//------------------------------// // Episode 9: The Hunters // Story: Jurassic Equestria: The Series | Season 1 // by MasterKen1803 //------------------------------// (SOMEWHERE IN APPLELOOSA) Huge trucks with giant cages stopped at a huge abandoned warehouse. "On your hooves!" said the pony. Then ponies armed with taser spears & tranquilizer guns got out, surrounding the building. "Wing-Squad, to the roof", the pony gave the order. The pegasi squad armed with guns readied themselves. "Alright, ladies, let's bring the pain", the Russian pegasi with a Russian accent said as he & the squad flew up to the roof & watched through the windows. They saw a huge Iguanodon walking around. The Russian-accented pegasi pulled out his walkie-talkie. "Commander, we've spotted the dinosaur inside the building, shall we engage?" A unicorn with dark red coat & blond mane outside the building gave her order. "Do it.'' (0:21) The pegasi team crashed through the windows & started a fight with the Iguanodon. The Iguanodon swiped its huge paws at them, hitting everypony in sight. Then ponies with tranquillzer rifles shot a few rounds of darts at it but just made it more angrier. The dinosaur galloped toward them & kicked the ponies with both of its back legs. Then a huge gray earth stallion with a eye patch jumped onto the dinosaur's neck & headlocked it. The Iguanodon choked til it loses conscience. <> Later the Iguanodon, muzzled & strapped with chains, was dragged away by the hunters. They threw the Iguanodon into the cage & shutted the gate. The Iguanodon roared muffledly at them. <> (MANEHATTEN SUBWAYS) The Monolophosaurus was on top of the train then charged towards another earth pony with a elephant tusk as his cutie-mark. The pony cracked his neck then kicked off the dinosaur, knocking it out. <> (SOMNAMBULA) Two Pegasi strapped a chain around a Pteranodon's legs & pulled it down. The same unicorn mare came up to the Pteranodon & pointed her gun at it. <> The same Pteranodon was tried up with chains & was placed in the cage. Then the same Monolophosaurus from the subway was also placed in its cage. Then Stygimoloch, a juvenile Allosaurus, then a Carnotaurus were all putted into their cages. The unicorn mare walked passed the cages with a satisfied face. "Good work tonight, gentle-colts. These animals will worth a fortune", She congratulated her hench-ponies. "YEAH!!!" Her hench-ponies cheered. "Set course to our base camp. This round's on me", She delared as she & her hench-ponies started their vehicles then drove off, laughing triumphantly. <> (INTRO) EPISODE 9: THE HUNTERS <> Rainbow & Applejack entered a cafe. The customers & the waiters were shievering to their bones. "Where is it?" Rainbow asked. Everyone pointed towards the kitchen. "Alright y'all, we'll handle this", Applejack cracked her knuckles. She & Rainbow entered the kitchen & saw the whole mess. They heard rattling in the freezer. They both entered & saw it. It was a Moros Intrepidus, a tiny tyrannosaurid with feathered coating. "Oh? That's problem?" Applejack asked. "Applejack, be careful! That look like the one Pinkie & I fought", Rainbow warned her. Applejack chuckled. "It's tiny, Rainbow." "C'mon, little guy. Aren't you a cute little guy? Yes you are", Applejack cooed as she extended out her hoof. The Moros was busy, eating the contents of the freezer. Then it turned around & saw Applejack's hoof. Then without warning, the Moros jumped & bit Applejack's hoof. "Ahhhh! Get off me, you little monster!" Applejack screamed. Then the little dinosaur climbed onto Applejack's head & strangled her neck with its tail, choking her. Then it slammed Applejack's face repeatedly with fridge. Rainbow appeared with the broom & hit the Moros away, causing it flew outside the kitchen. "Now you believe me?" Rainbow asked. "Alright fine. Wow, that was different", Applejack admitted, rubbing her head. Then the Moros launched into the kitchen & jumped onto Rainbow's face. It threw small punches at her before slamming its head onto hers. "Get it off!" Rainbow screamed. Applejack tries to pull the dinosaur away but it