//------------------------------// // Hollow Paradise Part 1: Doing Our Part // Story: Adventures in the TARDIS // by Scroll //------------------------------// “And we're here,” the Doctor declares with a nonchalant, triumphant attitude as soon as the TARDIS they are riding within is done making its weird noises. “How can you tell?” Stern Wing feels compelled to ask from outside of the center control rails. “Uh . . . because the engine has stopped which means we rematerialized outside,” the Doctor answers while giving Stern Wing a confused blink. Stern Wing uses her brown left wing with a darker brown tip to wave the Doctor off dismissively as she elaborates, “I'm not talking about the sound of the engine and whatnot. I'm talking about your certainty of where we are. “Look, there are no windows to this vessel that I can tell and, from where I'm standing, there is only one entrance and exit to this place. With all of that being the case, how can you be so certain of where and when we are? You have no outside references to help guide your course.” “Oh. That is what you mean,” the Doctor realizes with an amused chuckle. “Look, Stern Wing, you can't be thinking so third dimensionally when it comes to a vessel like this because this vessel does not travel through traditional time and space. Even if there were a window we could roll down and physically see what is beyond, all we'd see while in mid-transport is a wormhole tunnel. Transportation like that is akin to a magical gate in your world. It skips the space in between, so there's no point of reference we could gather if we could see on the outside.” “Then how do you know where and when we're going?” Stern Wing presses. “Because all I see is you tweaking and pulling a bunch of levers, wires, and doohickies. How does that translate into knowing where and when we ended up?” The Doctor sighs as he presses his right hoof on the bridge of his muzzle. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before turning back to Stern Wing and answering, “The exact specifics of how I handle these controls would take too much time to explain and you wouldn't likely understand it anyway, but let me put it this way. Every spot in time and space can be calculated down to a very specific number. It's sort of like coordinates on a map except in four dimensions which include an X, Y, and Z axis. Just add time to the mix and there you go. I don't need to see outside this TARDIS because it wouldn't help me anyway. Instead, I have to plot a course to a specific spot by first working it out in my head,” he points to his head for a moment, “and then I use the TARDIS controls to deliver us to the spot that I desire.” The Doctor lifts a hoof as he cautions, “I must warn you that this is a greatly oversimplified explanation but it gets the job done. In reality, there is more complexity in determining a specific spot because that spot has to be calculated on a universal level. The latitude and longitude of a specific planet aren't going to cut it when the whole universe is thrown into the picture. A different but somewhat similar method to chart our course has to be made. Add to that, there are all sorts of variables like gravity and time/space anomalies. A black hole, for example.” The Doctor trails off when he notices Stern Wing's brain really seems to be fried. She is barely focusing on anything at all because of how confused she is. “Go on. I'm listening,” Feather Wind prods. When the Doctor looks at the small sky-blue unicorn stallion, he notices that that pony has a much better grip on what he is explaining. It doesn't appear that even the small wizard is totally following this, but he is to some degree and he wants to learn more. “And answer me this,” Feather goes on to say. “Just what is a black hole?” “A very powerful spacial anomaly,” the Doctor answers. “One which is so strong, it can bend the fabric of space and time. As a matter of fact, something akin to that is precisely how these vessels like this travels. Knowing that, it also stands to reason that other spatial anomalies like it may skew us off course if I don't factor it in. Things like that are among the issues I mentally calculate when I plan a course. “Look, you don't need all the details right at this moment. I'm just trying to explain that there are factors out there that are variables I have to account for.” “I see,” Feather Wind says with a very thoughtful look. “I believe I partially understand.” “That makes one of us,” Stern Wing expresses with a dizzy expression. Her eyes are actually spinning. “You and me both, Sister,” Derpy says with just as dizzy of an expression. “I must have heard the Doctor try to explain it half a dozen times to me already, and I still don't understand it.” She shakes her head which makes a rattling sound before smiling at Feather Wind proudly. “If you can even partially understand it then you