G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and KISS: Rock and Roll Mystery

by ponydog127

The Reveal of the Crimson Witch/A Happy Ending

After the group came out through the portal unconscious, they were rushed to the clinic by the princesses and KISS themselves, where they seemed to wait for hours for them to wake up.

That is, until they did slowly begin to wake.

Misty was first to wake up, and she immediately felt herself to make sure that she was still living. Thankfully, she was. “Thank goodness... that was way too real. I just hope our next battle with Opaline isn't as death defying as that one was.”

Slowly, everyone else began to come to, and Fred and the girls managed to get some information about the witch they didn't have before, discussing the matter in private so they could discuss it when everyone was awake.

But it wasn't until about 30 minutes after the last person (Daphne) to wake up that Shaggy and Scooby began to stir. “Shaggy, Scooby!” Sunny cried out in relief. “Are you boys awake?”

“I think they're coming around,” Fred spoke up, and just then, Shaggy slowly rose to his bottom, groaning as he did such. “Like, what happened?”

“Yeah,” Scooby yawned, rubbing his eyes. “What happened?”

“You guys passed out after coming through that portal,” Zipp said. “I guess at some point of that ordeal, we all passed out and woke up in this place.”

“Whoo, but it was wild, though,” Hitch said. “I can't believe we defeated the Destroyer with nothing but wits and music!”

“I can!” Pipp said. “Cause we're amaaaaaziiiiiiiing!!

“I wouldn't be so sure about that, Pipp. We just got a report on the residue,” Fred said, holding up a bag. “It seems our Crimson Witch is more of a chemical witch.”

Daphne agreed to this with her arms crossed. “Her witch haze is really a gas that messes with your senses and creates illusions.”

That was when Misty put two and two together, her teal eyes widening. “Do you mean to tell me...?”

“It was all a figment of our imaginations,” Velma responded. “Whoa... that's deep,” Misty trailed off. “Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “Deep.”

But that's when Shaggy thought of something else on the spot. “But what about the Destroyer and the cosmic realm?”

“Yeah,” Scooby nodded. “The cosmic realm!”

“I guess it never happened,” Hitch shrugged. “We all had what you call a mass hallucination,” Fred explained. “Then,” Shaggy said, “who has the rock of Kissteria?”

“Yeah,” Scooby agreed with his best friend. “The rock of Kissteria!”

“Dude, seriously?” Shaggy deadpanned. “After everything I say?”

“Sorry, Shaggy.”

“The Crimson Witch must have it!” Izzy said after a deep gasp. “You're right, Izzy,” Velma said with a smirk, “but she won't have it for long.”


Confused beyond measure, the heroes from Equestria followed their friends out of the medical wing and into the security office, where Fred opened one of the lockers. “We figured out where she stashed it. If there's room for Shaggy and Scooby in here, there's certainly room for a black diamond.”

He pulled the cloth off the glorious gemstone, and everypony oohed and awwed over the beautiful site. “Whoo whee!” Pipp said, admiring the gem as she took it into her hooves. “I've never seen a gem like this, but if I were to go gem mining, this is DEFINITELY what I would use for a new jewelry line.”

“Save your cosmetic designs for later, sis,” Zipp said to her sternly. “We gotta get the rock out of here before the witch comes for it.”

But not a second after she said that, the Crimson Witch barged in and shrieked at the top of her lungs, “GIVE ME ROCK!!!”

“Split up!” Sunny cried. “Don't let her get the diamond!”

They all darted in different directions, throwing the gemstone to each other. Pipp threw it to Velma, who admired it only for a split second before tossing it to Daphne, who tossed it to Shaggy and Scooby, who were shoved out of the way by Misty before they were able to collide with the witch.

As a result, the witch slammed right into the computers, badly damaging them. “Give... me...”


Everyone turned to see Demon and Emerald standing right near the door, and Emerald sighed and rolled her eyes. “We get it, you don't have to screech it.”

The witch ran right at them, but got caught in some electrical cables before giving chase to Misty, Shaggy and Scooby again. But during the chase, Catman and Sapphire stepped into view and Catman reached into her cape as she flew past, pulling something out. “Look! She put gas dispensers in her cape.”

The witch then pounced off the wall, but as she flew at top speed toward them, Rose grabbed her belt in her teeth and yanked it off making her lose her glow as she crashed into the computers again. “And here's the magnetic repulsor-field belt she used for flying,” Spaceman said as he looked at the belt. “Ooh. Quest Research Laboratories. Good stuff.”

“All stolen from her previous employer,” Starchild said as he and Topaz stepped out of the darkness. The witch then lunged for them, but her cape got hung on the ceiling, trapping her in some wires as Starchild turned on the lights. “Thanks, you guys,” Daphne smiled, rubbing Topaz behind her ears. “The princesses and KISS have been on witch watch ever since we passed out.”

“So, like, who's the witch?” Shaggy asked. “I thought you would have guessed when we opened her locker, Shaggy,” Velma said and pulled off the witch's helmet, revealing a ticked off Delilah. “She's Delilah Domino, the head of security.”

