//------------------------------// // A Measure of Safety // Story: Safety Measures // by Devonlui //------------------------------// Spike awoke with a scream, his eyes widening as he frantically looked around for a threat, he tried to scoot back into a corner, but found none. He looked around in a panicked state. He found himself atop a hill, under the shadow of an oak tree. From his vantage point, he surveyed a boundless realm of cosmic wonder, where a myriad of orbs - each one bearing a distinct color and tone, floated in the celestial skies above him. They illuminated the world with a serene cyan glow, suffusing the infinite expanse with a calming aura and offering a mesmerizing vision of celestial beauty. Down below, a serene terrain of lush, green grasslands spreads out before Spike. Endless fields of vibrant, luscious grass sway in a gentle breeze, rustling like a symphony of soothing melodies. Scattered throughout the landscape are patches of flowers, holding various colors and tones, adding a touch of color to the otherwise uniform green. On the horizon, past the orbs and the misty cyan glow, a brilliant sapphire sky stretches endlessly, dotted with wispy, sparkling clouds that dance in harmony with the swaying grasslands. All of that beauty was mute to Spike, who simply sat there, knees held up to his chest. Once he realized he wasn't in danger anymore, Spike took a long, deep breath, releasing it in a shudder. Tears began to well up in his eyes as the past events began to come back. "How could she? She seemed just normal yesterday! What makes today different?!" He murmured in a panick. Spike's fretting was cut off by a calming, motherly tone, one he recognized. "I am afraid it is the truth, Spike, and to quell this danger I must ask of you to listen to me," said Princess Celestia, standing as tall and as regal as ever. Spike quickly got up and dashed for Celestia, hugging her hoof to her surprise, Spike began softly sobbing, his shoulders shaking as he cried into Celestia's hoof. "Shhh, it's all going to be fine, you're safe with me..." Celestia comforted, embracing Spike with her soft wings, for a little while she simply let Spike release his fear, confusion and grief onto her. Her pristine white coat was left damp and slightly heavy, the sensation didn't slow Celestia down. She pulled out of the hug just enough to look down on Spike with a stern, if kind look. "Have I ever told you why I kept you by Twilight's side?" "Well, no, but why does that matter?" Spike asked back with a few sniffles. Celestia's eyes darkened a bit. "There are many reasons, my little dragon. But only three held me back. The first is simple, you deserved better than to be thrown into a zoo or sold to the highest bidder, you were smart, you were curious and the closest thing to a son I had," Celestia's words were warm, soft, barely above a whisper. Spike smiled, even as he pulled out of the hug fully. "I also knew Twilight would need a close friend and confidant as she navigated the pressures of being an Element of Harmony. As ab advisor and mentor, I would not always be there to guide her through every situation, but I knew that you would always be by her side, ready to offer advice or moral support." "Even if my advise isn't always taken to heart..." quipped Spike, both chuckled at that. Celestia shook her head and continued with a more serious tone. "But, sadly, the main reason qas different. I saw that Twilight Sparkle had the potential to become a threat to Equestria if she were to fall under the sway of dark magic or become corrupted by power. It's a reality that I've seen play out with other rulers in the past, and it's a possibility that we can never fully rule out," Celestia spoke with an emotionless tone. Spike wilted at the reminder of past events, his prior turmoil returning. "I guess that's what happened today?" He asked. "As her teacher, I have spent a great deal of time teaching Twilight the values of Harmony - traits that I believe should be the foundation of any society. But I also knew that I couldn't risk another rogue villain, or worse, a monster." Celestia spoke with an ever so slightly heartbroken tone. Spike and Celestia sat in a quiet, uncomfortable silence. Spike was deep in thought, his mind reeling with all the possibilities of what might happen if Twilight were to go rogue. Celestia watched him intently, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and resolve. It was clear to her that this was a difficult revelation for Spike to process, and she wanted to give him the time he needed to come to terms with it before moving on to deeper revelations. As Spike sat there, lost in thought, Celestia drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. She knew that she had to tell him something else, something that would potentially be even more difficult for him to accept. "Spike," she finally said, her voice low and steady. "There is one more thing that I need to reveal to you. And it may be the hardest thing of all for you to hear." Spike's eyes widened, and he turned to face Celestia. He could sense that whatever she was about to say, it was something that he was not going to want to hear. But he knew that he had to remain strong, that he had to be ready to accept whatever Celestia had to tell him. "I hope I'm ready," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. Celestia nodded, then took another deep breath. "Twilight has surpassed all my worst expectations, she shouldn't be going this.... far, the only way to stop her is through lethal force. And I believe, no. I have made you, my dear Spike, to do just that." Spike's eyes widened in shock. His eyes became slitted as puffs of smoke began oozing from his nostrils. "How could you ask me to do that?" he asked, his voice trembling with emotion. "Twilight is my friend, she's the only family I have aside from