My Little Pony: Lost in Wonderworld

by specialhoof2022

Chapter 3: A Guide of Wonderworld

After me, the defenders and our guests had finished our meal, it was time for our final activity in our schedule: Story time. As everypony was getting into their sleeping bags, I'd enter the library to pick out a perfect book.

"My sleeping bag is finally perfect." said Pipp.

"Is everypony ready?" Amber asked.

Everypony responded saying "yes" to let Amber know that they're ready for a story.

"Here I am, everypony." I say as I returned. "I picked out a perfect book to read. It's called "The Legend of Wonderworld."

The book I was holding was bigger like a dictionary, but it was containing lots of information about the mythical city of Wonderworld. Everypony got their ears open for the big story.

"Let the story begin."

The story began an extremely long time ago, there was a young unicorn prince named Prince Colter Point. Colter was the ruler of Equestria's most entertaining city ever called Wonderworld. It had all the entertainment everypony could want, it had tall skyscrapers, hotels, resorts, cool-looking restaurants, very fun arcades and casinos, food stands, big malls, stores, gift shops, and most carnival rides were part of the hotels, resorts, and and pools. There was even an enormous fun park full of all rides, games, food courts, and limited events. And the best part about Wonderworld is it could light up its lights every night for everypony to enjoy the colors and beauty. Ponies from around Equestria would dream of a great future of new fun stuff for the city. Colter wanted everypony to be happy and have good times, he built the city as part of his dream.

But then one day, there was an evil alicorn, who hated fun and entertainment. Her name was Queen Frowny. She lived in her own castle faraway from Wonderworld. Frowny want all the fun and happiness to go away, she decided to get rid of it herself. Once she arrived at the city, she began to attack and destroy some of the rides. Prince Colter was horrified by Frowny's rampage, he'd send his army to go after her and arrest her. His soldiers were able to stop her by chaining her and taking her to Colter.

"Ma'am," said Colter. "How dare you attack the city?"

"I'm sorry your highness," said Frowny. "but all this fun and entertainment is giving me a headache and hurts my heart. I want this to end now."

"Sorry, but everpony needed happiness. And, for your actions, you are under arrest. Take her to the dungeon." Colter ordered his guards.

As Queen Frowny was sent to jail, Colter had decided to throw a victory party at his palace.

The day of the victory party was held 2 days later, and everypony was having a great time. Prince Colter Point was enjoying himself sipping his drink. And then somewhere in the party, there was a beautiful female unicorn staring at Colter, she had a big crush om him. She was a little nervous to walk up to him, but she walked up and talked to him.

"Hello, your highness." the unicorn said. "My name is Hella Halo."

When Colter started looking ar Hella, he began to have a crush on her too.

"Wow, you look beautiful." said Colter.

"Thank you."

"Do you want to come outside with me?"

"Yes. Yes I do." Hella answered.

They both head outside to the castle gardens together.

Colter and Hella were enjoying the time together, they both made a toast and drink, looked at the view of the pretty sunset, and hold each other as a perfect couple of lovebirds.

"This is amazing." said Hella.

"Yeah." Colter agreed. "Hey Hella, there's something to tell you. As you can see, the whole city is pretty amazing, but I knew it wouldn't be amazing long enough, so I need some help to make it little more entertaining. Will you be my wife and princess of Wonderworld?"

Hella gasped when she heard the question. She always wanted to be Colter's someday.

"Yes I will, Colter." Hella said with her big heart beating like a brass band.

Then, they both kissed each other in the lips.

After a few months of dating, Prince Colter Point and Hella Halo were finally married, and Hella was now a princess. Then suddenly, a swirl of magic lifted Hella in to the air. The magic transformed her from a unicorn into an alicorn, by giving her pegasus wings on her back. Then after Colter and Hella came back from their honeymoon, they both began to expand Wonderworld with new skyscrapers, new rides, new restaurants, new arcades, new hotels, and new events. Everypony was happy even more, and Colter was feeling proud.

Over a year later, Colter and Hella were now expecting their firstborn baby. Hella was pregnant with her child, and she was feeling very happy to have more of her dream coming true.

"Hello sweetheart." Hella said to her unborn foal.

She started singing her favorite song, and then all of the sudden, her baby started to kick, forcing her to giggle. Colter return to check on his wife.

"Hella, are you okay?" Colter asked.

"Yeah, the baby's kicking." Hella giggled.

Colter walked over to Hella and put his hoof on her bump to feel the kicking.

"Wow, the kid is full of fun." said Colter.

"I know, it was the best life I ever had." said Hella.

Colter and Hella were having a great day, until a guard bursts in to alert them with something bad.

"Your royalnesses, I got bad news: Queen Frowny escaped from the dungeon and she's about to attack the city!"

Colter and Hella were shocked to hear the news, Queen Frowny did escaped, and she was making another rampage around Wonderworld. Hella always know her true love keeps ponies happy everyday, she decided to face Frowny herself.

Hella stood up to Frowny to be ready to confront her.

"Well, if it isn't Princess Hella Halo, Prince Colter Point's beautiful wife and a mother-to-be." said Frowny when she noticed Hella walking towards her.

"Frowny, you must stop this rampage right now!" Hella ordered.

"Sorry princess, but I cannot let all this fun and happy nonsense from growing."

"My husband built this city, so everypony can keep ponies filled up with joy and love. Nopony ever has to get rid of it at all."

Prince Colter saw his wife confronting Frowny, he feared she could get harmed. So, he ran down to protect her.

"It doesn't matter, princess." Frowny kept on telling Hella. "Because my life is full of glum and greediness, now no more speeches!"

"Then, you leave me no choice, Frowny." said Hella. I may be pregnant with a child of my own now, but since you couldn't accept the importance of our city, I can protect my subjects from you!"

And then, Hella started a magic dual with Frowny. Frowny was afraid, she started to fly away from being hurt. Hella was chasing her and trying to hit her with her own magic. She was now more magical and powerful since she turned into an alicorn at her wedding. Frowny was trying to avoid Hella by flying through obstacles of Wonderworld, but Hella was catching up. And then, Hella got the perfect shot, she hit Frowny with her magic blast, and Frowny crashed to the ground. Colter watched the whole thing, and he was surprised to see his wife able to win the dual.

Frowny was unconscious when she crashed, Hella hovered onto the ground and approached the unconscious queen.

"I'm sorry Frowny." Hella said to her. "But since you got yourself into trouble, you leave me no choice but to take away what's not yours anymore."

Hella used her magic to take away Frowny's wings to punish her. Then, she used her magic to encircle Frowny in a bubble and tossed her back to her castle. Everypony cheered for Hella for winning the dual.

"Hella, that was amazing." he said.

"Thank you, honey." Hella said. "Being an alicorn was great."

Three days later, Prince Colter and Princess Hella's baby has been born. It was a female alicorn named Sparkle Moon. Years went by, and Colter and Hella's heirs and descendants were making Wonderworld a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more fun. And, that's how the mythical city of Wonderworld came to be.