My little pony Adventures season 3

by Kayceejr91

A baby born part 1

Dark purple bolts of Lightning were flashing over Midnight Castle. Within the throne room, King Sombra levitated the four Keys of Tartarus around him.

"These keys alone may not be enough to free the Titans.." Sombra mumbled, "but they are enough to Free something else.."

The four keys glowed purple as they began to form a circle. As they rotated around, a strange portal began to appear in-between them. As the portal grew wider, lighting began to shoot out of causing it to grow unstable. Just as it was about to collapse, a pony like figure fell out and hit stone floor below him.

"Oomph!" said the stripped figure in a purple suit and top hat. He looked up at the menacing figure of Sombra before him.

"Hello Zeb.." King Sombra said with a wicked smile.

"King Sombra!" the cunning Zebra said dusting himself off and tipping his hat, "A pleasure to finally meet you after all this time.."

"Stop kissing up to me.." Sombra growled, "I assume you know the reason of freed you from Tartarus.."

"But of course!" said Zeb picking himself up, "I assume you need my personal expertise on the Keys of Tartarus?"

"Hardy.." said Sombra rolling his eyes, "But you are the only creature who knows how to use them properly.."

"So I take it you need a demonstration?" Zeb said adjusting his tie.

Sombra smiled wickedly, "Precisely.."

All of a sudden the doors to the throne room swung open revealing Catrina. Behind her stood Ahuizotl, Ma Hydia, Queen Chrysalis, and Lightning Dust. She led the villains into to throne room who gathered around a nervous Zeb.

"Allow me to introduce my inner Circle.." Sombra gestured Zeb towards the villains, "The one's who lead my numerous forces across Equestria.. I thought that you could educate them with you're so called knowledge of the keys.."

Zeb tugged at his collar nervously, "Well, I could show them a little something.."

The Zebra picked up the key of Envy witch he had been using for years as a cane.

"For generations, my family has been watching over this Key of Envy.. Making certain that it never fell into the hands of evil!"

"A fine job they did," Ahuizotl whispered causing the other villains to snicker.

Zeb scowled at the villains snickering, "I on the other hand spent my time learning to master it's mysterious powers.."

"What Power? The power to bore creatures to tears with boring conversations?" Ma Hydia cakled.

All the villains chuckled to themselves.

"No.." said Zeb a wicked grin crossing his face, "The power to grant Wishes.."

"In that case I wish a daffodil and daisy sandwich," cried out Lightning Dust.

The villains burst out laughing at the pegasus' joke. None seemed to notice that Zeb's key was beginning to glow purple.

With a wave of Zeb's cane a giant sandwich suddenly appeared above Lightning Dust. The laughter suddenly screeched to a halt, as the humongous sandwich fell to the ground crushing Lightning Dust beneath it.

"One last thing.. The wishes always come with a price!" Zeb smiled with a toothy grin.

"Interesting.." Sombra said with a smile, "What other powers to the keys possess..?"

"Well.." said Zeb picking up another key, "The Key of Lust has the Power to make others fall in love with you.."

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "We already know that you fool.."

Before she could finish Zeb hit Chrysalis with the green light of the key of Lust. Suddenly her eyes grew wide with large pink hearts.

"I Love You!" Chrysalis cried out flying to Zeb and holding him tightly, "I Love You! I Love You! I Love You! I LOVE YOU!"

Zeb dropped the key causing Chrysalis to snap back to her senses.

"Of course it doesn't create real love.." Zeb continued, "But it does create strong feeling of infatuation.."

Chrysalis backed away, her face turning bright red from embarrassment.

"What does this here Key do?" said Ma Hydia picking up another key.

There was a sudden bright flash of yellow. When it disappeared, everyone saw that Ma Hydia had turned into to gold.

"That would be the Key of Greed.." said Zeb taking the key from Ma Hydia's frozen claws, "And it has the power to turn anything to solid gold.. As well as any creature.."

Zeb waved the key and Ma Hydia turned back to normal.

"It can also turn ponies to stone.. But that's a lot less valuable.."

"I have had plenty of experience with that myself," said Ahuizotl, "Trying to snatch that key from that annoying Temple.."

"And what about this one..?" said Sombra floating the final key to Zeb.

Zeb smiled wickedly as he looked at the other generals.

From outside of Midnight Castle, a bright flash of red filled the window of the Throne room. From within castle loud screams could be heard as long as a hideous roar.

When the light subsided, everyone in the throne room except for Sombra and Catrina could be seen cowering at the sight of Zeb holding the glowing red key.

"For obvious reasons this key should only be used for the direst of emergencies.." Zeb smiled.

"Brilliant!" Sombra said triumphantly, "I knew I made the right decision freeing you from Tartarus..!"

Sombra put a hoof on Zeb and spoke to his remaining minions, "My followers..! I have a very important mission for all of you..!"

Back at Tambelon Castle, Princess Twilight Sparkle could be seen writing on a piece of parchment, as looked down on Tambelon from her tower.

"Dear Shining Armor," Twilight wrote, "A lot has changed in Tambelon since you left.."

She glanced down at the Royal guard gathering below.

"Flash Sentry already shown that he is more than capable of leading the Tambelon guard.."

"Okay Stallions," said Flash nervously to the Guard Ponies, "Here's what we have on tap for today!"

Flash glanced over to Thunderlane who was standing next to him.

"ThunderLane? What do we have on tap for today?" Flash whishpered.

