Life Outside

by CalmHeart

Through The Dreamer's Door

The Island of Sodor. A quant little island off the cost of England, home to a colorful cast of talking steam engines. Some would even say that it was a magical place, where dreams can come true. But, there is another place...

A magical land, one full of harmony. A place chock full of colorful creatures, the most magical being the ponies. Friendship is real here, a place where dreams really do come true.

Well, they certainly didn't know just what there was in store.
What there was behind the dreamer's door.

It was a late evening on Sodor, as the sun gave off hues of orange, yellow, red, and blue.

Each member of the Steam Team was puffing back to Tidmouth Sheds after a long and strenuous day of work. Thomas and Edward from their respective branch lines, Gordon and James from Knapford, Henry and Emily from the shunting yards, Percy from the clay pits, and yes, even Toby was heading home, to his little shed in the woods.
One by one, they reached Tidmouth Sheds, settling their fireboxes, talking about the day's events.

"And then, Bill got so mad, he pushed Ben under the slate hopper!" Percy giggled with glee, remembering the laughter-inducing scene earlier that day.

All the other engines were listening in, though some more than others.

Thomas laughed along. "Will those two ever learn?"

Gordon groaned, rolling his eyes. "Those two are a lost cause, if you ask me."

James snorted. "If they ever try that with me, I assure you, there will be trouble. From both myself, and my paintwork."

Thomas, Percy, and Emily laughed.

"Will the trouble be only your dirty paintwork James?" Emily chuckled, making James huffy.

James gave a hmph, and Edward smiled at his friends.
"Come now, that's enough teasing for today. Let's get some sleep."

Thomas laughed. "Yeah, ok DAD."

Percy giggled as well. "Okay DAD."

James and Emily soon joined in on the tease too, but Edward just sighed with a smile. This was a new nickname for the old blue engine, but he had become accustomed to it.
Edward rolled his eyes, then closed them. The others started to yawn, and drift into sleep.

Henry was the last to speak to the team, yawning.

"Goodnight guys."


Thomas had a dream. A purple line, he followed. Memories from another life came from the line, showing a group of 6, but more promantly, a... purple unicorn with wings?
His eyes widened, following the figure.

All the engines had a dream like this, but with different prominent ponies.

Thomas's eyes opened slightly, and his eyes suddenly flew open!

There was a purple orb of light, floating in front of him. He felt himself flinch, but he was curious. He starred at the orb. It moved, like it was wanting him to follow. The orb floated to the turntable.

Thomas was about to pull forward, when he saw his other friends. Each one had a orb in front of them, excluding Edward and Emily. Henry had a yellow orb, Gordon had a blue orb, James had a white orb, and Percy had a pink orb.
And, a certain other steam tram was now looking at an orange light.

All the engines had the same reaction as Thomas to their orbs, and the orbs floated up next to the purple one.

"What is that?" Emily asked, a little scared.

"I think it wants us to follow it." Thomas spoke, and chuffed up slowly.

Suddenly a bright white light engulfed them, and without a sound, they were gone, leaving empty births behind them.

Almost all of them were gone.

A terrified Emily was the last remaining in the sheds. She frantically looked around, confused and shocked.
"Wh-.. Where did they go???"

Somewhere on the island, a little shed in the woods was also empty.

Princess Twilight Sparkle was asleep in the old castle she had earned so long ago.
She was taking some R&R at her old home, Ponyville. Well, it wasn't that old.

It had been 2 years after her coronation, becoming the ruler of Equestria. She had planned a weeks' visit in ponyville, due to "unnatural" forces being reported. But really, she has here to relax and spend time with her friends. The life as a princess has been very busy. And monotonous.

A big THUMP awoke her from sleep, and immediately she sat up from her bed.

'What was that?'

She looked at the door. She herd light groans echo throughout the castle. Twilight stood up quickly.
'That noise came from the map room.'

Twilight rushed out of the room, though numerous hallways, and down a flight of stairs.
When she finally arrived at the map room, she could only gasp.

Six ponies were all on the map, waking up from something.

Three were blue, a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony. Two were green, a pegasus and an earth pony. There was also one red unicorn.

The blue earth pony looked young, and had a slick black mane and tail, his mane short, and his tail normal sized. his eyes were a shining black. His cutie mark was a railroad track, strangely enough.

The blue unicorn looked quite old, and had a grey fizzy mane and tail. His eyes were red. His cutie mark was a open purple book.

The blue pegasus had a sharp but slick grey mane and tail, and wings as his cutie mark. Speaking of, his wings were large, and feathery. It was 4 different shades of blue, and looked quite elegant. His eyes were also black.

The red unicorn had a long back mane and tail, with gold tips. He seemed thinner than the rest, and his cutie mark was a bow. He eyes were golden yellow.

The green pegasus had a brown mane and tail, purple irises, and his wings were 4 shades of green. His cuite mark was a flower with heart petals.

The green earth pony had a short mane and tail, which were red. His eyes were sky blue, and he had a letter with a heart seal as his cutie mark.

They all stared at Twilight, all sharing the same confusion. Then, the blue earth pony realized something. He looked at his blue hooves, and felt his features. The others realized too. And, all of them started to scream.

Twilight winced at the noise, but quickly regained composure. She quickly realized that these ponies must have been from somewhere else. She guessed Canterlot High, but with the harsh way they reacted, she wasn't so sure.

"Calm... DOWN!"

The group of 6 turned silent, all wided eyed.

Twilight inhaled, and spoke calmly.
"I know this must be really weird for you. Being a pony. "

None of them answered, still in shock.

Twilight exhaled, and glanced behind her.
'At least they're calmer now.'

She turned back to the group, with a welcoming smile. "Rest assured, you'll get used to it, for as long as you're going to be here."

One of them decided to speak, the blue earth pony.
"Uh.. Who are you?"

"And where are we?" The red unicorn added.

Twilight cleared her throat, and held her hoof to her chest, giving off her regal voice.
"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Ruler of Equestria."
She relaxed her posture. "I assume you all are from a different world, considering your reactions to your new form."

The 6 made their way off the table, listening to the Princess of Friendship speak.
"First things first, can you tell me your names?"

After a round of introductions and explanations, Twilight had gathered all she needed to for now.

They had come from a place called the Island of Sodor. They were all originally steam engines, and worked on the railway there.

The blue earth pony was named Thomas, the blue unicorn was Edward, the blue pegasus was Gordon, the green pegasus was Henry, the green earth pony was Percy and the red unicorn was James.

"It should take about 3 days to a week to locate your world and send you back."
Twilight informed the ponified steam team.
"In the meantime, there are plenty of rooms in the castle, and you all may pick a room to stay in."

Edward was the first to reply.
"Uh, Thank you."
He had remembered her royal status. Edward bowed to her. "Your highness."

The others remembered as well, and followed Edward's example.

Twilight sighed, almost as if she was disgusted at the thought. "Please, you don't need to bow to me. I'm not even your ruler."

They stopped, and Percy apologized. "Sorry. We kinda have a queen back home."

Twilight nodded, understanding that.

She suddenly heard the castle doors open, and the sound of hooves coming her way.
The main five had stopped at the door frame, with a dirt brown earth pony who had a dark chocolate mane and tail, and glasses as his cutie mark. His eyes were hazel.

"Twilight, we found-"
Rainbow Dash stopped mid sentence upon seeing the six other ponies in the map room.
"I guess you found some others from a different world too?"

Twilight felt herself sigh.

This was going to be a long night.