
by amastelaire

A star should never fall twice

Twilight woke up at the side of a pale orange unicorn, her eyes recomforted by the presence of the fern-maned stalion, with eyes of a deep piercing charteuse color. how cute is he when he is still asleep!, she thought to herself, streching from the haybed she slepted on. Tomorrow, the pegasus check the harvest, they needed to prep●ҿᴥ˛

"Again! Why do this pen keep leaking?"

"Where was I again? Oh, right, the harvest."

To prepare, the last times spitfire came, she requested twice as much apples. She was always like this, a fuming ball of rage trying to get what she want by shouting at the other, but the unicorns couldn't really disapoint, if the pegasus went on their own, the sun and moon would stop moving.

Life was hard as an unicorn, you were gifted with magic at your birth, but still mostly use your hooves to f●rrµ˛

"That's it, That's the last straw, I'm moving to my computer!"

To farm, as magic was rarely usefull when it came to growing stuff. But unicorns didn't have it worst, being an earth pony would be so much more exhausting, working in a heated factory all week didn't really seemed fun.

Twilight trotted toward the library, she wouldn't want to admit it, but she favored books to seeds. She softly sighed, and began to monologe "But Twilight think about Night Light, What would he think of you?"

A white mare blocked her way...

"Of course now i don't know what to write!"

Twilight was a unicorn living in poneyville with Mango Stripes, his roomate toward whom she had a little crush. Twilight was born a lavender unicorn, with a purple mane striped with pink, she got her cutie mark during her first harvest in the Sweet Apple Farm when she I__\-~{_`----µ______)@_/

"Why? Why does this story doesn't want to be told?"

The words moved, lined shifted, and the characters changed, as I was watching, unable to stop this strange phenomenon to destroy what reminded of the tale


A voice emanated from within the computer, but it didn't came from the speakers, it was as if the words themselfs started talking.

The words finaly stopped mutating on the screen, they had formed an ASCII representation of a mirror.

I recognised the shape which appeared on my screen, it was not a mirror, but a portal through multiverses, a doorway betweens realms.

A strange shape slowly came out of the mirror, The characters appearing on my text file shaped themself to form a wingded unicorn, with a six-branched star on her thigh.

"I was sure i heard someone talk."

"Not Again!", i left a small uncontent cry out. "I thought i was done with this!"

The ASCII Twilight looked around her, from her point of view, it was a solid black box, with white outlines and words floating all over the place. She looked back at her hoof realysing what her new appearance was.

She looked around her, intrigued by the new world around her. "Writing about be?"

"I'm Glad you asked," i answered sarcasticly. "You shouldn't be here, and for multiple reasons."

"I don't have time to discuss, I was sent here by Celestia herself to find someone named Stellary Cluster."

"Didn't hear those names in a long time."

"What do you mean?"

"Stellary Cluster is not here, he is dead, and not a single soul should remember him."

The small alicorn started jumping around the window, closing it and falling into one of my research file.

"I swear on Equestria if you don't explain how you have so much info on Equestria I will tear this place to shreds." shouted angrily Twilight, flying over the ASCII miror now placed in my wallpaper. The young alicorn seemed distressed by the content of the archives i've been making for an extremly long time.

"Okay, Okay, i will explain everything," I stated, trying to be as calm as possible, "but can you please stop destroying my work?"

"First of all, this is earth, the real, original one. The humans living here don't have magic or surnatural powers, but they have another kind of ability..." I paused for a moment, trying to find my words. "Humans have the power to create, Whenever a story is told, a new timeline is made, and it has been like that since the beginning of time..."

"Yeah, that's great and all, but..." Twilight seemed to think about it for a second, before she continued "But where is the story about my world?"

"Don't remind me of this specific world. It costed me much more than you would think."

"If Celestia sent me here to save my world, it should mean there is a story somewhere that need to be changed, being made by Stellary Cluster."

"That is kind of the problem." I paused, the secret i was about to reveal was big, and might start a chain reaction that i wouldn't want to be a part of. "You see Twilight, I am Stellary Cluster and-"

The princess of friendship turned back toward the mirror, throwing a bunch of letters into it. "Then what are you waiting for to help me save my universe, don't you control it?"

"-I came from your universe..."

"And this universe kinda... How to put it? Rule himself without any interaction"


"You see, a universe can split itself into different itterations, creating a multiverse; it is mostly caused by the storyteller or the fanbase, but it can rarely happen on it's own, creating a new independent reality. Those realities become fondametals and start to slowly multiply by themselves, as if they had always existed; And this can peak the interest of some... 'peoples', and you don't want them in your affairs..."

"After having fled to this world, i watched the birth of mine", I muttered, melancholy in my voice.

Twilight was too surprised to react, but another unicorn didn't bother to stop me as she walked out of the mirror.

"Is he Stellary Cluster? From what Celestia just told me about him, I thought he would be more... Ponylike."

As starlight talked, three more pony got into this universe through the mirror, it was Celestia, Luna and Cadence, and as theirs horns started to glow, space itself seemed to be warped around me.

I was being sucked into the screen of my computer.

"I Knew those two dumb alicorns would want me back home...

I had a good time writing my own stories, but it seemed i would go back to just being in one, and it would be coming back with me"

And the fallen star fell again