wrapped its tail around her leg & pulled her down on the floor. It jumped onto her & shook her face. Then it swung its tail at her & threw a kick around her face "Get off!" Applejack pushed it off. The Moros landed on the fridge safely. Then Rainbow pushed down the fridge, intending to squished it. "Ha! Let's see him get through that!" Rainbow laughed. She spoke too soon. The Moros broke through the fridge & charged at Applejack. "C'mon!" Applejack grabbed two frying pans. Applejack swung one of pans but the Moros dodged the attack & crawled on Applejack's hooves. Then Applejack finally landed a hit on the dinosaur & smacked it away. The Moros landed on the floor & growled at the ponies. Applejack & Rainbow weren't scared from that. Then Rainbow pulled out a hot sauce bottle. "How about a snack, little fellow?" asked Rainbow as the Moros charged at them. "Catch!" Rainbow squirted the sauce right into the dinosaur's mouth. The Moros was confused at the taste til its face & mouth turned completely red as it shrieked. The dinosaur thrashed away in pain as it got outta the cafe. Rainbow & Applejack came outta kitchen. "Yeah, that's what I'm talking about, you little hermit chicken!" Rainbow mocked. "There's spicy onion rings on the house!" Applejack added. The customers & waiters clapped their hooves in appreciation. "Thank you! Thank you!" Rainbow thanked them while Applejack waved at them. Then they both exited themselves out. "Man, tonight was something else!" Rainbow commented. "Yah, ya said it", Applejack replied. "Hey ya know, ah wish something else more enjoyable happen." "Like what?" "Well robbery in banks wouldn't hurt. Or stopping a bunch of gangster or...." A loud squawk interrupted Applejack. Then a huge Quetzalcoatlus, a giant pterosaur, flew over them. "Or something like that!" Applejack finishes her sentence. "C'mon!" Rainbow & Applejack chased after it. They followed the giant pterosaur through the Everfree Forest. Then they lost track of it. "Hey where'd it go?" Applejack asked. "I don't know", Rainbow replied. "Can something that big just disappear?" Applejack asked. "I don't think so." Then up ahead, the Quetzalcoatlus bursted outta the trees while its neck & legs were tied with chains. Applejack & Rainbow lowered themselves down. The Quetzalcoatlus was pulled down. "What the hell?" Rainbow was speechless. "What was that?" Applejack asked. Rainbow didn't respond but gentured her to come. They followed slowly & quietly through the trees. Then they saw them. The Quetzalcoatlus was strapped with chains all around it while the ponies pulled it into the truck. The unicorn mare, presumely their leader, stood there. AJ & Dash paid close attention to them. "Be careful. We want him in good shape", The unicorn commander told her henchponies. "Who the hell are these guys?" Rainbow asked. "Ah don't know. What do think they are....Oop!" Applejack accidentally snapped a tree branch. The mare & the henchponies heard it. The mare saw Rainbow & Applejack. "Witnesses!" The henchponies openfired their tranquillzer rifles. "Watch out!" Rainbow was covering for Applejack but got hit by the dart on her wing. "Ah!" "Are you okay?" Applejack pulled out the dart from Rainbow. "Ah don't feel so good", Rainbow replied as the efforts of the dart are working on her wing. Then the mare whistled as two dinosaurs climbed out from the truck. The dinosaurs were 6ft tall carnivorous bipedal theropods with a sharp sickle-shaped claw on each foot, similar to a Velociraptor. They're known as Atrociraptors. One was white with black stripes & the other was brownish red with white makings. The Atrociraptors approached the mare as she gently stroke their necks. "Rip the flesh from their bones & show no mercy", the mare ordered them as the Atrociraptors ran towards AJ & Dash. "That can't be good...." Rainbow observed. "Scram!" Applejack called as she took off without Rainbow. Rainbow looked back & realized Applejack left her. Rainbow gasped as she ran after Applejack. "Hey wait up!" Rainbow chased her but gotten lost. "Applejack....!" Rainbow was grabbed by Applejack outta nowhere & they hid behind a large tree. "What?! You never know what scram means?!" Applejack scolded her. "Warn me next time." <> The Atrociraptors purred & sniffed for the ponies' scent. They looked around but the ponies are no way to be found. Then they saw a small shed. <> Inside the shed, Applejack & Rainbow barricaded the door with whatever they can find. "They'll never find us here", Applejack panted. Rainbow started to feel dizzy. "Ya okay?" "I don't know. I'm getting sleepy all of a sudden & my wing feels like spagetti", Rainbow groaned. "Stay with me now. We're gonna get outta this soon", Applejack reassured. (CRASH) The Atrociraptors bumped the door with their heads. The ponies hold the door. The one of the Atrociraptors' hand got inside, trying to reach for them. "No!" Rainbow pushed the door as hard as she can. Applejack grabbed a shovel & tried to hit the dinosaur. <> Meanwhile the hunters have already got the Quetzalcoatlus into the truck. Then a police helicopter flew about them. "Ponyville Police! You with the truck, put your hooves in the air!" "Uh-oh, the cops!" The Russian-accented pegasi yelped. "Viper, we need to get outta here!" the stallion with a elephant tusk told her. But Viper, the commander, didn't listen. "We're not going anyway while the witnesses are still alive, Thrust", Viper said. "But if we stay here, we'll be arrested! Do you want that, Commander", Thrust told. Viper thought about it then grunted in anger. "Fall back! Retreat!" Viper shouted as everypony mounted onto the truck. Viper also mounted on & whistled loudly. <> The Atrociraptors' head had got inside the shed & tries to bite the Applejack & Rainbow. Applejack swung the shovel at them. They stopped then they ran off. Unknowingly to Applejack, Rainbow passed out. "Yeah, you better run!" Applejack shouted after them. "Phew! Gotten admit, this was pretty fun, huh?" Applejack then realized Rainbow had passed out. "Rainbow? Aw no. Hang in there, Dash. Ah gotta get you somewhere safe." <> Later Rainbow was placed on Twilight's couch, still passed out. The group gathered around her. "So you said a group of ponies shot her?" Twilight asked. "Yeah. And that's not all. They were chaining up a dinosaur too. Ah think they're poachers or something", Applejack explained. "Poachers?! I don't think I like these ponies", said Fluttershy. "Do you think it's Wheatley again, Applejack?" Spike asked. "No, it was a mare. And she was merciless, ah tell ya", Applejack explained. "And she also had dinosaurs working for her. It was crazy!" "Dinosaurs? That doesn't make sense. I thought Owen's the only dinosaur trainer", Spike said. "Don't forget Cadence", Pinkie added, remember the time when they save Flurry from Blue. Twilight put her hoof on her chin & thought about it. "Show us where ya found them." <> Later they all went back to the forest. "This is where we've found them", Applejack pointed out. Twilight inpected & found truck trail on the ground. "Is this the one?" asked Twilight. "Yah." "Then that means they aren't far. C'mon, girls." <> The Mane-6 & Spike followed the trail. "What are we finding these guys again?" Pinkie asked. Applejack sighed. "Because we're gonna find out what these ponies are up to. This is the third time, Pinkie!" "Oh sorry", Pinkie finally understood. "And you don't think these ponies are animal-killers, do you?" Fluutershy asked, fearfully. "Ah don't know but yah, ah think they are." This made Fluttershy shook in fear. "Applejack, you told us this lady had dinosaurs of her own. What do they look like exactly?" Spike curiously asked. "Well for what me & RD can tell, they kinda look like Blue", Applejack explained to Spike. "Velociraptors?" guessed Spike. "No no, these guys were alot bulkier than her", Applejack corrected him. "Raptors on steroid?" joked Pinkie. "Haha, very funny, Pinkie", Rainbow replied sarcastically. The group continued following the trail til Twilight saw two ponies with rifles. "Everypony, get down!" Twilight alerted them as the group bend down under the bush. "This must be it." Twilight said. The group slowly peered from the foliage. "Hey, Twi, so