//------------------------------// // History of a Tyrant // Story: Zeon Kaiju's Monster Adventure // by BurningGigan1972 //------------------------------// 1 hour before King Midnight's return. "Celestia? Celestia? Sister, I need to talk to you." Princess Luna called out to her sister as she looked for her. After 10 minutes of looking for her sister, Princess Luna found her getting ready to open her bed chamber doors and head in for a good night's rest. So as quickly as she could, Princess Luna ran over to her. "Celestia, I have to speak to." Princess Luna said as she approached her sister. "Yes Luna, what is it?" Princess Celestia says to her sister, doing her best to not to show her jealousy over the fact the Zeon likes her little sister than her. "Sister, do you remember the large volcano our parents told us held a large dragon that brought death and great destruction with it?" Princess Luna asked. "The old stories and fables mother and father would tell us? Yes, why do you ask?" Princess Celestia asks finding it odd that Luna would ask such a random question like this. "Well I'm afraid that the "fabled beast" has become reality and returned and is in no doubt off to bring back its master." Princess Luna said, recalling a few of the stories they were told. "Luna, those were just stories, nothing more than fictional tales mother and father told us before bed to probably scare us into behaving or to put us to sleep." Celestia sighed rolling her eyes slightly, finding it amusing her younger sibling would believe such tales. "Is that so? Then explain to me what I just saw." Luna demanded, her horn glowing with energy as she summoned a memory spell, showing the elder sibling exactly what she saw; a dark three headed dragon silhouette emerging from a erupting volcano. Now believing her sister and seeing the situation that Equestria now faced, Celestia immediately went to into her room with Luna following behind. Trotting over to a small desk and a basket of empty scrolls, quickly writing and sending a letter to her faithful student, Twilight, informing her of the situation and that she and her friends need to come to the castle immediately the next morning. Present time morning. Zeon was sleeping in one of the guest rooms that he was offered to stay in, and as he slept, small visions invaded his dreams. Giant monsters raging through cities, cities set a blaze with citizens terrified screams as they ran from the dangers, and a giant silhouette of another monster engaging with the other monsters before seeing two red glowing eyes stare directly at him, jumping at him with a mouth full of sharp teeth and soul shattering screech, jerking the blue alicorn wide awake. "Holy shit...... that was a intense dream" Zeon exhaled before yawning and stretching, his attention being drawn to the door as a royal guard knocked on it. "Zeon Kaiju, your presence is requested by the princesses." A Royal Canterlot Guard said. "*yawn* What's going on, did something happen?" Zeon asked tiredly as he got up and stretched his body more, making parts of his body pop and crack some what loudly. "I am unsure, I was only told to come and get you and escort you to the throne room." The guard responded. So walking with the guard to the throne room, they headed down a hall that lead to the throne room, Zeon passed a window that held a image of a dark Alicorn stallion whose coat was dark as midnight, and below the Alicorn were 6 well know Kaijus that Zeon recognized; Destroyah, Golza, King Ghidorah, Gigan, Kelbeam, and Red King. Continuing to stare at the picture, he started to feel as though he seen the Alicorn from his childhood before. But Zeon was brought out of thoughts when he realized the task at hand was going to see what the princesses needed. Eventually, both Zeon and the royal guard made it to the doors that lead into the throne room. When the two walked into the large room, he could see that the princesses weren't there yet and that he wasn't the only one who the princesses wanted to see. Also there were Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, along with Twilight and her friends. "Hey! What are you guys doing here?" Zeon greeted as he walked over to the group, hoof-bumping Shining Armor as the guard walked back to his post. "We were all summoned by Aunt Celestia, where ever she's at." Princess Cadence says gesturing to everypony. "What are you doing here?" Shining Armor asks. "Same thing. I wonder Celestia wants seeing she summoned all of us here." Zeon answers with a puzzled look. Soon enough, Princess Celestia, along with Princess Luna, came walking into the throne room. "Hello everypony." Princess Luna said in her usual monotoned voice, walking over to the large pair of thrones and taking a seat in one. "Hello princess" everypony greeted back, bowing in respect to them. "You all are probably wondering why you all were summoned here." Princess Luna said as she walked over and sat next to her sister on her throne. "Yeah, that's pretty much it..