ThunderLane rolled his eyes, "Perhaps we should start with some basic drill?"

"Right," said Flash, "Let's start with some basic drills!"

Twilight smiled from above, "Luckily he has Thunderlane to help show him the ropes."

"Soarin and Rainbow Dash have been getting along a lot better now.."

Twilight looked down to see Soaring and Cheese participating in the drills down by the castle wall.

"Hup.. Two.. Hup.. Two.." Soarin chanted as he and Cheese trotted forward.

All of a sudden to large splashes of water poured down on them from above, soaking them both.

As the Stallions picked themselves up, they suddenly heard laughter from above. The two of them looked up, to see Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie laughing high above them with freshly emptied buckets of water.

"Gotcha!" Rainbow Dash stated with a sly smile.

"Why YOU!" Soarin gritted his teeth in anger, as he suddenly zoomed upwards toward the two pranksters.

"Uh oh," said Rainbow Dash as she zoomed away right before Soarin could catch her.

"DyaHahahaHa!" giggle Pinkie Pie as she fell back laughing at the sight of the two pegasi.

"And Pinkie Pie has been teaching Cheese about pranks.."

"Speaking of getting along," continued Twilight, "Rarity and Trenderhoof have been going steady!"

Down at a fancy restaurant somewhere in Tambelon, Trenderhoof can be seen handing Rarity a bouquet of flowers, causing her eyes to grow wide with glee.

"Luckily Spike doesn't suspect anything.."

"Applejack and Trouble Shoes have been getting close too.."

Down at the castle farm, Trouble Shoes can be seen helping Applejack and Big Mac pick apple. The two ponies glance at each other for a moment, and then look away blushing.

"Although they might not be willing to admit it.."

"Surprisingly Fluttershy has been spending an awful lot of time with Discord of ponies.."

"Thank you for joining me for tea Discord," Fluttershy said softly.

Down in the castle gardens, Fluttershy and Discord sat atop of a floating picnic blanket with many of her animal friends.

"It was my pleasure Fluttershy!" said Discord with a smile, "Would you care for sugar or cream?"

A dancing bowl of sugar and a cow suddenly appeared beside Fluttershy. She and Discord laughed at the ridiculousness of it all.

Off in the distance, ThunderLane watched with a scowl on his face.

"Thunderlane hasn't been to pleased with this.."

"As for the Cutie Mark Crusaders.."

"Okay girls" said Scootaloo with a smile on her face, "Here we go!"

She had her Scooter parked atop of the castle staircase, high up in the tallest tower. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle sat tightly on the back on the scooter, glancing nervously down at long seemingly endless flight of stair below them.

"Are you sure about this Scootaloo?" aske Sweetie Belle, "I've never even heard of a pony getting a cutie mark in extreme stunts before?"

"Me neither!" said Scootaloo, "But Spike said it was awesome!"

"Scootaloo Snap Shutter Allgood!" a voice cried out.

The girls looked down to see Spike n Span exactly flight below them pointing an accusing hoof in the girls direction.

"Don't you dare ride that Scooter down the Castle Staircase!"

"To late!" said Scootaloo, "Geronimo!"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" cried out Applebloom and Sweetie Belle as the Scooter zoomed down the staircase.

"EEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Spik n Span as the the Scooter headed right for him.

A large crash could be throughout the entire castle, startling Twilight as she wrote.

"Some things never change.." said Twilight with a smile as she rolled her eyes.

"As for me.." Twilight continued, "I've just been enjoying all the peace and quiet that's been going on in Tambelon lately.. Sombra hasn't made a move in quite a while, and it's given me plenty of time to do some research... Hope you are doing well.. You're LSBFF Twilight Sparkle.."

Twilight wrapped the parchment in a bow and tossed it over to Spike.

"Spike, you know what to do!" Twilight said.

Spike smiled and let out a breath of green fire, light the parchment ablaze.

"I wonder why Shining Armor hasn't responded lately," said Spike wiping his mouth.

"Oh it's fine," said Twilight going back to her writing, "I sure he already has plenty to do in the Crystal Empire."


A sudden piece of parchment appeared from Spikes mouth and landed on the floor in front of him, much to his surprise.

"What's this?" asked Twilight walking over and picking up the parchment.

As she opened it and began to read, her eyes slowly began to grow wider and wider.

"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Twilight Sparkle could be heard all the way across Tambelon, even at the restaurant that Rarity and Trender Hoof were eating!

"Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!" Twilight Sparkle cried out passing by Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, all piled atop of Spik n Span and the crashed scooter.

"Yes, yes, yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yeeeees!" Twilight continued as she raced past Discord and Fluttershy's picnic, glanced by Thunderlane still spying on them, zoomed past Applejack and Trouble Shoes picking apples, whooshed past Soaring putting Rainbow Dash in a headlock, and tackled Flash Sentry down to the ground.

"Twilight?!" Flash exclaimed startled by the smiling Alicorn standing atop of him.

"What in tarnation is goin' on over here?" asked Applejack followed by Troubleshoes.

"Is everything all right?" said Fluttershy followed by Thunderlane.

"Is it time for the season premier already?" Discord asked appearing out of nowhere.

Twilight smile grew wider and wider until finally she burst out screaming.


Later the mane six stallions, Spike CMC, and Discord were raiding a train to the crystal empire once again.

"By the way Discord," Thunderlane said to the sprite of chaos. "Where were you doing the whole wedding?"