what's the plan on getting us those guys?" Pinkie asked. But the group direct their attention to Rarity. "What?" asked Rarity, confusedly. <> The two ponies stand guarding til Rarity call them. "Oh boys!" The guards looked. Rarity came out from behind the tree and waved at them, flirtatiously. The unicorn-guard became lovestruck while pegasi-guard stared at her confusedly. Rarity walked towards one of the guards. "Hey guys, I'm seem to be lost. Can you help me?" Rarity asked seducedly the unicorn-guard, making him blush harder. "Ay caramba...." The unicorn said in a Spanish-accent. "Comrade? Comrade!" Russian-accented pegasi called out but unicorn was too lovestrucked. "Perhaps one of you can help me & we could get a little naughty", Rarity stroked the unicorn's small goatee. "Senorita, let's get naughty right now!" The unicorn tries to grab Rarity but she dodged & went back to the tree. The unicorn followed her. Rarity gave him flirtatious smile and struted away. This really made the unicorn wild and followed with Applejack, hidden behind the tree & with a large rock in her hooves. "Yoo-hoo!" the unicorn appeared as Applejack smashed the rock on his head. "She loves me", the unicorn exclaimed before fainting. "Ugh, you need a mint", Rarity gagged. The pegasi heard the crash & went to check on his friend. Then a hoof tabbed hus shoulder. He turn around & saw Rainbow Dash with a wood. "Good night", Rainbow smashed him with the wood. <> Later, the group tried the unicorn & pegasi onto a tree & gagged them. "There. That'll hold them", Applejack said proudly. "C'mon, guys." The group moved on but Pinkie however pulled out a marker from her mane & drew "BUTTS" on the pegasi's forehead. Pinkie giggled & joined the group. <> The hunters were running around the base-camp, loading & unloading the cages from their vehicles. The Mane-6 & Spike watched the hunters from the foliage. "What are they doing to those dinosaurs?" Fluttershy asked. "Probably selling them or skining their hides off, who know?" Applejack replied, making Fluttershy shiever in fear. "Yeah, I thought Wheatley was bad enough", Spike said. "So what the next plan, Twi?" Rainbow asked. "We gotta distract all of them at once", Twilight replied. "But how? I'm certainly not flirting again", Rarity told her. Twilight eyed at Pinkie. <> Pinkie walked up to the hunters and cleared her throat. All the hunters watched her. "Hey everypony, wanna sing along?" asked Pinkie as the hunters mumbled among each other. "🎵Uh...smooth like butter, like a criminal undermine?🎵" Pinkie sang in off-key & confusedly. This made the hunters confused. "What is she doing?" one of the hunter asked. The other hunters shrugged. "🎵Uh...poping like....um....dangers, breaking into your brain like that?🎵" "Uh...that's not how the lyrics go!" a female hunter shouted but Pinkie kept singing, awfully. "🎵Cool shade summer, yeah, I owe it all to my daddy?🎵" "Just grab her!" a huge stallion with an eye-patch shouted as everypony charged at her. Pinkie screamed as she turntail & ran. Pinkie galloped away as all the hunters chased her through the forest. The group peered outta bush. "Ya think we should help her?" Spike asked. "She'll be fine, c'mon", Applejack replied. Pinkie somehow appeared right beside them. "What's going on?" asked Pinkie, scaring the life outta them. "Pinkie...how..how...how?" Rainbow stuttered. "What?" asked Pinkie. "Uh...never mind. Let's go." Twilight said. <> They entered into the middle of the camp, surrounded by huge cages with dinosaurs big & small. They went a cage with a Triceratops inside it. The Trike stared at them & bellowed loudly. "Shhh", Twilight shushed it before unlocking the cage with her magic. "Here ya go, partner", Applejack released an Iguanodon & its calf. Spike opened a large cage & he gasped. "A giant Quetzalcoatlus!" Spike squeed excitedly. "I never get to see you in the park." Rainbow unlocked a tiny cage. "Ah! You again! The same Moros from the cafe ran outta cage, shouting in gibberish, angrily. "Still mad about the hot sauce?" Rainbow asked, receiving a hard-kick on her