camera to Soarin.

Rainbow quickly squeezed herself, Spike, Scootaloo, and Quibble Pants down close to the star, "Soaring! Get a picture of us!"

Soarin rolled his eyes, "It's gonna be a long day.."

Back in the studio lot, numerous ponies in a large array of costumes walked about the elaborate set. A light brown stallion with a Scruffy Green beard and Pony tail walked over to a large trailer with a stare on the door.

"Miss Gadot," said the stallion knocking at the door, "We start shooting in Thirty minutes.."

"Not a problem Canter Zoom," replied Gallop Gadot from within the trailer.

The inside of the trailer was decked out with elegant furniture. From within a walk-in closet, filled with numerous decorative outfits, Gallop Gadot adjusted her costume.

"Hard to believe it still fits after all these years," said Gadot examining herself in the mirror.

The actress was so busy examining herself the mirror that she failed to notice a hoof opening the skylight above her.

"Miss Gadot" a voice called out, "You have some friends on the set who would like to see you."

"Ahh, Quibble Pants must have brought the others with him," sighed Gallop Gadot.

She quickly turned and began to head over to the door of the trailer. Just as she was about to turned the handle..


Gallop Gadot turned to see that a large safe had crashed down into the middle of her walk-in closet.

Rainbow Dash, Spike, and looked about in amazement. The ponies were standing right in the middle of Trotham City, or at the very least an incredibly set.

"This is amazing!" cried out Scootaloo in pure glee.

"I don't believe it!" proclaimed Spike, "They got everything exactly right!"

"Well not everything," Rainbow Dash, "The police station should be at the corner of Saddle and Main, not Hoofield and 18th."

She pointed up to street sign hanging above the set. Soarin rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Everypony, there's somepony I'd like you to meet," Quibble Pants stated.

He walked over to the group alongside the bearded pony from earlier.

"This is Canter Zoom," stated Quibble Pants show the stallion in a cakey vest, "He's the director for this entire production."

"Any friend of old Quibble Pants here is a friend of mine," the director said adjusting his glasses.

"CANTER ZOOM!" A large shill voice called out.

The group turned to see a chestnut colored mare dressed in a Mane-iac costume.

"What is it now Chestnut?" asked Canter Zoom looking exhausted.

"You promised that I would imported peanut butter praline crunch bars inside of my trailer!" the mare fumed, "How come there are no Imported Peanut Butter Praline Crunch Bars Inside My Trailer!?"

The actress then stormed off in a huff, fluffing her poufy blonde mane.

"Who in Equestria was that?" asked Rainbow Dash

"Chestnut Magnifico.." mumbled Canter Zoom, "She's co-starring in this movie alongside Gallop Gadot.. She's actually quite pleasant on a good day.."

"I'd hate to see her on a bad day.." whispered Spike to Scootaloo.

"Uncle Canter Zoom!" a voice called out.

A light green earth pony with a turquoise mane trotted up to Canter Zoom.

"..I steamed miss Gadot's costume just like you asked," said the young mare adjusting her glasses.

"Good work Juniper," replied Canter Zoom, "Now could you do your Uncle a huge favor? Go get some imported peanut butter praline crunch bars for Miss Magnifico.

The exhausted looking earth pony gave a large sigh, "Yes Uncle Canter Zoom.."

"Is she alright?" asked Soarin as he watched the tired pony trot away sadly.

"Oh that's just my niece Juniper Montage," explained Canter Zoom, "She's been helping me out around the studio, so she's been quite busy lately."

"Well of course she's been busy," stated Rainbow Dash, "but it's all worth it to make Mare Do Well the Movie!"

"Gallop Gadot on the set!" a voice called out.

Everypony cheered as Gallop Gadot stepped out on the backlot in her Mare Do Well costume. She smiled nervously as she viewed her adoring fans.

"Gallop Gadot," shouted Rainbow as she raced over to the star with Spike and Scootaloo close behind, "It's us! We came to watch you start shooting!"

"Oh.. that's wonderful.." said Gallop Gadot trying to avoid eye contact, "..I'm so happy you could make it here.."

"Are you alright Miss Gadot?" asked Quibble Pants.

"Yeah," said Soaring approaching from behind, "You look a little nervous?"

"Oh it's just a bit of stage fright," replied the mare brushing off their worries.

"Back off you guys! You're giving her stage fright!" exclaimed Rainbow Dash shooing the Stallions away.

