Zeon Kaiju's Monster Adventure

by BurningGigan1972

Getting used to the Equestrian life!

Months go by since his arrival to Equestria, Zeon was slowly starting to get used to the life of Alicorn, and during the course of the months, Zeon was given lessons on how to fly with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy .He given lessons on how to use his magic by Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Twilight, and Rarity. You can say that getting turned into an Alicorn was the best thing that has ever happened in his life, but to him, it did not always feel like it on some days. There would be times where he would miss being a human and being able to do human things and activities (like being able to grab stuff with a normal hand instead of a hoof or magic) but luckily for Zeon, he always had Princess Celestia there to help cheer him up. Since he lived in Canterlot Castle with Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, Zeon and Princess Celestia began to hang out with each other, enjoying one another's company and eventually became best friends until Princess Celestia had decided that she will ask Zeon a question that will change the course of their friendship. So one night, Princess Celestia decided to take Zeon on a little stroll through royal garden. As Princess Celestia and Zeon walked through the garden, they came across the area where many different types of statues of old famous ponies from the past, with flowers surrounding them. As Zeon look at each statue, there one statue that caught his attention, as he walked up to the statue. Celestia noticed that Zeon had found the statue of none other than Discord, the lord of chaos and disharmony.

"I see you found the resting place of Discord." Celestia said walking over to Zeon.

"This thing is called Discord." Zeon said looking at Celestia with a raised brow.

"Yes. He used to rule over Equestria with his chaotic powers, making chaos and disharmony everywhere he went." Celestia said with a stern look on her face as she stared at the statue, remembering just how chaotic he made the world.

"So if he was causing chaos everywhere and bringing disharmony with him, why did you make a memorial after he died?" Zeon asked giving Celestia a confused look, not understanding why they would make a memorial after the death of an evil villain.

"Oh, this is not a memorial." Celestia chuckled looking back at Zeon.

"What?" Zeon says now even more confused than before.

"Well not too long ago, my faithful student and star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, along with her friends, used the Elements of Harmony to turn Discord back to stone after he broke out of being imprisoned the first time by me and my sister, Princess Luna, when we had the Elements of harmony." Celestia told Zeon, who then began to understand everything now.

So now knowing what the statue of Discord was and his history, Zeon and Princess Celestia continued their walk, the two coming across the royal garden's fountain that had a statue of a unicorn holding a flag on the top.

"Zeon!" Princess Celestia called out to the blue alicorn who had kept walking along the path.

"Yeah." Zeon answered looking back.

"Let's stop here and take a breather for a while." Princess Celestia said as she walked over to the fountain and laid down on the edge, near the water.

Giving a shrug, he walked over to where Princess Celestia was and stood by the edge look down into the water, find little fish in the fountain, swimming around and going under the floating water plants as the two rested by the fountain. Princess Celestia took this moment to her advantage to finally popped the question and reasoning for being here.

"Zeon." Princess Celestia says looking at Zeon taking a deep breath as her heart raced in her chest.

"Yes princess?" Zeon said looking to Princess Celestia.

"Please, you can call me Celestia." Celestia says as she scoots closer to him.

"Ok Celestia." Zeon says as he sees Celestia scooting closer to him.

"Do you mind if I can ask you a question?" Celestia asked.

"Sure, ask away" Zeon said, now noticing that Celestia was now laying right next to him.

"Well, I was wondering if… um... if…" Celestia tried to asked but found herself unable to produce the words she wanted.

"If….... what?" Zeon said trying to figure out what Celestia was trying to ask.

"If….. You would be my colt friend?" Celestia asked, finally finding the strength and words she needed.

"You mean like a… boyfriend?" Zeon asked making sure that he and Celestia were thinking the something.

"Yes, exactly." Celestia says.

After hearing that sentence come out of Celestia's mouth, all Zeon could do was just give a surprised look. Not once has he ever been asked by a girl to be their boyfriend. For him, this was a BIG shocking surprise for him, especially because he was being asked out by royalty. So as Zeon just laid by fountain's edge with a surprised look on his face, Celestia was hoping that Zeon would say "yes" and agree to be with her.

"Celestia." Zeon says looking at Celestia.

"Yes." Celestia responds tilting her head in anticipation.

"I'm not trying to be mean or rude but, why would you want to be in a relationship with me? I'm not even close to being royalty or something like that. I mean, I may be royalty here, but, where I came from, I'm far from it. I was a fish merchant, doing nothing but selling fish." Zeon says now looking at the ground, his head now resting on the fountain.

"Zeon, I want to be in a relationship with you is because I like you for who you are. I don't care if you're royalty, a fish merchant, or a royal fish merchant. The reason I want to be with you is because you're a good friend and you have a wonderful personality any pony can have." Celestia says Zeon resting one of her hoofs on one of his hoof.

