//------------------------------// // Bus Mixups // Story: The Summer Switcheroo // by dashielovesyou //------------------------------// “Yo rare! You ready for summer camp?” Rainbow exclaimed with enthusiasm, her voice brimming with excitement as she talked with Rarity over the phone. The two friends had been eagerly preparing for their summer camp. Rarity had planned to attending a beauty camp, while Rainbow Dash was excited about going to a high-energy sports-themed camp. “Almost, AHH I’m so excited!” Rarity screamed. She couldn’t hold it in. As Rarity packed additional clothing and beauty supplies, she couldn't help but gush to Rainbow about the things that awaited her at the beauty camp. “Oh, Rainbow, darling! You simply won't believe what there at this camp! Manicures, heavenly spa treatments, and the chance to learn the latest makeup techniques from beauty experts. It’s anything you can think of!" Rainbow giggled. She knew for sure Rarity was giving a big smile behind the phone screen. But Rainbow also couldn’t help but talk about her summer camp. “Oh, Rarity, you have no idea how stoked I am about my camp! It's all about intense training, awesome challenges, and pushing my limits. I'm ready to show everyone who’s boss! You'll see me breaking records left and right!" She had everything ready and sitting on a chair nearby the door. “Hurry Rarity! I want us to meet up at the same time!” Rainbow hollered. Knowing Rarity, she takes forever on EVERYTHING. “Yes yes! Let me just get my-“ “You probably don’t need it. Start walking!” Rainbow interrupted. Rarity stood still for a second in hesitation but shrugged. Rainbow was right, she didn’t need it. Rainbow had paid an uber to drop them off at their busses. The pickup wasn’t far from Rainbow Dash and Rarity so they just needed to walk. “Okay, I’m on my way now,” Rarity said. Rainbow can hear her leaving the house and the breeze corrupting the noise quality. Rainbow also started walking to their pick up. Rainbow and Rarity saw each other walking from the opposite side of the streets. They rushed over to each other and held each other’s hand until screaming and jumping up and down. “I’m sorry I’m just too excited!” Rarity shrieked. She put her hands on her cheeks still beaming a smile. Rainbow pulled out her phone and checked the uber app. “That uber better get here soon, we don’t have all day!” Rainbow Dash announced. Few minutes past by while Rarity and Rainbow still discuss about their summer fun that awaits them. Rarity was showing pictures of the camp on her phone to Rainbow Dash, still not getting over her excitement. Rainbow Dash in her normal nature, started bragging about how she will beat everyone in every challenge at the camp. A white camry pulled in front of them. “Are you Rainbow Dash?” A middle-aged looking man asked, holding up his phone. “Yep!” Rainbow said. She opened the car door for Rarity, she stepped inside and so did Rainbow Dash. “Is this the right address?” The man showed his phone to Rainbow Dash. She leaned her head towards the screen. “Yep,” She nodded her head. The man put his phone down and started driving. Rainbow had a small smile on her face, being in a great mood. She looked over at her right to see Rarity giggling on her phone, texting someone. “Who you texting?” Rainbow asked. She made sure she didn’t sound nosy so the atmosphere doesn’t change. “It’s just Fluttershy dear. I’m telling her we are on our way to the bus,” Rarity said, still giggling and not taking her eye off her screen. “Oh, cool,” Rainbow said. “Oh oh! Look at this dress Rainbow, I’m definitely taking inspiration from this!” Rarity pointed at her phone while shoving the screen to Rainbow’s face. She backed away and smiled. Seeing her friend act like other one in particular made her excitement have a boost. “We gonna call each other every night right?” Rainbow asked, pushing away the phone. Rarity nodded rapidly. “Of course!” Rarity scoffed. “Why wouldn’t we?” Rainbow laughed in response. The car stopped to a sidewalk, lined up with multiple cars of people getting their belongings. Rarity and Rainbow Dash stepped out the car and got their bags from the trunk. They thanked the driver and head to the busses. Rainbow Dash and Rarity looked around frantic. Rarity kept looking up and down while Dash kept scanning her surroundings, hoping to catch a glimpse of her bus. The girls had parted their way to go to their assigned busses. The area was bustling with people, each rushing to catch their respective rides. Rainbow Dash's frustration was mounting, her body twitching with impatience. Rainbow Dash picked up her phone to call Rarity. “Are you on your bus? I cant seem to find mine,” Rainbow Dash said with a hint of frustration and worry. A short pause came from Rarity ends, the wind entering the phone line. “No,” Rarity said. “No I can’t seem to find mine either.” Rarity sighed, adjusting her designer sunglasses and tapping her perfectly manicured fingers on her phone screen. "What is your bus number?" “16,” Rainbow answered. Another pause