Can a Flower Bloom in the Desert?

by DashieSoup

Chapter 4 - An Unwelcome Guest

The booming voice belonged to their housekeeper, Rose.

Fluttershy's heart pounded in her chest as she quickly formulated a response. "I'm not dressed yet!" she blurted out.

“And why, young miss, would that matter?” asked Rose.

“Um, well, I’ll be out in a moment!” Fluttershy said as she urgently nudged Rainbow Dash awake and motioned for her to be quiet.

Rose harrumphed. “You’re five minutes late for breakfast and your father is quite insistent, now what is keeping you?”

Fluttershy opened her window as quickly as she dared lest it make noise, and ushered the sleepy, disheveled Rainbow Dash through it.

“Nothing’s keeping me!” Fluttershy called back, “Just... tangled in my covers! I’ll be right there!”

Rainbow Dash stretched on the lawn outside and sleepily said “Thanks for the food kid.” Fluttershy gave her one last smile and wave before shutting the curtains in front of the window. As she turned around her gaze landed on the painting which she had forgotten to give to her. Fluttershy hastily opened the curtains again, but Rainbow Dash was already flying away, just a dot in the sky.

With a pang of regret, she galloped over to her door and swung it open. She had forced a smile onto her face, with the side effect of looking somewhat manic, and Rose looked at her skeptically. The housekeeper was an older mare with light brown fur and a slightly graying purple mane.

“Well at least you don’t look so mopey today,” said Rose. “Now hurry off to breakfast before your father tans my hide.”

Fluttershy gave her a nod and trotted obediently toward the dining room. Rose lingered, stepping into the room and looking around. Her gaze lingered on the fluttering curtains and she frowned at them before walking back out and closing the door.

Before Fluttershy knew it, a Dashless week had passed. The painting of Rainbow, now hanging on her wall, served as a constant reminder of the boisterous pegasus. Her catatonic guilt about getting her fired had now been replaced by a persistent malaise which caused her to coast through her daily activities without too much thought.

On one of these nights, Rose brought a cup of herbal tea to Fluttershy’s room with a gentle smile on her face. "I know why you've been feeling down, lass," she said. “Your father thinks it’s because he fired that mare, but I know heartbreak when I see it.”

Fluttershy blushed and stammered out “N-no, it really is because of Rainbow Dash!”

“Ah, well yer entitled to your secrets little miss, but I was a pretty filly once too. Why I’d bet you only got so upset over that mare because you’d just broken things off with a handsome colt. And as for that morning you were late for breakfast, well, as I said, you’re entitled to your secrets. But you want my advice? Get back in the game! You’re young, you’ll find another one just as good.”

Fluttershy gave her an awkward smile, and started sipping tea as to avoid any further conversation.

Rose stepped back into the doorway with a mischievous grin and said “All right all right, you don’t want to talk romance. Well, sweet dreams lassie.”

As if on cue, her father made an announcement the next day.

“I invited over the son of one of my business associates for dinner tonight. His name is Golden Glint and his father owns a mining equipment company. I expect you to dress your best.”

Fluttershy wanted to protest, knowing this was a coordinated attack between Rose and her father, but she couldn’t stop him from simply inviting someone to dinner. Nor could she avoid the dinner, a proper lady did not snub guests. And so she sat later that night at the dinner table, dreading the awkwardness of his arrival.

Golden Glint arrived precisely on time. His golden coat glistened in the light of the chandelier, and his silver mane gave him a distinctly royal appearance. He had a young looking face, but was undeniably handsome in his formal attire.

Rose took his jacket, and said “Please sit, Master Glint, I’ll be bringing the food in from the kitchen momentarily.”

Golden thanked her, and gave a slight bow to Fluttershy and her father as they stood up to greet him.

Mr. Shy gave the stallion a firm hoofshake and said “Golden, this is my daughter Fluttershy. Fluttershy, Golden Glint.”

She held out her hoof politely, which he kissed to show respect.

They sat down as Rose walked back in with the first of the dishes, and Mr. Shy said “So, Golden, should I be looking out for any new innovations in the mining equipment industry?”

Golden gave Mr. Shy a playful waggle of his hoof and said “My father warned me you’d try to get trade secrets out of me you know.”

Mr. Shy laughed heartily and said “Ha! I’m terrible, I know.”

Golden lowered his head and squinted conspiratorially before saying “Between you and me though, the issue of pick heads coming off the handles? A thing of the past in just a few more months.”

Mr. Shy looked gobsmacked. “Now don’t play with a nobleman’s heart my boy, really?”

Golden Glint nodded solemnly.

The dinner continued on in a similar vein, with Fluttershy occasionally interjecting an “Oh yes, very interesting!” when turned to for comment. She had almost gotten away without a thing going wrong when her father said “You know my Fluttershy is quite a painter, you should see some of the portraits she’s done.”

“That’s quite a skill! I haven’t had my portrait painted since I was a small colt, but I’ve always been impressed by how detailed the artist was.”

The fatherly wheels whirred almost audibly in Mr. Shy’s head, and he said “Reaaaally? Perhaps Fluttershy could do a portrait of you some time then?”

Golden Glint looked taken aback, but said “Well, I, if she didn’t mind of course!”

With a sinking heart but polite smile, she said “I wouldn’t mind at all.”

As the evening came to a close Fluttershy retreated to her room and slumped onto her bed, weighed down by the forced socialization. She could only hope that her offer of a portrait would be taken by Golden for the polite formality that it was. As she curled up for sleep, not even bothering to take off her formal wear, scenes of her being forced to paint Golden filled her mind. A dreadful evening of awkward silence and stilted formalities. The images in her head slowly shifted however, until she was painting a certain blue mare. They were laughing together, and a smile graced Fluttershy’s face as she drifted off to sleep.

She was jolted back awake just minutes later however by a knocking on her window.

“Hey, you in there?”