knee. "Ow!" Fluttershy unlocked & opened a cage, revealing a Carnotaurus with a muzzle on its snout. The Carno growled muffledly at her but Fluttershy tried calming it down & reached out her hoof. "Shhh, I'm trying to help you", Fluttershy calmed it down & took off the muzzle. The Carnotaurus walked outta the cage. The pack of three Monolophosaurs watched as Rarity shakily opened the cage. "There....you're free", Rarity stuttered in fear as the Monolophos walked out. One even licked her in appreciation, disgusting her. "You're welcome." Pinkie opened a cage then two Lystrosaurus came out. Pinkie was confused at their appearance. "Man, you're one funky-looking dinos." Offended, one of the Lytrosaur kicked some dirt at her. "Ah, pfffttt! Sorry!" <> Later, the Mane-6 & Spike regrouped. "We got them all", Applejack reported. "All of them?" Twilight asked. "All of them", Fluttershy confirmed. "Right, we should get outta here before they come back", Twilight declared. They started to made their way outta the camp then a bright beam of light shined at them. The group froze. Then Thrust & the other hunters surrounded them. "What's the rush, Princess?" a voice asked, revealing to be Viper. Twilight reconized her. "Viper Fang?" Twilight gasped. "Wait, you know her?" Rarity asked. "She used to bully me & Shining Armor when we were in Canterlot", Twilight explained. "It's been a long time, hasn't it, Twilight?" Viper climbed down from her buggy & walked slowly towards them. "In fact, I haven't seen you since the day you humiliated me infront of Celestia. That was 6 years." "What did she do, Twi?" Pinkie whispered. "She was killing rare animals & sold them off to traffickers. And after that she sentenced two years in prison", Twilight explained. "You killed animals?! How could you do that?" Fluttershy exclamed. Viper was shameless as she lighted her cigarette. "So tell me, Twilight. What made you all the way here & release all of our bounties?" asked Viper. "Because I know selling or killing endangered animals like this is wrong!" Twilight shouted. "It's not wrong, it's just business", Viper retorted while smoking. "It's not! Killing innocent creatures for money is not business! They're our friends" Fluttershy shouted angrily. Viper puff a smoke & shook her head. "Naive little Fluttershy, what do you know about business? All you do is cuddle & hug animals. What a weakling!" Viper mocked Flutershy, offending her. "Why that little....", Rainbow was ready to launch at Viper but she was hold back by Applejack. "No Dash! It's not worth it." "Go ahead. Let her go & let's see what she's got", Viper challenged. Twilight couldn't stand that insult on her friends any longer. "Stop it, Viper. We're leaving now." "Oh? I don't think so", Viper threw her cigarette down & tapped her hoof as all hunters, heavily armed, surrounded them. Then two of the Atrociraptors from early appeared but this time two more Atrociraptors were with them. One was tiger-striped & the other was orange with a cream underbelly and brown striped. Rainbow & Applejack gasped. "Spike, that's them. Velociraptors, right?", Rainbow pointed at the Raptors. "No, they're Atrociraptors", Spike corrected. "Ghost, Tiger, Red, Panthera, ya like pony-cakes with a side of a baby lizard?" Viper asked her Atrociraptors. "I'm a dragon!" Spike corrected her. The group stood strongly as the hunters pointed their weapons at them. "Attack!" Viper shouted as she & the hunters opened fire. The Mane-6 & Spike ran in different direction. Fluttershy hid behind the crates & curled up like a ball, chanting "find a happy place" repectedly in fear. Applejack came face-to-face with the eye-patched pony. Applejack stood in a fighting position. "Oh this is gonna be fun!" said the stallion. Applejack threw a hard punch across his face but it was futile. The stallion stood like he couldn't feel anything. "Hey are we even fighting, partner?" Applejack tries reasoning him. In respond, the stallion punched her in the face. <> Rainbow Dash was flying from above, avoiding the gunfires til a blue pegasi with short mane with purple tips & arrows strapped