//------------------------------// // The difficult decision // Story: Ramil Sable // by Kawat3ngusan //------------------------------// The difficult decision In the present Twilight was increasingly interested in the story, -“So the famous necklace you had before the glowpaz one was a gift from Ramil?”- -"It was a hard choice for me to part with that necklace, but when there was the danger of the sphinx I had to sell it to buy food for a family, it was a gesture of Ramil's friendship, but I'm sure she would have accepted my choice, at least I think, but I'm sure she wouldn't have been angry for that altruistic gesture"- -“And how did Ramil play?”- -“ Oh, she was very good, she could play any instrument she had, but over the months she continued to train, she could no longer disguise herself, however she could warn her brother of possible villains in the city, but in any case she continued to create potions and training with weapons, as well as with the khopesch she also used the shield, the sword, the spear and the bow, she was very good with the bow, also because among the zebras it was normal to know how to use the bow, even if Hamzah didn't used to, six months went by and one day my parents took me before the pharaoh for something important”- -“What was it about?”- -“Now I'll tell you about it”- In the past Somnambula was in front of the pharaoh and the prince, she was together with her father Jalal and her mother Afrah, but near them there were also Mimea, Ramil and Hamzah. Somnambula didn't know what was going on and she asked her father, -“ Baba alfatikan? Limadha nahn huna eind fireawn? (Dad? Why are we here at Pharaoh's?)”- -“ 'iinah shay' muhimun (It's an important thing)”-, the father turned to the pharaoh, -“Oh noble pharaoh, I'm here to talk to you about something important”- -“Tell me, my dear scribe”- -“I wish my daughter Somnambula would follow my path, that she could be a scribe like me, and I would like her to become Prince Hisan's adviser”-, Somnambula was amazed, it was true that her father made her study to be like him, but he did not expect that sentence, but the pharaoh had other things to say, -"Dear Jalal and Afrah, and dear Somnambula, I would love to satisfy you but I can't because I have already promised it to someone else"-, Somnambula's parents were amazed, and Mimea came forward. -“Dear Jalal and Afrah, I'm sorry, but I had already asked for a long time that my daughter Ramil could become Hisan's advisor, after all, Ramil is one year older than your daughter and has known Hisan for much longer, she also knows many languages, but not your daughter”- Afrah was a little angry, -“But how dare you talking about my daughter Somnambula like that? Just because Ramil knows more languages does that mean she has more chances to become a councilor?” -"I know it seems unfair, but that's how it is, in life if you don't know languages you can't do everything"-, but Ramil didn't agree with her mother, -"Mom? You've never told me about this, I don't want to become a councilor"- -"Remember my baby, you can't keep giving lessons to Hisan"- -“I could give them to other ponies”- -"Maybe, but I prefer that you work here at the palace"- -"Mom, I told you, I don't want to become a councilor, that place belongs to Somnambula, I want to become a soldier"- -“Don't start over with that story, I won't let you become a soldier”- -"And then I don't want to become a councilor if only you want it"- -“You will do what I want for you, I will no longer allow you to go around being an avenger like you did with Sekhmet's mask”-, Ramil, Hamzah and Somnambula were amazed, -"mom? How did you know? Who told you?"- -“Your brother”-, Hamzah was amazed, -"No, it's not true, I've never told you about it"- -"In fact I found Sekhmet's mask by chance, when one evening I gave you some beer I put a potion in it that would make you tell the truth in your sleep, in fact when you slept I asked you questions and you answered in your sleep" -, Hamzah was upset, but Ramil was angry, -“Did you drug your son? How could you mom?” -"I just wanted to know the truth, if I had known it earlier I would have never allowed you to become a paladin"- -" Oh yes? And you never told me that you, Uncle Hakim and Aunt Nyasi had amulets of the Yoruba gods”- -" Who told you?"- -"It was Hamzah, you had the power of foresight and you never told me"- -"I lost it when I converted to the Equigyptian religion, and it was better this way, those amulets belonged to Nyasi, instead you don't have the protection of the gods, so you couldn't become a soldier, my little one"- -"Stop calling me my little one, I'm no longer a filly, I'm grown up now, I'm now close to becoming a mare"- The pharaoh spoke with Jalal -“I would like to make them stop but it's too funny”-, Somnambula was sorry that Mimea and Ramil were arguing, and they hadn't finished yet, Mimea started to cry, -“ You are not yet a mare, you will always be for me my little pony, and your brother will always remain a little zebra too”-, Hamzah blushed, instead Ramil got even more angry, -“ So it's like that, huh? You consider him a zebra, and me? Am I a pony to you? Just you, my mother, you don't consider me a zebra, so you're the same as all those who look at me strange because of my appearance and my stripes, for you I'm not a zebra, I'm just an ugly crossbreed"-, Mimea hadn't noticed of the words she had said and tried to make up for, -“No, no, my child, what did you understand? You are not a bad crossbreed, your stripes are different