//------------------------------// // Here come the Pony-Birds! Part 2 // Story: The Pony-Bird Adventures // by Kyetta Cubid //------------------------------// After Big E welcomed the Mane 6 to Beaksburg, they were offered a tour around town. Each of the Birds helped out a member of the Mane 6 tour around town, but the only thing Twilight was interested in was the large Temple in the middle of town. "Anything in your head?" Twilight then jumped as she was greeted by Kyetta and Red again. "You've taken a liking at our Temple when Big E went over there?" Twilight looked at the Temple again, realising she saw it somewhere. "That Temple overthere... I seened it before! In one of my books!" Both looked at each other, since they just arrived back home. "Since your our guests, want to check it out? I mean we're not allowed anywhere near it without Big E's prilagies, But your a Princess, right?" Twilight agreed as they all headed to the Temple. "To be honest, I wasn't too sure on you, but I can think this'll be the start of a wonderful friendship!" Red said with confidents. "Well, I thought Kyetta was your only friend Guess we were all wrong." Twilight said to Red. Red then yelled out at her. "Well what do you expect? We were here relaxing while you were surviving Chaos and Destruction of Magic!" Meanwhile with Chuck, Bomb, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, they were all walking around the Shopping District of Beaksburg. They joined groups as there was a park closeby. "This place looks really rocking! Why wasn't this on the Map?" Rainbow Dash said, wowing at the many stalls and the Park. Applejack looked at the stalls, finding it does have a Apple Stall. "Well, al' be! You do have an Apple Store 'ere." She said, looking happy, until she realised something. "Hang on a sec! This 'ere ain't from the farm!" "Because they aren't growned or harvested from the outside! They're growned here!" Bomb corrected her. One of the stall owners saw Bomb and Chuck and threw them both apples, which they just grabbed. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were surprised how they were given apples for free, thinking they must be famous. "Thanks for the Apples!" Chuck said to the stall owner. "Shall we?" They all then headed to the park, as both former Elements of Harmony were talking to each other. "So they gave them free Apples and they're not payin'? I think they're knowned around here?" Applejack suggested. "And those Prices? They're way better than your families!" Rainbow Dash insulted to her, as it gave her ideas. With Matilda and Fluttershy, both were looking around a serene area in Beaksburg, without any destruction and loudness. "My, this place is very quiet." Fluttershy said in her Quiet voice. "I come here everytime I can't handle the pressure of the others." Matilda said quietly, as she sat on a bench. "Wanna feel it's serenity?" Fluttershy walked to the Bench and sat next to her, as they were feeling the peacefulness. "Maybe this place isn't as bad as I thought. Matilda smiled as they kept feeling the Serenity. "I heard about the outside and how peaceful it is now. We should check it out soon." Fluttershy smiled, since it's been peaceful in Equestria for a while now. With Rarity and Harley, both were looking around some stores. There were some fashion Stores, but not for her tastes. " Well, they're not into my taste, but maybe I could bring my Fashion Store here and they'll see my styles are more than theirs." Rarity suggested, as Harley disagreeded. "Bad idea, hon!" Harley said to her, which made her confused. "'Scuse me?" Harley then sighed. "The last Store that was here had to close, due to a bad arguement with a customer and the owner. You should of seened it. It. Was. Funny!" She then gave a smile, which made Rarity nervous. "Anyway, I did get your Fashion catalogue. Nothing came to me. Not even in my style of me and my Species!" She complained, as Rarity was interested. "You mean Pony-Birds, dear?" Rarity asked, as Harley started to ignore her. With Jay and Pinkie Pie, both were hanging out in a Bakery and were making their own Cupcakes, which ended up in a mess. Both were laughing and having Fun. "Y-You know? I always thought their was always another Pony like me, but your something else!" Pinkie Pie said. "You too!" Jay said. "I'm in fact born in a family of three! Jim and Jake. Jim's the oldest!" Pinkie Pie then gasped after what she said. "Your in a Family of three?! I was born with a family of four!" Jay was surprised to hear that they aren't both different. Back with Big E, he was inside the Temple and looked around. Inside was all Marble and had many Banners representing an Element, being Fire, Earth, Lightning, Goo, Nature, Ice, Water, Light, Magic and Wind. Below the Banners were many colored Orbs, each with a different Symbol. "So I'm guessing with the Princess of Friendship here, she'll want to know about the Rage?" One of the Guardians of the Temple asked Big E as he agreeded. "Once her and her friends know the Danger of what these Orbs represent, it won't be long until Evil wants to get their hooves on them!" Big E said. "Shall we close up the Temple?" Another Guardian suggested, but Big E declinded. "No. I'll have to tell her myself, as it's also time for Kyetta and her friends to know why I picked them!" Big E and the Guardians then left the Temple as Kyetta, Red and Twilight came out of their hiding. Twilight was then concerned. "So you both are sure we both won't get caught?" She asked, as Kyetta and Red walked around the Temple. She then looked