"Okay Ponies!" said Canter Zoom speaking into a large megaphone, "This is the big opening scene! Everypony in their places.. And.. Action!

In the city of Trottham City a large bank suddenly exploded. Several large stallions wearing ski masks charged out of the building with large sack's of money. The thugs chuckle to themselves, as they load their loot into the back of an armored truck.

The camera zooms up to the top of a large skyscraper, where a mysterious silhouette looks over the scene below. A bright flash of lightning reveals it to be Mare Do Well.

"I am the terror that trots in the night.." the heroine stated, "I am mother to this city.. And this city my child.. I am the mysterious Mare Do Well!"

"She's so awesome whispered Rainbow Dash" to Scootaloo.

"Shhhh.." whispered Canter Zoom to the pony behind the camera, "All right Ponies let's move on to the big opening stunt!"

Up on the skyscraper, a large tether was suddenly attached to Gallop Gadot's costume. The brave actress then leapt off of the top building and zip lined down towards the villains below.

As everypony watched this, they failed to notice a pair of eyes staring down from the rafters above.

All of a sudden, one of the ends of the zipline began to fray, finally snapping. Everypony watched in terror as Gallop Gadot began to tumble down to the set far below.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" shouted Rainbow Dash.

Everypony searched the ground below, but Gallop Gadot was nowhere to be found.


They all looked back up to see the pegasus flapping her wing, and floating in midair.

"Calm down everypony.. I can fly remember?" Gallop Gadot stated.

"Oh.. right.." said Rainbow Dash looking embarrassed.

A short time later Canter Zoom and a few of the other set ponies examined the tattered remains of the zipline.

"I just don't get it," said Canter Zoom scratching his head, "I personally double checked the entire set this morning.. Everything should have been working fine.."

Rainbow Dash, Quibble Pants, Soarin, Spike, and Scootaloo watched the investigation in shock and confusion.

"I don't get it," said Quibble Pants, "It's not like old Canter Zoom to make a mistake like that.."

"I don't he madee a mistake said Soarin," said Soaring.

"Well somepony made a mistake," said Rainbow Dash furiously, "Gallop Gadot could have been smashed flat."

"Um, guys," said Scootaloo looking over at a far corner of the set, "Where is she going?"

Everypony turned to see Gallop Gadot trying to sneak off of the set unnoticed.

A serious look suddenly crossed Rainbow Dash's face.

Gallop Gadot trotted down a lonely hallway of Applewood studios. Posters of numerous movie decorated the walls all around her, and she could swear the eyes of the ponies on them were following her.

All of a sudden she had a distinct feeling she wasn't alone.

Gallop Gadot turned and gave a swift kick with her hind leg, pinning somepony to the wall.

"Excuse.. me.." said Soarin, Gadot's hoof on his neck, "Could you please.. let me down.."

Gallop Gadot lowered her leg and saw that Soarin was joined by Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, and Spike.

"What are you all doing down here?" asked Gallop Gadot regaining her composure.

"We were going to ask you the same thing," stated Rainbow Dash, "Why aren't you on the set with everypony else?"

Gallop Gadot looked about the room nervously, "I can't quite explain it.. But I have a strong suspicion that what happened on the set wasn't an accident.."

"What do you mean?" asked Spike.

"Something else happened.." continued Gadot, "..In my dressing room.. I know that it's silly.. But I can't help but feel that.."

"That what?" asked Scootaloo.

Gallop Gadot leaned into the ponies closely, "That somepony is out to get me.."

"What!?" shouted Rainbow Dash, grabbing ahold Gallop Gadot, "What Pony!? Who!? How!? When!? Why!?

"I don't know.. I don't know.. I don't know.. and I don't know.." said Gallop Gadot off of her, "But don't want anypony to know about this.. If the director finds out he might the entire production.."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" asked Soarin.

Everypony suddenly glared at him.

"Would that be so bad!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash grabbing Soarin by the face, "Would that be so Bad!? Of course it would be bad! It would ruin her career! Not mention disappoint hundreds upon thousands of her fans!"

"Precisely," said Gallop Gadot, "Which is why it's best that I take care of this matter myself.."

"By running away?" asked Spike.

"Of course not," proclaimed Gallop Gadot proudly, "I was just going to do a bit of investigating.. I am a bit of a detective you know."

"I didn't know that," said Soarin.

"Hellooo!" proclaimed Rainbow Dash knocking on Soarin's head, "Have you watched any of her 276 episodes!?"

"I must have missed a few.." said Soarin rolling his eyes.