on her back blocked her way. "Hello", she greeted. "Yeah, hello to ya too!" Rainbow threw a punch but the pegasi caught her hoof & kicked her in the ribs. "Cheap shot but let me show ya mine!" Rainbow tries to kick her but the pegasi blocked her leg with her hoof as they both engaged. <> Twilight was busy fighting the Atrociraptors by firing laser-beam at them. She fought them off til Viper fired her laser-beam at her. Twilight quickly conjured a shield. "You don't know me anymore, Viper", said Twilight. "I'm the only one here who knows you, Twilight", Viper pulled out knife & begun her attack. Twilight dodged as Viper swung her knife at her. Eventually Twilight punched Viper in the face. "Very good, brat." Viper whisted as the Atrociraptors appeared beside her. <> Then a purple unicorn appeared before Rarity with a taser spear. The unicorn giggled sinisterly. Rarity picked a chain & used it like a nunchuck. She blocked the unicorn's attack. "Hoo-hoo, girlie", the unicorn mocked. Offended, Rarity kicked her in the knee. "Ahhhh!" the purple unicorn groaned in pain. "How dare you!" Rarity shouted. Then the unicorn & Rarity fought. <> Thust jumped before Spike. "Hi?" Spike gulped. "I almost feel bad for this runt", Thrust pulled out his machete & ready to kill him. Spike grabbed a iron bar & blocked the attack. He & Thrust started a fight. <> Pinkie peered from one of the truck to see what's happening. "Pinkie, start the car!" Spike shouted while fighting Thrust. Pinkie looked around in the seat. "But there's no keys!" Pinkie called. "Try hotwiring!" suggested Twilight, fighting off Viper & the Atrociraptors. "But I don't know how to hotwire!", Pinkie shouted. "Pinkie, just do it!" Rarity shouted while defending herself from the purple unicorn. Pinkie bit her hooves in terror. She pulled out two wires under the stering wheel & tried hotwiring. "C'mon, c'mon please!" <> In the air, Rainbow & the pegasi fought & fought then they both became tire. "Give up?" Rainbow asked. "Never!" The pegasi shouted back. Then she pulled out her bow & arrow & shot at Rainbow. Luckily Rainbow dodged the arrow & it hit the tree. "Ha! You missed", Rainbow joked. "I wasn't aiming for you", The pegasi pull out a detonator. Then Rainbow looked back & saw the arrow with a bomb strapped onto it. The pegasi pushed the detonator, causing the arrow to explode. The impact caused Rainbow to fall to the ground. Rainbow lied unconcious. <> Thrust & Spike both clanged each other til they struggled. "You're no match for me, runt!" Thrust said. Spike grunted. Then Thrust swung his machete & clanged Spike's iron bar away. Spike gasped as he backed away in fear. Thrust appoached him with a vicious grin. "I gonna chop off your tail & make a new belt, my good son", Thrust raised his machete to strike but Spike dodged. Thrust got his machete struck to a tree. "Curses!" Spike took the opportunity & ran. <> Applejack grabbed a huge wrench & swung it at the eye-patched pony. The stallion felt no pain & grabbed Applejack by the throat & lifted her up. Spike appeared & Applejack in trouble. He saw forklift car. The eye-patched pony was about to punch Applejack then suddenly Spike appeared driving the forklift & crashed onto him, pinning him to a tree. The pony struggled as Spike climbed down from the truck & helped Applejack up. "You okay?" Spike asked. " Yah, ah'm fine, let’s get outta here." <> Rainbow finally gained consciousness as she saw everypony in trouble. Then her mane started to glow bright rainbow colors. Everypony stopped fighting & watched Rainbow in disbelief. Her entire body was on fiery blue but her mane was glowing, wavy rainbow. "Oh no, ah think unlocked her powers as well", Applejack said. "IF IT IS A FIGHT YOU WANT, YOU ALL GOT IT!" Rainbow said with her powered voice. Her hooves started to sparked blue electricity. Viper Fang grunted in frustration. "Rip her to pieces!" Viper commanded her Atrociraptors as the dinosaurs charged at Rainbow. Using her electric powers, Rainbow zapped the tiger-striped Atrociraptor away. Then she levitated the red Atrociraptor & threw it at the