at one of the Rage Orbs, wondering what it is about. "What are these things? I never seen them before. Not even one book I read confermed their Origins." "You better not touch them! Those Rage Chi Orbs are very Powerful stuff!" Red warned her, as Twilight now got the names. "Rage Chi?" "I have no idea also. Me and the others heard about them and got a little look of them, but they were in their pure state. No Element in them!" Kyetta said to her, which made her more interested. Twilight then got the word 'Element', which she also heard about. "Maybe...?" She was about to levitate one of them, but was stopped. "I best not touch or activate! You'll go mad with power!" They all saw it was Big E and the others, which made Kyetta and Red panic. "Big E?! We're sorry for coming in without your permission!" Big E chuckled to her. "Don't threat, I knew the Princess was interested in the Temple before I left! And with it, I wanted to show you all something. I welcome you all to the Temple of the Rage Chi!" He outstretched his wings as he welcomed them in. They all then looked at the Orbs, wondering what they represent. "Each Orb represent an Element in all of Equestria!" Once he said that, Twilight realised something. About the Elements of Equestria. Pinkie Pie was interested in the Pink Rage Chi. "Ooo, this is Pink like me!" Before she could touch it, it then levitated her off the ground. Everyone saw her floating upwards. "PINKIE!" The Mane 5 yelled at her as she kept levitating upwards, before depleading and she came down in rapid speed. Panicing, Kyetta then touched the Blue Orb, as it then sent a Wave of water at where Pinkie was going to land. She was saved by it, as it also got her Mane wet also. Her friends came to see if she was ok. "Pinkie, are you ok?" Fluttershy asked as Pinkie Pie moved some of her wet Mane. "Can I do that again?" She asked as she dried her Mane, returning it back to it's poofy style, making her friends and everyone else laugh. Kyetta put the Rage back as Twilight came over to her. "I want to say thank you for saving my friend! You have our gratitude!" Twilight announced as Kyetta giggled. "Well, we know the Rage Chi better than anypony else!" She said. Twilight saw how Kyetta and her friends worked and made her decigion. "Kyetta Cubid, How would you like to become the New Element of Harmony?" Twilight asked, as Kyetta didn't know what to say, but was pulled away by Red and the others. "Yeah sorry, but Beaksburg is home to her and to us! You can't split her away from the Squad!" Red said to her. "Please forgive them. Kyetta is the only Pony that was kind enough to stay with us, and the Birds came too attached to her!! Big E apologised. Twilight gave a giggle, but was interrupted by a shaking, which hasn't happened in a long time. "What the? After many years, another attack?" Twilight questioned as they all headed outside of the Temple, being introduced by a Large Shadow Pony trying to break into Beaksburg, but was failing to do so. "Forgive my language, but can anypony or Pony-Bird explain what is that?!" Chuck asked in panic. "The Pony of Shadows? We banished it a long time ago, with the Pillars of Harmony?" Twilight Said in confusion, as Red become jokish. "Maybe the past is coming back to haunt us?" She said, as they all looked at her. The Shadow tried to constrict the Barrier, but the barrier was still standing, making the Shadow more angry. "I'll never get those Orbs with this barrier in the way!" It said in anger. Everyone heard it's request, as the Temple was the only thing it was after. "The Temple? Why the Temple?" Twilight was questioning as Rainbow Dash wasn't waiting around. "I was waiting to face this Shadow again! Element or not, Here we come!" "Just like the good old days, right?" Applejack said, joining her. Rarity just shook her head. "We don't have our Elements!" "O-Oh my!" Fluttershy was concerned for her friends safety and followed them. "Wait up girls!" Pinkie Pie yelled out as she bounced after them. Twilight was about to yell out, but just sighed. "Just like old times." She then looked at Kyetta and the others. "Please be safe! The Shadow isn't what you'll expect it to be!" Big E kept Kyetta and the others closeby. "I'll keep them close, Princess!" Twilight smiled as she flew away, but Kyetta was concerned. "Please let me go with her! They don't have their original Elements!" Kyetta asked, but Big E didn't want her to be harmed. The Mane 6 made it out of the Town's barrier and were ready to fight. The Pony of Shadows looked down at them, giving a chuckle. "So you six think you can stop me like before? HA! You all don't have the Pillars or your Elements to stop me!" Twilight then glared at him. "But the Power of our Friendship will stop you! Ready girls?" They all were in a circle, but nothing happened, as they were retired and Elementaless. "Oh no." Just before Twilight and her friends could escape back into the city, the Pony of Shadows then used it Shadows to trap them and absorb them inside of it. "Now without the guardians of friendship, nothing will be able to stop me!" The Shadow roared, as the other Pony-Birds saw what happened, making them panic. Kyetta and the others heard what happened, as Big E had an idea. "You six are our last defence! Go out and protect our fair city!" They were now happy to do some action. "Sweet!" Chuck cheered. Bomb heard and put down her Comic Book. "Now we're getting somewhere!" "Let's go!" Red yelled as they ran out of the Temple. Before Kyetta could leave, Big E stopped her before giving her a bag. "You'll