//------------------------------// // Spoiler: They Don't! Or Do They? // Story: Vinyl and Octavia "Survive" A Bear Attack! // by Pixieon //------------------------------// Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were up on a nearby hill in the outskirts of town practicing their golfing skills. They were both wearing the appropriate sport attire and carrying professional equipment. Silver Spoon served as Diamond's caddy as she attempted to hit the ball into a small hole from various distances; "Watch this Silver! I'm going to score a hole in one!" Diamond boasted as she raised her driver golf club into the air behind her back and swung it with all her might at the ball, causing it to soar through the air. Silver watched in awe as the ball flew through the air like one of the Wonderbolts; that was until the ball flew past the hole and her expression of awe soon switched to one of panic. She looked back to Diamond expecting her to be just as concerned from the sudden development; but instead she just stood there praising herself instead of paying attention to the ball; "Um Diamond, I think you should-" "Join a professional league? Thats a brilliant idea! Its a good thing I thought of it! My daddy sure taught me right!" "Diamond! The Ball! Look!" Silver sputtered as she pointed her foreleg behind diamond to where the ball was heading. Diamond turned around and her eyes went wide with horror as she saw where the ball was going, "Oh no, we are so dead later!" Octavia and Vinyl were outside practicing their respective instruments because the weather was absolutely beautiful today and it felt like one of those rare days where the conditions were just perfect and absolutely nothing could go wrong to ruin it. Vinyl was out cranking her usual techno beats for her upcoming gigs while Octavia was rehearsing her violin for future recitals. What possible outside force would dare break the synchronization of these two aspiring musicians; a flying golf ball from outta nowhere was the answer. Octavia was the first to feel its wrath as it bonked her hard on the head and sent her tumbling to the ground, with a fresh new black eye to boot. The golf ball then bounced off her head and turned its bloodthirsty gaze to Vinyl, coming at her with maximum aggression. Vinyl unwittingly avoided the angry golf ball's attempt to give her a brand-new face by ducking below her instrument to pick up a bit she saw laying on the ground. The golf ball cursed itself for its failure as it flew into a nearby bush. Octavia got up on her hind legs. Her vision spun around uncontrollably, and she felt as though her head was both expanding beyond its limits and feeling incredibly numb at the same time. She couldn't even form a single coherent thought other than she needed to lie down because there was something clearly wrong with her. She stumbled around trying to make sense of everything around her but was failing miserably as she kept running into objects like the dreaded garden rake which slapped her across the muzzle every time she stepped on it. Eventually, she found herself in front of what she thought was the door to the house only to suddenly stumble over from her dizziness and slam her head directly face first into the electrical box, causing herself to be violently electrocuted by the breaker as it short circuited. The bolts being injected into her body caused her skeleton to flash periodically and her limbs to spasm uncontrollably. Her fur was now a darker shade of grey and the hair of her mane stood up. Vinyl was still doing her usual shnick, oblivious to Octavia's current torment. The mare in question suddenly appeared before Vinyl and began to break dance against her will. The jolts of electricity surging through her body caused her to spasm and twitch into dance moves that were naturally hard to pull off due to the insane amount of flexibility required. From Vinyl's perspective, Octavia was dancing like she meant business. Some of the moves she was pulling off left some of the pros tangled up in a pretzel shape for weeks, but here she was making them look like amateurs. [Vinyl's Brain:] ("Woah, Tavi is really busting a move, I had no idea she had such talent. Perhaps we could get a contract to do a music video sometime.") She began to play music to match with Octavia's intense dancing much to her dismay. Octavia could only vaguely make out what was happening around her, she felt as though her entire being was being manipulated like a puppet to perform at a show; even the dazed smile and drunken look of her pupils were being forced upon her and her mind could barely form a coherent sentence. Vinyl was just getting into the groove when she felt a couple of strong taps prodding on her back. Vinyl turned around with a look of annoyance at first but then saw a wall of thick brown fur. Her look of annoyance soon turned to one of concern as she slowly lifted her head upwards to see the face of an angry grizzly bear with a large pink bump on the top of it's head. In it's right paw held a golf ball and in its eyes was an accusing death stare which made Vinyl sweat like bullets from just looking at it. [Vinyl's Brain:] ("Oh sweet Celestia, I'm in actual danger! Tavi! help me! I can't talk down this bear! We need to tell him this is all just a big misunderstanding! Tavi?") Vinyl looked over to Octavia hoping she would come over and stand up for her mute friend but instead she was laying on the grass practically paralyzed. She looked back to face the bear, now sheepishly smiling and swallowing hard; bracing herself mentally for whatever was about to happen to her. [Vinyl's Brain:] ("Ummm, nice grizzly bear, please for the love of Celestia don't rip me to shreds!") The bear ignored Vinyl's silent pleas for mercy and immediately grabbed her around the torso with one of his humongous strong paws and proceeded to lift her into the air, bringing her up to eye level with him. Vinyl's forelegs were restrained by the bear's mighty grasp and she flailed her back legs around in a pitiful attempt to escape; this quickly proved to be futile and her hopes of fleeing soon faded. She looked into the eyes of the menacing grizzly bear and whimpered pitifully as she accepted her fate. The bear took its other brown paw and proceeded to unsheathe its horrendously sharp claws. Before Vinyl could react, the bear slashed through her body multiple times as if it were nothing but tissue paper. Vinyl blinked for a moment before exploding into many tiny Vinyl's which began scrambling and running from the bear as fast as their tiny hoofs could take them. The bear let out a