My Little Pony: The Flurry Heart’s Story

by Arkogon

Chapter 2: The pony I met

The Dragons roared with his return, and Spike does not know who he is then asks Smolder.

“Uh, can someone explain to me?”

“That is Clipso.” She claimed. “The unbeatable gladiator no dragons can ever defeat. He has beaten many creatures at the Dragon Arena, and many of them try to beat him but he still stands. Even dragons wanted to take his place but none could. He became famous, and all of us wanted to be like him, including Garble. He always wanted to battle him.”

Spike then looks at Clipso seeing he only has part of his armor missing like he's been battling somewhere with the greatest challenge.

“I hope he’s prepared. Seems like he’s been through a lot.”

As he predicted, the arena begins and Clipso has often beaten dragons who challenge to take his place as the new champion. Even Garble wasn’t strong and was on the ground. The dragons cheered for his name, and that was all the dragons who challenged.

“The arena is over!” Ember shouted. “The Champion still stands, and all of you are not worthy to beat him. Another time for another day.”

The dragons agree and leave the arena to do what they usually do. And Clipso spread his wings and flew away, as Spike never heard him from his history.

“A dragon who cannot be beaten.” Spike rubs his chin. “I never heard of him. Why didn’t any dragons ever tell us about him.”

“Cause we dragons only talk to each other, not ponies or creatures.” Smolder answered. “We used to talk about him because he’s the gladiator dragon we ever wanted to be. And wanted to be the Dragon Lord’s Champion.”

He looks at many dragons who were beaten and injured from the arena.

“Does any dragon ever beat him?” He asked.

Smolder thinks about it and remembers if any dragon did beat him. But then remember none defeat him as she shook her head. And Spike was surprised no one beat him.

“Can you take me to him? He asked Smolder.

“Are you trying to challenge him, too?” She questions if he’s willing to challenge.

“No, just wanna talk to him.” He said.

“Talk to him?” She speaks in agony. “He does not talk to anyone. Those who talk to him are only given by his armor plate. A reminder they can be like him. Garble got his plate and wore it like a warrior. And if you think you can talk him over to a conversation, it’s not gonna work.”

“Just take me to him.”

And Smolder takes Spike where Clipso is. They both found him, he was near the lava pool just relaxing from the battle.

Then Spike came to ask. “Uh, hi…..” Clipso did not respond back but only relaxed. “Uh, I know you're not a talking-talker. But I just wanna get to know you…”

But Clipso then gave his armor plate to him as a reminder.

“I told you so.” Smolder said.

Spike put the plate down and asked again. “I’m not actually around here. I’m from Ponyville. I never heard anyone like you around Equestria or Dragon Land.” Clipso still does not respond, and he goes right in front of him. “I’m Spike, Twilight’s assistant. And I think maybe you know that by now.” He still has not responded. And Spike went back to Smolder. “He seems quiet.”

“Like I said, he doesn't talk.” Smolder corrected him.

“Well, I guess maybe if I talk about myself then he might know me better. That way, he could understand what I’m saying.”

“I understand what you're saying Spike, Twilight assistant.” Clipso answered back.

They both paused and looked at him, and Spike told Smolder. “See, I told you he talked.” Smolder rolls her eyes, and Spike then greets him. “Hi, I’m Spike. Please to meet you. You must be Clipso that every dragon talks about at the arena. I saw you beat other dragons including Garble.”

“The red one?” He questions and replies. “Yeah, he was a little furious to challenge me but I managed to take him down. No dragons or creatures beat me. And if you are willing to challenge me, then just ask me.”

“I’m not here for a challenge!” He backed. “I only just wanna talk. That’s all. So, are you willing to talk?”

Clipso then smiled and nodded, accepting to talk.

In Ponyville, Luster and her friends walk around greeting other ponies. Others were talking and talking, but Luster was looking around to bring attention to their friends.

“Luster, are you okay?” Ambrosia asked as Luster quickly looked at her.

“Me? Of course, I’m okay.” She said, exaggeratedly. “I was looking around if anypony needed help.”

“But I thought we were heading to meet Li’l Cheese.” She answered.

“Oh,” said Luster. “Right, gonna ask Pinkie if we can bring her along.” She then hurries as her friends follow.

They arrive at Sugarcube Corner and enter, meeting Pound and Pumpkin Cake.

“Luster,” Pound Cake said, happy to see her again. “Great to see you.”

“And great to see you again,” said Luster. “We came to see Little Cheese? Is she here?”

“She's here. She’s with Pumpkin making cupcakes.”

Then Pumpkin and Lil’ Cheese came out with a fresh baked cupcake, and she spotted Luster and her friends.

“Luster!” She pounced her onto the floor.

“Li’l Cheese,” She said with a low tone. “Happy to see you, again. I see you getting big.”

“Thanks.” As she said then Pumpkin levitates Li’l Cheese off from her.

