Dash's Distortion

by Rewan Demontay


Twilight breathed slowly. Thunder sounded outside. With her good eye, she scanned the basement. Dust exposed flesh stung. Positive thinking was the key,

Alone and weakened, she had to fight on. No matter the pain. She laughed wretchedly in boredom. It almost felt numb…

A surprise burst of air lashed at her. Electricity and smoke dissipated. An alicorn appeared chanting; earrings jangled.

Abruptly, Twilight felt violently shaken to her core. The horn ring disintegrated. Spotting her chance… nothing happened. Her magic was gone.

As Twilight's mind scrambled, the princesses teleported in, furious.

“I am Dark Resplendence,” the creature grinned.

They spoke together. “We fight together."

She cackled. “I’ve a pegasus and your beloved student. They might... die!"

Dark Resplendence laughed uncontrollably as they hesitated.

Twilight quivered in fear.

You shall die. And I win.