//------------------------------// // Grimwood vs Calloway (Part 1) // Story: G5 Adventures in Scooby-Doo! and the Ghoul School // by ponydog127 //------------------------------// “SHAGGY!!!” Scooby wailed as he swam from the two-headed shark at top speed. “HELP!!” The ponies became increasingly worried... Scooby would be eaten quicker than a cheetah runs if they didn't do something first. “Keep dog-paddling, Scooby!” Sunny cried out, preparing to activate her alicorn form. “I’m on my way!” “Me too!” Scrappy agreed, jumping onto the windowsill “Me first!” Elsa said, preparing to jump down to the moat. “I love swimming!” As the sharks got even closer to Scooby than before, Elsa dove in feet first, causing her to land right on top of the sharks’ heads, stunning them for a moment… as well as the ponies, Scrappy and Shaggy. “She'd be a much better diver,” said Miss Grimwood with a smile, “if she learned to keep her feet together.” “Come on in!” Elsa invited from the water. “The water’s fine!” “Awooooooo!!” Winnie howled before diving. “Oh, Winnie! You werewolves are such showoffs!” Sibella said as she and Zipp joined her and Hitch in diving onto the sharks’ heads before they got into the water. “Oooh…” Hitch sighed, finding the water especially relaxing. “This water’s as warm as Sparky’s dragon fire!” “Come on, guys!” Scrappy said. “Let's get in the swim of things!” And with that, the rest of the ponies and Shaggy dove in after him. “Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Wait for us, coach!” Phantasma called. “My mummy taught me to swim,” Tanis said. “I can do a Nile and a half!” “Nile and a half!” Shaggy caught the joke as they fell toward the moat. “Only in Egypt, right, Scrappy?” The group then landed on the shark’s heads (prompting them to retreat) before they all went for a group swim. “One lap around the moat, gang!” Shaggy shouted. “Then it's out of the water!” “And onto the volleyball court!” Zipp agreed, and this caused a variety of responses from the girls.  “Right coach!” “We're ready for those Calloway cadets!” “Awooo!! Go, Grimwood! Awooooooo!!!” “Ha ha ha ha ha!!” “I'm gonna bring a trophy home to my mummy!” XXXXXXXX Meanwhile, the Grim Creeper was watching Midnight’s gem reception, keeping a close eye on her and the Grimwood girls. “Are you and that kitin keeping a close eye on those girl ghouls, Creeper?” Revolta asked from where she and Opaline watched nearby. “Yes, Revolta,” the Creeper nodded. “As you commanded, Midnight Breeze and I won't let them out of our sight.” “Excellent,” Opaline smirked. “At least some minions do as they are told.” “Here, Uncle Scooby,” Scrappy pumped Scooby’s tail up and down, prompting him to spit out water. “Let me help you dry off.” “Thanks, Scrappy,” Scooby said after a moment. “I needed that.” But it turns out, Midnight had been standing close by, and the water Scooby spit out spit right at Midnight, causing her to get wet, and causing the water to come through the jewel and get Revolta and Creeper wet as well. “Fool!” Revolta snarled at the kirin. “Next time, don’t plant your pathetic hide by the moat!” “S-S-Sorry, Mistress Revolta,” Midnight whimpered with her ears pinned before she laid down in the grass. At least she could watch them play, and not have to worry about them seeing her. XXXXXXXX Meanwhile, the cadets were just starting to arrive as the girls were getting themselves dry. “Look, guys!” Tug said with a laugh. “Those Grimwood girls are all washed up before we even play them.” “Matches?” said Miss Grimwood. “I think the girls could use a quick blow-dry.” To this, Matches quickly agreed and charged up his fire breath just enough to release a fiery mist that spread to the girls. Unfortunately, it led to their hair and fur becoming very poofy. “Ohhh…” Sibella groaned. “I hope this isn't a permanent wave.” “Awoo… those cadets make my hair stand on end!” Winnie groaned in frustration, and at the same time, Shaggy shook Tanis out. “Like, next time, your mummy should dress you in non-shrink wrapping.” “Thanks, Shaggy!” Tanis said before she and Izzy bounced away. “If you guys are through playing around,” Tug said, clearly annoyed, “we've got a game to win.” “Then let the game begin!” Miss Grimwood declared. “Negative, Miss Grimwood,” said the colonel, shaking his head in disapproval. “This volleyball court is a disaster area. You don't even have a net!” “Not yet… LEGS!!” Miss Grimwood called, and a large spider began to spin the net right between the poles. “Like, you were saying, colonel?” Shaggy asked with a smirk. “I was saying this court doesn't have any boundary lines!” “Coming right up!” Sunny smiled, and banged the gong so the octopus would paint the boundary lines. “Any other complaints, colonel?” Scrappy