//------------------------------// // Truly Home // Story: All The Places You Go // by Jhoira //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie smiled as she set out the blanket, looking up at her father who settled down across from her, giving her a nod. "This is a most pleasant excursion, Pinkie." Pinkie beamed and nodded, motioning all around them. "I never realized there was such a perfect picnic spot just beyond the river." As they set out the contents of their picnic, Igneous Rock Pie served himself while speaking to his daughter. "Thy visit was most unexpected." Pinkie stiffened but Igneous Rock Pie went on like he hadn't noticed. "Though most welcome. I would ask, is it because of the news that the doctor gave me?" Cringing, Pinkie hadn't wanted to bring up the topic so soon, but her father had never been one for beating around the bush. "Yes. I... Uh... I wanted to do some things with you that you never got to do." After a long, refreshing sip of his water, Igneous Rock Pie favored his daughter with one of his rare smiles. "My pleasure is in thy company alone, beloved daughter. But if thou has specific plans, I will happily partake. Lay out thy plans?" Pinkie leaned forward excitedly, and started to talk about their week. Igneous Rock Pie huffed gently as he grabbed his daughter's foreleg, and let himself be helped up to the overlook. They weren't truly climbing the mountain, but they were hiking it, and it was an impressive accomplishment nonetheless. And the view was quite amazing. He looked out, over the many farms he could see. They even overlooked the rock farm. He gave Pinkie a nod. "This has been a most pleasant experience, my thanks, Pinkemina." Pinkie clapped her hooves together, taking in the view as well. "Oh! My pleasure, father. I'm glad that you enjoyed the walk so much." If he was honest, Igneous Rock Pie would have just as soon sat home with his daughter. But his daughter liked to do things, and thus he did things with her. Even more so now that his time was drawing so close. "It is my pleasure to travel this path with thou." Taking a few steps forward, Pinkie looked over the sight and then smiled at her father. "Well, one more activity, right?" Igneous Rock Pie raised his eyebrow at the prospect but nodded. "From thy plan, of course." He looked up at the heavens for a long moment, Pinkie looking with him. The city of Cloudsdale was an impressive sight. Though not as stunning as the view from the mountain in Igneous Rock Pie's opinion. The vastness of the flying city caused it to lose some of its personal grandeur in his opinion. But it was still impressive, and Pinkie was hopping around like crazy. "This is a truly impressive feat, you are right, my daughter." Pinkie beamed and started to lead her father down the main street. Showing him the shops and everything the pegasi had accomplished, "I also got us Wonderbolts tickets! You can see everything the clouds have to offer!" Nodding, Igneous Rock Pie followed his daughter. She certainly had planned quite the activity docket for them. But as long as they were doing it together, he'd be happy. And he had to admit seeing the Wonderbolts did sound impressive. Though he had to pause for a long moment, taking a few deep breaths. Though Pinkie stopped in concern, he waved her off. This would be one of his last journeys far from home, and he was glad to spend it with his daughter he saw the least about him being sick, it was about his daughter. Pinkie shifted uncomfortably next to her father's sick bed. "How are you feeling, father?" Igneous Rock Pie smiled. "As well as can be expected, my daughter. I was glad that we spent so much time together over the last few weeks. Those were quite the adventures thou arranged." Pinkie clapped her hooves excitedly. "Oh, yes! I remember you always had plans, but never seemed to be able to get the time to arrange it yourself, so I did it for you!" Blinking in surprise, Igneous Rock Pie frowned slightly. "What plans do you speak of, my daughter?" "What... You said every time you finished work." She tilted her head to the side. "Don't you remember, father? You'd look up at the mountain and say it." Igneous Rock Pie smiled, the smile full and genuine, though his eyes mysteriously full of mirth, not understanding or gratitude. "Ah! I see, very good my daughter. I commend thou on thy consideration and care." Pinkie smiled, and sat up a little straighter. "But know that thy greatest gift..." Pinkie's ears perked up, "is thy mere presence. No trip, no matter how grand, can outdo that pleasure." Pinkie's only response, was a very tight hug. Igneous Rock Pie looked out the window of his room, over the rock farm. No longer did he work these fields. But he could, in his memories, still work them. But more importantly, he could work them with his daughters. He would pull up the rocks, and his daughters would search for the pebbles in the smaller dirt clods. The pebbles were almost worthless, but that wasn't the point. It had instilled a strong work ethic in his daughters. And it allowed him to spend even his working hours with them. Well, some of them, they didn't work as long as he. And no matter his flaws, he had to remember that he had raised them well. Pinkie's attempts at adventure had all been needless; simple company would have sufficed. But the desire came from a good place, and it brought him such joy that they had spent so much time together, and, more importantly, his daughter was so generous of spirit. He repeated his words he said in front of his daughters, the same he ended every day's work with. "One of these days, I am going to cross that river, climb that mountain, and walk amongst the clouds."