…. I think?" Zeon says. "Well I'm afraid to inform you all that yet again, evil has risen and threatens the safety of all of Equestria once more." Princess Celestia says with a stern voice. "What?! Who is it this time? Did Discord escape again? Is there another changeling invasion?" Twilight asked. "I'm afraid that this time it's another Alicorn." Princess Luna says. "Another Alicorn?!" everyone says in shock. "But I thought you two, Princess Cadence, and Zeon were the only Alicorns in Equestria." Rainbow Dash says with a puzzled look on her face. "Yes, but this is no ordinary Alicorn." Princess Celestia exclaims. "What do you mean?" Twilight asks not sure of what Princess Celestia said. "What she means is that this Alcorn not only tried to rule before me and Celestia, but this Alicorn had the command over giant creatures he called "Kaijus." Princess Luna answered. "But ah thought Kaijus were only myths, legends, and old folk-tales." Applejack says rubbing the back of her head. "They were at one point in time." Princess Luna says. "So then why do you think this Alicorn is now just reappearing?" Zeon asked. "Allow us to show you why." Princess Celestia says bringing a large ancient looking book to her as her and Luna's horn began to glow brightly, and with a flash of light, the entire world around them began to transform and shift as though they were thousands of years back in time. "Long ago, before me and my sister became rulers of Equestria, there were three rulers before us, our Father, King Sunbeam, who ruled over the sun and Equestria, our mother, Queen Night Star, who ruled over the moon and Equestria, and another Alicorn who went by the name of King Midnight. But this Alicorn wasn't just another co-ruler of Equestria, but also ruler of giant monsters that were called Kaijus. These giants were seen as giant beasts that were able to bring an entire city mass destruction but they were also seen as creatures that were able to protect the world from said utter destruction and able to keep the peace of the world. But King Midnight only saw the Kaijus as another way to make others do whatever he wants. He used the Kaijus to attack other cities and make them surrender to his ruling. Both our mother and father tried to reason with him and stop him from destroying other cities in Equestria. But both of their efforts to stop King Midnight from his destructive rampage for world conquest only resulted in failure. So they had no other choice but to use brute force in order to stop him and the only way to stop him was by using a Kaiju of their own, and the only Kaiju that could be able to stop him was one that wasn't under King Midnight's control. King Midnight knew how to create these giant monsters thanks to the help of his father. A unicorn highly advanced in magic. With his help, they found a way to make their own, and in doing so, they created Volcan, the Ultimate Monster. A Kaiju that was said to be a mixture of all the Kaijus King Midnight hade created himself, combined into a 110 meter tall dragon-like Kaiju with large powerful red wings . A long tail that ended with a sharp blade-like spike at the tip of its tail. Claws on its hands that were sharp enough to cut through metal like as if it were wet paper. Arms that were able turn or transform into other Kaiju's arms such as the Kaiju, Gigan, using their hook like arms for example. Its teeth are strong enough to tear through even the thickest and strongest hide. A Kelbeam-like horn that was able to send a powerful energy beams and use it like the Kaiju, Destroyah, and send powerful surge of slicing energy into it's target and impale its horn and send waves of concentrated energy into its enemies like the Kaiju known as Gomora. Sharp jagged Dorsal plates similar to that of Godzilla's, are sharp enough to cut a monster's limb clean off. Volcan also has the abilities to absorb any poison or toxins that have been inflicted onto it and is also able to copy moves from other Kaijus and use them to its advantage. And last its eyes, red like raging volcano, has the ability to see in the dark, in inferred, and fire beams of energy. Volcan was truly the perfect Kaiju to fight against King Midnight and his army of monsters. But because Volcan was such a powerful Kaiju, the creator ensured