asked, coming onto the field. “Well… we need a referee.” “Let’s flip to see who serves first,” Zipp suggested. “No problem! Awooooo!!!” Winnie howled, literally FLIPPING over the net. “That girl's flipped!” Grunt exclaimed. “We're supposed to flip a coin!” “Affirmative!” Jamal agreed. “Like, why didn’t you say so? Anybody got a quarter?” Shaggy asked. Turns out, the floating hand had one handy (don’t mind the pun), and Shaggy called out ‘heads’ as it was flipped. “More like hands!” said Miguel as Shaggy looked to see what it landed on. “Heads! Ha ha! Like, see for yourself, colonel.” “Affirmative,” Colonel Calloway sighed. “Grimwood serves first.” “Go go, Grimwood!” Scooby cheered, completely decked out in a blue and yellow cheerleader’s outfit while the ponies sat at the sidelines, stomping their hooves in applause. “Like, give it all you got, Elsa!” Shaggy called. “All right, coach!” Elsa nodded, charging herself and hitting the ball as hard as she could… unfortunately, right through the net and barreling into Grunt and Tug. “Net ball!” Scrappy called out. “I'd say it's a net loss!” Miguel said. “Affirmative!” Jamal agreed. “Legs!” Miss Grimwood called. “On the double!” And just like that, the little spider quickly fixed up the net so the game could start. But before Elsa got her second chance at serving, Shaggy offered her a little pro-tip. “Like, try to hit the ball a little higher.” “Right, coach,” Elsa nodded, and after charging herself, hit the ball way higher than before. “Awoo!! Nice hit!” Winnie complimented as the ball began to descend. “I got it!” Baxter said, going for the ball before the force of it pummeled him into the ground. “I mean, I've had it.” “The point goes to Grimwood!” Hitch declared as the floating hand changed the scoreboard. “Go, go, Grimwood!” Scooby cheered again, dancing with Miss Grimwood as Misty and Pipp twirled around happily. XXXXXXXX Soon enough the score was 10 to 10, and Calloway’s school had the ball at the moment. “Good serve, cadet!” the colonel told Grunt. “Keep pressing the attack!” “Yes sir!” Grunt said before serving, but as Phantasma went to hit it back, she accidentally hit the net. “Hey!” Miguel shouted. “She hit the net!” “Hit it?” Jamal questioned. “She went through it!” “That’s a foul!” Scrappy called out. “Calloway’s point!” “All the way with Calloway!” the boys cheered as the scores changed. But Sunny noticed Phantasma looking a little down after her 'going through the net' moment. “Don’t worry, Phantasma, it was an accident,” she told her ghostly friend in a reassuring tone. “Just try your best not to go through the net again.” “Thanks, Sunny,” Phantasma smiled weakly. But not too far off, Tanis was becoming worried. “We're never gonna win that trophy, Sibella.” “You bat we are!” Sibella reassured, turning into her bat form and delivered a spike over to the other team that made the Grimwoods have the ball again. “Nice spike, Sibella!” said Scrappy as the young vampiress turned back to normal. “Thanks, Scrappy,” Sibella thanked before taking the ball from Tug. “Our serve, cadet.” “I must be going batty!” said Tug, rubbing his eyes as Sibella gave Tanis the ball. “Here, Tanis. Let's see a fang-tastic serve.” Tanis did her best serve, but one of her wraps caught onto the ball, so every time it got to full length, it came back to her, and the second time this happened, Jamal and Miguel hit the net, destroying it. “You hit the net, cadets!” Scrappy said as the scoreboards changed, 11 to 11. “We’re all tied up.” “I’d say they’re all tied up!” Winnie joked. “That’s a howl, Winnie!” Phantasma shrieked with laughter. “Oh, Legs…!” Miss Grimwood called, but Legs wouldn’t repair the net for a third time. “I'll give you six extra flies for supper!” Miss Grimwood bargained, but Legs still wouldn’t take it. “All right, all right. A dozen flies!” After that, the deal was made, and the net was repaired quickly so the game could get restarted. “Let’s go, Grimwood! Let’s go!” Misty cheered, just as a smell hit Scooby’s noise. “Red hots!” he exclaimed, running to Matches. “One please.” “Like, make that two,” Shaggy requested, and Matches was able to warm up the hot dogs and give them to Shag and Scooby without any growling. “Thanks, Matches,” Zipp smiled. “All that winning really revs up the appetite.” “They won't be winning for long,” Tug whispered to his fellow cadets. “I planted a remote control device in the volleyball.” “Affirmative,” said Miguel wickedly and then Grunt followed suit. “Goodbye, Grimwood.” XXXXXXXX Over from her hiding place, Midnight gasped when she saw what the cadets were doing. “Oh no… I hope the new coaches and ponies can help their friends get past their cheating… or somepony could get really hurt!”