from those of other zebras because you are special, your father had a red mane, the other half-zebra ponies have black stripes because they have zebra fathers, there are not many female zebras married to ponies and their children are either zebras or ponies with black stripes, but you are special Ramil, and I always think so, it's just that I want to protect you, I thought you didn't want to become like me, using magic potions and medicines"- -"but I love helping you with the potions and medicines, mum, I myself read the ones you create, in fact I have a papyrus where I write the potions I create, and I wanted to show you, I have several papyri with various magic potions with ingredients that I find in the desert, I want to become like you, but I thought that being a zebra I could be strong and being a pegasus I am fast and agile, but you don't seem to understand it" -, Pharaoh stepped in to speak to Mimea, -“ Your daughter Mimea is right, my son Hisan and I have often seen Ramil training with the other guards, and she has always won against them, except against her brother, but I think it's normal, because he's the one who trained her ”-, but Mimea was worried, -"But….but…I just want her to be safe, I don't want to lose my children like I lost my two husbands"- -“Mimea, you are a wise zebra and my personal doctor, and you are always right, but you cannot stop your daughter from following her path, I think she could be more useful as a soldier than as an adviser”-, at that moment a light brown unicorn with white clothes and pieces of armor entered the hall and wanted to say something, -“I object, noble Pharaoh, I do not agree on this matter”-, Somnambula saw the unicorn, and spoke to her father, -"Who is that guy, dad?"- -“ Haven't you ever seen him? That's Mukhtar there, he's the captain of the guards”-, Hamzah approached them to speak softly, -“If I have to give my opinion, he is the worst captain of the guards I have ever known, he doesn't even want to retire, I don't even know how old he is, the pharaoh was still young when Mukhtar was already in service”-, Mukhtar went close to the pharaoh, had only heard the last words, -“Noble pharaoh, a pegasus cannot be a guard, it is not her place”-, Mimea felt offended for her daughter, -“ But how dare you judge, Mukhtar? Among the guards there are two pegasi, a unicorn and a pony, and with my son also a zebra”- -"But they are all males, no female will be part of the royal guards, the place of a female is to look after the house and not fight"- -“Look, there have been warrior zebras among my people, and my sister Nyasi is also a gladiatress”- -"And it was a bad idea, females have to do housework, I will never admit a female among my guards, after all I agree with you, Mimea"- -"Yes, that's true, but in a racist way, how dare you judge me, my sister, my people and my daughter only on the basis of gender?"- -"Because only boys are strong, I accepted your son because he proved to be strong, and also because he is a boy"- -“You filthy racist of an old man…..”-, the pharaoh stopped them, -“That's enough, I don't want to hear any more quarrels, hsnan ..... hadha wade saeb (Mmm..... this is a difficult situation), on the one hand I would like Somnambula to be my son's advisor, however, Ramil knows many languages of this continent, but I have seen her fight several times, so she could also be an excellent royal guard, in this way she could protect me, my son and the people, and I would have another guard as an interpreter of languages as well as Hamzah, however Mimea is worried for the safety of her daughter while Mukhtar does not accept females among the guards”- Prince Hisan was worried, -“But can't they both be my advisers? They are both good mares”- -“It could be a solution, but maybe I know how to solve the situation”- -"And how, father?"- -"I will do as I did for the inclusion of Hamzah in the guards, I will go to the temple of Horus and I will pray that he can help me find a good judgement, in this way no one will be able to complain because an Equigyptian god will give the answer"-. So the pharaoh followed by some guards headed towards the temple of Horus which was not so far from the royal palace. Once there he went in alone, walked and got down to business and before the statue of the god, and prostrated himself on the ground, -“ 'awh , huras al'iilahi (Oh divine Horus), I am here before you to ask you for advice, Somnambula's parents would like their daughter to become my son's advisor, but Mimea would also like the same fate as hers daughter Ramil, however Ramil would like to become a royal guard, I have seen her fight and she is very good, for me she could be an excellent guard, but her mother is worried because she could die, and then there is my captain Mukhtar who doesn't want females among the guards, I don't want to displease anyone, I thought you could help me, what can I do?”-. At that moment, there was a light, the pharaoh stood up and the god himself appeared before him, he was an anthropomorphic white falcon with a magic stick in one hand and large golden wings, it was not the first time that the pharaoh saw the god appear to him, it had happened before, Horus spoke to him, -“Noble pharaoh, I have the solution to your problem, so you don't have to rack your brain”- -“And tell me, divine Horus, what is the solution?”-, Horus stretched out his arm and made a golden rolled papyrus appear and handed it to the pharaoh, -“Inside this papyrus is the solution to your problem, you just have to read it”-, the pharaoh took it and looked at it, -"Why did you write me the solution instead of telling me?"