"Oh I was..." Discord eyes were darting back and fourth. "Just meeting an old acquaintance. But anyway should we discuss this weeks episode?"

"Can't believe that prince Shining Armor and princess Cadance are having a baby!?" Applebloom stated

"I can't believe how quickly the plot of this story is going!" said Pinkie Pie

"What?" asked Scootaloo

"Aw that's just Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie." said Sweetie Belle "Anyway I bet Twilight, is the most excited out of all of us."

"I would know." Said Spike "She hasn't said a word sends she got the new." He pointed to Twilight setting at her set paralyzed with excitement.

"Twilight you okay?" Flash said while waving his hoof in front of her face.

"Let me try something." Said Rainbow Dash she then licked her hoof and put it inside her hear.

"My brother is having a BABY!" Twilight shouted

"EEEWWW! Rainbow you know how much I hate that!" Twilight shouted.

"Well how else are we supposed to snap you out of it?" Said Rainbow Dash.

"Still." Said Twilight "But lucky for you I don't care right now, Because I'm took thrilled to care! Because..."

"Your brother is having a baby!" Everyone on the train groaned at once.

"Sorry." Twilight said embarrassed. "It's just I never had a chance to be an aunt before."

"We know you excited Twilight." Said Applejack "We all are."

"Hey Twi." Flash said "And if you need help to foal-sit you can ask me. I've been looking after my younger Scoots Frist and Tapes all the time."

"Umm.. You never foal-sat us once." Said Scootaloo looking confused only for flash to give her a big nudged. "I mean oh yeah his great with foals!"

Twilight rolls her eyes with a smile. "Thank you flash I'm sure the baby will be happy about it."

The soon the group saw the crystal empire appearing in the distance.

"Huh guys." said Soarin confused. "What's with all the guard ponies?"

Up in the skies above the crystal empire numerus pegasi in full uniform flew over the city, a large magical force fielded also surrounded the covered the city. Preventing any pony for coming in.

"Well this is the first Alicorn baby to be born in over a thousand years, of course their going to be cautious." Said Twilight

"Not to mention the attack at the royal wedding." Thunderlane pointed out.

"Holed on a second!" Said Cheese "What do you mean first Alicorn in a thousand years? What you brother, Cadance, and all those other alicorns born in the last thousand years?"

Twilight rolled her eyes again. "We weren't born Alicorns we earned our Alicorn powers magically, There hasn't been a pure blood alicorn since princess Luna was born."

Twilight then thought back to the day she became one.

Flashback to when Twilight was a filly.

"Twilight." Said Celesta to her young student. "Do you know what these items are?"

She the pointed at an old mask, a warned solve, a blindfold, a shield, a beautiful flower, and an ancient book.

"Well I know this book belonged to Star Swirl the bearded said the young filly.

Celestia smiled "These six items once belong to the pillars of Equestria, Long ago they casted a spell on themselves in order to ad Equestria in future. It took my father centuries finally able to gather them all together."

"Why are they here in Templon?" Ask Twilight confused

"Your father thought it was a good idea to put them all on display so everypony see." Said Spick N Span while dusting off the shield.

"Never mind that." Said Celestia "I thought you might be interested in looking at this Twilight."

She flipped thought the pages thought of Star Swirl the Bearded's book. Till finally she came to the spell she was looking for.

"From one to another," Twilight read, "another to one. A mark of one's density singled out alone, fulfilled.."

Twilight looked from the book confused, "That doesn't make sense! It doesn't even rhyme!"

"This was Star Swirl the Bearded's last unfished work," said Celestia, "A spell he was never able to fully solved. Many ponies have tried to figure it out, but none have succeeded. Perhaps you'll figure it out one day Twilight."

As Celestia left to go and talk to Spick N Span, Twilight looked at the spell curiously,. all of a sudden she got an idea she pulled out a quill and started writing something on the page. Suddenly there was a bright flash of magic that felled the entire room Spick N span and Celestia were blinded by the light. When eyes clared they were amazed to see Star Swirl and the rest of the pillars standing amongst their old items.

"Celestia?" Said Star Swirl "Were are we and who is this young alicorn?"

Twilight Sparkle picked herself up and looked at he back. To her amazement she saw to small purple wings spurting out of her. "I'm an alicorn Yes! Yes! YES! YES!"

"Yes! Yes! YES! YES!" Twilight was shouted thought out the whole train.

"Twilight! Twilight!" Said Flash tackling the alicorn "Get a grip!"

"Oh Sorry again." Twilight blushed of empresses.

"Are you alright sugar cub?" Applejack asked

"Yes." Twilight said still blushing

Meanwhile Back at midnight castle

Cujo and the Diamond dogs were walking down the hall to Sombra's throne room.

"Listen boneheads." Said Cujo "If abended me again, I'll rip you to shared!"

"We had to boss." Said Rover "It's was the only way we can get Sombra to break you out of prison."

"I don't want to hear excuse." Cujo said "Just don't let it happen again."

Cujo slammed to door open to King Sombra's throne room. "Guess who's back!"

Everyone in the throne room glared at Cujo return.

"What this the castle of the living dead?" Said Cujo

"Humm...Boss." Said Spot "King Sombra is not very happy with you right now you may not want to push it."

"What King S is happy to see me." Said Cujo

"Silence you imbeclie!" King Sombra shouted "I'd would have let to rot in Templon prion if these three didn't beg me to!"

