White Fur and Purple Scales

by cosmicriff

Chapter 2

At the same time, Spike made it back to Twilight’s castle. He slowly opened the door with his head hanging low and his tail dragging behind him. Twilight noticed and quickly flew over to him.

“Spike, what's wrong?” she asked.

Spike looked up at her, tears beginning to fill his eyes again until he hugged her and started sobbing into her chest.

“It's not fair!” he cried between sobs. “I've been in love with Rarity my whole life! I've been dropping hints that I love her ever since we first met and then some guy she just met swoops in and steals her from me!”

Twilight looks at him with concern. “Oh, Spike, is that was this is about?” she crouched down to meet his level, putting a wing around him.

“I know this must be hard for you, but the fact is that it was never going to work out, I thought you would've figured that out by now.”

“But I grew wings!” Spike protested. “I'm not a baby anymore!”

Twilight chuckled lightly. “You may not be a baby anymore, but you're still just a kid,” she said. “I know you think you love her but really, do you even have anything in common?”

“We have lots in common!” Spike protested. “We both like gems for example!”

Twilight rolled her eyes with a smile. “That’s not really enough to form a relationship around now is it?”

Spike lowered his head. “I guess not. I've just loved her for so long I feel like I’ll never find anyone else.”

Twilight embraced Spike closer. “You’re a very sweet and loveable dragon,” she said. “One day you will.”