//------------------------------// // Morning Talk // Story: Equestrian Phoenix Prologue // by Zachary Pyromaniac //------------------------------// Zachary woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside. Slowly opening his eyes, he found himself still in Twilight's library. After blinking a few times, he checked himself, only to find he was still a pony. "I keep thinking I'm in some kind of fever dream." He said yawning. Rising slowly to his feet, he walked to the edge of the second floor and looked down. He saw Twilight sitting in the center of the room surrounded in books, one floating in front of her. After a short stretch, he jumped down to the bottom floor and observed the lavender unicorn closely as she read through book after book. "How can she still be so cheerful with my memories in her head?" He thought to himself. "How can she just sit there knowing that someone like me is in the same room as her but act like nothing is wrong?" At that moment, his watch started to beep again and before he knew it, he was himself yet again. "Oh! Morning Zac!" Twilight said surprised. "Didn't know you were awake." "Sorry, I got lost in thought." He responded. "I hope I didn't wake you up with my constant polymorphing." "It's alright, I'm a pretty heavy sleeper." She replied smiling. "Oh, that's good. Cause I really need to get this thing fixed." He said looking at his watch. "Can I, ask you something?" "Sure, what's on your mind?" She asked. "Well uh, I-I'm still a little confused." He said nervously. "About what Zac?" She asked with a puzzled look. "Well, I don't know how to say this, but, you have all my memories in your mind but, you act like everything is normal." He paused for a moment before continuing. "Don't you have some doubts about me?" Twilight could hear the concern in his voice. To be fair, he was right. "Zac, I won't lie, I do have one doubt." She answered. "But it's like I said last night. You're a great person, and you tried really hard not to hurt anyone that day so I know you're capable of controlling yourself. My only concern is that, I'm not just worried about you, I'm worried about how you'll react to things here and what people will think about you. I know Equestria isn't like any world you've visited. I hope you can understand that." "Yeah, I'm worried about that to." He said. "No one knows me like you do. And I think it should stay that way. I don't think your friends need to know what you know about me. I doubt they'll take it like you did." "I understand." She said. "I also never got to apologize for running away from you so abruptly." "Hey, it's ok. I'd probably have the same reaction to if I were you." He responded "But if anything good came out of showing me you memories, it's that I can understand you." She reassured him. "Which is why I'll make you a promise right now." He said with confidence. "I promise as long as I'm here, I will not kill, no matter what." "You promise?" She asked nervously "I promise with all the good in my soul." He replied. Before anyone could say anything else, there was a knock on the door. "Twilight darling, are you in there?" Said a familiar voice. "Shit!" Zac said in panic. Quickly jumping up to the second floor, he peeked down. Twilight just stared at him. "Sorry, fight or flight response." He whispered smiling innocently. Twilight walked over to the door and opened it. Standing outside were her friends. They were all looking concerned for some reason. "Hey guys, is something wrong?" She asked after noticing their concerned looks. They all seem to be looking past her and into the library. "Celestia told us that Zac guy was here." Rainbow Dash said looking like she was ready to fight. "He hasn't hurt you has he?" Applejack asked. "Guys, calm down, it's ok." Twilight responded. "He hasn't done anything. Besides, he's not evil, he's an okay guy." "Well where is he then?" Rainbow Dash said. Zac took a deep breath and stood up. "I'm right here." He said announcing himself. Everyone in the room looked up at him, his coat blowing in the breeze of the opened door. "Now before anyone says anything, I'll be honest right out the gate." He began. "I know what you're thinking, and it's perfectly understandable. But like Twilight said, I'm not evil. And I apologize for all the damage I caused and lying to you. I wasn't in the right state of mind at the time and I was confused. That being said, if you're willing to give me a second chance, I promise you that I'll try not to hurt anyone as long as I'm here." They all looked towards Twilight for some reassurance. "He's ok guys." She said. "He was just confused. He's been through a lot. At least give him a chance to prove himself." They all thought for a moment, unsure if this was a good idea. Pinkie was the first to say something. "Okey dokey Twilight!" She said cheerfully. "If you say so Twilight." Fluttershy said nervously. "Fine, I guess so." Rainbow Dash said annoyed. "If you trust him." Rarity said. "I hope you know what your doing Twilight." Applejack said. "Okay then." Twilight said. "I promise he won't let you down." Zac front flipped down to the bottom floor to join them, hands tucked in his pockets. "And I'm a man of my word." He said. "I promise you won't regret this." "What brings you to Equestria darling?" Rarity asked. "Well I'm looking for something not of this world, like me." He replied. "It's a shard of a crystal that I'm trying to put back together. I would've asked before but, you know. I was wondering if any of you had seen it." "Oooh, What's it look like?" Pinkie asked cheerfully. In response, Zac opened the device on his right arm revealing a crystal glowing a bright blue color. "It looks like this." He said showing it to them. They were all fascinated by the shard that he possessed. They could feel the intense energy radiating from it. It was unlike anything they had ever seen before. "It would've fallen from the sky like I did." "Sorry Zac." Twilight said. "Nothing else has fallen from the sky like you did. At least, nothing that we know of." "I see." He said. "Then this is gonna be more difficult than I thought." "Then we'll help you find it sugercube." Applejack said. "Wait, seriously?" He asked confused. "Of course darling." Rarity replied. "Yeah, and we can also see what your made of hotshot." Rainbow Dash said rather happily. "Wow." He said. This didn't go the way he had expected it to go, but he wasn't complaining. These five ponies, who he had just basically met, ran away from, and fought back against, had now just decided to help him find the shard. "I just might actually like it here."