My little pony Adventures season 3

by Kayceejr91


It was a nice beautiful day in the Tambelon gardens. Fluttershy and Angel Bunny were walking down the path together.

"Oh Angel, thank goodness we were able to finish up these errands. I would certainly hate to disappoint the King and Queen," Fluttershy chimed.

Angel Bunny nodded his head and continued to hop down the path with a basket. All of a sudden the small white rabbit noticed something. He desperately waved his paws in the air trying to warn Fluttershy.

"What is it Angel," Fluttershy pondered watching her rabbit friend, "There's something in the sky?"

Angel Bunny frowned. He continued his gestures, hopping up into the air and slamming down to the ground face first.

"There's something falling from the sky?" Fluttershy guessed.

Angel Bunny scowled and turned Fluttershy's head around. The yellow pony looked up to see a large tree was beginning to lean over right in their direction.

"Huh! That tree is going to fall.. Right on top of us!" Fluttershy gasped.

Angel Bunny pawed himself on the face. The trunk of the tree slowly crinkled and cracked away, until finally the tree dropped right towards the two of them.

Fluttershy clutched onto Angel Bunny tightly as the shadow of tree began to engulf them. All of a sudden a bright flash of black lightning zoomed down and swooped Fluttershy and Angel Bunny up.

As Fluttershy opened her eyes, she realized that she and Angel Bunny were in hooves of Thunderlane. The guard pony flew them up to the top of the wall, and set them down.

"Are you all right Fluttershy?" Thunderlane asked with concern.

"Oh yes.. Thank you so much for recuing me and Angel," Fluttershy replied.

"Hm-hmm.. No problem Fluttershy," Thunderlane coughed, "Just doing my duty as a Royal Guard.."

"Well, I best going," said Fluttershy picking up Angel and flapping into the air, "I promised Angel Bunny that we'd go on a picnic after we finished the royal errands."

"Yes, yes.. Very good," said Thunderlane trying to avoid eye contact, "Carry on.."

He looked away as Fluttershy flew off into the distance. When she was finally out of sight he gave a large sigh.

"That the was one of the saddest things I ever saw in my life.." said a voice behind Thunderlane.

The black pegasus turned to see Cheese Sandwich and Soarin snickering behind there friend.

"..And I've seen quite a lot of things!" proclaimed Soarin mockingly.

"Oh, the things he's seen!" said Cheese joining in on the joke.

Thunderlane frowned at the pony's laughing and egging him on, "Aren't you two supposed to be guarding the northwest wall?"

"We are on the northwest wall," pointed out Soaring, "Aren't you supposed to be doing recon over the castle?"

Thunderlane blushed, "I.. Well.. That is.. I was right in the middle of it when I noticed that Fluttershy was in trouble!"

"Oh right Fluttershy.." said Soaring ribbing with Cheese.

"In trouble.." said Cheese joining in on the fun.

Thunderlane Scowled, "Just what are you trying to imply?"

"Just admit it Thunderhead," said Soarin with a smile, "You were spying on Fluttershy because you LOOOOOOVE her!"

"That's none of your business!" said Thunderlane, his face quickly growing red, "Now why don't the two of you get back to work!"

Thunderlane flew back up into the air in a huff. He rolled his eyes at the two ponies still laughing on the wall below. When he finally got up into the air and was far out of their line of sight, he slumped over in disappointment.

"Oh Fluttershy, what am I going to do.." sighed Thunderlane.

Later that night, Thunderlane was in the Royal in the Barracks enjoying a book. Numerous guard ponies were enjoying dinner with him in the Royal mess hall. Across the room from him Soarin and Cheese could be seen making kissy faces at him as they enjoyed there dinners. Thunderlane growled, and tried his best to bury himself within the pages of his book.

"Hey Thunderlane.." a voice chimed in behind him.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!" shouted a furious Thunderlane into the face of the pony behind him.

A dumbfounded Flash Sentry looked into Thunderlane's face confused.