must be a really bright pony! Go you!” Derpy cheers. For that complement, Feather Wind blushes shyly but also feels flattered. “Ah . . . thank you,” Feather Wind expresses a bit lamely. His expression gets more serious again when he looks back at the Doctor and says, “I hope you don't mind if I pick your brain for more details about this later. If I can understand this well enough, perhaps I can, one day, hoofle the TARDIS controls myself, at least enough to deliver us out of potential danger. As it stands, I feel nervous that you're the only one aboard who knows how to hoofle it. At least one backup pilot would be more ideal. Mathematically doubly so.” “Now that would be quite a challenge for you,” the Doctor says with an intrigued expression towards Feather Wind. “I have to say, not many of my past companions have made that offer, and fewer still have ever been able to handle it.” “Has anypony . . . Um, I mean, anyone ever done so?” Feather Wind checks. “Yes, but most of them were fellow Time Lords,” the Doctor answers. “And many of our race are trained to handle such things.” “You said 'most' of your former companions, who hoofled the TARDIS, were fellow Time Lords. That implies that is not an absolute prerequisite,” Feather Wind shrewdly points out. “You are a sharp one, Feather Wind,” the Doctor says with a proud grin. “I'll give you that, but that said, there are other issues you may have to contend with. I brought you aboard this ship not just to give you a joyride. That is true too, but you have a more focused objective here. You need to charge the Red Crystal with a sufficient amount of positive energy before you'll be ready to face the challenges that are left in your native timeline. Now I'm technically willing to try to teach whatever you can handle as long as it does not distract you too severely from your primary objective. “And by the way, not everyone who handled these controls proficiently was a companion of mine. Some of them were, more or less, downright enemies who stole the TARDIS. One, in particular, comes to mind several times over.” “Enemy Time Lords?” Feather Wind reflects nervously. “That sounds gravely alarming.” “Well, back in my home dimension, hardly any of them are left,” the Doctor informs. “And they weren't all bad. I even had my granddaughter in here at one time. She was proficient with the ship and she wasn't an enemy.” “Sounds like there's a story behind that,” Feather Wind notes with an intrigued expression. “Indeed, but that shall be a tale for another time,” the Doctor decides as he makes his way down from the elevated center console. “Right now it is time to add to our story and we have some business to take care of here.” Finally, Stern Wing refocuses from her dizzy expression and directs her attention back to the Doctor as she asks, “I take it we've landed on the planet of the guardians of Water World?” “Ah . . . yes, except our destination isn't a planet, it's a moon,” the Doctor elaborates. “Furthermore it is an artificial moon if the other dimension serves as any indication.” “Artificial?” Stern Wing echoes. “You mean it was hoof-built?” “Precisely,” the Doctor answers. “One hundred percent of this moon isn't natural. From its surface to its core, this moon is completely constructed. Think of it as akin to a giant, spherical space station. Since it has become a stable satellite of another planet as well, it is also a moon.” “A space station?” Feather Wind echoes. “That means that anypony can also roam the inside of this 'moon'. Fascinating.” He looks down with a fascinated look. “That would mean the occupants on this moon dwell in considerably more space than just the surface of this structure. If the entire core is also inhabitable, then that would considerably extend their options.” “It's even more than that if my knowledge of the other dimension equivalent is accurate,” the Doctor mentions. “But let's not waste too much time discussing this here. We have a new world to explore.” Derpy sighs as she lowers her head sadly before she says, “Sadly, I'm going to have to sit this one out as well.” She lifts her head with a more determined expression as she adds, “Vision still isn't well so I'll stay behind and take care of her.” She now gives a brave smile bright enough to cause her to momentarily close her eyes as she says, “So you all go on ahead without me and without worrying about Vision. I'll take good care of her.” “And speaking of Vision, I should give her one last look-see before I depart,” the Doctor decides as he looks in the direction of the hallway leading towards the rest of the ship. “Final adjustments might be necessary to secure her health, so if you'll all excuse me.” The Doctor trots his way out of the console room and into the hallway. Feather Wind waits till he is out of earshot before he turns to address Derpy and says, “That's not fair. Let me take care