you! I- I-." Spike's face fell as Celestia continued, "Spike, I know this is hard to hear. But it's the truth. Twilight's power is unchecked, and she has become corrupted by her own power, she could destroy Equestria, all of its inhabitants, and everything we hold dear." Spike's heart sank. He couldn't bear the thought of Twilight destroying everything he loved, but he also couldn't imagine having to kill her. He clutched his chest as he stuttered, torn between his love for Twilight and his myriad friendships and relationships. "Spike, I know this is a heavy burden to place on you," Celestia said gently, noticing the distress that was written all over Spike's face. "But you can't let your emotions cloud your judgment. You have a responsibility to Equestria, and that means doing whatever it takes to keep it safe, I hate to say this, but you must chose between Twilight and everyone else." Spike tried to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat, but it wouldn't budge. His shoulders shook as his vivid imagination created images of a betrayed Twilight, covered in blood, asking him "why?". Celestia could see that the idea of killing Twilight was breaking Spike, but she also knew that it was something that he needed to come to terms with, she knew it was the only way. Even as tears formed in her eyes and her knees buckled ever so gently. "Think of your other friends," Celestia said softly. "Twilight may not wish to rule Equestria, she seems just as bloodthirsty as a manticore. Do you want to live in a world without Rarity, Thorax and the others? Do you want to watch as the other creatures you care about suffer and die in exchange for one?" Spike's face was pale as he tried to process the information that Princess Celestia had just revealed to him. He felt a mixture of emotions - shock, betrayal, fear - all of them coursing through his body and threatening to overwhelm him. "I can't believe this," he murmured, shaking his head. "Princess Celestia, how could you keep this from me all this time? I thought I was just her...her...her..." Spike's voice trailed off as he struggled to find the right word. He felt the lump rising in his throat, and he could feel tears freely dribbling down his scales. "I hoped we would never reach this point... but it's too late," tears flowed freely as Celestia's poise was chiped at by the little dragon's pain. "Spike, my dear friend, I understand how you feel," Celestia said gently, placing a comforting hoof on his withers as she moved beside him. "But believe me when I say that I would do anything in my power to stop her, but I have to depend on you for that..." As Celestia finished her explanation, Spike suddenly became even more angry. He pushed her away as best he could, taking a few steps back as he huffed. "You expect me to take down Twilight? My best friend, my sister? You expect me to do that?" he exclaimed, his voice rising to a shout. Celestia raised her hoof in a calming gesture, but Spike was beyond calm now. He continued to rant, his emotions taking control of him. "Why couldn't you just stop her yourself? You're the princess, you're more powerful than anypony I know! Why did you have to dump this on me? Why couldn't you just deal with this yourself?" Celestia sighed, her expression sad. She knew this wasn't going to be an easy conversation, but she needed to be honest with Spike. "Spike, I understand how you feel," she said, her voice soft and tender. "But Twilight wouldn't go down without a fight, and a fight between alicorns tends to cause mass destruction. She is incredibly powerful, and even more smart. If I were to fight her, she would require so much of my concentration that I may loose control of the sun," Spike's anger slowly began to fade as he took in Celestia's words. He had never considered what would happen if Celestia lost control of the sun during a battle. The idea was terrifying. "I have the highest chance of success, yes, but is the risk of eternal cold and darkness worth it?" Celestia said solemnly. Spike's face contorted in anger once again as he glared at Celestia, his eyes blazing. "Why didn't you ask Discord? Or Cadence? Or the other Elements of Harmony for help?" he demanded, his voice rising to a yell. "Why only me? Why am I the one who has to stop her?" Celestia's eyes softened as she looked at Spike, her voice turning gentle as she spoke. "Spike, I understand that this is a lot for you to handle, and I'm sorry if I've made you feel alone in this. But you are the only one who can stop Twilight if she ever goes rogue. You were specifically created to counterbalance her power, to keep her in check. And most importantly, you're the only one she doesn't have detailed information about." Celestia took a deep breath and looked down at Spike with a hint of sadness. "I wish there were another way, Spike. I wish Discord, the girls or anyone else could help, but Twilight is far too smart for any of them, and she is unhindered by confidence or carelessness. You are the only one whom she doesn't have prior knowledge about, and without a plan, she will be much easier to defeat" Spike looked up at Celestia, his expression still strained, but his voice was softer, more resigned. "I understand, Princess," he said finally, after what felt like an eternity. "I just...I'm scared, that's all. I don't know if I can do this, but...I'll try. I'll do my best." Celestia leaned forward and nuzzled Spike, offering him a comforting smile. "That's all anyone can ask of you, my dear friend. I know you will succed when the time comes. And in the meantime, please know that I will answer any more question you may have." Spike mumbled a response, his eyes locked on the sky, but Celestia could sense that his heart was heavy. Still, she remained by his side, offering him a body to lean on. The two of them sat there, lost in their own thoughts for what felt