//------------------------------// // Here come the Pony-Birds! Part 1 // Story: The Pony-Bird Adventures // by Kyetta Cubid //------------------------------// After many Years after the Mane 6 took care of all the friendship problems, peace finally came to Equestria! However, after many years of protecting Equestria, the Mane 6 retired from doing their duties of the Elements of Harmony. But what if their was another group of Ponies to take their place? One faithal day, Twilight and her friends were at her palace, having their Friendship meetings. To make it feel like old times, they did it in Twilight's palace, around the Cutie Map. "It's always good to have all of us around this very Table that helped us know where the friendship problem is." Twilight said camelry, as they all agreeded. "I agree Darling. After those years of facing Chrysalis, Terek, Cozy Glow, Sombra and... I have no clue what else, we still stuck together" Rarity chimed in. "We really kicked butt and got through everything!" Rainbow Dash pumped up as she flew upwards. "Not to mention many new friends." Fluttershy said shyly. "Ain't kiddin'. We really went through a lot, haven' we?" Applejack spoke out. "Not forgetting all the parties we celebrated after the victories!" Pinkie Pie said, excitedly, which earned her some laughs from her friends. They all still kept their friendship, even if they weren't together, but Twilight's laughter died down, making them concerned. Rarity then asked her something. "Anything wrong, dear?" Twilight then looked down at her. "Well, I was thinking to myself and this is why I thought of the meeting. Since the Destruction of the Tree of Harmony, I was thinking... maybe it'll be time to... find someponies to... take over as our new Elements of Harmony?" All her friends then got confused and concerned. Fluttershy then shyly got into the talk. "Y-Your saying you want some other Ponies to... replace us?" Twilight then answered. " I mean I don't want to replace the friends I already got, but since we all gave up being Equestria's protectors, I thought it'll be time to find some other Pony group to take our places." Rainbow Dash then ranted about her plan and decigion. "No way I'll find another Pegasus who is Awesome like me!" "A-And what about another who'll look after my Animals and care for them?" Fluttershy quietly whimpered. Applejack was agreeing with her friends. "Hate to break it to ya, Sugar, but if their was another me, I hope they'll know how we do on the Apple Farm." "And need to make the best Parties like me!" Pink Pie then yelled out. Rarity scoffed a little. "I hope if I do find a replacement, they know what Style suits others!" "I know your all not glad with this, but if we were to find Replacements and Successors, I'll have to be the first one to find mine. By then, you'll find your own!" Twilight heard that her friends are both agreeing and against it, but when will they find their Replacements and where... as they're prayers were spoke, as they heard a crash coming from outside. "Well, that hurt as much, Red!" "Well, sorry, my friend! I'll aim at it next time!" They all heard somewhat arguing coming from outside, as they all headed out to check on what happened. They found some shopping stalls were destroyed by something. Rainbow Dash got a bit excited about what they were facing. "OH YEAH! I haven't had a good fight in a long time!" Applejack then replied. "I mean I'm a little rusty, but I'll be sure to give them a good whoppen'!" Everyone thought even if it was that long to not having a good fight, they still had to know what the threat was. They go near the destroyed stalls and looked into them, finding something they thought of never seeing. They saw it was two Ponies, both being Alicorns. One was a Hot Pink color with a Bright Blue Mane. She also had the same colored eyes like her Mane and her Cutie Mark was a Cube that had Six lines going through one another and had the colors of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue and Purple. The other was a Bright Red, with a Red Mane and Black Tail. She had Blue eyes and her Cutie Mark was a Red Feather. All the Mane 6 were confused on the Red one and the Pink ones Cutie Mark. Both then got out of the Holes and Stalls, as the Pink One talked to the Red one. "Yeah, maybe we should get better aim before firing." The Pink Pony spoke to her friend. The Red one then replied. "You got it. Better tell Chuck and Harley once we get back to Beaksburg!" The Mane Six didn't understand what was going on and what they were talking about, as they didn't know anything about any 'Beaksburg' on the Cutie Map. Twilight then growned a little concerned about both Ponies and what happened. " Excuse me, you two! I would like to ask you two something." Both then looked at Twilight, confused. " O-Oh, sorry about the Stalls! If you want us too, we'll be happy to pay for the damages! Right Red?" The Red pony, who was called 'Red' was distracted and then focused on her friend. "Huh? O-Oh yeah... Let's do that!" The others didn't think that Red was listening to what was going on. "I seen Maud listen better than her." Pinkie Pie jokely said, which caught Red's