Zeon Kaiju's Monster Adventure

by BurningGigan1972

1. A world called Equestria

It was a beautiful day in Hawaii and it was the perfect day for deep sea fishing but there was one person who was fishing but wasn't having much luck.

"Man, this sucks. I have been out here on my boat since 6:00 a.m. and its 3:00 p.m.. Where are the those damned fishes?" a 23 year old with brown, spiked up hair, tanned and pretty fit body, boy named Zeon Kaiju, said.

The name "Zeon Kaiju" was the name that was given to him by his mother and father because of his love for the giant monsters that were the Kaijus, but whom sadly died when he was 6 years old. The cause of both parents' deaths, was from a monster attack in 1991 while his mother, father, and himself were visiting his aunt who lived in Tokyo, which happened to be during the attack of King Ghidorah and Godzilla. Lucky for Zeon, when he discovered that his parents weren't going to around with him anymore, his aunt generously took him in and raised him as her own, moving into Zeon's home in Hawaii. But the happiness soon ended 21 years later when Zeon's aunt began to have heart problems and one day, when he went to the hospital to visit his aunt, the doctor that was taking care of her, told him that she had a heart attack and died at 3:00a.m.. Well, steering away from the tragic past, it is time to focus what is happening right now. So as Zeon continued to fish he began to notice that the clouds have began to swirl.

"That's weird. The news did not call for any sort of storm at all this week." Zeon said scratching his head.

Suddenly, from within the swirling clouds, a bright light emitted causing Zeon to cover his eyes. Then a portal appeared and sucked up Zeon right out of his boat. When Zeon opened his eyes, he noticed that his body felt different and that he was surrounded by nothing but darkness.

"Huh?! Where am I and why does my body feel different and... fuzzy?" Zeon said as he noticed that both his skin and clothes have been replaced by fur.

That when it hit Zeon, when he look at his body, he saw that his human body was replaced with a bright blue horse body with Pegasus wings and a blue and red horse tail and on his head, he a had long unicorn horn. Last, on flank he had red Godzilla 2000 cutie mark. Soon after looking over his new horse body, there was another flash of bright light that once made Zeon cover his eyes with his now horse hooves, and so marks the beginning of the adventure where Zeon.


It was beautiful day in the town of Ponyville and everypony that lived there was as happy as can be and six certain ponies were have the best time of their lives, going to the spa, watching a play, and going to a local carnival that was in town.

"Oooohhhh, this has been the super-duper, bestest day that I have ever had, right next to the day Twilight came here to Ponyville and chose to stay here." a pink, hyper pony named Pinkie Pie said hopping up and down instead of walking.

"I know, and that trip to the spa was fantastic. Those spa twins do know how to do a mare's mane the way she likes it done." a white unicorn mare with dark purple (I think. Correct me if I'm wrong,) curly mane, named Rarity, said admiring her hair.

"Ah'll admit too, that massage that the spa twins gave me really help that there knot that was in my back and legs feels a lot better." the southern accented mare named Applejack said.

"Eh, the spa was fun, but the carnival was better. I mean what pony doesn't like roller-coasters, carnival games, and food stands that give you cotton candy." the cyan, rainbow mane Pegasus called Rainbow Dash said as she took a bite out of her cotton candy as she flew above her friends.

"Well I liked the play they did about How Princess Celestia and Princess Luna became rulers of the sun and moon and all of Equestria." the shy, quiet voiced, light yellow Pegasus named Fluttershy said walking beside Applejack.

"Yeah, the day was fun, but I wish that Spike was here. He's been working really hard lately up at Canterlot Castle for the past week helping out Princess Celestia with Princess Luna in getting used to the changes that happened during her 1,000 years banishment to the moon and I wanted him to join us for the day of fun and relaxing." a violate purple unicorn mare by the name of Twilight Sparkle said.

So as the group of friends enjoyed the rest of the their day, there was a sudden loud bang sound that sounded like thunder but louder that also made everypony look out their windows, doors, or where ever they were standing.

"What in tarnation was that?" Applejack said as she looked everywhere to see what made the loud noise.

"I'm not sure but I wish Spike was here so that I can send a letter to Princess Celestia right now." Twilight said as she too looked around for whatever made the noise.

Meanwhile at Canterlot Castle, Princess Celestia was sitting on her thrown levitating and reading a scroll when she too heard the loud noise outside, spooking her out of her focus and nearly dropping the scroll. So as she levitates the scroll down, she goes to the window to see what the noise was. As she reached the window, Celestia soon realized what the loud noise was as she saw some of the clouds beginning to swirl around out in the distance.

"Luna, Spike, we might have a situation that may need out attention." Celestia said as she walked out the thrown to go get Princess Luna and Spike to go and head to Ponyville and find Twilight.

Back in Ponyville Golden Oak library, Twilight was in the process of writing a letter to Princess Celestia.