The evil king then sat back back on his thorn and stated. "Now we can get to business."

Catrina's orb then began to glow and show an image of a small alicorn baby.

"Do any of you happened to know this is?" Sombra asked

"Umm a baby pony?" Said Zeb

"Not just any pony a baby alicorn!" Said King Sombra "A pure bread."

"Oh I can go for a sandwich." Said Cujo

Only for Sombra to levitate him to his face. "You idiot, Do you have any idea how incredibly powerful a pure blood Alicorn is!? Even my was Father was no match for me and my two sisters combined! We could have overthrown him if they hadn't gone soft!"

"Got it.." chocked Cujo "You break it you buy it..."

He throw Cujo back to the ground with his other subordinates.

"But master," Said Chrysalis confused, "You already have the Alicorn Amulet in your possession? Why do you even need another Alicorn!?"

King Sombra looked at the amulet sadly, "This amulet may make give me the power of an Alicorn once again, but it pales in comparison to the powers of a pure blooded alicorn."

A wicked smile crossed Sombra's face, "This presents a rare opportunity for us.. With my powers and the foals together, we could easily overtake my father.. After all two alicorns are better then one.."

Cujo then got back up with a wicked smile. "So me and my boys to get the baby huh? No problem boss."

"Wait just a minute!" Said Chrysalis "Me and my force are better equip to handle this mission, beside we invited the empire before and we'll do it again."

"After that stand you pulled betraying Sombra?" Said Ma Hydia "Me and my boys will get the bouncing baby brat!"

"Never send a Gundel to do a ponies job." Said Lightning dust "The Shadowbolts will get the kid easily."

"My feline friends and me have been at this longer and any of you combine." Ahuizotl said "Well get the child."

"Personally I'm more then happy to set this one out." Said Zeb "You all go a head."

The minions started to argue with each other much to the annoyance of King Sombra

"Enough!" He roared "You will all be going!"

"YES!" Said Cujo. "Come on boys."

"With out you're underlings!" Shouted Sombra

"What!?" They all shouted.

"So fare every single one of you has failed me more times then I can count." Sombra said "I'm starting to wonder why I keep you around, So you all will work together in order to capture the baby understand?"

"But why do we have to work together?" Cujo asked

Catrina then slapped herself on the four head. "Look why do you think guardians of harmony and the rest of those ponies keep beating you?"

"Because their annoying!" Said Cujo

"Because their incredibly lucky!" Said Chrysalis

"NO!" Shouted Sombra "Because they work together! You dogs couldn't beat a few fillies and a baby dragon because you too busy fighting with Ahuizotl! Ahuizotl you nearly let those fillies fool you! And Chrysalis betrayed Catrina for her own gain! Then Ma Hydia and the Shadowbolts lost them competing with each other at Manehatten! You will learn to join force under my leadership or so help me I'll see to it that you'll never get you fallowers back!"

"Well good luck to you all!" Said Zeb "I'll just be studying these keys over here."

"You're going as well Zeb." Said Sombra

"But I haven't failed you!" Said the zebra witch

"Constar this a chance to prove yourself then." Said Sombra "Now GO!"

Catrina wave her paw and all six villains were engulfed in green flames and disappeared.

"Umm boss." Said Rover "What are we suppose to do?" He gestures to himself and the other minions of minions.

"I don't know entertain yourself." Said the evil king

"Anyone for Ogres and Oubliettes?" Said Cocoon

"I'll make the popcorn!" Said one of the Grundles.

Meanwhile back at the Crystal Empire Castle

"Well it finally happened," Said Big Star "Frist Shining Armor get married, then became and alicorn, and now his father."

"Hard to believe he finally achieved something." Shooting Star said

"It the end of pony kind as we know it." Said Big Star.

"DohoHohoHohoHo!" They both laughed

"Ah!" Nightlight shouted "I'm a grandpa!"

"Well now you know how we feel." Said Shooting Star "Old!"

"DohoHohoHohoHo!" They both laughed again.

"Very funny dad," Said King Nightlight rolling his eyes. "Now where's Twilight?"

"I'm right dad!" Shouted Twilight Sparkle fallowed by the others. "We got here as soon as we possibly could."

"So is a filly or is it a colt?" Asked Applejack

"It filly." said Twilight Velvet.

"Well come on!" Said Flash "Let see the little foal!"

"Umm yeah." Said King Nightlight. "The thing about that is..."

A large expulsion sounded from another end of the castle.

"Oh no not again." Said Nightlight

Everypony in the room rushed up stairs to the royal bedroom.

"Now sweetie!" Said the voice Cadence "Please come down from the ceiling and put your father down with you."

The ponies came in to see a warned out Cadence remand a mess with dark circles around her eyes. She was calling out to a small pink alicorn with an adorable purple mane and tail who was levitating a terrified Shining Armor.

"You heard mommy sweetie!" Said Shining "Please put daddy down."

With a smile from the baby the levitation spell suddenly disappeared and Shining Armor fell face first to the ground with a crash.

"Honey." Said Cadance "Why didn't you used your wings."

"Sorry Cadance." Said Shining Armor "I'm still trying to get used to them.

"Hey guys!" Shouted Pinkie Pie "How's it going!?"

There was a bright flash of lightning and suddenly it started raining inside the bedroom.

"Young Filly undo that spell right now." Said Shining

Everypony watched at the two parents chance their baby around the room.

