//------------------------------// // A Musical Escape // Story: G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// Back at the Calloway Military School, none of the cadets could rest easy, knowing they left the bog and the girls in such a shambled state. “Tug,” Miguel groaned, “I can't sleep.” “I know,” Tug nodded, also feeling guilty. “I guess we should've helped look for those Grimwood girls.” “Affirmative,” Jamal nodded. “It's the Calloway code to help ladies in distress.” “And,” Grunt added, “they did help us out of that quicksand.” That's when Tug made the final decision for everyone. “Well, don't just stand there, cadets! We're on a rescue mission!” “AFFIRMATIVE!!” XXXXXXXXX Back at Revolta's castle, the witch in question turned back to her one loyal minion. “Did you take care of that dog and his friends?” “The well-dweller will make quick work of them.” “Good,” Revolta nodded. “Now gather the girls. My potion is ready. And the midnight hour draws near. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!” XXXXXXXXX Back in the pit of the well-dweller, everypony was backed up against the wall as the monster got closer, and eventually, Pipp nudged Hitch a bit with her foreleg. “Um, Mr. Animal Pony? Mind talking a little sense into this guy before we're all devoured into pony snacks?! That won't make a good PonyGram feed!” Hitch gulped nervously but nodded, sloshing through the water as he stepped closer. “Uh... hey there, big guy. Say, me and my friends have to save the girl ghouls from becoming brainwashed, so... what would convince you to let us go and save them before midnight?” The well-dweller seemed to think on this for a moment before responding in a language that Hitch could thankfully understand. “He says if we can find a way to entertain him, he'll let us go... but he's not too happy, so it'll have to be big time entertainment.” “Oh great...” Shaggy groaned. “Like, we're doomed!” “Oh, don't say that, Shaggy-Waggly!” Izzy said in comfort. “I'm sure we can find SOMETHING to make his frown turn upside down! I mean... maybe we can make him his own Seńor Butterscotch!” “No... Shaggy was right the first time,” Midnight said, depressingly sitting beside Matches, eyes beginning to fill with tears. “I'm so sorry... this is all my fault...” “What are you talking about, Midnight?” Sunny asked in concern. The kirin only responded with a sigh. “Is it true that Equestrians still like old legends?” Misty and Izzy nodded in confirmation, and Midnight began to tell a story of her own. “According to kirin legend, when Twilight Sparkle put the magic into the three crystals, the kirin left Equestria through a hidden portal beneath Canterlot castle and came to this world. We often stayed away from mortal cities in case we weren't welcome there. But... it didn't matter if we went to a mortal city or not... as long as I still had my family.” She pulled an old picture of her mane and gave it to Misty, so she, Sunny, Shaggy, Scooby and Scrappy could look at it. On the picture was a younger Midnight, along with an adult kirin with tan fur and carapaces, a green mane and tail tuft and red eyes. On younger Midnight's other side was a kirin with creamish-brown fur, dark purple carapaces, a purplish-pink mane and tail tuft and magenta eyes. When the group got done looking at it, Midnight's ears had folded back in sadness. “My mom Morning Mist and my sister Orchid Dream... my best friends. I got separated from my herd one night during a storm, and no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't find them anywhere. When I came upon Revolta's castle, she promised me that if I helped her get the girls, she would help me find them. But... she lied. Now we're gonna be here forever and it's all my fault! I... I'm so... so sorry...” Tears began to pour down her cheeks as her shoulders bobbed up and down in sobs. Suddenly, she flinched at a gentle hoof on her shoulder, turning to see Sunny and Misty next to her. “We're not mad at you, Midnight,” Sunny said gently. “Misty is actually a lot like you. An evil alicorn made her serve the alicorn in order to gain a cutie mark, but... she lied and was never gonna give Misty one.” “Oh, Misty...” Midnight frowned. “I'm so sorry.” “I'd rather not get all the details,” Misty said with a slight frown. “But I do get it. And maybe we can help you find them once we rescue the Grimwood girls. Hoof to heart.” “...right. Hoof to heart,” Midnight nodded with a small smile before turning up toward the well-dweller. “I've been doing some studying in the castle library about the well-dweller's behavioral habits, and they like two things... devouring their prey in one fell swoop... and music.” “Music... that's it!” Sunny realized. “Listen, I have a plan, but I'll need help from everybody. Pipp, play the song from the Manesquerade Ball!” “I'm on it!” Pipp tapped a button on her phone, and the ponies began to dance in unison, catching the attention of the well-dweller and encouraging Shaggy, Scooby, Scrappy and Midnight to join in while Matches held onto the phone. That's when the singing began. Sunny: Somepony give me a shimmy Somepony give me a shake Give me a twist and shout And just feel the bass (Hey, hey!) Pipp: Come on and let your mane down Yeah, pony, play Izzy: You gotta show me How you work it today All: Dance, feel the rhythm Everypony's got the moves (Show it to me!) Dance, feel the rhythm Everypony move your hooves (Ow!) Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ahhh Hitch: Shake it, shake it, shake it Sunny: Shake loose, bust a hoof Show me your pony moves All: Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ahhh Hitch: Shake it, shake it, shake it Sunny: Shake loose, bust a hoof Show me your pony moves The well-dweller seemed to be enjoying himself, and this prompted the group to keep proceeding with their song and dance. Izzy: Somepony give me a whistle Midnight, Izzy and Pipp: Somepony give me a clap Hitch: Give me that rockin' out And never look back (Uh-huh!) Midnight: You gotta let your mane down Yeah, let it sway, yeah (Let it sway!) Hitch: You gotta show me How you're slayin' today All: Dance, feel the rhythm (Yeah!) Everypony's got the moves Dance, feel the rhythm Everypony move your hooves (Ow!) Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ahhh Izzy: Shake it, shake it, shake it All: Shake loose, bust a hoof Show me your pony moves Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na-ahhh Shake it, shake it, shake it! Midnight: Shake loose, bust a hoof Show me your pony moves All: Dance, feel the rhythm Everypony's got the moves (Ohhhh, yeah!) Dance, feel the rhythm Everypony move your hooves Midnight and Sunny: Oww!! The group panted as the well-dweller clapped, suddenly forming a staircase out of there with his back, and the group instantly climbed out. “Thanks for the lift!” Pipp called. “I'll send you an audio soundtrack!” Now they would have to hurry-- midnight was quickly approaching, and they still had girl ghouls to save.