brown-stripped Atrociraptor. Finally the white Atrociraptor launched into the air but Rainbow blasted it away with her electricity. Viper & the hunters stared in confusion & disbelief. "Levitation & electric powers! What more she can do?!" Pinkie shouted excitedly. Then using her super-speed as the time went incredibly slow, Rainbow gathered the ponies together in one place. Then she used her super energy & teleported the group to her safe place. The time went back to normal as Viper & the hunters looked around for them. "Where?" Viper asked, receiving no answers. "NO!" Then she cries out in frustration & defeat. <> The group reappeared in Twilight’s castle. "Where are we?" Pinkie asked. "I think we’re in my home. You did it Rainbow! You saved us all!" Twilight praised her along with the others. "Nice going, Rainbow!" "Truly marvelous!" "THANKS. I REALLY…I…really…appreciate….” Rainbow powered down as she fell down to the ground. "Rainbow? Rainbow! Twilight, is she okay?" Spike asked. Twilight touched her forehead. The group waited tensely for a moment then Twilight formed a smile. "I think she’s gonna be okay." The group sighed in relief. <> Later, Rainbow slowly opened her eyes as she found herself on Twilight’s bed. "Wake up, sleeping beauty! Rise & shine!" Pinkie literally kissed Rainbow on the lips. The group stared at them in disgust or disbelief. As Pinkie & Rainbow separated, Rainbow exclaimed & gagged in disgust. "Yuck!" Rainbow wiped her mouth. Then Pinkie hugged her tightly, choking her. "We’re so glad you’re okay", Pinkie said. "Hey Pinkie, let her go. Give her some air", Applejack told her. "Oops, sorry." Rainbow gasped for air. "Are you sure she gonna be alright?" Fluttershy asked. "She’s gonna be fine. Just give her some time", Twilight reassured. "Hey guys, what happened? I’ve blacked out for a moment there." "You went all Super Saiyan mode like Twilight, Rainbow!" Pinkie excited responded. "You went all kaboom & ssss & zap-zap those Atroci-thingies away." "Atrociraptors", Spike corrected her. "That’s what I said, then you went all boom-boom & teleported all of us here. It was awesome", Pinkie concluded. "It was. I wish I…I…." Rainbow fell asleep. "Rainbow?" Fluttershy was about to wake her but Twilight stopped her. "It’s okay, just let her sleep." Then the group exited themselves outta the room. "Hey, Twilight, are we done with her?" Applejack asked. "Hmmm?" "Viper.” "No", Twilight shook her head. "It maybe fine now but she definitely not done with us yet. Especially me." "I don’t think I like her or her dinosaurs", Fluttershy whimpered. "Especially she kept them as her minions", Rarity added. "And she’s probably really mad at us for releasing the Dino’s she captured", Pinkie said. "So what do you she’s planning now?” Spike asked. "I don’t know but whatever she’s planning, we’ll deal with her together", Twilight answered. <> Back in the hunters’ camp, Viper was in her tent, sitting on her chair. She stared at stove while sharpening her knife with a oil stone. "You & filthy little friends may have won this time, Twilight, but I’m just begun. Vengeance will be sweet once I’ve got your head on my wall", Viper said before throw her knife at the picture of Twilight on the wall. "Your blood will soon be on my hooves." <> OURTRO Twilight steps on a grassy ground then she twirls in the air with a chuckle. Twilight: Hahaha Then she was joined by the Mane 5 & Spike as they all do some anime-like dance in the air (0:12) The CMCs run happily with Trike, a baby Stegosaurus with a tiara on its head, and a Carnotaurus with a collar on its neck. Blue looked up curiously. The Young-6 stand dramatically. And Owen, Claire, & Maisie watch Ponyville on the hilltop. (0:18) Twilight: Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba Rainbow: Whoo-hoo! Applejack: Yee-haw! Spike: Hoo-ha-hoo-hoo-ha Fluttershy: yay Pinkie: Ha! Rarity: Darling Spike: Bab-bab-bab-bab-bab Twilight: Wait-wait-wait what The Mane 6 & Spike do a little anime-like dancing in the air before they all landed on the ground, watching a starry night as Twilight held them all close. (END)