"Flash..!" panicked Thunderlane as he tried to salute, "I mean Captain..! I'm so sorry! That is to say..! I didn't realized that..!"

"Whoa, whoa! Buddy, get a grip!" proclaimed Flash, trying to grab ahold of his panicked friend.

"Ugh.. If only those two would get a grip," said Thunderlane pointing to Cheese and Soarin.

"Oh boy, what have those idiots done now," said Flash rolling his eyes.

"Nothing much," proclaimed Thunderlane, "There just wearing me down to my last nerve!"

Flash glanced over to Cheese and Soarin who were now mouthing the words, "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

"This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with Fluttershy would it?" asked Flash raising and eyebrow.

"Was it that obvious," asked Thunderlane with a sigh.

Flash sat down beside Thunderlane, "Listen buddy, why don't you just tell Fluttershy how you feel already?"

"It's not that simple Flash," said Thunderlane with a sigh, "I've had these feelings for Fluttershy for as long as I can remember. Even when I was a colt I had feelings for her."

"Sounds like it's about time you asked her out on a date," pointed out Flash.

"I couldn't possibly do that," sighed Thunderlane, "Fluttershy is such a delicate, sensitive thing.. She would never be interested in a violent brute like me."

Flash rolled his eyes, "Look, take it from a guy who waited way to long to ask a filly out.. All because those two idiots were mocking him.. There's no time like the present!"

Thunderlane slumped over in indecision.

"And just between you and me.. What do those two idiots know," Flash said pointing to Soarin and Cheese, "They don't even have girlfriends!"

Thunderlane began to chuckle, and then the two Stallions laughed together.

A short time later, Thunderlane trotted over to Fluttershy's cottage, on the outskirts of the palace. Numerous royal animals of every size and shape slumbered outside of it soundly. As Thunderlane approached the door, he paused and prepared himself on what to say.

"All right then, here we go.." Thunderlane stated practicing his lines, "Fluttershy, we have been friends for quite some time now.. Therefore I believe it is time we became more than friends.. Would you please accompany me for a lovely evening on the town.. There will be fun and joy and merriment.. That should do it!"

Thunderlane was about to knock on the cottage door, when he suddenly froze, "I can't.. I just can't.."

The pegasus turned and began to trot away sadly. He was so down on himself, that he failed to notice the long stripped tail lying directly in his path.

"RAAaaaaoooooOOR!" a large tiger roared as it was awakened from it's nap.

"Uh-Oh," mumbled Thunderlane.

The great beast began to chase the pony back and forth around the cottage much to Thunderlane's terror. The noise was so loud, it woke up all of the other animals in the yard. A light turned on from within the cottage, and Fluttershy stepped out rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"Stripykins!" Fluttershy cried out in a panic, "You stop this behavior this instant!"

The tiger screeched to a halt in midair, just as it was about to pounce on Thunderlane.

Fluttershy gave the stiped cat a stern look, "You know better than to pounce on other ponies."

The tiger landed on it's feet and grumbled to himself as he slowly walked away from a startled Thunderlane.

"Thunderlane?" called out a confused Fluttershy, "What are you doing here so late?"

With the tiger gone, Thunderlane quickly regained his composure, "Fluttershy..! Um.. Lovely evening isn't it?"

"Oh, yes," said Fluttershy with a shy smile.

Thunderlane coughed into his hoof, "I hear that it's going to be a lovely evening tomorrow as well.."

"I suppose it is," said Fluttershy sheepishly.

The animals around the cottage glared at Thunderlane, impatiently waiting for him to get to the point.

"Say.." said Thunderlane, sweat dripping down his brow, "Since it's supposed to be such a lovely evening tomorrow.. Why don't we spend it together?"

"Oh," said Fluttershy, "Well that sounds lovely!"

"Yes," said Thunderlane with a nervous smile, "Yes it does!"

"I'll tell Twilight and the others," Fluttershy continued, "and you can tell the boys.. And we'll all.."

"NO!" cried out Thunderlane with a start, "I was thinking we would spend tomorrow evening.. Just the two of us?"