that only those of his bloodline were ever able to wield the powerful Kaiju and only those decedents could wield Volcan. The first pony that wielded Volcan was King Midnights own father, but no pony could speak his name for he did not want King Midnight to know his own father was fighting against him. Seeing that some other pony was daring to go against him, King Midnight let lose all his monsters onto his challenger to destroy them for daring to go against him. When King Midnight did this, he caused a great historical battle that was aptly named "The Great Kaiju War". The war raged on for months on end, claiming many lives, both in King Midnight's army and the ponies serving under the King and Queen, but with King Midnight's father fighting against him instead of with him, defeat was unavoidable for King Midnight. So with one last effort to claim victory, King Midnight took one of his one of his most loyal, powerful, and deadliest Kaiju he had and went to destroy his opponent once and for all. When King Midnight found his father, he sent out his Kaiju, known as Desghidorah . His father transformed into Volcan and the great battle between father and son was now taking place and was the battle that would decide the fate of all of Equestria. If Desghidorah won, King Midnight would take over all of Equestria and rule over it with and iron hoof as to say and everything else that was evil would also be allowed to roam free, but if Volcan was to win, then Equestria would return back to normal and peace would be brought back it. With the battle between Desghidorah and Volcan under hand, only time would be able to tell who would come victorious. As the battle went on, both Kaijus fought on, both were evenly matched, but one was smarter than the other and in one swift move, Volcan managed to subdue Desghidorah and imprison it in a volcano and as for King Midnight, seeing that his most loyal, powerful, and deadliest Kaiju was defeated, he had no other choice but to flee, but when he tried to flee in a Kaiju-transporter he used to bring Desghidorah to battle in, Volcan used a energy ray and, sadly, struck the ship, sending it flying into a near-by neighboring mountain. There, King Midnight was imprisoned there, having a giant force field-like barrier placed around where he crash landed and a spell to put him in a deep sleep ensure he could not return to rage another war. And when King Midnight's father returned victorious, he was able to bring peace back to Equestria and he was able to return to his loving wife who had given birth to their son, who, like King Midnight before him, was also an Alicorn. And not only was the son of the Kaiju wielder born, but the birth of both me and sometime later, Princess Luna, were soon heard throughout Equestria. But afraid that King Midnight could return or that history may repeat with his newborn son, the wielder of Volcan built and enchanted a statue of Volcan, surrendering the spirit of Volcan to it. Then put a spell on it that only allowed a pony of his lineage, starting with his newborn son, could wield the spirit of the mighty Volcan. After giving up Volcan's spirit, the unicorn and his wife and son left through a dimensional portal the father had opened himself; a type of magic that came easy to him, and took his family to a different dimension, fearing that King Midnight would return and seek revenge and kill his wife and son if her were ever to return." *Story ends and everything goes back to normal* "So you're saying that the King of the Kaiju creatures is back and we could be facing another great war, right?" Rarity says making sure she heard right. "Yes, and now the only way to prevent this is to reclaim the spirit of Volcan, the ultimate Daikaiju." Princess Luna adds. "But how are going to do that, I don't think any of us has Kaiju wielding blood in us." Zeon says as he points to everypony. "Be that as it may, we believe that you may be the son to the unicorn who created Volcan, that may allow you, Zeon, to wield Volcan." Princess Celestia says pointing at Zeon remarking how similar the two looked. "But we can only hope that this is true and allow you to wield Volcan." Princess Luna added. As Zeon looked over at the Mane 6, he could only hope that what the princesses were saying about him looking like the foal in the history lesson they were given, and how he just might be able to wield the ultimate Daikaiju, Volcan. But if he were really the son of the unicorn from the lesson, he would be questioning EVERYTHING about his entire life up until this point. "So where are going to reclaim Volcan's spirit?" Zeon asks looking back at the princesses.