was made as Rarity went and double checked her bus number on her phone. “Mine is 15,” Rarity said. “Uhm, what section are you at darling?” “Honestly I’m not sure-“ Rainbow cut off her words as her eyes landed on a sign with numbers 20-40. “Ugh!” Rainbow groaned. “I’m in the wrong fucking section! Some guy leaded me to the wrong one!” Rarity put her phone down and walked up to someone. “Excuse me,” Rarity started. “Do you happen to know what section this is? The women pointed up at a sigh that stated 1-10. “Oh, thank you!” Rarity giggled in embarrassment. She held the phone up to her ear and spoke. “It’s okay darling. I’m in the wrong section too, perhaps I went a bit too far,” “Alright let’s just go to our section before they leave us!” Rainbow quickly said. Rainbow hung up the call, quickly grabbing her stuff and headed towards section 10-20. Rarity and Rainbow Dash see each other at the other end of the street, just like earlier. They walked up to each other and sighed. “We are in the right section right?” Rarity asked. She looked around to find less people. Everyone must have gotten in their bus. “Yeah, we are,” They were only a few more people left. Both of the girls started panicking. Since Rarity was in the left side, she went diagonal from her position, Rainbow Dash did the same thing. They got into their bus just as the door closed. In unison, Rarity and Rainbow Dash settled into their seats on the bus, they finally had a moment to catch their breath. Rarity picked up her phone and texted Rainbow Dash. Rarity: That was a close one! Rainbow Dash: Yeah, I thought we weren’t going to make it! Rarity reacted to the text instead of replying. Both of the girls put down their phone, relaxing as the bus made it’s way to their camp. With a jolt, Rainbow woke up, rubbing her head. “Ow, what gives?” She turned her head to the window, with a look of confusion. This doesn’t look like the camp? Rainbow Dash thought as she went on her phone to look at pictures. Her expression changed from confused to pure horror. She started panicking and went to the messaging app to text Rarity. She kept spamming but got no response. From her peripheral vision, she saw a short women with a simple dress, over-the-top makeup, and bouncy red curls rose from her seat. “Wake up ladies, we are here! Your first day of Beauty camp!” The women announced cheerfully. Rainbow Dash's heart skipped a beat as she heard the cheerful announcement. Beauty camp? Her eyes widened in disbelief. This wasn't what she had signed up for. She had been expecting a fun-filled summer of adventure and athletics, not a camp focused on beauty and glamour. Rainbow Dash started to call Rarity. Meanwhile with Rarity, she had been daydreaming about all the things she was going to do at her camp. Beauty makeovers, getting advice from professionals, spa treatments- Her dreaming stopped to a loud screeching sound coming to a bus to a stop. Her face grimaced at the noise as she looked in front of the bus. Her eyes wided as she saw who was standing in front of the bus. “Wake up knuckle heads! We are here,” The women announced. Rarity gave a long look at her while trying to wrap her head if she was at the wrong camp or not. Surely enough, she recognized the taller women. It’s Spitfire! The coach of their High School and Rainbow Dash’s trainer. She started panicking. Oh no! I’ve gotten on the wrong bus! Rarity screamed inside her head. She started biting her new manicure from stress. Just as, she felt her phone buzz. It was a call from Rainbow Dash. She immediately picked it up and accepted the call. “Rarity! Did you end up at the wrong camp?” Rainbow asked in a hushed voice. She could tell she was trying to be quiet as possible while she was totally freaking out. Rarity on the other hand, did the complete opposite. “Yes! Oh my goodness how did this happen?” Rarity wailed, putting her hands over her head as she closed her eyes. She opened them to find multiple set of eyes on her, giving her confused-concerning looks. Rarity did a little laugh from her embarrassment “I’m sorry everybody.” Spitfire made her way towards the distressed teen and bended down to meet her eyes. “Do we have a problem?” Spitfire asked, in a low dangerous level. Rarity’s eyes wided as she broke into a sweat. She never had a interaction with Spitfire, but watching her from the way she talks to Rainbow Dash and all of her other peers makes her scared. “N-No ma’am,” Rarity said, giving a fake smile. Spitfire’s expression got more stern, which made Rarity leaned back. “You gotta be more tougher than that if you wanna stay here,” Spitfire said. Rarity took this opportunity to state the mistake that had been made. “B-But I’m afraid-“ “Alright everybody! I’m stuck with you guys this whole summer, so you guys need to train HARD. No goofing around!” Spitfire yelled, forming a fits and slamming it on her pam. Rarity’s face made a big frown. She looked at her phone to check if Rainbow was still connected. Rarity put the phone to her ear. “I guess that confirms it,” Rainbow deadpanned.