like an eternity, but no words were spoken. Around them, the sun began to set, casting long shadows over the gorgeous grasslands that stretched out to the horizon. The air was warm and still, and the only sound was the distant call of birds returning to their nests for the night. As the quiet stretched on, Spike felt a sense of peace wash over him, as if the weight of the world was lifted from his shoulders. He knew that there was still more to come, but for now, he was determined to just enjoy the moment. Spike looked around in wonder, taking in the lush grasslands, the spheres of divine color, and the misty cyan glow that stretched out as far as the eye could see. "This is...amazing," he said, his voice quiet and filled with awe. Celestia smiled at him, a hint of pridd in her eyes. "Yes, this is the Celestial Afterlife, the resting place for those souls who pledged themselves to me and the sun." Spike's eyes widened in surprise. "They come here? After they pass on?" Celestia nodded. "Yes, Spike. This is where their spirits dwell for eternity, surrounded by the glory of the sun and the beauty of nature. It is a place of peace and tranquility, where they can reflect on the lives they lived and the joy they brought to those around them." Spike observed the landscape for a long while, taking in the beauty of the Celestial Afterlife. He felt a sense of gratitude wash over him, and he turned to Celestia, a look of wonder in his eyes. "Princess Celestia, this is... I don't even know how to describe it. It's so beautiful, and so peaceful. Thank you for creating such a place for souls to rest." Celestia nodded, a small smile on her face. "You're welcome, Spike. I created this place for those who dedicated their lives to serving Equestria, to give them a place of eternal rest and peace. It is my greatest accomplishment, and I am proud of what I have done." There was a moment of silence as the two of them looked out over the horizon, lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Spike turned to Celestia, his expression serious. "Princess Celestia, I... I still don't understand how I'm supposed to stop Twilight. I'm not powerful, I'm dead given that I'm here, I'm not sure how I can do this." Celestia chuckled, a warmth in her voice. "Spike, my dear dragon, you are more powerful and capable than you know. And I can help you discover that." Spike watched in amazement as Celestia stood up with a sense of purpose, lifting her horn with a flick of her mane. Magical energy pulsated from her horn, casting a brilliant light that illuminated the entire Celestial Afterlife. First, she traced intricate, delicate patterns with her horn, weaving complicated designs with curves and lines and other geometry, each one a symbol of power and magic. Then, she formed a series of mesmerizing runes, using each one to reinforce her original weave. The patterns and runes glowed a bright, golden light, the energy so potent that it made the very world seems to bow in reverence. The wind picked up, the trees, grass and orbs of lighg swaying in a symphony of movement. Celestia lifted her horn and began to chant, the words so ancient and unknowable that the very air seemed to air with each syllable. Spike, who was watching, felt a strange tingling sensation running through his scales, a sense of power that he didn't even know he had. As Celestia completed her chant, the light from her horn grew brighter, until it reached such a fever pitch that the air itself seemed to shudder and hum. Then, nothing. Spike deadpanned at the sudden silence. Celestia laughed, a warm and gentle sound that filled the air. "Silly Dragon," she said, a twinkle in her eye. "Did you really think it was going to be that easy? No, Spike, your true power is something you will need to discover for yourself. And I promise you, you will discover it." As the Princess spoke the final words, Spike felt a strange sensation wash over him. All the patterns, the runes, and magic that Celestia had conjured were being funneled into him, filling him with power, with magic, awakening him. He felt it all bubbling up within him, a power that was not Celestia's magic, but his own. As he stood there, feeling the magic coursing through his veins, he felt his body begin to change. His wings stretchd out, his spikes grew larger and sharper, emerald flames burst into existence and lined his back and spikes like piece of armor. He felt his bones, his muscles bulging out, growing, reforming, becoming more dynamic, better suited for combat. He looked down at his claws, now the claws of a dragon. Emerald flames burst on his forearms too, were new spikes had grown. Spike had never been so large, so powerful, he had never felt so unstoppable. He looked down at Celestia with a surprised and grateful expression, even as the changes continued. Celestia's voice spoke in Spike's mind, but her lips did not move. "I have activated the power, magic and knowledge held within you Spike, I am afraid there is little else I can do." Her voice sounded solemn at first, before warming up "I believe in you, Spike, the fate of Equestria rests upon your shoulders, the fate of the world does. So prove yourself up to the task," The contents of her speech were dark, but her tone was comforting, and somehow that alone gave Spike the courage and will to go through with it. He felt his body working by itself and his myriad horns light up, his mind conjuring a magical equation he had read many times, teleportation. He smiled a toothy, almost eerie smile towards Celestia, feeling nervousness and dread fighting against his determination. Celestia waved her hoof as a titanic puff of magic replaced Spike, and she was left alone in the peaceful place that was her greatest creation, looking on as the sun set and painted the world orange and gold. "You can do it Spike," she whispered to no one in particular.