That's when a whole bunch of other people, including Mr. Goldman, entered the room. “Well, I'll be a monkey's uncle. Delilah. I knew it!” Mr. Goldman said, and the group gave him a skeptic look. “I didn't really know it, but, you know, I like to be smart. I'm the boss.”

“Curious. I didn't see that coming,” Chikara stated. “How did you know?” Chikara asked. “When Delilah mentioned that she worked for a government defense company...” Velma explained, “...we did some research. Turns out, they specialize in lasers.”

“So?” Misty, Shaggy and Scooby chorused, and Fred grabbed the diamond from Shaggy's grip. “Lasers that use black diamonds, guys.”

“She was hoping to steal it from here, and sell it to a competing defense company,” Daphne explained, “since she was fired from the last one.”

“But since KISS had the diamond under lock and key, she had to dress up and scare everyone off so she wouldn't have any distractions during her search,” Zipp added on. “ She was also the one stealing your chemicals, so she could make her witch gas,” Fred told Shandi. “As head of security, she would've had another keycard to your lab.”

“And while everyone was watching the concert, she hid the diamond here in her locker,” Sunny finished. “Wow... I guess we are getting the hang of this whole investigating thing.”

Then, some other security officers got Delilah down and began to take her away. “And I would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you meddling KISS,” she said before correcting herself. “Er, uh, kids! You meddling kids!”

Misty sighed to herself... at least the worst of it was finally over.


A few minutes later, KISS and the princesses walked everyone to the entrance of the park, expressing their gratitude. “Thanks for helping us keep the park open,” Catman said. “And thank you for letting us solve the mystery with you,” Zipp smiled back. “It was... interesting to say say the least.”

“We couldn't have done it without you,” Rose smiled. “You reminded us to always be true to ourselves and never forget where we come from.”

Demon sighed and crossed his arms. “Yeah, I guess you kids are okay after all.”

“Thanks, Mr. Demon!” Shaggy smiled. “You'll always be the only demon I'll ever like.”

“Yeah. Thanks, Mr. Demon,” Scooby leapt into his arms and licked him, causing Demon to do the same thing with HIS tongue. “My pleasure.”

“And even though I'll always remain an Ascot Five man...” Fred told Starchild, reaching his hand out, “...we wound up being pretty great partners.”

And so, he and Starchild shook hands, signifying their friendship. “Thanks, Scooby gang. You guys and your friends are welcome back to KISS World anytime,” Starchild said before he turned to Daphne. “Until then, I leave you with a kiss...”

And then, he and Daphne got into a real lip locker with each other, grossing the ponies and Fred out. “You know, I think she'd settle for a handshake or an autograph,” Fred tried to stop the kissing. “Hello?!”

Finally, the kissing did end. “Thank you...” Daphne said admiringly. “I mean... you're welcome.”

Topaz hugged Sunny and Izzy tight. “Be sure to stop by and see us,” she said. “Oh, and before we forget...”

She reached under her wing and pulled out a glowing, rainbow gemstone, as clear as the Caribbean Sea. “It's an opal. Sure, it has the same name as the alicorn of fire, but... this is something to represent the new unity you've brought us.”

“Thank you... thank you so much!” Sunny smiled, hugging her again. “We have to go now, bye!”

The group then walked away, and while the ponies, except Misty, admired the gemstone, Fred was trying to talk to Daphne. “You could have cut that off a little earlier, it was kind of gross. I mean, I was right there. I was there.”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Did you say something... Frank?” Daphne playfully kissed him before walking off. “Do you know what was the best thing about this adventure?” Velma asked Misty and Scooby as they walked beside her. “The fact that my philosophy remains intact. There is always a rational explanation. That is my undeniable, steadfast and... kind of boring philosophy.”

Misty sighed... it seemed as if Velma would never learn. “Hold on, Scoob,” Shaggy said, stopping Misty and Scooby. “Looks like I still have half a churro in my pocket!”

Scooby sniffed it a little bit, but frowned at the scent he received. “It's cold.”

Just then, the Demon blew a breathe of fire right at them, warming the churro and causing them to beam. “Nice and toasty.”

“Thanks again, guys!” Sapphire smiled as Demon lifted up the rock of Kissteria. “Now we gotta get this rock back to the Elder and King Cobalt for safe keeping.”

The black diamond began to glow increasingly bright as the sisters and KISS lifted it up into the air, flying and circling it before they launched into the sky, and the force of this launch was enough to send all three of them backwards a good ways.

Shaggy blinked and turned to the others, complete shocked that what they endured was real. “Did you see...?”

“Did you?!” Misty exclaimed before they rushed to catch up with their friends, and Velma was only a short way ahead of them. “You think we should tell her?” Shaggy asked. “Nuh uh,” Scooby shook his head. “Why rock her world?”

Misty sighed and looked back at the streaking colors across the sky, smiling as she walked alongside them. “Good point.”

She knew they would have to go home as soon as they left the park... but somehow...

...the danger they faced was worth it to make it to this moment.