"Oh I've got an idea!" said Scootaloo jumping up and down, "We've seen every episode of Mare Do Well ever right?"

"Right.." said Rainbow smiling, as if she already knew what she was about to suggest.

"So why don't we do some investigating too!" Scootaloo proclaimed.

"You read my mind Squirt," said Rainbow Dash ruffling Scootaloo on the head.

Gallop Gadot smiled, "That's very kind of you all.. but I don't think.."

"Pleeeease!" said Rainbow Dash with big pleading eyes, "It's always been my dream to solve a case with Mare Do Well.. Please, please, please, Please!"

Gallop Gadot sighed, "Very well, you can help me.."

"YES!" shouted Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Scootaloo leaping up into the air with joy. As they trotted off after Gallop Gadot chattering happily, Soarin stayed back and rolled his eyes.

"This was supposed to be a relaxing vacation.."

"Are you sure this is the spot?" Rainbow Dash asked.

She and Gallop Gadot were back in the trailer, examining the large safe that had somehow crashed through the ceiling.

"I'm almost positive," said Gallop Gadot rolling here eyes.

"Hmmmmmm.." said Rainbow Dash as she looked back and forth from the safe and the ceiling.

"How do you think it got in here," said Rainbow Dash flapping up towards the ceiling.

"My guess would be the skylight," said Gallop Gadot.

"But look! The glass isn't broken! How did it get in here?" Rainbow Dash stated gesturing towards the skylight.

"I guess someone must have opened it," Gallop Gadot shrugged.

Rainbow Dash smiled, "Was it locked?"

A look of realization crossed Gallop Gadot's face, "Yes, I'm almost positive it was!"

"Then that means who ever dropped this safe must have had a key!" said Rainbow Dash raising a hoof in triumph.

"But only ponies on the set have a key to this trailer," Gallop Gadot pointed out.

"Which means," said Rainbow Dash rubbing her chin with a smile, "Someone on the set must of dropped this safe.. Someone who wants you out of the way!"

"But everyone on the set is depending on this movie," pointed out Gallop Gadot, "Why would anypony want me out of the way."

"Well you're my agent aren't you?! Figure it out!" a voice shouted.

Rainbow Dash and Gallop Gadot both jumped with a start. They quickly rushed over to the window the trailer to investigate the commotion. At the side of the trailor stood Chestnut Magnifico, unaware of the ponies spying at her.

"I don't care if I'm under contract!" shouted Chestnut into her cellphone, "This picture is a joke, and I want this thing shut down! Do you hear me?!"

The two pegasi watched as Chestnut Magnifico stormed off in a huff.

"Did you hear that!?" asked Rainbow Dash looking excited, "Chestnut Magnifico wants out of the movie!"

"I don't understand?" stated Gallop Gadot looking confused, "Canter Zoom said she practically begged to be in this picture.."

"Yeah," said Rainbow Dash slyly, "but I bet she wanted to be the star of the picture! Now she's trying to get you out of the way!"

"I don't know," said Gallop Gadot looking doubtful."

"How else do you explain this," stated Rainbow Dash, "Come on, we've got to tell the others!"

"Well this looks like the spot," stated Soarin.

He, Spike, and Scootaloo were up in the rafters above the set, examining the spot where the zipline had snapped.

"It looks like the zipline just fell apart," said Scootaloo examining the frayed edges of the tether.

"It looks like it," stated Soarin, "but it's not.."

"W-wh-what do you mean," asked Spike holding on tightly to a girder.

"Look closer," said Soaring picking up the tether, "A part of this rope has been cut.. Just enough so that it would snap under Gallop Gadot's weight."

"How do you know that?" asked Scootaloo with a raised eyebrow.

"Your brother and I used to pull the same trick on the royal guards all the time," said Soarin congidently.

"But why would anyone want to hurt Gallop Gadot?" stated Scootaloo.

"A-a-and who would have the courage to climb this high," said Spike nervously staring at the ground far below.

"Either someone want's to be the new Mysterious Mare Do Well," said Soarin, "or somepony has a serious axe to grind with Gallop Gadot.."

"But Uncle Canter Zoom..!" called out a voice from down below.

Spike, Soarin, and Scootaloo looked down to see Juniper Montage following her Uncle across the set below.

"I don't want to here it Juniper," mumbled Canter Zoom looking down at his notepad.

"But you promised I could a role in this movie!" exclaimed Juniper desperately.

