//------------------------------// // (Chapter 4) Love is Key // Story: Growing Bond (mature versions) // by Zack Catcher //------------------------------// Every day afterward, I was always happy. In fact, I don’t remember a single time I wasn’t happy with Flurry. She made me, well, complete. I think Flurry was feeling the same thing too. She was happy when she was with Cadence I think but she was really happy being with me. I can’t even imagine what my life would be like if I had never met her. I really loved being with Flurry and making her laugh. It’s like we were destined to be together. I think she felt the same way too. I think we felt the same way. Later that day Flurry came home from school with a book under her wing and when she walked into the room, she jumped on the bed and started to cry. I walked up to Flurry and said,  “Hey, is everything OK?”  Flurry shook her head, her face covered by her pillow I sat on the bed beside her, “Flurry, what’s wrong?” Flurry looked at me from her pillow, tears still in her eyes as she pulled out a book. The title of the book is “everything about red moon Changelings,” she said  “I have to read a chapter by the end of the week, but I can’t even read a page without struggling with a word, and worst of all, the teacher made me stand up in front of the class and told me to read the first sentence, and when I did every pony laughed at me. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't read even a few words”.  I put a hoof on Flurry’s back moving it up and down, trying to comfort her she seemed pretty torn about what happened to her at school and I wanted to help her. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, I turned to look at Flurry saying “What if we read the book together” Flurry looked up at me after I said that, she started to wipe the tears from her eyes as she looked up at me saying. “I… I didn’t know you could read”, I gave her a smile as I said, “I had a lot of time to learn”. “Thanks, Zack”, Flurry said as I picked up the book.  For the next few minutes, we read the book together, and I was having an easier time reading the book compared to Flurry. After a good amount of practice and patients, she got through a whole paragraph without stopping or making any mistakes. As we were reading, she noticed the book seemed to describe me very well. It was like the book was describing me perfectly. As she saw this; she looked at me curiously and asked me, "So Zack, who are you exactly?". I said I looked at flurry with a confused expression as I said "I'm a Changeling. At least I thought I was, but if this book is right, then I'm a red moon, Changeling." The book said that a red moon changeling has red eyes and wings. It also says that red moon Changelings are born every One hundred red moons. This explains why no pony has seen a red moon Changelings. It is because they are rare to find. Or even exist.  After we found that out, we continued to read the book and in doing so, learned many things about red moon Changelings. One fact about them is that the book mentioned said red moon Changelings do not get hungry but still need to feed because their power comes from the love that feeds off of other ponies.  Flurry looked at me and said, "What does it mean by feed" I shrugged and said, "Well I believe feed just means the same thing as eating" after I said that Cadence called Flurry downstairs for lunch and Flurry said  "Speaking of eating, I have to go get some lunch. See you in a bit" And with that, Flurry ran out of the door to grab some lunch. But when she came back, she saw me curled up on the floor in pain. Flurry quickly ran over to me to see what was wrong saying. "Zack, what’s wrong? What happened?”  I tried to reply, but I was in too much pain to speak  Flurry looked around my body to see if there were any wounds on me, but what she found shocked her. There was a small red crack in the middle of my belly. She spent a few minutes looking at the red crack before snapping herself back when she heard my scream in pain.  When Flurry heard me scream in pain, Flurry tried everything she could do to help me, but it was no use. A few minutes later, Cadence came into the room to see Flurry sitting beside me. Cadence was shocked to see me in Flurry's room. “Now this isn’t the time for this, but he is the pony that I got my first kiss from”, Flurry said with a little panic in her voice. Cadence was in so much shock that I swear I saw her pupils shrink. ‘YOU MEAN TO TELL ME YOU KISSED A CHANGELING”, Cadence shouted before I started to scream in pain, “mom please help him” flurry said holding my hoof and looking at Cadence, cadence quickly walked over in front of me trying to figure out what is wrong. “We are going to be talking about this later,” Cadence said with a small growl in her voice.  “Well, to be fair, you said that you wanted to meet him the other day didn’t you”, Flurry said. “Now isn’t the time for that Flurry, we need to help this changeling”, Cadence said giving a small scoff. “He still has a pulse and is breathing ok for now”, Flurry said. Then she remembered something in the red moon changeling book. Red moon changelings feed off other ponies' love in order to survive. Flurry remembered this and gained an idea. “I might know how but you're not gonna like it”, Flurry said with a little bit of concern in her voice. “What is it?”, Cadence said.  “If Zack is a red moon changeling, he needs to feed on other’s Love in order to live, as we ponies do”, Flurry said, trying to keep herself composed. “No, I am not doing that to you Flurry”, I said with my voice cracking from pain. I don’t know what will happen, I’m not doing it. I just can’t”, My voice was still cracking. “We have to try though”, Flurry said. “Ok go ahead”,  I said as I focused myself and my attention on Flurry.  Flurry leaned in to kiss me before Cadence stomped her hoof in between me and Flurry. “NO KISSING”, Cadence said with a furious voice. “Mother, weren't you so excited about me having my first kiss”, Flurry said. “That was because I thought he was a pony, this is the same creature who ruined my wedding with your father and attacked all of Equestria”, Cadence said. “He’s not like those other changelings”, Flurry said, her voice rising to defend me. “I will not allow it anymore”, Cadence said. “He’s not one of those changelings, he’s thoughtful, kind, honest and caring”,  Flurry said, “Once you see a changeling, you’ll see that they're all the same, that’s why you can’t love or care about any of them including this one, they're all the same to me”, Cadence said. “He’s not like that, how many times do I have to say it”, Flurry said. “No matter how many times you say it, it won’t change my mind”, Cadence said. “He’s a creature with evil intentions, once you see them, they're all the same”, Cadence continued to get more and her voice rose with each word.   “Well, I see that he’s a good friend despite the fact that he is a changeling, if you can’t see that, then that’s on you”, Flurry said. Cadence felt her temper rising and yelled at Flurry “FLURRY THAT ENOUGH!!” Flurry took a step back before Cadence realized what she had just done and covered her mouth with her hoof before she composed herself and continued “I AM YOUR MOTHER AND YOU WILL LISTEN TO ME”, Cadence said with a stern voice. I saw the look in Flurry’s eyes. She was starting to tear up as she looked like somepony had betrayed her. She knew she had to choose between her mother and her best friend. I think it was the hardest decision she had made, but she made her choice.  Suddenly Flurry pushed past the cadence and kissed me on the lips. My eyes shot open in surprise as I started to feel her love go inside me and it started to feel stronger. It felt so good but when I remembered what I was doing to Flurry,  I started to feel like I was doing something wrong. I thought I was betraying her as I was harming her but I couldn’t stop myself. It kept going and going. After some time, Flurry started to look tipsy until she fell to the floor. “FLURRY”, Cadence said as she ran to Flurry to make sure she was ok.  I felt terrible for what I had just done. I wish I was able to take it all back, but I had no idea how.. For the first time in my life, I felt that it would have been better if I had never met her which I didn’t think of until now. I then tried to hide somewhere away from Cadence but Cadence blocked my path. “Boy, you have a lot of explaining to do”, Cadence said while looking furious at me. I was more scared than I had ever been in my entire life. Even more so than when I first met Flurry. “I... I”, was all I could speak. I had no idea where to start. “I want an answer and I want it right now”, Cadence said while still looking at me with nothing but rage and disappointment in her eyes and body.  “I don’t... know where to begin”, I said while looking down at the floor. “It’s kind of a long story”, I said. “We have the time for you vile creatures. Speak now or it will get much worse for you”, Cadence said looking down at me with disapproving eyes. They were filled with anger, rage, and disappointment. I could feel that time stood still, waiting... on the next move.  “Oh boy, where do I begin? So I landed in the garden a few years ago with no memory of where I’m from or who I am. I met up with Flurry when she was a baby, she came up with my name, and we had fun over the years. I enjoyed being with her and she enjoyed being with me. I helped her to read a few moments ago, and it brings us to hear”, I said, still shaking in fear. Cadence then looked down at the ground as she shook her head. “I know a liar when I see it”, Cadence said with a stern voice “I swear your majesty, that’s the entire story, we were just having fun, I didn’t mean to keep this all from you, I just thought things would be better if I was in the shadows”, Flurry can confirm it too, please you have to believe me here”, I said still shaking in fear more than I ever had as my eyes started to get watery..   “I know you're here to spy on our ponies, Maybe this will jog your worthless little memory”, Cadence said as she slapped me upside the head and I fell to the floor in much pain, I felt my eyes close as I heard. “Bring him to the dungeon... forever, and tell me when he wakes up I want to get the truth from him”, Cadence said with a smug smile was all I could hear and see before I fell unconscious.