The Dukes Of Hazzard

by Spike DrakeStar9

The Life In The Hazzard County

Another day begins in Hazzard, and we see our protagonists in the F-100 going to their friend Thorax's house as promised, they park in front and honk, they wait a few minutes until a young man no more than 19 years old comes out.

He has short orange hair, purple eyes, and a brown complexion. He wears a white t-shirt over a lime green jacket, orange pants and sneakers of the same color.

"¡Good morning, Thorax!" The cousins said at the same time.

"Good morning to you 2" The now familiar Thorax replied "¿What brings you here?"

"We came to get you to fix the family truck, we jumped out and the front bent a little" Spike rubbed the back of his neck.

"And to see if it doesn't have something broken" Gabriel added, looking at the hood and trunk.

"Ok, come on back, we'll see what's up with that beauty" He activates a lever next to his door that opens a garage door, where it reads 'John "Thorax" Jennings'.

As they pass by, they get out of the vehicle and the 3 of them make a fist bump, going out to the gigantic yard that it has.

"¿What are you doing, friend?"

"Just fixing engines, shooting at targets, testing war bombs, etc"

The 2 cousins look at another area further away from them and see several holes and scorched grass for which they said "Yes, we already noticed" They said at the same time.

"Hehe, yeah... Well, I'll see how the truck is and I'll call them" John commented.

The 2 said goodbye and walk towards the town, thinking about what to do in the meantime. After a few minutes of walking, they arrive at their beloved town, where they see the different people walking or in their vehicles. After thinking for a while, they decide to go shopping to restock on food and things necessary for the farm.

In the market, they browse the food sections until they find the ideal one and stop to fill their cart.

"¿What are you doing today, Spike?" Asked Gabriel.

"I don't know, maybe go to the junkyard or visit the Daniels" He replied without looking at him, just looking at the rows of food.

"¿Are you going to see your girlfriend Applejack?" Garble looked at him with a… Questionable look.

Drake blushes at that and returns her unamused look as he says: "Jackie's not my girlfriend, we're just friends, besides, someone like her wouldn't be interested in someone like me"

"I think so, I'm just saying" He raised his hands defensively, in case he said something.

After shopping, they went to the store to buy things for the farm, like new shovels and stuff, since, before they left, they saved her aunt the trouble and she stayed at home doing who knows what.

"Hey, cousin" Spike caught her attention and asked what's going on raising an eyebrow "¿Is it true what you said that someone like her would be interested in me? You know that the girls I've dated didn't end well knowing how it's me"

Garble looked at him with concern, he knew he was right, all the girls he's dated left him after seeing how energetic and ordinary he is. Once he heard one of them tell him that she thought he was stronger and more popular. He took a deep breath and then said: "Spike, I didn't lie to you about that, girls like her are interested in even the most common thing in life. Don't worry, remember that you won't be alone, you have your cousin who is crazy about cars here" He finished with a laugh and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, bro"

"Always happy to help" Garble smiled at him "Let's go to the resto-pub, it's on me"

"Always happy to help" Garble smiled at him "Let's go to the resto-pub, it's on me"

So the cousins go out to buy some sacks of corn grains and shovels, letting the workers take it to their farm and going to the resto-pub. Once there, they enter and sit at a table, waiting to be served.

It doesn't take long for a girl to serve them and they order, Spike ordering a full hamburger with bacon and Gabriel simply ordering some fried eggs and bacon.

"Well, life is quiet in Hazzard"

"With a touch of speed on our part, hehe" Garble laughed.

After waiting 12 minutes, they arrive with their order and start eating, thinking about what they will do next. After having lunch, they return to Thorax's, since he had called them. They knock on the door and enter, going towards the yard.

"I fixed what was wrong and improved some things, I changed the wheels, the bodywork is reinforced and other things" the boy listed.

"Wow, you did everything, thank you very much, Thorax ¿How much do we owe you?" The orange-haired asked.

"They don't owe me anything, really, yes, I gave it a name" He smiled when he remembered it.

"¿And which one is it?" The green-haired asked curiously.

"Old Waylon"

"I like it" They said at the same time.

Moments later, we see them driving down a dirt road to their home, but stop next to a neighboring farm a few feet from theirs, where there is a sign that says "Daniels Farm"

"Thanks for bringing me, Garble" He thanked his dear cousin.

"It's nothing, Drake, have fun with your girlfriend" He told him before going all out, leaving the word in Spike's mouth. He just smiles at her and walks into the farm, which is the same as his, but has a part full of apple trees.

He goes there and finds his 3 friends taking down the apples from the trees and putting them in buckets.

The first is a 14 years old girl, she has long bright red hair, bright orange eyes and a peach tea. She wears a light green shirt with a scarf around his neck, light blue jeans and brown leather boots.

The second one is also a 19 years old girl, she has long blonde hair, emerald green eyes, and a peach tea too. She wears a striped white shirt over a checkered brown leather vest, blue jeans, cowboy boots and a brown leather hat.

The last one is a 23 years old boy, he has short orange hair, strong green eyes and a brown complexion. He wears a white T-shirt over a red checkered shirt, brown pants and brown boots.

They are Dolly Daniels, Jackeline Daniels and Mac Daniels, known by the nicknames "Applebloom", "Applejack" or "Jackie" (only for Spike) and "Big Mac".

The 3 of them hear someone approaching and they look up, seeing Spike who greets them and they wave back.

"¿How have you been, friends?"

"Very good, organizing and selling as usual" Applebloom replied.

"¿How have you been, Spike?" Applejack asked.

"I've been fine, going back and forth with my cousin, jumping in the van, etc ¿Do you guys need help?" He saw the apple trees and the buckets.

"Eeyup" Big Mac replied simply.

With that said, he gets to work alongside his best friends, digging out the apples, putting them in the buckets and taking them to the barn, all of which takes most of the day. At the end of everything, 2 of the brothers enter the house, leaving the blonde and the green-haired alone, who go to a grassy mound where they can appreciate the sunset in peace.

"I'll never tire of the view"

"You cannot deny it, the sunsets will always be beautiful"

"Hehe, hey, Jackie, soon we will have a barbecue with my family for the return of my cousin, your family is invited" Spike told him, remembering what his uncles planned.

"¿Really? Thanks Spikey" she thanked. Suddenly, she lays her head on the boy's lap, making him blush bright red and making the girl laugh at her reaction.

After getting over the awkwardness, he tells her: "I remember when we first met, we were kids back then"

"Right, when your family settled on the neighboring farm, you were good at advising someone and keeping someone company when someone needed it." She remembers being frustrated when she had to take care of the farm alone and take care of her little sister on the side.

"Hehe, yes, those were good times... Well, I better go back, I don't want to worry my uncles" He stands up and is about to say goodbye, but is surprised when Applejack hugs him and whispers: "Thank you, for being my friend" followed by a kiss on the cheek that makes him blush.

After that, he leaves the place, leaving a single Jackeline who lets out a sigh and removes her hat, watching her best friend leave.

"I wish... I had the will to tell you how I feel about you..."