"Oh," said Fluttershy, "I suppose that would be nice.."

"Yes," said Thunderlane nervously, "Very nice indeed!"

"Well, this has been...strange," replied Fluttershy as she walked back into her cottage.

"Yes.. It certainly has," replied Thunderlane blushing brightly.

"Well.. I'll see you tomorrow then," Fluttershy stated holding the door.

"Yes you will," replied Thunderlane.

The stallion watched as the young mare, slowly closed her cottage door shut. When she was finally out of view he heard a small clapping sound at his hooves.

Thunderlane looked down to see Angel Bunny clapping his paws very slowly at Thunderlane's performance.

"Knock it off," growled Thunderlane to the small bunny.

The next morning the mane six were all enjoying breakfast at there favorite café.

"Aww yeah," said Rainbow Dash pumping her hoof, "I'm telling you guys.. Sunset tonight.. The six of us.. In Cloudsdale.. At the Wonderbolt Finals!"

The other mares smiled at there friend's excitement.

"Sorry Rainbow Dash," said Fluttershy sipping her tea, "I can't make it tonight.. I have other plans.."

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!" cried out Rainbow Dash in utter horror, "How can you have plans tonight!? We've been planning this for months! It's the Wonderbolt Finals!"

"I'm sorry Rainbow," said Fluttershy with a smile, "But I had a change of plans at the last minute.."

"What's going on Fluttershy!" asked Twilight curiously.

"Is there something going on Sugar Cube," Apple Jack asked in confusion.

"Teehee.. It's the funniest thing," Fluttershy chuckled to herself, "but Thunderlane asked me to spend the evening with him tonight.. Just the two of us.."

Everypony at the table suddenly stared at Fluttershy, blank expressions on their faces.

"Thunderlane asked to spend the evening with you?" Twilight asked raising an eyebrow.

"That's right," said Fluttershy with a smile.

"Tonight?" said Rainbow Dash crossing her arms, "Just the two of you?"

"Is there something wrong girls," asked Fluttershy looking confused.

The ponies all looked at each other gritting there teeth.

"Well Darlin," said Rarity smiling nervously, "It sort of sounds as if Thunderlane has asked you out on a date."

"A Date!" said Fluttershy nearly leaping out of her seat, "Why would he do that?"

"Uh, because he has a massive crush on you.." stated Rainbow Dash.

"WHAAAAAAAAAT!" cried out Fluttershy nearly falling back in her seat.

"You seriously didn't know?" stated Twilight in disbelief.

"Even I knew that one!" said Pinkie Pie matter of factly.

"But I.. I didn't.. That is to say.. If I had known.." Fluttershy stuttered, her composure quickly falling apart.

"Uh oh, it's happening again guys," said Rainbow Dash.

"Settle down know Sugar Cube," replied Applejack comforting her friend, "There ain't no use cryin' over spilt milk."

"That's right," said Rarity coming to Fluttershy's side, "After all, ponies get asked out on dates all the time."

"I don't remember spilling any milk," stated Pinkie Pie in confusion.

"The point is," replied Twilight, "We're all here for you."

"Um, HELLOOO!" cried out Rainbow Dash, "Wonderbolt Finals!? Tonight! Non-Refundable Tickets!?"

"Rainbow Dash!" stated Rarity with a huff, "Can't see that one of our very close friends needs us tonight?"

"I need you guys tonight!" Rainbow stated.

"You could always go with somepony else," pointed out Applejack.

"What if I have to go on tonight!?" stated Rainbow Dash, "I'm in the Wonderbolt Reserves remember!? I'll need you guys for moral support!"

"I really doubt that's going to happen," stated Twilight matter of Factly.

The five friends began to argue with each other. As they did so, Fluttershy slowly began to sink beneath the table, trying to hide herself.

"ENOUGH!" shouted a large voice with a crash of thunder and lightning.

The six ponied looked down at the center of the table. In the middle of there breakfast spread sat a tiny Discord, leaning on a spoon in the honey.