"Chaotic little tick isn't she?" Said Discord

"We are never having kids." Whispers TrenderHoof to Rarity.

"Oh Trender it can't be that bad." She whispers back.

A blot of lightning was suddenly flew at there deration the two ponies barley got out of the way before it hit.

"Agreed no children." Said Rarity

Twilight then looked at her father concerned. "How long as this been going on?"

"Oh pretty much since the day the baby was born." Said King Nightlight

"And nopony been able to keep her under control?"

Then there was a sudden burst of light and appeared Hrimfaxi with a flash of his horn he gapped hold of the baby and began racking her back and fourth until she fell asleep.

"Pure bread Alicorns are much more powerful then regular alicorns." Said Hrimfaxi "With a proper parent they can be controlled...(He glared at Shining Armor) A Proper parent."

"AW come I must started!" Said Shining

Everypony glance at each other nervously.

"Umm Applejack." Said Flash Sentry "Why don't you and Rarity take to girls on a tour of the empire." He said pointing to Crusaders.

"Aw But I want to se what happened next." Said Sweetie Belle

Rarity lenited Sweetie Belle with her magic and dragged her out of the room fallowed by Apple and the rest of the crusaders.

"Buddy I think we should check on the blimp." Said Troubleshoes

"But we didn't bring the blimp." Said Trender

"Come on!" Troubleshoes growled pulling him away.

"I'm we heard the Wonderbolts are in town so Soarin and I are going to check them out!" The two pegasi flew out from the room.

"Pinkie and I will join you!" Cheese said while pulling her out.

"I can't think of an excuse," Said Discord as he pulled Fluttershy and Thunderlane close to him. "So I'll just take Fluttershy and Thunderlane and we'll just leave you with your family drama." He poofed away leaving Spike Twilight and Flash alone with Cadance and Shining Armor.

"Shining Armor when was the last time you two slept?" Said Twilight

"Days weeks, months, Who knows!" Said Shining Armor "Who knows when you have an controllable baby alicorn running you're entire life."

"Well at least I'll give you points for dedication." Said Hrimfaxi "If not quality."

"The only quality about is that he has no quality." Said Big Star

"You can call that Quality!" Said Shooting Star

"DohoHohoHohoHo!" They lough again but this time Hrimfaxi.

"Okay everypony out!" Shouted Twilight to the remanding relatives.

The grand dads walked out along with the king and queen and spike mobbing behind them.

"Not you Spike," Said Twilight

Spike raced back in excitement.

"Maybe I should get going too." Said Flash

"No flash you stay too," Said Twilight

"Now Shining," Twilight said while taking the baby away from Hrimfaxi, "Why don't the three of us watch the baby while you two get some rest."

"What!?" Said Flash in disbelief.

"You did say have experience in foal sitting," Said Spike with a sly smile.

"Oh and you do?" Flash replied

"Are you sure Twiley?" Shining asked "You have no idea how hard it is to take care of a baby alicorn."

"Just center it a chance to prove myself as a great aunt," Said Twilight

"Yeah," Said flash as he took a hold of the baby, "We'll take care of...What's her name again?"

Cadence rolled her eyes, "It's Flurry Heart Amore Cadenza."

Back on the streets of the Crystal Empire, several shadowy figures slunk in the darkness of the Crystal Market Place.

"You'd think with all Katrina's powers, she could teleport us right into the castle," Cujo growled from a fruit stand.

"You mean the castle full of Royal Guards watching over every single room?" Ahuizotl stated sarcastically.

"Oh.. Right.." Cujo said trying to hide his face.

"If'n my boys were here we'd 've already stormed that thar castle!" Ma Hydia proclaimed, "And the baby too!"

Chrysalis rolled her eyes, "If my changelings couldn't take over the Crystal Empire, what makes you think a shriveled up old Troll like you could?"

"I'm a Grundle!" Ma Hydia shouted, "Trolls is another species entirely!"

"Now Ladies.. Ladies.. Please.." Zeb stated, putting himself between Ma Hydia and Chrysalis, "We must hadn't this situation delicately.. After all Sombra wants us to bring him the baby unharmed.. And we wouldn't want to let Sombra down would we?"

"Uh why are you here again?" said Lighting Dust rolling her eyes.

"Because Sombra insisted," Zeb sneered.

The villains continued to argue each with each other, much to Zeb's annoyance. As he turned his attention to the street's of the Market Place, he suddenly noticed some ponies he remembered all too well.

"Get down," Zeb spat out pushing the rest of the villains out of sight.

He glanced behind the stall to see Apple Jack and Rarity leading the Cutie Mark Crusaders walking past them down the streets.

"Aww, I wanted to see the baby some more," Sweetie sighed as they walked on, " She was so adorable."

"They'll be plenty of time for that later Sugar Cube," Applejack said, "Right now Twilight need some alone time with the little feller."

"And we get to explore the Crystal Empire!" Applebloom stated in excitement.

"Girls," Rarity stated, "You just saw it a few months ago?"

"Barely," said Scootaloo, "We were to busy being invaded to see any of the sights!"

"Well there won't be any problem with that this time," said Applejack leading the girls past the hidden Villains.

"It's those brats that got me thrown in the Slammer.." Cujo growled under his breath as he watched the ponies walk off into the distance, "I'm gonna..!"

Ahuizotl wrapped his tail around Cujo's jaw, muzzling him, "Silence you fool.. You're going to blow our cover.."