- -“ Because you will have to open this papyrus only in front of the two families so that they can understand too, they will have to see it too, I recommend you not to open it before the time, you have to be in front of the two families to be able to open it, so don't peek, the message will have to be understood in order to understand the answer, it's a very important thing, so don't peep”- -“That's fine, thank you divine Horus”- -"We don't say goodbye, we'll see each other soon"- -"In what sense?"-, but before the pharaoh could finish the sentence, Horus was gone, the pharaoh headed towards the entrance, but curiosity forced him to read the papyrus so he tried to open it, but a voice screamed , -“DON'T PEEK!”-, the pharaoh got scared and then he went out of the temple, took another look at the papyrus, and the voice of Horus was heard again, -“DON'T PEEK!”-, the pharaoh then decided to leave the papyrus alone and take it to the palace, the guards took him there. Finally the pharaoh returned to the throne room where both families were hoping for an answer, he told of the sudden appearance of Horus and then of what he had said, so he brought the two families closer and finally he was able to open the papyrus, but there was nothing written but a white light appeared, the papyrus remained in the air and launched a ray of light from which a magical hologram of Horus appeared, everyone was amazed. Horus spoke, -“Listen to me everyone, I will be able to solve your problem, Jalal and Afrah want Somnambula to become Hisan's advisor, Mimea instead wants her daughter Ramil to become one, but Ramil wants to become a royal guard, but Mukhtar does not accept females among the guards , well I have an idea I want to test Ramil and the other guards, I want you to come the day after tomorrow in the morning to my temple, all the guards must come and also Mukhtar, I will test, the gods will test, who will win not only he will become the new captain of the guards, if Ramil wins, she will become a guard, if she loses, then she will have to give up fighting forever, the test will be held in the realm of gods, so you must be ready and trained, Jalal, Afrah, Somnambula and Mimea will have to be together with me to cheer on the participants”-, Mukthar was worried, -“Hey wait, Horus, what would it be like whoever wins will become the new captain of the guards? I am the captain of the guards”- -“ Dear Mukhtar, you are now old, you have to retire, whoever wins will take your place”- -“What if I win?”- -"Then you will stay in your place, but wherever Ramil arrives, she will have to give up fighting, or she will arrive first or nothing if she is good, she will be the new captain"- -"I refuse to accept a proposal like this, you Horus can't make decisions like this......"-, Horus got angry, -“SILENCE MUKHTAR, how dare you question my decision?”-, the pharaoh also scolded Mukhtar, -“ It's true Mukhtar, how dare you answer Horus so rudely?”-, Mukhtar kept silent, but Mimea turned to the god, -"Divine Horus, I don't want my daughter to win, I don't want her to fight, she is too precious to me"- -"The way you talk about it, it's as if you already know that your daughter can do it, does that mean you trust her?"- -“ No, no….the truth is……”- -"I am not the goddess Maat, but I can recognize the truth in you mortals, if you said those words it means that you trust Ramil and you don't want to tell him"- -“But what kind of challenge will it be?”- -“ A test of strength, intelligence, speed and above all heart and brain, it will also be forbidden to fly, I can't tell you the details, so I say goodbye, see you the day after tomorrow at my temple, I will open the way for you to the world of the gods" - having said this, the hologram disappeared and the papyrus vanished into the air. Everyone was confused but others happy, Pharaoh spoke first, -“What an honor, Horus wants to test my guards, and in the world of gods, it will be a fantastic thing”-, Jalal expressed himself, -“But what we have to do? I mean……for Horus we should just be there cheering”-, Somnambula spoke to Ramil, -“Ramil? I'll cheer for you, if you don't make it you don't have to give up you'll still be very strong, indeed we could travel together across the continent and you'll be my guide"-, Ramil was moved and hugged Somnambula, then Mimea wanted to talk to Ramil, -"My daughter, I know I should be worried but I want you to make it, and if you don't win you can always help me with my work"- -“Are you really going to teach me the other spells in your books? And the other potions too?” -"I would have done it anyway, your brother is denied for spells and potions, and then even if you've grown up, you will always be special to me, don't listen to all those who look at you strange because of the color of your stripes or because you're a pegasus with stripes"-, Mimea hugged her daughter, and then Hamzah also wanted to hug her sister, -" However the challenge should go, you will still be able to train together with me and the other guards, maybe you could train other soldiers"- -“You too will have to compete, if you win you will be the new captain of the guards”-, the pharaoh called them, -"So it's decided, when it's morning we'll all meet at the temple of Horus to see who will win the challenge in the realm of the gods, check your sundials"-. To be continued...... My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro