A Little Mixed Up...

by Lithium Vinyl

A New... Buddy

What did she just say? Someone must have the TV on... wherever the fuck I am! This is really getting old...

I heard the sing-songy male voice again, but this time much closer. The voice got closer... am I not listening to the TV!? Maybe these two are just really high. "What's his name?" I heard someone ask. "The poor guy couldn't be from too far away... he must live in town!"

Come on... Get up!! Move it you fat ass!

The girl, or so I presumed, lightly put something up against by cheek. The surface of the object had a kind of bodily warmth to it, but it sure was no hand. It was somewhat hard and cold to the touch, but flat. While I wanted to just open my eyes to see what was happening, my body did not seem to be able to respond to any of my feeble mental commands. Come on, MOVE IT! Ugghhh no use... And why was she even helping me when clearly there was a knocked-out mythological creature from Mount freaking Olympus just LYING AROUND SOMEWHERE NEARBY! Now GET UP, BODY!!!

Removing her... what exactly was it?... from my face, my mysterious new buddy breathed a sigh of relief. "All of his vitals are good; I don't know why he won't get up! He couldn't have been teleported more than a mile of two... but somehow this poor stallion is a little shell-shocked."

Hold on just a second... was she referring to me as the pegasus!?

"Twilight, maybe you should try "shocking" him a little! You know, just to get his blood pumping and..."

"SPIKE!" screamed the girl, who was apparently named Twilight (Tsk Tsk... hippie parents...). Catching me completely caught me off guard, her explosive exclamation made my inanimate form to jump a little bit. I let loose a weak "ugggghhhh.... whaaaa?" before falling back into my vegetive state again. Damn it! Why can't I seem to get myself to move!?

This "Twilight" was obviously startled by my little quiver, as she shrieked quite loudly and immediately placed that same object I had felt on my cheek earlier against my shoulder. Or at least where my shoulder should have been... Something seemed to be blocking her from touching it! I could very well feel the touch; but it wasn't in the right place. Some part of my body is lying on top of my shoulder. But how is that possible!? Unless...

Slowly letting go of whatever part of me she was touching, the female voice above him exhaled. "Spike, I'm sorry I snapped at you, but nopony can just go around hurting everypony when they don't get their way! Now, aside from that business, our little friend here seems to be waking up!"

Hearing a few little feet scamper away, I heard the male say "I think it would work..." and then a slamming door from what sounded like the other side of the room and down a hallway. The girl giggled. "Oh, kids..."

No sooner had this phrase left her lips I began to feel my body again. But... something was not right. My normally long arms felt different; they seemed to short, too stubby, and just outright in the wrong position! I was like if some mad scientist had shifted his shoulders down, forcing my arms into a bear-crawl position. Weird... and what's wrong with my back!? It feels very... open! Like there wasn't as much direct weight on its structure...

Despite these differences one particular thing stuck out; for some reason there were arms on my back. They felt like regular arms, with same muscle timing and general feel, but they met movement with much more resistance; like if with each move they had flaps that filled up like sails, causing... air resistance. There was no way...

Another high-pitched shriek filled my ears as I slowly began to stir from my current position lying on my stomach, my arms and legs outstretched. "He's awakening Spike! He's... oh yeah he's upstairs!" After hearing a stilffled giggle, the girl's voice continued at a low whisper. "Uhhhh... hello? Mr. Pegasus? If you're mad I understand..."

Suddenly finding my voice, I managed to stammer out "Uhhhh... what?" before refocusing on lifting my body off the soft, carpeted floor. Something was up: as I slowly tried to lift onto my legs, my balance suddenly lurched forward, forcing me onto all four appendages. Of all of this, the weirdest part was that it felt correct, and that it all felt wrong when I uselessly attempted to stand up normally. There is no way this is happening... I'm just in another dream! Any second now some crazy looking dragon-monster thing is going to pop out of nowhere and whisk me off somewhere else.

Feeling a force grab hold of one of my arms steady my balance as I dangerously tipped to the right. "It's ok... I'm a friend, I promise! And I'm so sorry that I accidentally teleported you away from wherever you were! I just want to... WOAH!"

It was at that very moment that I opened my eyes, revealing to her their deep indigo color and to me the proof that I wasn't dreaming: because I was no where near creative enough to imagine this.

Holy... shit...

Not two feet in front of my face stood what perhaps could be the cutest creature I have ever seen in my life. The little... is that a fucking unicorn!?... stood about four feet tall at the apex of her head, with her ears and horn going slightly above this line. She was obviously female; as she had a slender body and a gracefully flowing figure, as well as a thinner, more angular face and large eyelashes. In the place of a normal horse's long, flat nose sat an adorable little snout that stuck out of a larger, more round head that oddly resembled a human cranium. The creature's body-lacing fur struck a bright lavender hue, and her mane sparkled a deep violet with a fuchsia stripe going down the middle, which nicely matched her fur color. Despite all of that, I couldn't stop staring at her eyes: they were the exact same eyes as mine, down to the smallish shape of the pupils. Everything about them were the same, even down to the slight bulge around the middle that established our irises as elliptical. Whaa... Ummmm...

Finally gulping down my sudden shock, I managed to collect a few words. "Hey... Miss... Uhhhh..."

Suddenly shaking her head away from her gaze into my eyes, the unicorn shuddered a little bit, ruffling her hair. "Oh, sorry! I was just so taken aback by your eyes! They are so..."

"Much like yours. Yes, which also explains my prolonged glance at your own irises." Clearing my throat, I started again. "Sorry to have not bothered to ask yet, but what is your name?"

Smiling, the "pony" across from me sidestepped a little to regain her balance after nearly falling over for no apparent reason. How odd...

"Yes! Of course! No, I mean it's alright... My name is Twilight Sparkle. And you are?"

Twisting my tongue in my mouth, I responded "No one ever uses my name, so you can just call me Platinum".

The unicorn beamed, her eyes almost doubling in width. "Of course! My friend Pinkie doesn't exactly like her name either, so she also... Sorry! I'm getting ahead of myself!" Pausing for a deep breath and a moment to recollect her thoughts (or so I presumed), Twilight continued. "Now that you're awake, I would like to formally apologize for teleporting you from wherever you were before you were here! I was trying to learn a way to teleport objects to me from another location. I was focusing on something else, but I guess that my focus wandered... Luckily you are as you are! I didn't even know I could teleport anything heavier than a medium-sized rock!"

"Hey, it's alright. To be honest I wasn't really having to great of a time anyway... Speaking of that I have the nastiest headache!" At least I know how I supposedly got here... this "unicorn" can just "teleport me back to class". Wow, this whole situation just sounds crazy...

Putting aside that detail, it was definitely true I had a wrenching headache; while I hadn't noticed it yet since I woke up my head felt like it was about to rip open. Perfect. Just fucking perfect. I have no idea where I am, my body feels... weird, I'm SOMEHOW talking to a unicorn, and now I've got a migraine-strength headache. Just wonderful.

The lavender mare giggled slightly, which was oddly... kind of cute. "I've got a spell that can help you with that!" She giggled again. "Hey, I just kind of noticed this, and I'm trying not to laugh, but... your wings keep flapping randomly, and it's a little..."

"My wi... WOW!"

My shocked voice filled the room to the brim before I tried to look down by backside: that did not work. I had to look across it. Holy shit... Now that is sick.

Everything made sense now. my body before me was now one of a miniature flying pony. My coat was the color of brushed aluminum, reflecting back just enough light so you could tell that it was satin. My once-short, cropped hair had been replace with a flowing neon-blue... Mane? That felt awkward to say. Another perk of becoming a pony was the tail; the striking appendage was the same color as my mane, and offset the satin glow of my fur quite nicely. I could definitely get used to this...

All of that was nothing compared to my new wings Twilight had unknowingly exposed to me. Sporting a platinum sheen similar to my coat, their undersides and rear-facing areas were covered in long, beautiful that managed to catch light even better than his coat already did. On top of their appearance, they felt absolutely amazing: like I had sprouted a new set of legs. Wow... this is crazy I said to myself as I gave my new babies a quick flap. Who cares if I ever get back to the regular world at this point... I can fly!

Suddenly a feeling of dread crept over me like high tide. Oh no... can I even get back? I haven't really thought about it yet... Making sure I wasn't asleep or drugged had taken precedence. And I could still be one of those things too! What is going on!?

The sound of her strangely perky voice made me jump out of my thoughts. "Yeah *giggle* that's better. Dear Celestia, you freaked out! It's like you've never had wings before..."

"Uhhhh, yeah, well about that..."

"So where in town do you live? Or do you live nearby? Maybe Canterlot of Fillydelphia? Ponyville isn't too far from around there..."

"Yeah, I have no idea where those are..."

Ignoring my input, Twilight rambled on. "Maybe you just live in town and I've just never seen you! Are you on the weather team, are you..."


"No, Rainbow would've told me if someone with your kind of mane was on the weather team; she'd love it! OH! Maybe you're a guard! No, you would've told me by now..."


"You could be one of the new farm hands down at Sweet Apple Acres! They always need people around to help out! Ehhh, no there's no way AJ would hire a pegasus... she like to keep her work close to the ground. Why can't you just tell me where you're from!? OH OH OH are you a..."

"Twilight I'm not from here."

Her previously curious babble suddenly ground to a halt and was replaced by a look of puzzlement. "Do you mean from Ponyville, or from this part of Equestria, or..."

"Sorry to interrupt but I have no idea what Equestria is. In fact I have no idea where I am in the slightest."

This definitely meant something to the unicorn. Her face contorted into a much more serious stare, and her indigo eyes narrowed, forming small cat-like slits. Ears standing up on end and her tail sticking straight out, the mare took a step forward towards me. Licking her lips, she asked with a low, nervous tone: "What do you mean?"

I shrugged. "I was sitting in class nodding on and off when all of a sudden I got sucked into this black slit. My sensed clogged up, and I blacked out, only to wake up on your floor a few minutes ago. I'm really sorry if that sounds crazy, but it's all I remember." Unknowingly to her, I decided to leave the rest of my ordeal a secret.

She took another cautious step forward. Cocking her purple head to the left, the unicorn lowered her voice even further and asked "Where you live, how do the sun and moon rise and set?"

"They don't rise and set, the Earth slowly revolves around it's own axis, causing different parts of the world to... What's wrong?"

Twilight's face had quickly gone from cautious to outright horrified at his response. Jumping up in the air with her forehooves, the now-crazed pony shrieked like an eagle. "What's wrong? What's wrong!? I've teleported you here from ANOTHER PLANET!"

My visage remaining passive, I shrugged again. "It's ok. Can you just teleport me back to Ear... my home again? And, as cool as it is, get me out of this body? I'd love to be standing on two legs."


Slowly realizing what Twilight was implying I had a hard time forming words in my mouth. "Why can't I just, you know, "find" my planet or whatever, and you can just "teleport" me back..."

"I would love to! But you most likely have no idea where your planet is! And even if I did, the trajectory would get screwed up somehow, since the fact that you arrived here safe in the first place is like a one in a billion chance! On top of that I don't even have the energy to do it! You must have gotten the magical force to teleport you here form some other source, since I could never do it alone! This is all wrong..."

Not wanting to believe it, I stammered out "I... I don't understand."

"Can't you see it?"

My heart quickened. "There has to be something you can do..."


At this my heart-rate instantaneously hit T-0. At this my previously-receding headache returned with a vengeance, further clogging my brain. I had to be sleeping; There was no other way this is possible. Come on brain... time to wake up! It's time to return to that old shit teaching organic chemistry... time to see Twilights head turn into a dragon! But no such comfort came; there was still a stunned unicorn right in front of me, and I was still a pegasus. [i[Maybe this isn't a dream... but then how is it even possible!? Could I really be here?

Closing my eyes, I imagined myself back home; my dumb old class, my dorm room, my friends... Slowly a tear formed on my lower-left eyelid and slowly fall down my face as I backed up a little bit. Maybe I could find someone in this world that could send me back... but how fucking stupid would that sound!? "Hey, I'm supposed to be on another, completely-unknown planet... could you just kinda whisk me over there lickity split? Also I lucid dream a lot and imagine magical creatures killing me during class so you know I'm legit."

No... It was hopeless. Keeping my eyes closed, I slowly began to let tears fall down my face. Everything I had ever known... everything... was gone in no more time than it took to finish a chemistry quiz. Everything seemed surreal; like I was dreaming, but I wasn't. I could be imagining everything; but I wasn't. I knew what was real and what was not. And this was real. And for some reason I thought dragon was too...

Oh who cares about that anymore!? I'm hopeless.

Feeling some of the wetness on my facial fur disappear with light pressure, I opened my eyes to find Twilight wiping away my tears with a handkerchief, her deep violet irises glowing with empathy. "I... I'm so sorry... I know there is no way you could ever forgive me, but just know that I... I never wanted this to happen to you."

Sighing, she wiped one of her tears away. "I didn't mean to ruin everything."

And at that moment something hit me. She really cares about what she did.. She really cares. Back home no one even gave two shits about me; Josh and Haden, my only friends in high school, used me because I my parents were surgeons and had a lot of money; my roommate hates me; my parents haven't said anything positive to me since I was sixteen... None of them gave a fuck. Yet I've known this mare for what... ten minutes? And she cares more about how I feel than any other person I've ever known! For the first time in my nineteen-year-old life I finally feel loved... that must have been the feeling I felt earlier. I felt the feeling of someone actually giving a fuck about me.

Swallowing, I let out a deep sigh, much to the relief of my companion. "Thank you very much for that sentiment. I realize that I basically just popped in here out of nowhere, but I already feel like you care that I... can't go home." Sighing again, I continued. "I really appreciate it."

A warm smile that appeared as if Twilight was faking confusion crept across her face mid-summer morning dew. "Why wouldn't I care? I'm the one who ruined everything!"

"Twilight. I promise you did not ruin everything. Back where I live no one cares for me one bit. No one. You have shown more compassion in the last ten minutes than I have basically gotten in my entire life. It is to you I owe a thank you."

The look of puzzlement returned to her face. "Do you mean that you are OK with me literally ruining your life?"

I shrugged. "That's just it; so far you haven't ruined it. This has just gone by so fast... and I don't know why I'm accepting your apology so quickly. Heck, until ten minutes ago I thought that ponies were just dumb animals! And all of a sudden it feels as if my mind has been given its first breath. In the back of everyone's conscience you think that somehow this could happen; every child imagines themselves being whisked off somewhere, never to return, at one time or another. I know I did. And when I used to think about it... I thought that it would be a massive adjustment; how I would make new friends but I would never really feel at home, however cool that fantasy happened to be."

I sighed. "But now... for some reason I'm OK with it."

Looking back at Twilight, I saw that her mouth was hanging open and a single tear was running down her face. She took a moment to refocus and swallowed. "I cannot believe that you have forgiven me so quickly... Why?"

Smiling, I wiped the tear off her face. "Because I suddenly feel that for some reason I belong here. I don't know why; I just know."

At this revelation the unicorn embraced me with what I could only imagine is roughly equivalent to a hug. After holding this for a few minutes she backed away, looked at me, and blushed. Slowly mouthing the words "thank you", Twilight turned away from me to consult a book sitting on a desk nearby.

Up until now the rapidly transpiring events had distracted me from where I had been teleported to. It was clearly a library; the room was roughly elliptical, with bookshelves lining the walls all the way around. In the corner sat a writing desk on which Twilight's book rested. Off to my right was a winding staircase going up to a balcony that I could barely see, as well as a hallway that I could imagine this Spike went off to. Wow... nice pad. Twilight couldn't be older than like twenty! How did she already have a personal library!?

Turning around, the lavender unicorn smiled at me. "I don't think I could ever express my gratitude for how readily you have forgiven me today. On another matter... you have quite a bit to learn about where you have ended up. Also, I noticed that earlier you had claimed that you wanted to be back on two legs. Back where you live, do ponies walk on their hind legs or something."

Chuckling to myself, I gave her a wink. "Not exactly... I think your spell did a little more than send me here."

Cocking her head to one side, Twilight gave him her trademarked stare of curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Up until I came here I wasn't actually a pony at all; I was a creature called a human. Humans are like... how do I explain it.... They are tall, walk on two legs, lack all bodily fur except for a tuft on top of their heads, and have short, stubby ears and noses. They are quite unique-looking creatures."

Again a look of puzzlement crept over Twilight's features. "There is no way you could have been... changed by my doing. All I used was a teleport-to-me spell. And, to be honest, I have no idea how it even went haywire in the first place."

Thinking back to my not-so-happy ordeal envolving the draconic creature, I just shrugged. "Ehhh... we can worry about it later. Right I now I have few questions I just kind of want to ask. You know, not too many. Maybe like..."

"Forty million?"

Sighing sarcastically I brought a cheesy grin to my mouth. "Yeah that sounds about right!"

"Hmmm... just throw one at me."

I knew exactly what I wanted to ask first. "What the hell is magic?"

Twilight apparently thought this was hilarious, as she instantly began laughing like someone had just told the best joke of all time. Up until this point in the conversation I had just blindly accepted everything Twilight had said. Now that I was really pondering my predicament one thing did not add up at all; the fact that the unicorn FUCKING TELEPORTED ME HERE!

After a few seconds of deep breaths, Twilight opened her mouth to talk again, only to have every word be interrupted by a giggle. "Wow... *giggle* You really have a lot to learn... Platinum."

I smiled yet another goofy smile. "Well unless you have something to get done I'm not going anywhere."