need it!" Big E whispered to her, making her confused. "Ok?" Once she left to help out her friends, Big E smiled, knowing her and her friends will be the keys. Once outside the town, Kyetta and the Birds looked up, seeing what they were facing. "O-Ok everybird, r-ready?" Kyetta said nervously. "You know it!" Red said to her friend. "Let's go!" Chuck said with glee. "Never punched a Shadow before." Bomb said, wondering. "I'll help out friends." Matilda said, nervous. "This shall be fun!" Jay said, being excited. Harley gave a nod.. Kyetta then gave the order. "L-Let's do a thing!" They all then ran towards the Shadow, thinking of helping the Mane 6 before the facing the Shadow, but they were all trapped well inside. Back in the Temple, Big E was seeing Kyetta didn't know what to do, until he used telepathy Magic to connect to her. "Kyetta, look in your bag! It'll help you and your friends!" Kyetta looked inside the bag and found six Purple orbs, which were all Light Magic. "R-Rage?" Big E then wanted her use them. "Now place the Rage into your chest!" Kyetta didn't understand, as she did it anyway. Once installed, a bright light made the Shadows move away from her and her new powered form. She now had Glowing Purple wings and markings on her Hooves and Face. Her hair also got some waving Purple parts in it. The Pony-Birds coulden't believe what came to their friend as she was stopping the Pony of Shadows. "Guys, get the Rage Orbs and place them in your chest!" They didn't understand, thinking they was the cause of Kyetta's new form. They all grabbed the Rage Orbs and place them. "Do it!" They then placed the Orbs into their chests, as they now were Powered by Light Magic, ready to fight the Pony of Shadows. "Show them the Powers of Rage Magic!" They then started doing a Magical Light show that harmed the Pony of Shadows, weaking it. Kyetta also saw it was freeing the Mane 6 due to the powerful Light. Once they freeded the Mane 6, the Pony of Shadows then goes into a foul form. "Maybe not this time, but another time!" The Pony of Shadows then ran away from Beaksburg as the Pony-Birds raised their wings in light. Once the attack from the Shadow was over, Kyetta returned the Orbs back to the Temple. Twilight and her friends were even more greatful for her and her friends saving them. "I guess we're now east retired, huh?" She joked, making them laugh a little. "But the most cool part was you all being powered by... Whatever happened to you guys?!" Rainbow Dash said, as she then fainted on the ground. "I'm going to love these new Species!" "If that Apple Store owner wants to try something out of Beaksburg, I could bring some 'ere if they want? Free of charge. And while we're at it, why not try some Apples from the farm?" Bomb thought about her offer, liking the idea of free Apples. "Sure! I mean I love the Corn that Matilda grows, even if I don't get to eat it, but sure, why not?" Fluttershy was still shivering from being attacked by the Pony of Shadows. "M-Maybe retirement isn't a bad idea. I could be with my Animal friends more and maybe come to the Serene part sometimes." Matilda thought about that. "The Station isn't in works for years, but since it's a start of a new friendship, why not?" Fluttershy was happy to have a new friend. Jay and Pinkie Pie were both jumping and talking too much that the others don't know what they're saying. "Anypony know what they're saying?" Chuck asked, as no one answered. Rarity and Harley were just in quiet, until it broke. "I want to thank you for saving me. If you want too, I'll be happy to give you a discount on one of my stores and free fashion advice." Harley loved free stuff and smiled. "Only if the dresses have Emeralds, Jade and is my favourite greens!" Rarity was discusted about her requests. "Foul Steps." She said to herself. Just before the Mane 6 were about to head back to Ponyville, Twilight thanked Kyetta and the Pony-Birds again. "This visit was... most interesting. And I'm glad to have new Elements of Harmony on our sides." Kyetta then smiled. "Thanks, but it wasn't just me, it was a friend effort!" Red then spoke to her. "Can we have a Statue in our honer?" Red asked. "Don't push it!" Big E said, making everyone laugh. Once Twilight and her friends made it back to Ponyville, she was in her liberty, reading the many books. She was now happy to have new Elements of Harmony. "Twilight! You better read and see this!" Spike, now a fully growned Dragon, came rushing into her room, carrying Starswirl the Bearded old Book, and she was surprised to see it glowing. "W-What is this?" Twilight said as Spike gave her the book. "But that's not the weirder bit! C'mon!" They both headed back to the Cutie Map room, seeing it has expanded, showing many new Kingdoms, including Beaksburg. "We're going to need to tell everyone about this." Meanwhile somewhere else, the Pony of Shadow's retreated back to the one who freeded it from Limbo. "I'm sorry master. I failed the mission, all because of Pony-Birds!" It then growled, as the Creature then growled at him in a deeper tone. "Pony-Birds! They'll be called into a disaster to my plan, but you did give them a warning!" The Figure said as they looked at a Manuscripts about the Rage Chi and their Elements. "I think it's time to bring back some old friends. And once I get my Hooves on those Orbs, not only will I have the power to Destroy Equestria, but I'll have the power to wipe all the Kingdom's off the map!" He then chuckled as a Statue of a Petrified Chrysalis, Terek and Cozy Glow glowed and started shattering.