"I said you could have a role in one of my movies eventually," corrected Canter Zoom, "This motion picture is to big for us to take any risks."

"But Uncle Canter Zoom..!" Juniper Montage continued.

"You have to pay your dues first Juniper," said Canter Zoom raising an eyebrow, "Need I remind you it was your job to check the zipline this morning.."

"But that wasn't my fault," proclaimed Juniper, "If you could just give me a chance..!"

"That's enough Juniper, this conversation is over," finished Canter Zoom.

The ponies and Spike watched from above as the director and his niece walked off.

"Did you hear that?! asked Scootaloo.

"Yeah," said Soarin, "Juniper Montage was in charge of checking the zipline this morning.."

"And she want's a role in the movie!" pointed out Scootaloo, "Maybe she's behind this!"

"It's possible," said Soarin, "but we should discuss it with the others before we jump to any conclusions."

"G-good," stuttered Spike, "C-c-c-can we get down from here now..?"

"I'm telling you," stated Rainbow Dash, "It's got to be Chestnut Magnifico!"

"No!" proclaimed Spike, "It's gotta be Juniper Montage!"

The four ponies and Spike were meeting in Gallop Gadot's trailer.

"Chestnut Magnifico wants out of the movie!" pointed out Rainbow Dash.

"Juniper Montage was in charge of checking the zipline!" returned Spike.

"Enough!" proclaimed Soarin as he got between the two, "Look we already have two suspects with two different motives.. But we can't start arguing over which of them is guilty.

"He's right," proclaimed Gallop Gadot, "We don't have any clues to prove either of them are responsible."

"So how do we get clues?" asked Scootaloo.

"Well the simplest way would be to investigate both of our suspects and see what we can find.." explained Gallop Gadot.

"Great," said Rainbow Dash with a sly smile, "So I say we trot over to Chestnut Magnifico's trailer and see what he's hiding."

"Excuse me," said a voice.

The ponies and Spike all turned to see Quibble Pants at the door of the trailer.

"I don't need to interrupt, but Canter Zoom says that he needs Gallop Gadot back on the set," Quibble Pants stated.

Gallop Gadot sighed, "Sorry everyone.. I have a big fight scene with the Maniac to film.."

They all watched as Gallop Gadot trotted off following Quibble Pants.

"I don't know about you guys," proclaimed Rainbow Dash with a serious look, "But I know that Chestnut Magnifico is behind this.. And I say we start looking for clues immediately!"

Spike, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash glanced around the edge of Gallop Gadot's trailer. All three glanced at Chestnut Magnifico's trailer on the other side of the room.

"Okay everypony, GO.." whispered Rainbow Dash.

The three of them carefully snuck over from on trailer to the other, trying there best no to make a sound. As they made it to the Chestnut's trailer, the three backed up against the wall of trailer, trying there best not to be seen.

"All right everypony, on the count of three.." Rainbow Dash whispered, "One.. Two.."

All of a sudden Soarin burst through the door of the trailer. Spike, Scootaloo, and Rainbow Dash looked at him coming out of the trailer dumbfounded.

"The trailer is empty guys," said Soarin looking annoyed, "Everypony is on the set filming the movie.."

"Oh.. Right.." said Rainbow Dash blushing.

All four entered inside of the trailer. It was surprisingly dark, with articles of clothing and candy wrappers tossed about the room.

"Ewwwww.. Doesn't she ever clean up?" stated Scootaloo going through her dirty laundry.

"Keep looking guys," said Rainbow dash going through a mess of crunch bar wrappers, "There's got to be a clue proving Chestnut is behind this somewhere."

"Um guys.." said Spike looking rather nervous, "I really don't think Chestnut is behind this.."

"Ugh.. Don't start that again Spike.." groaned Rainbow Dash.

"Why do you think Chestnut is innocent Spike?" asked Soarin.

"Because," chattered Spike peaking into the closet, "Chestnut Magnifico is right here.

The small dragon swung the door open. Everypony gasped at the sight of Chestnut Magnifico bound and gagged within her own closet.

"Quiet on the set!" called out Canter Zoom into a large megaphone.

Everypony was preparing for the big fight scene between Mare Do Well and Mane-iac. Pieces of rubble and shattered buildings were being added to the set of Trottham City. The lights were dimmed as flashing of lightning began to appear in the background.

"Are you sure you want to got through with this?" asked Quibble pants.

He was speaking to Gallop Gadot as she approached to the set in her Mare Do Well costume. She was nervously looking about the room.

"The show must go on," she said with a sigh.

Gallop Gadot placed her mask over her face and walked out onto the set.

"Alright then.. Where's my Mane-iac?" called out Canter Zoom.

The figure of a pony in a Mane-iac costume slinked from out of the shadows. Her face was hidden by her wild and unruly green mane.

"Ah, Chestnut.. There you are," stated Canter Zoom, "Gadot's already on the set, so let's film this thing already!"

The Mane-iac smiled slyly, and slowly trotted out onto the set to join her costar.

"All right," shouted Canter Zoom, "Action!"

Rain began to pour down upon the city of Trottham as the Mane-iac and the Mare Do Well faced each other down for the last time.

"It's over Mane-iac! You're tyranny over Trottham City ends today," Mare Do Well proclaimed.

The Mane-iac said nothing, she stood there and smiled wickedly.

Mare Do Well looked confused, "Um.. It's over Mane-iac! You're tyranny over Trottham City ends today!"

The Mane-iac still just stood there and smiled silently.

"You're supposed to say, 'But Mare Do Well.. The tyranny in Trottham has just begun'," whispered Gallop Gadot through her mask.

"Cut!" shouted Canter Zoom, "Alright Chestnut, what's going on?"

"Gallop Gadot!" shouted out a voice.

Everypony on the set turned to see Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Spike, and Soarin racing onto the set in a panic.

"That's not Chestnut Magnifico!" shouted out Rainbow Dash.

The Mane-iac smiled. All of a sudden to large tufts of her hair reached out and grabbed ahold of Gallop Gadot's hooves. Two more tufts of hair stretched down to the ground and acted as a pair of large legs. The Mane-iac began climbing a large buingind on the set, carrying a panicked Gallop Gadot along with her.

"How is she doing that?!" asked Soarin in disbelief.

"We designed the Mane to be mechanical," shrugged Canter Zoom with a nervous smile, "It seemed like a good idea at the time."

The ponies watched in a panic as the Mane-iac climbed higher and higher with Gallop Gadot in tow.

"I'm coming Miss Gadot!" proclaimed Rainbow Dash.

She quickly stepped backwards, and zoomed up in the direction of Gallop Gadot. Before she could even reach her, two more of the Mane-iac's tufts of hair shot out and began swiping about the air, batting Rainbow Dash.

"I'm coming Dash!" shouted Soarin.

He quickly sailed upwards and joined Rainbow Dash. The two pegasi dodged and dove between the Mane-iacs tendrils, trying to get to Gallop Gadot.

Spike and Scootaloo watched nervously from below. All of a sudden Scootaloo noticed something off to the side.

"Come on, Spike! I have an idea" proclaimed Scootaloo as she pulled the chattering Dragon along with her.

Back up in the air, Gallop Gadot began to squirm her way out of the Mane-iacs coils. The pony in the Mane-iac costume was so distracted by Rainbow Dash and Soarin, she didn't notice. Seeing her opening, Gallop Gadot swung on one of the tufts of Mane, and landed atop of the Mane-iac.

"Who are you?!" shout Gallop Gadot as she clung onto the Mane-iac pony's neck.

The Mane-iac just growled as she tried to shake the actress off of her.

Down below Spike and Scootaloo walked back onto the set carrying along a large trampoline with them.

"Brilliant guys!" proclaimed Quibble pants realizing what there plan was.

He quickly joined the two of them, and helped them move the trampoline directly beneath the Mane-iac.

"Rainbow Dash!" shouted Scootaloo, "Down here!"

The young filly caught he idol's attention, who smiled as she quickly caught onto the plan. Rainbow Dash gave off a large whistle, signaling Soarin and Gadot who quickly caught on.

Rainbow Dash and Soarin nodded at each other, and both quickly flew up towards the ceiling above.

"You had a brilliant plan Mane-iac.. But you forgot one important detail!" smiled Gallop Gadot.

Soarin and Rainbow Dash quickly turned and did a nose dive directly towards the Maniac. Gallop Gadot let go of her foe.

"I can fly!" proclaimed Gallop Gadot flapping her wings.

The movie star watched as Rainbow Dash and Soarin charged directly into the villain, and flew her all the way down into the trampoline below. There was a large crash as the Mane-iac pony crashed through the trampoline head first. Rainbow Dash and Soarin quickly used the opportunity to tie up the fiend with her own mane.

The ponies and Spike looked down on the Mane-iac now completely secured in her own weapon.