mighty roar as it soon gave chase to the tiny Vinyl's. They ran around the house for what seemed like hours before a single tiny Vinyl began directing the others to cram themselves into a small drain pipe that led up to the rooftop. Once there, they gathered together in a big pile to reform the real and authentic Vinyl Scratch. Vinyl let out a sigh of relief to as she was finally safe from that dreaded bear. She was just about to relax when a familiar voice started speaking nearby; "Oh sweet heavens! Who made this awful mess!" Came the voice of Octavia who had Just recovered from her troubling experience. Vinyl leaned over the rooftop and went wide eyed as she saw the bear creeping up behind her mare friend, eyeing her like a foal about to get their joyful meal at the local hayburger joint. Vinyl attempted to get Octavia's attention by flailing her forehoofs around in a waving motion. This seemed to work as Octavia lifted her head up to see Vinyl waving urgently for her attention; "Vinyl? What in Celestia's name are you doing up on the roof?" Vinyl attempted to use sign language to tell Octavia that there was a bear behind her and that she was about to become its lunch. Unfortunately, the message seemed to go over Octavia's head as she began to give Vinyl an annoyed look; "Vinyl, now's not the time to be fooling around, we need to focus on-" Octavia's lecturing was cut off by drips of saliva dropping onto her head. She looked up slowly only to be met with the face of a very hungry grizzly bear. Octavia just stood there looking at the bear silently, then lowered her head to look back to Vinyl. She was up on the rooftop looking like her heart just stopped. Octavia then looked up at the bear again for a few more moments; still remaining quiet and unrealistically composed as she then lowered her head once more, this time she pulled out a mirror to apply makeup; she even brushed her mane back to normal while at it. The bear meanwhile was taking this time to use a wooden toothpick to clean out its teeth before looking back to Octavia with its hungry eyes. Octavia soon returned the glance and then coughed in her hoof. Finally, she took a deep breath and then. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!" Octavia screamed as she bolted away from the bear just in time to avoid getting chomped. She dashed up to the rooftop in a flash and was being held in Vinyl's forehoof's as if she were a damsel in distress. Vinyl chuckled a bit at the dramatic display Octavia was putting on before her. Octavia broke her act and looked down to her mare friend to give her the classic deadpan stare; "You better enjoy it while it lasts; because I'm not putting myself in a position like this for quite a while." Vinyl just grinned and nuzzled her mare friend. Octavia accepted the nuzzles. Suddenly some slow-paced jazz music started playing as the two mares proceeded to look each other in the eyes and then around in confusion as to where the music was coming from. The two decide to shrug it off and just let the music play as it was enhancing the unprecedented intimate moment they were having. The two proceed to dance together as if they were at some school prom. The world around them dissolved into nothing but light blue and pink lights similar to what you would see in the backgrounds of music videos. As they were dancing, Vinyl unexpectedly tripped over due to her lack of experience in the art of romantic dancing. Octavia was also knocked to the floor from Vinyl's slip up. She looked up to see Vinyl currently on top of her; both of their cheeks flushed a deep red. Vinyl decided to make the situation less awkward by leaning in to kiss Octavia; but before this story could get any spicier, they were interrupted by the loud roaring of the grizzly bear from below. The music stopped as the two mares got off of each other and looked down from the rooftop only for their eyes to go wide as they saw the bear showing off its now ripped biceps from working out with extremely oversized weights; "Where in the world does a bear even get weights that size?" Octavia questioned herself as Vinyl shrugged in response. The bear stopped muscle boasting and began angrily stomping its way over to the house; each stomp emitting a small earthquake which caused the two mares to bounce up slightly with each stomp. It suddenly dawned on the two that the bear now possessed strength equal to that of an enormous fire breathing dragon and was coming over to completely demolish their property and likely them in the process. The two held each other tightly and began shivering frightfully as the bear reached the walls of their house. Without even breaking a sweat, the bear lifted up the entire house and held it over its head. Vinyl and Octavia collectively looked to each other and let out a loud gulp as the bear threw the house with all his might. The house was sent flying towards the far-off distance as the bear beat its chest and roared in triumph before returning to its nap in the bush. Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon watched in horror as the chaos they had unwittingly unleashed unfolded before them, "Silver, what are we going to do?!! If my daddy finds out about this, we'll probably be totally grounded for like, an entire week!" Silver thought to herself as she looked towards Ponyville and spotted something very familiar off in the distance with her eagle like vision. She grinned mischievously as her brilliant mind quickly formulated a crafty plan, "So It's true our parents are gonna learn about this right?" "Yeah well duh, weren't you listening to me?" "Ok but hear me out, what if we aren't the ones to blame when they find out?" "What are you talking about?" "We pin the blame on somepony else, and then we play innocent and act like they stole our stuff!" "And just who do you think we could blame for this mishap?" Diamond said as Silver provided her with a pair of binoculars and pointed towards where Sugarcube Corner was. Diamond looked to where Silver had instructed and saw three familiar fillies walking inside the building excitedly. "You want to blame the blank flanks? Are they really worth our time?" "Those three are always pulling off crazy stunts like this, so all we gotta do is just plant the evidence against them and then follow them around town undetected to make sure they don't do something that could jeopardize our plan." "And what if we're caught by one of our parents?" "We already have our alibi's so they won't be much of a factor. We should still avoid them if possible." "Sounds like we got our plan in order. Good thing I thought of it."