//------------------------------// // Chapter 5: Breaking Point // Story: Spike Drake // by Spike DrakeStar9 //------------------------------// Spike is always known as a very good person, although lonely, he has friends who care about him, but they know that once they are hurt, he reveals his other side, but that is another time. This day he is at home cleaning the floors, leaving them shiny, it has been 4 days since he became friends with the sisters of the popular girls, they have done many fun things and have helped each other in the classes they had together, then he discovered that their names are Dolly Daniels and Sarah Lohan, also their other 2 friends have visited from time to time. "I didn't expect someone to want to be my friend after 2 years, they usually just look for me to help them" He said to himself still surprised, he didn't expect that, after meeting Ember and Thorax, they would give him the opportunity to make new friends. After spending a long time changing the channel, until he stops at a news channel, he is intrigued as they talk about a powerful mafia. "This is today's news, the Mafia Family 'The Darkness' has expanded its territory in the south side of the city, its boss: Joe Mustaine, known as Mr. Sombra has declared that he has almost complete control of the city and that those who try to stop him will die a painful death" "Wow, the most dangerous Mafia I've ever seen, I hope I don't run into them" Suddenly, someone knocks on his door, he gets up and goes to open it, finding a woman with long dark violet, moderate pink and pale gold hair, grayish violet eyes and a peach complexion. She wears a pink shirt under a jean shirt, aqua green pants and yellow high heels. She is Christine Stellar or as you know her at school: "Cadence" she is the nurse. "Cadence, I didn't expect you to come... Today" Spike said rubbing his neck, she had been visiting him since the day his parents died, she's like a personal psychologist for him. "Yeah... I know our session would start tomorrow, but... I came to give you something" She said while holding a large box that has a note on it, she hands it to him while letting out a sigh. "¿Would you like to come in?" He invited her in, standing to one side of her door. "No thanks, I'll be here tomorrow for our session anyway, see you tomorrow" She waved to the boy, walking away as Spike closed the door behind him. He goes to his living room and leaves the box on top of one of his sofas and grabs the letter, unfolds it and begins to read it, putting his hand to his mouth in shock. "Spike, I know that you have been very sad since the death of your dog and you have not wanted to talk to anyone, but closing yourself off from everyone will only bring you more pain. For your birthday we adopted a little red fox, we know you love them and we hope you will come back to smile, we love to see that smile of yours that brightens our days. With much love: mom. Tears begin to come out of his green eyes, now he knew why they went to the bank, they were going to buy what was necessary so that he could take care of him. He puts the note aside and opens the box, seeing the little fox, he caresses it gently and the animal comes closer, lying in his lap. For a moment Spike felt good, he felt like family back, the only glimpse of his parents now lying with him. After all that, we see him take some blankets next to his bed in his room, he puts them on the floor and proceeds to lie down, but he sees that his pet climbs on his bed and lies next to him, Spike does not care and leave it. "Tomorrow we will go buy you food and toys, good night, Fawkes" The next day. Spike is in his garage, in front of his orange Dodge, he gets in next to his fox and starts it, leaving the house and going towards a pet store. Already in the place, he begins to choose suitable toys for his pet and food, pays for it and returns home, where he also sees that Cadence was waiting for him. This is how the days of joy have passed for our protagonist, having fun with his pet and his friends, although he will soon meet more people who want to be his friends. Another day at school and almost everyone is in the dining room, having lunch with friends or also having lunch outside on a beautiful day, Spike is alone, his 2 friends did not attend and his other 3 friends had to finish something, although he is used to it. But soon some shadows cover him and he looks up, seeing the 8 popular girls in front of him. "Uhh... ¿Can I help you?" He asked a little confused when he saw them in front of him. "¿Can we sit with you?" Bella asked, pointing to everything around the table. Surprised by that, he sees them back and the rest of the people looking at him just as surprised, not wanting to make them wait, he replies: "Yeah, go ahead" That provoked many comments and insults directed at him, but the girls gave them a look serious and everyone went back to their things. "I guess we don't need to introduce ourselves, hehe" Susan said, aware that everyone knows them. "Yes, hehe, although I do have to introduce myself. I'm Spike Drake, nice to meet you" He introduced himself and looked at all of them. "The pleasure is ours, Spike" Star said with a smile. "I'm sorry if I'm rude but ¿Why did you decide to sit with me?" He asked nervously, it wasn't normal for the most popular girls to sit with someone lonely like him. "¡I told them to, so we could meet you after our attempt to talk to Fluttershy!" Diane answered between jumps and with her big smile, seeing her friend Lisa who is hiding in her hair. "Also, to thank you for giving that idiot manager of my little sister what he deserves, thank you very much" Scarlett thanked him. "It was nothing, someone needed help and I helped her, although I didn't expect them to kill him" He remembered when in reality HE killed him. "But you still did something good, besides, my sister has told me about the times she had fun with you" Kelly recalled how her sister arrived one day with a lot of energy and told her about her day with him. "You're a kind hearted person, and we appreciate that" Jackeline saw her friends nod, making Spike feel a little uncomfortable, but for a moment. "S-So we came here to find out if..." Lisa spoke in a not so low voice and paused for a moment. "¿Do you want to be our friend?" They all said at the same time, waiting for a response from the already surprised Spike, who sees that their words are sincere and doesn't take long to reply: "Of course" They cheer and hug him, making him blush very much. But not everything is rosy... We see him coming back from a supermarket with shopping bags, he gets in his car and leaves the bags, until a 1969 Mustang pulls up next to him, 3 people getting out, but one stands out more. He has short amber yellow gray hair, bright crimson eyes, and a tan tea. He wears a dark grayish reddish brown suit, dress pants of the same color, and black shoes. He just sees Spike's car and approaches. "Wow, what a great car you have here, boy" He said admiring his vehicle. "I found it and sent it to be repaired" He replied simply. "¿What's your price? I'd love to have it in my collection" He smirked at him, staring at him. "Its not for sale" "Come on, everyone in the world has their price, stupid" He insulted him, but he saw that it didn't affect him. "Don't be stupid" And without further ado, he leaves the place, leaving the man with a frown, but that changes to a smile. At night, Spike prepares to sleep next to his fox, but a noise catches his attention and he goes to investigate. He goes to the kitchen and sees nothing, then to the main entrance and sees that it is open, he closes it and turns on the light in the living room, at that moment, someone hits him on the neck and pushes him, Spike complains about pain. But in that they kick his face, causing it to bleed and then another blow to the stomach, leaving him in complete pain, then he sees the people with masks and one of them approaches and removes it, revealing the gentleman from before. "I told you, boy, everyone in the world has their price" He said before kicking him, but he doesn't, as he groans in pain, he sees his leg and sees the fox biting his leg, he kicks it away and pulls out a gun, giving it. After that, they leave, leaving Spike on the verge of being knocked unconscious, dropping a single tear at the sight of his pet.