"I don' git it.." Ma Hydia snarled, "Why don' we just grab them thar ponies and hold em' for ransom.."

"Do you really think that the Prince and Princess are willing to trade there baby for anypony?" Zeb stated matter of factley.

Ma Hydia grumble under her breath at Zeb's response.

"Trust me my friend," said Zeb putting a hoof around the muzzled Cujo's shoulder, "I have a score to settle with those three fillies myself.. But right now we're on a mission for King Sombra.. And we need to things cautiously and carefully.."

"Excuse me," said Lightning Dust hovering over Zev, "Who put you in charge?"

"Me?" said Zeb innocently, "Why I'm just along for the ride here, I'm sure you fine ladies and gents already have a perfectly good plan in mind.."

"As a matter of fact I do," said Ahuizotl releasing Cujo.

Ahuizotl walked into the light looking on the city in front of them, "Tell me my friends.. Do you know what keeps the Crystal Empire protected from the ice and snow of the frozen North?"

The monkey cat pointed up with tail hand at the topmost point of the Crystal Castle. Floating above it's tallest spire was a large crystal in the shape of a large heart.

"The Crystal heart," said Ahuizotl smiling wickedly, "With it's magic powers the Crystal Empire remains forever protected.. And the the love of the Crystal Ponies spreads across of Equestria.."

"Gag me with a spoon," said Lightning Dust looking disgusted.

"What's your point Fluffy?" Cujo stated annonyed.

Ahuizotl glared at the diamond dog, "The only chance we have of getting close to that child is creating a distraction large enough to pull all the guards away from the castle.."

"Ah, I see," said Zeb nodding with a smile, "So if the Crystal Heart were to suddenly be misplaced.. It would give one of us an opportunity to sneak into the castle unnoticed?"

"Precisely," Ahuizotl said with a smile.

"An' how exac'ly are we supposed to get close to that thar thing?" Ma Hydia proclaimed annoyed.

"Leave that to me," the villains all turned to Lightning Dust, who's attitude had suddenly changed, "This is the kind of mission I was made for."

Back in the nursery Twilight Sparkle was preparing a bottle for Flurry Heart.

"How are things going over there boys," she called out to Spike and Flash over by the crib.

"Um.. Everything's great!" Flash responded nervously.

Both the stallion and Spike were tossing through Flurry Hearts blankets and toys in a desperate search.

"How could you lose her...?" Flash whispered under his breath.

"How could I lose her..!?" Spike whispered back, "You were the one Twilight asked to watch her for a minute..!"

"I only turned my back for a second and then she was gone..!" Flash shot back.

"Well she couldn't have just.." Spike's jaw dropped mid sentence, staring at something outside of the window.

He turned Flash Sentry's said around, showing him young Flurry Heart crawling across the balcony of a nearby tower.

Seeing Twilight was distracted, Flash quickly rushed out the window and flew over to the nearby tower.

"Um Spike," said Twilight approaching the crib, "Where did Flash go?"

Spike tried his hardest to block Twilight's view of the empty crib, Beads of dripping down the young dragon's brow as he struggled to smile.

"Um.. Well.. Flash.. The thing is.."

There was a sudden Flash of pink, and Flash Sentry teleported into the middle of the room holding onto Flurry Heart desperately.

"Flash!" said Twilight in utter horror, "What did you do!?"

"It wasn't me!" exclaimed Flash desperately trying to hold onto Flurry Heart, "It was her!"

There was another bright flash of pink, and suddenly Flash and Flurry Heart were on a pair of train tracks in the middle of the desert. Flash looked up in horror as a large train plowed down the tracks directly towards them.

Flurry Heart teleported again, and Flash found himself in the throne room of Seaquestria. King Hippocampus and Sky Star stared at the Pegasus holding his breath in confusion.

They teleported again, and Flash found himself flying across the skies of the Crystal Empire being pulled by Flurry Heart's pure willpower.

"TWILIGHT!" HELP ME!" the pegasus cried out in terror.

Neither of the ponies realized that they were being watched though a large telescope by an all to familiar friend.

"Hohohohoho! This is better than television!" proclaimed Discord looking through the other end of telecsope.

"How are they doing Discord," said Rainbow Dash with a smile.

She and Soarin were sunning themselves on the lawn of the Crystal Park while ThunderLane, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Cheese enjoyed a picnic.

"Oh they have absolutely no idea what they're doing," said Discord with a smile, "It's absolutely priceless!"

"Now Discord," said Fluttery waving a hoof, "It's not nice to laugh at the misfortunes of others."

"Except for in this case!" said Soarin watching Flash struggle through a pair of binoculars.

"Would you like another slice of Cake?" said Pinkie Pie handing cake to Cheese with a French accent.

"But of course! Would you like another croque du fromage?" asked Cheese handing Pinkie a submarine sized Cheese Sandwich.

"Don't mind if I do," said Pinkie swallowing the sandwich in one bite.

Rainbow Dash smiled to herself as she laid back in the grass of the Crystal Park. All of a sudden she noticed something funny through her sunglasses.

"Um guys," said Rainbow Dash picking herself, "Is it just me or is it starting to snow?"

"Rainbow Dash, don't be ridiculous," said Soarin brushing her off, "Why would it be starting to.."

All of sudden a large clump of snow piled on top of Soarin, burying him alive, much to Rainbows amuzement.