"So what do you think of that ending?" asked Rainbow Dash as put a hoof around Quibble Pants.

"Now that's how you end a Mare Do Well Movie!" proclaimed Quibble Pants proudly.

A short while later, everypony on set was gathered around the tied up pony in the Mane-iac costume.

"So this isn't Chestnut Magnifico?" asked Canter Zoom confused.

"Nope." stated Soarin, pointing to the starlet, "We found her tied up in the dressing room."

"I was just in the middle of getting out of a ridiculous documentary about 'nests' around the world," proclaimed Chestnut, "When this maniac snuck wearing my costume!"

"And since Chestnut was 'tied-up' at the time up the time of the crime.." stated Rainbow Dash, "No offense!"

The pegasus floated over to the Mane-iac and place a hoof on the fiends shoulder.

"That can only mean this pony is none other then Juniper Montage!"

"Did somepony call my name," a voice cried out.

Everypony turned to see Juniper Montage entering through the stage doors.

"I'm sorry I'm late uncle," proclaimed Juniper looking exhausted, "It took me forever to find those imported peanut butter praline crunch bars that Miss Magnifico wanted!"

Everypony looked back at the Mane-iac pony dumbfounded.

"But.. If it wasn't Juniper.. And it wasn't Chestnut.. Who is this Pony?" proclaimed Rainbow Dash!"

"There's only one way to find out," stated Gallop Gadot.

The actress in Mare Do Well's clothing quickly grabbed ahold of the Mane-iac's wig and pulled it away, revealing a light grey pony with a pitch black.

Everypony gasped at the snarling mare before them.

"Lily Carter!?" Everypony proclaimed.

"Who?" asked Soarin still confused.

"She was the actress who used to play Mare Do Well before miss Gadot!" proclaimed Scootaloo stomping her hoof.

"Haven't you been paying attention?" asked Spike crossing his arms.

"But.. This doesn't make sense!?" exclaimed Rainbow Dash in disbelief, "Why would the original Mare Do Well want to stop The Mysterious Mare Do Well Movie!?"

"Because it's not fare!" shout the former actress glaring at Gallop Gadot, "Why does she get all the fame and glory that comes with being Mare Do Well when I'm stuck with nothing!?"

"But you wanted to retire from the role," stated Gallop Gadot confused.

Lily Carter sighed sadly, "When I retired from the role of Mare Do Well, I thought that I'd be moving onto bigger and better thing. Nopony wanted to hire me because all they remembered me as was a a cheesy super hero.."

"Everyponys' favorite superhero," stated Quibble Pants looking down at his hero in dissapointment.

Two security ponies showed up at trotted away with Lily Carter in tow. Everypony watched in sadness as the former actress was walked off the set.

"I'm so sorry for trouble I've caused everypony," said Gallop Gadot, "I had no idea the Lily Carter was so jealous of me.."

"It's not your fault," said Soarin, "You were just trying to make your fans happy, that pony was only trying to make herself happy."

Gallop Gadot looked over Rainbow Dash, Quibble Pants, Spike, Scootaloo, and everypony else on the cast and crew. As she all her fans looking to there hero, a look of confidence slowly began to cross her face.

"Well everypony," proclaimed Gallop Gadot, "We've got a movie to make!"

Everypony on the set cheered at the sound of Gallop Gadot's words.

"I can't thank you all enough," stated Canter Zoom as the ponies on the set got back to work, "Thank's to you, Mare Do Well the Movie is back on schedule."

Rainbow Dash, Spike, and Scootaloo blushed and shuffled in place.

"You know," said Canter Zoom tapping his chin, "We may have some room for a few more extras on our set."

Rainbow, Spike, and Scootaloo looked at each other in utter amazement.

"YaaHOOOOOOOOOOO!" all three of the shouted, leaping up into the air with joy.

"Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" proclaimed Quibble Pants, has he hugged Soarin tightly, trying to contain himself.

"Wonderful.." said Soarin rolling his eyes.

"We might even have some room for the best assistant an Uncle could have," said Canter Zoom drawing his niece close.

Juniper Montage blushed at her uncle's compliment.

Elsewhere in Applewood, a pony drawn prison carriage carried a distraught Lily Carter far away from the set of Mare Do Well the movie.

"So, they think they can toss me away like yesterday's newspaper.. Just replace me the new edition all prim and proper.. Well I am the terror that Trots in the Night.. I am the pony that haunts you're nightmares.. Every hero needs a villain.. And I'm happy to play the part.."