“Li’l Cheese, we talk about this.” She reminds her. “No tackling customers when they’re our closest friends.”

“Aww, but I always wanted to meet my friend.” said Li’l Cheese.

“Let her be, Pumpkin.” He told his sister. “Luster only came to see her again.”

And she let her as she hugs Luster. Then she noticed somepony not here.

“Where’s Pinkie Pie?” She asked. “Is she here too?”

“Mom has to go to work. And father is brushing Gummy.” She told her. “So, what spell did you learn?”

Luster shows her by transforming the cupcakes into fresh drinks of applesauce then reverting them back.

“Cool, can you transform me into a stallion like Twilight did before?” She asked.

“Uh, I think that can wait.” Luster said. “But we are heading to the School of Friendship. I have to show my parents what I learn.”

“Okay, that sounds fun.” She hops around and heads outside.

“Hold on, little lady.” Pumpkin stopped her with her horn. “You still need to help us with the frosting first.”

“Aww, but I really want to go there.” Li’l Cheese said. “Look, I know we have a customer coming here but going there is a lot more fun.”

“Sorry, Li’l Cheese.” Pound responded and looked at Luster and her friends. “We will be finished with them in just a minute.”

“That’s okay.” She understands. “We'll be outside when she is ready to come with us.”

They agree and hurry to finish the cupcakes. They were outside and Luster looked around seeing ponies. And it got her friends’ attention.

“What is with you now?” Sundance asked, seeing her looking around to everypony.

“Me?” She asked and pretended to know nothing. “Nothing. I was just….”

“Looking around to see if anypony needs help?” Hazel Garden finished her sentence. “Seems like ponies already need help. What’s it with you anyway?” Then she remembered. “Hold on, is that pony you never knew his name before?”

“No,” She replied. And her friends gave her the stern look and she gave up. “Okay, fine. I didn’t catch his name. He was in such a hurry and I didn’t really get to know him.”

“Oh, so Luster wants to know who this pony she bumps into.” Baron said.

“Well, yeah. But he seems not around here anymore. I wonder where he is?” Before she could search for him, Lil’ Cheese came out ready to go.

“Okay, I’m ready.” She said ready to go with.

So they went with her along, and Pound and Pumpkin waved for her to have a great day. And they arrive and see creatures and ponies making friends together.

“This is so cool. I’m at the School of Friendships. And so many creatures and ponies.” She was about to leave but Luster caught her mane.

“Hold on,” She grabbed her mane with magic. “Don’t get separated from us. We’re gonna meet my parents first, if they’re not busy.” Then she bumped into somepony again, but this time, it was the same stallion again.

“You?!” They both said the same thing. “You’re a student at this school?”

“Actually, I study at the other school for unicorns.” She responded. “You study here?”

“Yeah,” He said and gathered his research together.

“Let me help.” As she helps him and puts it into his pack. Then she picked up a book about artifact history. “Are you…. learning?”

“Actually,” He said and took it. “Researching. I’m researching ancient artifacts to understand what they mean. I’m getting close to studying about this.” He shows it to her. “This artifact I’m researching, it’s a hippogriff stone. The researchers say the old hippogriff is ancient. But it’s not. And I’m gonna prove it.”

“You really think?” Ambrosia said, thinking he’s studying too much. “I think you've been researching too much.”

“Ambrosia. Anypony can research to prove it. They have a good heart in them.” Then she looks at him. “And you as well.” As she placed her hoofs on his chest.

“Thank you,” He said with a smile. And then he left, and Luster forgot to ask his name.

“Wait! I didn’t get your name.”

But he couldn’t hear, as Luster watches never get to know him still. And her friends see her keep staring at him.

“Uh, you do realize it is not polite to stare?” said Sundance.

She got herself together and remembered she came to show her parents her spell she learned, as they entered the school.

Meanwhile, Dragon Land, Spike have been talking with Clipso and learn about how his adventure of battling beast and monster.

“You battle a giant basilisk without looking?” Spike was surprised. “But how did you-?”

“My armor protects me from its venomous bite.” Clipso said, as he continued on. “And I scolded it with my fiery breath as it tried to strike me. I led it towards the cliff as it smashed to the wall, creating a tremble of rocks falling onto to be buried.”

“Cool,” Smolder said. “You really still stand. No creatures ever beat you.”

“Right,” He nodded. “I have never been beaten so easily. Because I was proven to be the greatest gladiator to the Dragon Lord. A dragon with a fierce strength against every creature who challenges me.”

“Huh, I guess you really did come back here to have more challenges again.” She thought. “After all, you really sure did beat every dragon at the arena.”

Then his smile started to fade and left the lava pool. They both did not know what just happened and asked him again.

“Is it something I said?” Smolder asked, if she didn’t mean to upset him.

“No,” Clipso responded.

“Then what is it?” He asked.

“I didn’t come back to challenge others for my place.” He answered to tell them why he returned here. “I return…. to warn them.”