"So how exactly are you going to get the letter to Princess Celestia when you're done since Spike isn't here to send it to her?" Rainbow Dash asked Twilight.

"Well, I have been practicing a new spell that will allow me to send letters to Princess Celestia when Spike isn't here to send them for me." Twilight explained.

Suddenly, from the entrance of the library, there emitted a bright light and standing at the entrance was Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Spike.

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna!" everypony say in a surprised sort of way as they immediately bowed.

"Hello everypony." Princess Celestia greeted.

"Greeting Twilight and friends. "Princess Luna greeted too.

"Hey everypony." Spike the dragon, Twilight's number 1 assistant, said jumping off Princess Celestia.

"Princess Celestia, I was about to write a letter to you asking if you knew what that loud noise was." Twilight said.

"Well that's what Princess Celestia was coming over here to talk to you guys about." Spike said.

"Yes and me and Luna happen to know what the sound was." Princess Celestia

"The sound that everypony heard was a dimensional portal that somepony opened and is now traveling here and will be showing up any minute now because of how much time has passed since the loud banging sound was heard." Princess Luna explained.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light that made everypony look outside once more. When they did they all found a big swirling port right above the City Hall.

"Is that the dimensional portal you were talking about?" Rarity asked fearing about what was going to come out of the portal.

"Yes that is the dimensional portal." Princess Celestia says.

Then suddenly the portal begins to make a low pitch sound that sounded like a growl and then out from the portal flew out Zeon Kaiju and as he hit the ground, Zeon created a large trench starting from where he landed and across 15 yards of ground.

"Oh that's going to leave a mark in the morning." Rainbow Dash said cringing at the sight of Zeon's crash landing.

So as ponies head over to the crash site, everypony began to notice that the new comer from the portal was a male Alicorn, a rare site to see or have.

"So our dimensional traveler is a male Alicorn?" Spike asked.

"Yes but we have to be careful. We don't know if he could be good or evil." Twilight said.

After saying this, Zeon began to move his head around, groaning in pain. As Zeon began to open his eyes, his vision was blurry and all he could see were dark figures standing above him.

"*groan* What the, I must have landed really hard and I'm seeing things or this is a dream." Zeon said as he rubbed his head with his hand only realizing it was a hoof. "Nope it was neither of the two." he adds as his vision started to become clear again.

That's when he saw standing over him a purple unicorn, a white Alicorn with mane that was looked like it was blowing in a breeze even though there was none, a dark blue Alicorn who's mane was doing the same thing as the white Alicorn, a cyan Pegasus with rainbow colored mane, a yellow Pegasus, and a little dragon with purple and green scales. Getting up, he looked around and saw that there were no human to be seen but just little colorful ponies with little pictures on their flanks and the crowd consisting of unicorns, Pegasus, and regular earth ponies.

"This can't be real. I have to be dreaming this up." Zeon said as he shook his head around.

"Actually mister, you aren't dreaming." Rainbow Dash said flying backwards behind Zeon.

"Oh I see what's going on here. All of you are just little robots in pony costumes that my friends made and are trying to make me think that I'm in a different world and they knocked me out and put me into this pony suit. NICE TRY YOU GUYS BUT YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE THINK A LOT HARDER IF YOU WANT TO GET ME IN A JOKE." Zeon said as he waited for his friends to appear with a disappointed looks on their faces thinking that they finally got him in a prank.

"This guy must have hit his head really hard because he is crazy." Pinkie Pie whispered over to Twilight.

"Yes, but don't forget Pinkie, he's not from this world." Twilight whispered back.

"So you mean he's an alien!" Pinkie Pie whispered back in a shocked sort of way.

"What! No, I mean he is not from OUR world. He's from a different dimension just like Princesses said." Twilight whisper explaining to Pinkie Pie.

So as Zeon waited for his friends to appear, Princess Luna had decided to walk up to Zeon and correct him.

"Excuse me mister but I'm afraid that we are not "robots " nor this is a joke or prank." Princess Luna said to Zeon making him looked confused.

"Well then if this isn't a prank or a joke and you aren't robots, then where the hell am I?" Zeon asked.

"You are in the land of Equestria." Princess Celestia said walking up to Zeon.

And at that moment, when Princess Celestia's eyes met with Zeon's, Princess Celestia felt her heart skip a beat and as did Zeon's. He has never seen anyone that was as beautiful as her and at that point, Zeon realized something, both him and Princess Celestia were the exact same height and same species, winged unicorns.

"So what made you come here to Equestria?" Fluttershy asks walking up to him.

"I don't think i came here willingly." Zeon says as he begins to explain how he got there and eventually told everypony about his life including the death of his parents.

Soon, after finishing his life story and how he got to Equestria, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna offer Zeon to live with them in Canterlot Castle, and what was Zeon to deny an offer like this. So he took the offer and made Canterlot Castle his new temporary home.