Discord suddenly poofed to normal size, "I will assist Fluttershy with her date tonight!"

The five ponies suddenly frowned at Discord.

"Absolutely not!" proclaimed Twilight pointing an accusing hoof.

"Uh, What! Don't you trust me?" said Discord

"After those stunts you pulled on my first date with Flash? Not in the slightest!" shouted Twilight

"Oh, this is completely different," said Discord rolling his eyes.

"Oh really," said Applejack, "How so?"

"Simple," said Discord picking up Fluttershy and holding her tightly, "I like Fluttershy better than all of you combined!"

"Hey!" said Pinkie Pie looking offended.

"Gee, thank for clearin' that up," replied Applejack with a frown.

"The point is," said Discord putting a claw on his hip, "I would never do anything to hurt Fluttershy's feelings!"

"That is true," said Twilight, "He is always way nicer to Fluttershy the rest of us."

"Yeah.. Why are you always so nice to Fluttershy anyway?" Rainbow Dash asked raising an eyebrow.

"We have a history together," replied Discord.

"We do?" asked Fluttershy confused.

"So what do you say girls?" asked Discord teary eyed, "Won't you give me this one chance to help my dear friend Fluttershy?"

Everypony eyed the Draconquus suspiciously.

"It's okay girls," said Fluttershy hugging Discord, "Rainbow Dash needs your support tonight.. I can get along fine just with Discord.."

Later that night in Fluttershy's cottage Discord was assisting Fluttershy in finding the right dress.

"Discord, I hardly think all of this is necessary," said Fluttershy as a few of her animal friends helped her put on an outfit.

"But of course it's necessary," said Discord brushing Fluttershy's worries aside, "After all you only get on first date with Thunderlane, and you want to make sure that it's one to remember."

"But don't you think that this is a little much?" Asked Fluttershy as Angel funny put a fancy hat on her.

"Well the hat is going a little to far," said Discord snapping his claws.

The hat instantly vanished and Angel bunny crossed his arms at Discord.

"I meant do I really need to dress up for this?" continued Fluttershy looking nervously in the mirror.

"Do you need to?" stated Discord in exaggeration, "Fluttershy if there's one thing I've learned in a thousand years it's that appearance is everything!"

Discord snapped his fingers and music began to play.

"I can tell I'm being forward"

"But you can count on Uncle Discord"

"He can turn this little foal into a mare"

Discord appeared behind Fluttershy in front of the mirror

"Your whole look could you shake up"

"You can borrow all my makeup"

"And a couple mane extensions for your hair"

Fluttershy looked at how big and poufy her mane had gotten and frowned, "Um, no thanks..."

"Treat the whole world like your runway"

"Make if fierce but in a fun way"

"Try to wave your hair"

"Like Alicorns will do"

Discord proofed several cute and classy dresses onto Fluttershy

"And I don't mean to be rude, dear"

"But you could use some attitude, dear"

"Let's show the world that tonight belongs to you"

An endless runway suddenly appeared in Fluttershy's cottage, and she and Discord to walk down it.

"One thing's universal"

"Life's no dress rehearsal"

"So why not make some waves before it's through"

"Go big or you've blown it"

"It's time that you own it"

"Let's make it clear that tonight belongs to you"

Discord poofed them back in front of the mirror and began holding out a few dresses in front of her, "Now, whatever we choose, we have to remember to sell it!"

"How do we do that?" asked Fluttershy confused.

"Allow me to demonstrate," Discord gestured proudly.

A runway appeared in the corner of the room, and Discord appeared on it pose in snazzy suit.

"You might find this disconcerting"

"But old Discord's done some flirting"

"Try to bat your eyes"

"Smize each time you grin"

Fluttershy smiled,

"I can your agenda"

Discord poofed himself and Fluttershy into a costumes

"You be Luna"

"I'm Celestia"

"It's makeover time so why not just give in," they both sang together

"Come on!" Discord stated.

They both walked down the runway singin

"One thing's universal"

"Life's no dress rehearsal"

"So why not make some waves before it's through"

"Go big or you've blown it," Discord winked

"It's time that you own it, Fluttershy exclaimed

"Let's make it clear that tonight belongs to you"

"Belongs to Meeeeee!" Fluttershy sung out loud.

Meanwhile in the castle Barracks, Thunderlane was getting some unwanted help himself.

"Uh guys, are you sure about this?" asked Thunderlane, pulling at the suit he was wearing uncomfortably.

"Relax buddy," said Flash putting a hoof over his friend, "Trenderhoof helped me out with my first date."

"Trust me," said Trenderhoof magicking a tie around Thunderlane, "I know a thing or two about pleasing the mares."

"Well I hate to sound conceited"

"But the mares get overheated"

"When I strike a pose or two like thus"

Trenderhoof posed several times in front of his friends

"And you really must admit it"

"Even Fluttershy will dig it"

"Let's make it clear that tonight belongs to us!"

"Excuse me?" asked Thunderlane confused

The rest of the Stallion six appeared and began pushing Thunderlane toward Fluttershy's cottage.

"One thing's universal"

"Life's no dress rehearsal"

"Excuse us while we state the obvuious"

"Go big or you've blown it"

"It's time that you own it"

"And make it clear that tonight belongs to us"

What none of them realized was that in a dark corner of Tambalon a dark deal was being done.

"It's a simple job," said familiar and menacing penguin, "You just have to take care of our mutual enemy, and everything else will fall into place.."

The giant bird handed a large bag of coins to a fierce looking Minotaur.

"Would you care to elaborate the details?" Minos asked

Charlatan smiled,

"I don't like ponies getting in my way"

"Or anyone who messes with what Sombra says"

"Well, maybe just me"

"But trust me"

"Fixing little problems is what I do"

"Now Sombra will be happy, I promise you"

"And I would never make a deal I couldn't break up"

"You're my Coup de main"

"Now make that Stallion feel your pain"

Back at the palace the Stallions were pushing Thunderlane up to Fluttershy's cottage much to his chagrin.

"One thing's universal"

"Life's no dress rehearsal"

"Excuse me while I state the obvious"

"Go big or you've blown it"

"It's time that you own it"

"And make it clear that tonight belongs to"

"Make it clear that tonight belongs to"

"Make it clear that tonight belong"

The door cottage suddenly swung open.

All of the stallions stared in awe as Fluttershy appeared wearing a stunning green dress. Green vines climbed up her hooves and her mane was done up with flowers. Her animal friends tweeted and chirped around her like a princess. Thunderlane was speechless, as were his friends.

"You see I told you he'd like it," said Discord appearing behind Fluttershy with a smile.

Fluttershy blushed nervously.

Thunderlane finally shook himself out of his shock, and tried to stutter out words, "D-d-d-d-d-d-You look lovely Fluttershy! H-h-h-Who id you're hair?"

"Hm-hmm, thank you Thunderlane," Fluttershy chuckled, "Discord helped a bit."

"Guilty as charged," Discord stated raising his hand.

"W-well then, w-we'd better get going," stuttered Thunderlane as he walked Fluttershy to the palace walls.

The rest of the stallions watched as the two walked off, their jaws dropping wide open. Discord slithered up beside them and smiled.

"Close your mouths boys."

Right outside of Tambelon there stood a fancy restaurant right by the sea. Ponies could sit on a large veranda watching the waves crash upon the beach.

"This is a lovely restaurant, Thunderlane," stated Fluttershy.

"I thought you would like it," said Thunderlane, "It's right by the water, so you can watch the sea life while you eat."

"Ooh, I hope we see some Dolphins," said Fluttershy.

The two ponies walked into the restaurant and were greeted by a green teenage stallion, with sea turtles for a cutie mark.

"Welcome," said the young earth pony adjusting his tie, "My name is Sandbar and I will be your waiter this evening."

The young stallion led the two pegasi to a table outside on the large veranda. Little did they notice that there was a large customer eyeing them from behind a menu.

"Here are you're seats," said Sandbar setting down there menus, "Are specials tonight is the Seaweed Scampi, please let me know when you're ready to order."

The young pony trotted away as Fluttershy and Thunderlane sat down.

"So what do you think," asked Thunderlane nervously.

"Um, I think the spaghetti with squid ink looks nice," said Fluttershy trying hid behind her menu, "So long as the squids gave permission to use their ink that is.."

"I meant, what do you think of our date so far," asked Thunderlane sweating.

"Oh," said Fluttershy blushing, "It's nice."

"Nice," said Thunderlane looking concerned.

"Well, I don't have a lot to compare it to," said Fluttershy rubbing her shoulder.

At a table not to far away, two figures in trench coats watched the date from behind large menus.

"This is embarrassing," Discord muttered, "Somepony has got to spice things up a little."

He began to raise his claw, only for Flash to stop him.

"No! No! Not again!" said Flash, "We are not going to interfere with there date, we are just here to watch!"

"Well somepony had better tell those two," said Discord pointing in the direction of the happy couple.

To Flash's horror he saw Cheese and Soarin dressed as Mariachi's. They played romantic music as they approached Fluttershy and Thunderlane's table.

"Trenderhoof..!" said Flash whispering to someone below the veranda, "Code Morons..!

From underneath the Veranda Trenderhoof whispered into a walkie talkie, "Thunderlane, we have a Code Morons.. Proceed with caution.."

Back up on the veranda, Thunderlane disguised as a waiter rushed over and grabbed ahold of Soarin and Cheese, dragging them away.

"Oh so I'm not allowed to interfere, but they are," said Discord crossing his arms.

Flash hoofed himself in the face.

Inside the restaurant, Troubleshoes pulled Chees and Soarin inside of the kitchen. He pinned them both up against the wall and snarled at them.

"What in tarnation do ya'll think yer doin'!" growled Troubleshoes.

"Trying to set the mood," smiled Cheese as he strummed on a guitar.

Trouble shoes frowned, "What else could go wrong tonight?"

"Uh, guys," said Soaring noticing something outside the kitchen window, "Doesn't that guy out there look familiar?"

The three stallions looked outside the kitchen door, two see Minos picking himself up from his table, and walking over to the Veranda. He cracked his knuckles as he did so.

"Yeah," agreed cheese, "He kind of looks like that minotaur from Manehatten. You know the one who hate's Thunderlane, and wants to smash him into to ground.

Looks of horror crossed Soarin and Troubleshoes faces.

"Uh, Trenderhoof," Troubleshoes whispered into his walkie talkie, "We have a problem.."

Back on the Veranda, Flash and Discord watched as Fluttershy Thunderlane struggled to make a conversation. It was clear that they both were quickly getting bored. As Flash leaned into the table, he suddenly heard a whisper from down below.

"Troubleshoes," asked Flash looking over the edge, "He what? HE's Where!?

Flash looked back up in a panic, "Discord!"

"Hmm?" mumbled Discord looking up from a video game.

Flash pointed over to the figure of Minos approaching Thunderlane from behind.

"So, are you enjoying the ocean view?" asked Thunderlane unaware of Minos behind him.

"It's nice," repeated Fluttershy, not noticing Flash pouncing on Minos. "It would be better if we could see some dolphins."

"Waiter," whispered Thunderlane as Flash pulled Minos back into the restaurant.

Sandbar walked over to the table, not noticing the other three Stallions piling onto the Minotaur.

"Is there way I can help you sir?" Sandbar asked.

Back inside the restaurant Minos was hopping around trying to throw the four stallions off of him.

"Is there anyway you could get me some dolphins," Thunderlane asked gritting his teeth.

Back in the restaurant Discord was wearing a referee uniform. He blew a whistle trying to red card Minos.

"That's unsportsmanlike conduct son," Discord shouted, "One more move like that and I'm throwing you out of the ring!"

Suddenly, Minos grabbed ahold of Discord's, "I have come to far to get my revenge on Thunderlane! I am not about to be stopped by some ponies and.. Whatever this is!"

The minotaur tied Discord into a knot and then tossed him aside.

"Um, we don't control when the dolphins show up sir," Sandbar replied nervously adjusting his tie, "but I might be able to get you some sea turtles?"

"Do whatever you can.." Thunderlane whispered. He looked back at Fluttershy with a nervous smile.

"I have to say Thunderlane," said Fluttershy nervously adjusting her food, "I was really surprised when you asked me out for dinner tonight.

"You were," stated Thunderlane growing quite nervous. He was so tense he failed to notice Minos approaching.

"It's just.. I'm not entirely sure why you asked me out to dinner tonight.." Fluttershy said blushing brightly.

"You're not," asked Thunderlane, beads of sweat dripping down his coat.

"You know," Fluttershy said desperately trying to smile, "Rainbow Dash had the funniest reason for why you asked me out tonight.."

"She did?!" asked Thunderlane nearly jumping out of his seat. He failed to notice Minos was about to put his hands around his neck.

Fluttershy swallowed hard, "She said.."

All of a sudden an entire swarm of seagulls flew over there table. Several of the seagulls flew directly into Minos's face, knocking him backwards, and all the way off the Veranda. A long falling sound could be heard followed by a large crash.

"I couldn't get you any sea turtles," said Sandbar racing to the table, "but I was able to get a whole mess of seagulls."

Thunderlane glared at Sandbar furiously.

"Oh, these seagulls are lovely," said Fluttershy looking at one of the birds resting on her hoof.

"Yes they are," said Thunderlane quickly changing his expression, "Now what is that you were saying earlier?"

"Oh," said Fluttershy, "I was just saying that.."

"ENOUGH!" proclaimed Minos as he burst out of the floor of the Veranda, tossing Fluttershy and Thunderlane's table aside.

"Minos!" proclaimed Thunderlane with a furious look on his face, "I thought you were back in Manehatten Penitentiary!"

"An old friend asked for my early release," said Minos cracking his knuckles.

"I'll have you back by morning," Thunderlane proclaimed charging at the fiend.

Minos grabbed Thunderlane by the neck, just as he was about to make contact.

"Now we finish this personally," said Minos with a wicked smile.

All of a sudden the Minotaur noticed some tiny punches hitting his leg.

"Leave him alone you big bully!" said a furious Fluttershy trying to fight him off.

"Perhaps we settle this somewhere private," Minos said annoyed.

The Minotaur quickly leapt up into the air and down to the beach below. Fluttershy and Sandbar looked over the edge of the Veranda in horror.

Down on a dark secluded section of the beach, Minos threw a beaten and bruised Thunderlane into the sand.

"Is this you're whole plan Minos," growled Thunderlane struggling to pick himself up, "You really are all muscle and no brain."

"Oh this is just for my own entertainment," said Minos lifted up a large boulder, "The real fun is about to begin."

He slammed the boulder down on Thunderlane who winced in pain. Minos then pulled out a large rope and began tying the rock to Thunderlane.

"I've arranged for a special boat to take us out sea. Once we are far enough out, you my old friend are going for a little dip.

Minos failed to notice the silhouettes of two ponies hiding behind a couple of large rocks. From behind them Fluttershy and Sandbar crouched down watching in a panic.

"Oh I am so gonna lose my job for this," said Sandbar, "I never actually lost a customer to sea before!"

"We have to do something." said Fluttershy nervously looking over the rocks, "we can't let that big bully sink Thunderlane like a rock!"

The two ponies watched as Minos tossed Thunderlane into a rowboat, now tied to a boulder. He began to row the tow of them out to sea.

"If only I had my surfboard," said Sandbar undoing his tie, "but I left it back at the hotel."

"Wait, you surf?" asked Fluttershy curiously.

"Of course, my family lives on this beach," Sandbar replied.

"I don't suppose you know any of the local wildlife?" asked Fluttershy with a smile.

"A few," replied Sandbar, "Why?"

Fluttershy gave a large grin.

A large storm began brewing out at sea. Minos's boat tossed and turned against the waves as he led Thunderlane further out to the waters. When they finally came to a stop, Minos gave Thunderlane a wicked grin.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this Thunderlane," Minos cackled wickedly, "My revenge for all of those years locked up in a Tambelon prison!"

"Do me a favor," growled Thunderlane, "Wait a little longer."

Minos raised the boulder above his head with Thunderlane tied to it, "Now you will get what's coming to you Lieutenant!"

"Yahooooooooo!" a large voice cried out from the distance.

Minos turned to a pod of Dolphins headed directly towards his boat, Fluttershy and Sandbar riding on top of them.

"Surf's up everypony!" Sandbar cried out in excitement, "It's time to hang hoof!"

"No, no! Not again!" said Minos furiously.

He quickly tossed Thunderlane down into the water and watched as he sunk.

"Dive down Bottlenose!" said Fluttershy to the dolphin she was riding.

The dolphin sank down into the water Fluttershy atop of it. The young mare held her breath as led her dolphin down to Thunderlane, who was sinking fast. As Thunderlane struggled, the Dolphin snapped his jaws onto the ropes and began to tear them apart.

Fluttershy quickly grabbed ahold of Thunderlane and tossed him onto the back of the Dolphin alongside her. The dolphin quickly broke to surface bringing both ponies along with him.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp!" Thunderlane proclaimed desperate for air, "Fluttershy.. You saved my life.."

The small Pegasus smiled shyly.

"Oh no she has not!" the voice of Minos proclaimed.

The minotaur quickly rowed his boat directly towards the two ponies, preparing to ram them. Thunderlane and Fluttershy held onto each other for dear life.

"WooooooHooooooo!" the voice of Sandbar proclaimed.

The young pony rode an entire swarm of dolphins directly over Minos's boat. One the dolphins slapped it's tail directly into the minotaur, knocking him into the water.

"Better luck next time Minos," said Thunderlane as he hopped onto a dolphin alongside Fluttershy, "Have a nice swim back to shore."

The three ponies rode the pod of Dolphins away, leaving Minos splashing about in the sea behind them.

Back on the beach the sun began to rise over shoreline. Fluttershy and Thunderlane watched the sunrise while Sandbar tended to the dolphins.

"I'm sorry our evening didn't turn out the way we planned," Thunderlane said sadly as he rang out his drenched tux.

"It's alright Thunderlane," smiled Fluttershy ringing out her dress, "I actually enjoyed this part much better than the dinner."

The ponies smiled at each other trying there best to look each other in the eye.

Finally Thunderlane spoke up, "Fluttershy, what did Rainbow Dash say about our dinner tonight?"

"Well," said Fluttershy with a smile, "Why did you ask me out to dinner tonight?"

"Well," said Thunderlane nervously scratching the back of his head, "The thing about that is...that is I'm trying to say...We've known each other a long time... And I.."

All of a sudden Fluttershy gave Thunderlane a small kiss on the cheek. The stallions whole face suddenly turned pink.

Further down the beach, the Stallions were running to catch up, with Discord and the rest of the Mane Six close behind.

"This'd better be good!" growled Rainbow Dash, "I had to miss the end of the Wonderbolt Finals for this!"

"I told you before!" shouted Flash, "Thunderlane has been kidnapped by that jerk Minos!"

"Every will be fine!" exclaimed Twilight, "We can still catch up to them before anything bad..!"

"Shhhhhhh," said Sandbar halting the Mares and Stallions in there tracks, "You're gonna ruin the moment."

He pointed over to Fluttershy and Thunderlane standing at the edge of the shoreline. The two ponies stared into each others eyes lovingly, the sun rising in the background behind them.

"Huh.." said Soarin, just as confused as the rest of the ponies, "I guess they didn't need out help after all.."

"You see," said Discord with a smile, "I told you they didn't need our help!"

Everypony rolled there eyes.