As Zeon looked up towards Celestia, he could see that her words were truthful but as he brought his head up to look Celestia straight in the eyes, he felt bad for what he was about to say.

"Celestia, I would be honored to be your boyfriend, but I uh…... kinda already had somepony in mind." Zeon sighed to Celestia.

"Oh... and who might that be?" Celestia asks keeping herself calm, managing to not showing the disappointment she felt.

"Well, the pony who I kinda had in mind is, ummm well, your uhh…. sister, Princess Luna." Zeon says as he rubes the back of his neck, unsure of what will happen next.

"Oh, my sister, Luna. I guess she too deserves a stallion like you as well, especially after being banished to the moon for a thousand years." Celestia says showing a little bit of her disappointment in her voice.

Zeon noticed the disappointment in Celestia's voice, which made him feel even worse that he had said that he wanted to ask Luna out first.

"Hey, don't be disappointed Celestia, if it doesn't work out with me and Princess Luna, then I can always reconsider your offer to be with you. I mean, that is if you're still interested." Zeon said to Celestia, holding her face in his hooves, making her blush.

Suddenly, the sound of the Canterlot clock's soft chimes striking 1:00 A.M. was heard. It didn't feel that late but the clock was singing that it was. So after hearing the clock soft chimes, Celestia and Zeon both decided that it was time to go back inside and head to bed for the night.

Meanwhile, many miles away, over at the area where dragons migrate to during the great dragon migration, the ground inside the giant volcano, began to violently shake and crack, spewing giant globs of molten rock and lava within the volcano's floor. Withing moments, a large, dark, three headed dragon burst out from the volcanic crust. Desghidorah (a.k.a Death Ghidorah), had emerged from the lava, roaring and screeching from all three of its head as it came to stand on the dormant volcan's crust. With every step it took, it caused the ground beneath it to crack and split, causing smoke and more lava to push out and flood the area in its orange glow as the volcano slowly became active. With all this activity going on the glow in the air could be seen with an advanced telescope in Canterlot from a certain night princess. Princess Luna had spotted the glow in the distance with her telescope while scoping for any trouble and had come across the glow. As she focused on it, she had begun to fear the worst. She feared this was a sign that an old foe of her and Celestia's past was about to return to Equestria. An old enemy that will cause trouble and make all other incidents in Equestria like Discord's chaos take over, herself turning into Nightmare Moon, King Sombra taking the crystal empire seem like only mere little accidents. The return of the King of Kaijus, (not Godzilla), could be making his return after so many centuries.

Back with Desghidorah, the dark three headed dragon walked through the mountains, causing large amounts of destruction till it came across a familiar monster. The giant drill handed beetle Kaiju known as Megalon. Together, the two giant monsters had one goal to accomplish. Looked for the location of their fallen master. As the two searched around an area that they believe to be his last known location, they soon came a across a tall mountain with half of its base missing and a large pile of rocks and boulders at the bottom. As both monsters looked at the mountain, Megalon slowly walked up to the mountain and began to use his drill hands to smash and drill away the pile of rocks. After about five minutes of smashing and drilling away the pile of rocks, Megalon soon came across a large, blue, dome like structure. Backing away from the blue structure, Megalon looked over at Desghidorah as the three headed dragon fired multiple fireballs from all three of his heads. Each fireball made contact with the blue structure and it was not long before the entire structure blew up, sending a large amount of smoke and ruble into the air. Suddenly a small, dark object flew out of the smoke within the blink of an eye and landed on top of a nearby neighboring mountain. The dark object, turned out to be a alicorn with a midnight black coat and wings, a long sharp horn, orange tipped hooves, eyes as red as a blood moon, sharp teeth similar to Nightmare Moon's, and a regal red and orange mane and tail. This Alicorn was none other than the evil tyrant, King Midnight. As he looked around, he notices that none of his many monsters, besides Megalon and Desghidorah, were nowhere to be seen.

"Where are my MONSTERS?" King Midnight yelled with a menacing voice, bearing his razor sharp teeth, his voice echoing in the empty mountainous region.

As he looked around, he noticed that his Battleship (it looks like the combination of the Nemesis ship from Transformers Prime and the Gotengo and Xiliens mothership from Godzilla Final Wars), was nowhere to be seen. Just then, as King Midnight looked on, he noticed a glimpse of something shiny, similar to metal. So he flew over to where the shiny object was, it turned out to be one of the Kaiju-transporters he used to bring certain Kaijus to the areas of his choosing. Seeing this to his advantage of finding his ship, King Midnight reactivated the ship, flew over Megalon and Desghidorah, pushing down on a red lever as a ray of light shot down over the two giants, making them disappear into thin air as they were now in the Kaiju-transporter vessel. Now fully prepared to find his Battle ship, King Midnight turned on the ship's tracking device and quickly found where his ship was located at and took off towards it.