attention. "Well sorry, but us Pony-Birds love to cause come Destruction from time to time!" Once she said her and possibly the Pink Ponies Specie name, they thought they discovered another Specie of Pony they never heard about before. "What are 'Pony-Birds'?" Rarity questioned. Fluttershy thought about their specie, but only the 'bird' part. "I learned about many bird species, but never Pony-Birds?" "I researched every Pony Specie in the whole of Equestria, but I haven't heard about your kind before." Twilight said in a questioning tone. "W-Well, the reason for that is... our hometown, Beaksburg, has this weird barrier that protects it from any type of Dark Magic. We don't know how it works, but we guess it's the energy that comes from where we builted it! If you wish, we're happy to bring you to Beaksburg." The Pink Pony offered. The Mane Six huddled up, questioning them. " So what do you guys think?" Twilight first questioned. Rarity then spoke. "I don't know. We seen what they done! Maybe we shouldn't!" "But these are new pony Species we never thought of meeting! And to be honest, the Destruction they caused on those stalls looked pretty cool!" Rainbow Dash said with some pride in her tone. Applejack then wanted to know something from her. "Who's side are you even on?" Fluttershy then quietly spoke. "T-They don't look bad if we get to know them, like we're doing now." "And maybe, if we're lucky, they could have friends just like we are!" Pinkie Pie said, which reminded them all about the meeting. With the Pink Pony and Red, both then looked at each other. "What do you think?" The Pink Pony asked Red. " Hey, if they're planning on getting rid of us, we'll be happy to leave right now!" Red then ranted. The Pink Pony then thought of what she said and decided to leave, until Twilight came over to them. "Since we're having a problem of our own, we'll be happy to check on this... Beaksburg?" Twilight said, which earned her some smiles. "Great! We'll give you sometime to get your stuff and be on our way!" "No need, it'll just be quick trip, just to check on what we're facing. Thank you for your concern..." Twilight then paused, not knowing her name. "I'm Kyetta! Kyetta Cubit! And you may of met my friend, Red." The Pink Pony, who they all guessed is called Kyetta now. Twilight was interested in seeing another pony who was kind hearted and honest. "Kyetta, huh? You remind me of me when I was young." Red then butted in. "Who do I remind you off?" She didn't say as they headed to a Hot Air Balloon, as it then floated above the sky and checked around all of Equestria, starting with going over Everfree forest. After a few minutes of flying in the Sky, they were thinking of the others. "Since we're going to have a while until we get to Beaksburg, why don't you all introduce yourselves?" Kyetta asked, since they guessed she didn't know who they are. Twilight was the first to introduce herself. "I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, the once Element of Magic and Harmony!" "I'm Rainbow Dash, former Element of Loyalty and the Awesome member of the group!" "Applejack. Was Element of Honesty and Apple Farmer of Sweet Apple Acres." "I'm Fluttershy. I'm the former Element of Kindness." She said in her quiet, peaceful voice. "I am Rarity. I'm the fashionable one of the group, with my own Boutique! Caracal Boutique! I am also the once Element of Generosity." "I'm Pinkie Pie! The once, but still, Element of Laughter! I can't wait to know your friends and see how they throw a party!" Pinkie Pie said excitedly, as it also reminded both Kyetta and Red. Before they could remind each other, the Balloon then landed somewhere, which was somewhere not on the Cutie Map. Red and Kyetta looked out of the Balloon and found out where they were. Kyetta then spoke out to everyone. "We're here and home!" They all got out of the Balloon and looked at where they now were. It was a Medium Town that was surrounded by a large crater. It did have three Bridges, two destroyed, but the one in the middle was still up. Everyone was surprised to see another Town that wasn't anywhere on the Equestian Map or ever been spoke off before. "After many years of knowing every part of Equestria, we didn't know there was even another Village." Twilight said with interest. Kyetta and Red then both walked across the Bridge as the Mane Six were still looking at the entire Town. Red then yelled out at them all. "You all know this is the part where you follow us!" They then heard Red as they saw them both heading to the other side. "Oh yeah, be careful around the bridge and the Crater! We don't want anypony lost or anypony knowing what's down there!" Kyetta added. The Mane Six looked down as they backed up, seeing how deep and dark it was. They crossed the Bridge also. Once over the Bridge, they got a better view of the Town, finding it to be a bit destructive and all over the place, but to the residents, it was home. "Watch out for the Delivery barrels if your a Pegasus or Alicorn! We don't want anyone knocked down!" Red warned everyone. Rainbow Dash decided to call it safe and started to walk. After heading around Town, the Mane Six were confused on