"That's strange," said Soaring as the park was slowly covered in a white blanket of snow, "It's not supposed to snow in the crystal Empire."

"Oh relax," said Discord skating upon the now frozen pond, "Just go with the flow. Like those two."

He pointed to Pinkie Pie and Cheese. Pinkie Pie was making snow angels, while Cheese Sandwich was quickly building a snow pony.

"AhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHH!" a sudden voice shouted as a Crystal Pony crashed through the park, past the ponies. He was soon followed by numerous other Crystal Ponies all panicking, and all running about in every direction.

"Geeze!" said Rainbow Dash covering her ears, "You'd think they'd never seen a snow flurry before?!"

"Hold on just a moment!" said ThunderLane grabbing ahold of one the Crystal Ponies, "What is everypony panicking about?!"

"Th-th-thh-Th-th-th-thh-the Crystal HEAAAAART! It's M-M-M-M-M-M-MISSINGGGGGG!" the Crystal Pony exclaimed.

"The what?" asked Soaring popping his head out of the snow.

"The ancient relic that has protected our city for a thousand years!" said old Librarian pony passing them by. "Somepony has taken it! And without the Crystal Heart.. The Crystal Empire will fall into chaos!"

"CHAOS! CHAOS! Chaooooss..!" said the Crystal Pony breaking down in ThunderLane's arms.

Everypony suddenly turned to Discord giving him a look.

"Oh sure.. Blame the Draconquus!" Discord said with a huff.

Back at the Crystal Castle, an entire mob of Crystal ponies at gathered calling up to Shining Armor and Cadence above.

"Settle down Everypony.." said Shining Armor looking rather nervous, "We have the entire situation under control.."

"I don't know if they believe you.." said Cadence to her husband with a fake smile.

"I don't know if I believe me.." said Shining Armor to his wife with a fake smile.

"Shining Armor!" shouted Spike as she and Spike rushed into the room, "What in Equestria is going on?!"

"It's nothing to panic about," said Shining Armor trying to keep his composure, "but the Crystal Hearts witch forms a shield of protection around our entire city has suddenly gone missing.."

"And without it," said Cadence also trying to keep composed, "Not only will the Crystal Empire be vulnerable to invaders, but the entire city will freeze under the chill of the Frozen North.."

"That's not reason to Panic!?" exclaimed Twilight in disbelief.

"Sounds like a big reason to panic me.." said Spike.

"OF COURSE IT'S A REASON TO PANIC!" a voice shouted.

Everypony turned to see Hrimfaxi storming into the room followed by King Nightlight and Queen Velvet.

"For one thousand years our family has been protecting the Crystal Empire.. Never once has the a Crystal Heart gone missing.. Until this Pony took the Throne!"

He point an accusing hoof at Shining Armor, looking ahsamed.

"Daddy.. Please!" Cadence spoke up, "It's not Shining Armor's fault!"

"Not his Fault!?" Hrimfaxi exclaimed angrily, "I told my father a thousand times we shouldn't have made that alliance with Equestria.. And look what Happened!"

He glared at king King Nightlight, who tried to hide behind Twilight Velvet, much to her annonyace.

"The Crystal Empire was perfectly fine before Equestria got involved.. And now were facing our utter destruction! Because of you!"

Hrimfaxi glared at Shining Armor one last time and then stormed out of the room.

"He's right," said Shining Armor heartbroken, "I have to do something to fix this!"

"Don't worry Shining Armor," said Twilight proudly, "My fiends and I will.."

"No!" shouted Shining Armor and Cadence both at once.

Twilight and Spike stared at the two of them confused.

"All of the guard ponies in the Crystal Empire, have been sent out to search for the Crystal Heart!" Shining Armor explained.

"We need you two and Flash to keep watch over Flurry Heart until this emergency has come to pass," Cadance contined.

"Um, where is Flurry Heart anyway?" asked Twilight Velvet curiously.

"Flurry Heart!?" stated Twilight smiling nervously, "Oh right, Flurry Heart! The thing about Flurry Heart is.."

There was a large crash outside of the throne room. Twilight Sparkle opened the door to see Flash Sentry collapsed into a pile of armor, with Flurry Heart clapping happily on top of him.

"She's.. right here!" opening the door wide open to show everyone the baby.

They looked at her and Spike in confusion for a moment, then Shining Armor stated, "Cadence and I need go lead the search for the Crystal Heart. You three stay here and keep Flurry Heart safe!"

He and Cadence raced out of the room, followed by the King and Queen.

As they watched them leave Spike finally stopped smiling and whispered to Twilight, "How are we supposed to keep her safe..? We can barely keep her in one place..!"

"Don't worry Spike," said Twilight forcing a smile, "The best Aunt ever is on this.."

There was a bright pink flash and suddenly a large snow drift piled atop of Flurry Heart and Flash. Twilight and Spike watched in exasperation, as Flurry Heart popped his head out of the snow, happy as ever.

Outside of the base of the castle, the six villains watched as the guard ponies flew about the city, in search of the Crystal Heart.

"Is this where we go fer' the ransom?" asked Ma Hydia holding out the Crystal Heart.

"We're not doing a ransom!" exclaimed Ahuizotl snatching the Heart from Ma Grundle.

"Well whatever we're doing, we'd better do it quick!" said Cujo his teeth chattering, "I'm freezing my tail off here!"

"The plan is simple," explained Ahuizotl, "The majority of our group will create a diversion using the Crystal Heart as bait.."

"So we ain't keepin' it?" asked Ma Hydia confused.

"Of course we're not keeping it!" shouted Ahuizotl furiously, "It's useless outside of the Crystal Empire Anyway!"

"Then why did I go to all the trouble of stealing it!?" Asked Lightning Dust leaning up against the Castle, "Do you have any idea how hard it is to sneak past about a dozen guard ponies?!"

Ahuizotl rolled his eyes, "As I was saying.. ..We will use the Crystal Heart as bait, creating a distraction for those meddlesome ponies!"

"Distraction?" asked Cujo still shivering, "What kind of distraction?"

"Don't worry about that my canine friend," smiled Zeb putting a hoof around Cujo, "I already have something in mind that will make both of us happy."

"But of course," said Ahuizotl, "One of us will have to use this opportunity to sneak into the castle and grab ahold of the baby.."

All the villains looked at each other, none of them trusting the other.

"Excuse me," stated Queen Chrysalis.

They all looked in the Queen's direction.

"I believe only I have the skills necessary for this kind of infiltration.."

"You honestly think we any o' us are gonna trust a dirty stink'n traitor like you!" Ma Hydia shouted.

"Fine," said Chrysalis rolling her eyes, "One of you can come along watch over me.."

All the Villains turned to Lightning Dust, still lazily leaning against the tower.

"Fine, I'll do it," the pegasi groaned.

Meanwhile Applejack and Rarity were trying to led the crusaders thought the chaos on the streets.

"What going on Applejack?" Said Applebloom

"Heck if I know sugar cub, but everypony seems mighty upset." Said Applejack

"Jeezs, You think they'd have never seen snow before?" Said Scootaloo

As they trotted thought the crows Sweetie Belle suddenly notices something.

"Um guys isn't that Cujo?" asked the small filly. The three fillies turn to see their less favorite diamond dog taunting them and sticking his tough out.

"What in tarnation are he doing here?" Asked Applebloom

All of a sudden Zeb popped up from behind Cujo and held out the crystal heart with a sly smile.

"He's got the crystal" The three fillies shouted. The two villains lough as the ran down a alleyway out of sight.

"Let's get them!" Shouted Scootaloo

As the three fillies then race after them.

"Applebloom! Scootaloo Sweetie Belle were are you going!" Said Rarity watching the fillies ducked down the ally.

"Come on Rarity we got to go catch them!" Shouted Applejack

The two mares desperate to catch them.

Meanwhile back at the park the rest of the ponies and Discord were racing to get to the castle.

"As soon as we meet up with Twilight and the others, we can start our search for that crystal heart." Said Thunderlane

"Well we better find it soon because it's about cold in this town!" Said Rainbow Dash

"Oh it's not so bad." Said discord now wearing winter gear. "Just think of all the snow days the fillies will get?"

"It'll be like hearth's warming eve all year long!" Shine in Pinkie Pie

Everypony else glared at the two of them.

"What?" Asked Discord shrugging.

"Come on guys!" Said Soarin "Let's just get to Flash and Twi!"

All a sudden the ponies and Discord found themselves trapped by a large force field.

"Excellent Ma Hydia." Said Ahuizotl drumming his figures in anticipation.

"Grundle magic had it's benefits." Ma Hydia with a sinister smile.

"Oh not you two again!" Said Thunderlane

"It ant's Princess Celestia!" Said Cheese

"Discord teleport use out of here!" Said Fluttershy

"Um...slight problem." Discord with a sheepish grin. "This is Titan magic and I don't have any ability over Titan magic."

"Darn right!" Shouted Ma Hydia "Old'Grogar thought the Grrundles well."

Meanwhile back at the castle Flash Twilight, and Spike were seeing what was going on out side.

"Huh sure is messy down there." Said Spike

"I feel like we should do something." Said Flash

"No!" Said Twilight snuggling Flurry Heart. "We've got to stay here with Flurry Heart so I can prove myself as the Best Aunt Ever."

"And to protect Flurry Heart." Spike said sarcastically.

"Um...Twilight." Flash then spoke up. "I think Flurry safety is improved right now and your now good to her when both frozen soiled along with the rest of the crystal empire!"

"Well we can't leave her alone!" Yelled Twilight to Flash.

"Don't worry princess." A voice said.

The ponies and Spike turn to see Spic N Span entering the room.

"Princess Cadance send me to over the new princess." Spic said "I'll take it from here and you'll go find the crystal heart."

"Spic N Span this is so unlike you." Said Twilight rising an eyebrow. "Usually you tell me to stay away from danger."

"Oh I've notice how much you've grown." Spic replied. "Trust me you needed more out there then you are in here."

Twilight looked at Flurry hesitantly then she slowing began to hoof her over to Spic N Span. Suddenly Flash stood between the two ponies.

"One quick question." Said Flash with a suspicious look. "What about Spike? Can he watch flurry Heart?"

"Oh none since." Spic N span said nervously. "The little darling should go with you two."

All three then suddenly gave the butler a glare.

"Yeah there is no way your Spic N span would say that." Said Spike.

"Hi Chrysalis." Flash said as he drew his sword.

The Butler disguise the disappeared as Chrysalis appeared in his place.

"Ah How did you ponies see thought that? It was a prefect disguise!"

"It's because your a terrible actor!" Said Lightning Dust as she entered the room. "Now hoof over the baby and no get's hurt."

To Be Continued