//------------------------------// // Teaser/Cold Open // Story: Insomnia Advisory // by AizakkuHorooee //------------------------------// If three years ago, I was told I would one day become the next Princess of Friendship with an organizer and advisor for company, I would’ve denied that in a heartbeat and called the person or pony telling me that crazy.  Honestly it feels surreal taking on what was once Twilight’s duties, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. One night, about a month into my new role, I’ve moved the side table across my room next to entrance.  Currently, I’m reading a stash of Starlight’s spells I found in the library to try and understand how spellwriting works. I turn my head to the right when I hear knocking on my door; Chrysalis and Cozy Glow are here.  Only thing different about Chrysalis though is that her mane is now in a bun. I gasp in surprise.  “Cozy!  Chrysalis!  What are you doing up so late?” “We could ask the same for you, Aita,” answers Chrysalis, pointing to me. “Me?  I’m just going through some of Starlight’s spells that were in the library.” Cozy Glow flies up to my side.  “Whoa!  Starlight Glimmer made these?  What are you gonna do with them when you’re done reading?” Walking across the room to my bed, I take the DS out from underneath. “I’m not too sure in the long-term, but having learned so much magic from Twilight, Carve and you, Chrysalis, I figured I would try to teach myself some of these spells, even maybe make my own, that way I can restore the DS… I-it gave out on me last weekend.” Chrysalis comes up beside me and drapes her wing over my back.  “Solving that problem sounds absolutely marvelous, Aita, but it is getting late.  Just remember to get some sleep when you’re done, okay?”  I nod at her, prompting her to turn around to leave my room.  “Good.  Cozy and I will be in our rooms for the night then if you need us.” “Okay.  ’night, Chrysalis.  ’night, Cozy.” As Cozy leaves my view, Chrysalis takes one last glance at me.  “Goodnight, little one.” I take a few seconds to listen to Cozy and Chrysalis’ hoofsteps before they fade out.  Once I don’t hear anything coming from the hall anymore, I return to my side table and continue looking. That is until I find the spell Starlight used to make two of the games I have. “Hmm…  Fragmen Gregarius?  Wow… she went all the way with that spell, didn’t she?  Ampliatur Vestigium…  Refulgo Publicus… Somnus Revivia…”  I then come across one spell name that I haven’t heard in over three years.  “Catadupa Levitata?  I remember most of these…  And… all of them rhyme.” Suddenly, I am hit with a wave of sleepiness that makes me yawn and droop my head onto the side table.  The last thing I hear as I doze off is the start of a rainshower outside. Well, I guess I’m stuck to my word whether I wanted to keep it or not.  At the very least, there’s always tomorrow for me to continue.