why they were following Kyetta and Red for a while now and were thinking they were the only friends, as they found another few Buildings, but they looked more sturdy and fancier from the others. Rarity then went a little Rarity once she looked at the place. "Not my taste, but I'll live with it. Besides, Marble is a fancy Material." "Yet Expensive!" Another Voice came out, which caught everyones attentions. They saw it was a Large, White Alicorn with a Brown Mane and Tail with Black edges. He had Brown eyes and his Cutie Mark was a Tin of Sardines. "Big E!" Kyetta and Red both cheered in Excitement, as the Mane Six thought they knew him. Rainbow Dash thought his name was funny and tried to keep in her laughter. "Sorry, but it's the name! Big E?" "I get you all know my Nickname, but if you want to, you can call me by my real name. MIGHTY EAGLE!" The Alicorn, that Kyetta and Red called Big E, but is really Mighty Eagle announced, the Mane Six was believed he was their leader. "N-Nice to meet you Mighty Eagle. I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends and former Elements of Harmony." Twilight Spoke out. "I'm Pinkie Pie!" Pinkie Pie introduced herself again as Big E chuckled. "No need for introductions. To be honest, we all know about you!" Big E said as he brought out a Newspaper from a few years ago. Twilight used her Magic to lift it up as she smelled something Funky about it. "Apologies. Sardine Juices get... everywhere!" Big E apologiesed. Twilight was still discussed from the smell and just gave it back to him. "I can Sme... See! I can see that!" Just then, they heard a few more hoof sounds coming towards them. "Kyetta! Red! We thought we lost you two!" They all then saw Five more Pony-Birds. Two Pegasus's, Two Earth and One Unicorn. The Pegasus's were both different. One Yellow and White. The Yellow one had a Black Mane and Tail. She had Brown eyes and a Lightning Bolt Cutie Mark. The White one had Black Hair also but Pink Ends of her Hair. She had Violet eyes and an Egg Cutie Mark. The Earth Ponies were also different. One Black and Blue. The Black one had a Black Mane and Tail, with Orange Ends. She had Pink eyes and had a Bomb Cutie Mark. The Blue one had a Blue Mane and a Black Tail like Red. They had Yellow eyes and her Cutie Mark was nothing but a Triangle. The Unicorn almost sickened Rarity, as she was Green with a Black Mane and Tail, with Green at the ends. She had Grey Eyes, which they guessed her other was hiding underneath her Mane. Her Cutie Mark was a Boomerang. "Chuck! Bomb! Harley! Matilda! Jay! We thought we'll never see you guys again!" Kyetta and Red both were excited to see them, thinking they were friends. The Yellow Pony-Bird then got embarrissed, "We did want to follow, but Matilda thought it would be dangerous!" "You did say Big E was alright with us using the Slingshot!" The Black One said. After she said that, Big E looked at them. "Is that so? Everyone?" Big E then looked down at them, as they all huddled up in a scared pile. " At least Matilda listened!" As he said the name, the White one then got flustered, who everyone guessed was Matilda. Matilda then spoke out. "Oh well, looking out for the others! The Responsible one and all!" Big E agreeded to her. He then looked down and put in another order. "Now Present yourselves! We have Royalty and Guests!" All the Pony-Birds then got out of the hug and lined up next to each other. Red got out of it and headed back to Kyetta. Matilda took her Spot. "The Name's Chuck! The Game's Speed! I can outmatch a Lightning Storm is that was possible!" The Yellow Pegasus, who was called Chuck, was the first to introduce herself. The Black one then introduced herself. "Hi! I'm Bomb! If you need some Explosive Destruction, I'm your Pony-Bird!" Matilda introduced herself again with respect. "I am Matilda. I'm the Protective and Responcible one of the group, if everyone listens to me that is." She sighed after saying that. "I'm Jay! I'm the jokish one! Here for the Fun!" The Blue one spoke out. The Green one sighed, knowing she was last. "The Name's Harley or whatever. I'm not sure why I would introduce myself to more than my Species Royalty, but whatev's. Welcome to Beaksburg." They were interested in meeting a group of Seven, not Six. Once Introductions were out of the way, Big E then spoke out again. "And now you got to know everyone, we all welcome you to Beaksburg! Take as much time as you'll like. Everyone here will treat you like one of us, if you treat them like an Equal! The Balloon is yours right? We'll make sure nothing happens to it!" Once Big E was done welcoming the Mane Six, he decided to leave for a large Building in the Middle of the Town, but before he headed there, he turned his back at the Mane Six. "Also, that Temple is off limits to everyone, but me, Kyetta and the others! I'll allow you into it once you find your own Element of Equestria!" Once he gave them that warning, He headed back to the Temple, which caught the Mane Six's Attention. "That Temple looks awfully familiar to me. I seened it before, in a book, but where?" Twilight then questioned herself, as she decided to Explore Beaksburg with the others.