of Vision this time. You go on ahead with the Doctor. We'll take turns.” “What?! No!” Derpy exclaims in alarm. “Absolutely not!” “It's fine, Derpy. I do not mind one bit,” Feather Wind calmly assures the suddenly distraught gray pegasus mare. “While I help to take care of Vision, I can also work on attuning myself more to the Red Crystal. I need that practice and . . .” Feather Wind trails off when he sees Derpy continually shaking her head frantically. “No, no, no, no, no, NO, NO! I forbid it!” Derpy insists while continually shaking her head and stomping one hoof each time she said no, and with greater intensity with the last three words. “You're far more useful to the Doctor out there than me.” “Derpy, no,” Feather Wind moans sadly as he gazes at Derpy with a guilt-stricken face. “Please don't say that. You're plenty useful to-” “PLEASE DON'T PATRONIZE ME!” Derpy screams insistently then relaxes a moment later with guilt on her face too as if she regrets raising her voice, but she also still looks determined mixed with sad. “We all know it is true. You're a very bright, resourceful, and accomplished wizard who can control the weather and sky with your cutie mark talent alone, and I'm a clumsy and ditsy mail delivery pony who has four left hooves and a feather for a brain. We don't need to spell it out any more than it already has been established. Let's just drop the subject and get on with our lives. You're much more useful to the Doctor out there. End of story, and I don't want to compound my sadness over that fact by continuing to debate this. You're going and I'm staying, and that's final!” The three of them have an uncomfortable moment of silence before Stern Wing breaks it by saying, “I really hate to admit this, but Derpy has a point.” For saying that, Feather Wind passes his foalhood friend a hurt look. “I know you're a sensitive pony, but you're also smart. Think this through,” Stern Wing encourages her friend. “Derpy would actually be safer in here as well and we absolutely need somepony to take care of Vision right now. She is a blind foal under the best of circumstances, but now she's ill to boot. As for you and me? We're used to working together as a team, and I'm an obvious choice as well because of how big, strong, tough, and determined I am.” Stern Wing shakes her head as she goes on to say, “I'm not saying any of this with the intention to be a personal attack. I'm simply looking at the facts, and you need to do that too.” Stern Wing flashes a much more sympathetic look to Derpy for a moment before looking back at her small friend nearly the same way as she says, “For the moment, at least Derpy knows that you do have sympathetic fealings for her. For now, that will need to be enough, so get your head in the game and focus! As a trained wizard, you, above all, should know the value in that.” “We all need to focus on what's best for the team,” Derpy agrees. “And, right now, I'm the most expendable one here.” This time both Feather Wind and Stern Wing wince in pain at her wording, but Feather is the only one to voice that. “I beg you, Derpy, never ever say that in front of us again. No pony aboard this ship is expendable, and I'm very sure that the Doctor would agree with me. That was a very poor choice of words, Derpy, and I want you to know that it hurt me.” Derpy looks meek as she says, “Okay. I'm sorry. I take that one back. I really didn't mean to hurt either of you.” She starts to smile even as her yellow walleyes shine with tears as she says, “And I do deeply appreciate your feelings for me. Really I do.” Her kind smile shifts back to a determined face as she says, “I promise you, all I want to do aboard this ship is be helpful, and right now this is the best role I can see in front of me. I'm accident-prone wherever I go, but at least here the damage is more contained. I'm not putting anypony else's life at risk. What's more, I can actually be helpful to Vision, and you know I have plenty of motivation because I deeply care for the little filly. Let me have this one. I'm proud enough knowing I can at least be useful to you guys in here, and I will feel safer knowing more powerful and competent companions are securing the health and safety of the Doctor. And yours too, of course.” Feather Wind winces as he says, “Look, it's not as if I can't see your point, but is this the arrangement we're going to have for every adventure we're ever going to have aboard this ship? I know you want to be with the Doctor too.” “I want to be useful to him because I know he's out there, saving lives,” Derpy argues then shakes her head. “That is so much more important than my personal feelings. If I remaining here, in the TARDIS, gives us the best chance to accomplish that, then I'll proudly hold my place here. This is something I can do. Don't take that away from me when I have hardly any other good alternative. This isn't just for my sake. This isn't just for Vision's, and it isn't even about all of us in this ship. This is also for the sake of anypony you meet out there who needs our help! I will not tarnish the odds of success by any degree when a pony's precious life is at stake. That's too important to let our personal feelings stand in the way. We all have to make this sacrifice.” Derpy's chin quivers with pain as she says bravely but also sadly, “It's for the greater good of us all.” “Feather,” Stern says softly as she gently applies a hoof to his shoulder. “Let this one go. You can't win this. I know what determination looks like and I know the value of pony lives. When those issues are in play, you cannot argue a mare off of her determined stance. It's like threatening a foal when his or her mother is present. You just don't do it and still expect to win.” “Okay, fine. You two win,” Feather submits in a lamenting tone. “Maybe this doesn't have to be permanent anyway. Other opportunities may present themselves later. In fact,” his own eyes grow more determined, “I shall endeavor to design such opportunities whenever I see a remote possibility.” He focuses more on Derpy as he asks, “If I can provide a useful alternative, will you kindly reconsider your stance and join us out in our adventures together?” Derpy's hurt yet also determined look quickly shifts to thoughtful as she mulls over his words before smiling brightly and says, “Um . . . okay! Sure! If you can provide a reasonable and ideal solution to our problem, I'll consider joining you all then.” “I mean it, Derpy,” Feather Wind says firmly. “You better keep your word at that time.” “That's still a ways off,” Stern Wing points out. “We can't predict the future. Well, with the possible exception of Vision, but that said, we can only deal with the here and now. There's nothing wrong with forming goals, but keep your focus on the present because this is when your focus is needed the most.” “I'll do my duty. Don't either of you worry about that,” Feather Wind assures with steel in his own voice. “You all matter to me too so I won't deliberately do anything stupid that'll jeopardize our lives or any others. In fact, the reason why I wanted to settle this issue here and now is because I know I'll need it to help me focus better later on.” He shakes his head as he says, “I know I can't be in the game one hundred percent if I also know that I have a reason to feel guilty. My magic is drawn from my emotions in addition to my concentration, and if I am experiencing something that emotionally drains me then it will affect my spells as well. I, at the very least, need some hope to give me the strength to carry on.” He looks forward at nothing with a determined focus. “As long as I have that hope and goal in mind, I have something to shoot for and keep me focused.” He looks between the two of them again. “And I need you two to be aware of the fact I am not spilling empty promises here. I mean it when I say that I'll pounce on any chance that will solve this problem to the satisfaction of us all. Even Vision.” “Well,” Stern Wing says as she narrows her eyes and glances at Derpy for a second before focusing back on Feather with the same expression. “Like I said before, having goals is fine, but let's be clear about what we're dealing with here. Vision isn't simply just a frail and blind filly, she's also a filly. Only natural time can solve the latter problem. That'll take years to solve. Years that will also add to our own time if we spend it with her. There may be some workaround options given the fact we have a time machine on our hooves, but somepony is going to have to bite the cork in the bottle and sacrifice their time to help raise her somewhere that's relatively safe. That's the only way she'll ever join our journey on even footing. Even then, she still may be blind and frail unless we come up with some innovative solution for that too.” “Under normal circumstances, I'd often call my native home reasonably safe,” Derpy proposes. “Ponyville is a very pleasant community. There's hardly any cops there but they don't really need them as much either. As a small community, practically everypony knows each other's name and they prance about typically with a happy skip to their step. It is plagued by the occasional monsters, especially since we're parked next to the dangerous Everfree Forest, but in my native time, my home is also defended by the legendary Elements of Harmony. I know you two aren't aware of what that means exactly, but trust me. Our town practically has a bunch of real-life superheroines defending it and Equestria at large.” “That might actually not be a bad option to consider,” Stern Wing agrees. “I haven't seen her native home and time yet, but if it produces ponies as naturally compassionate as Derpy here, I'm already leaning heavily on this option.” “Oh. Thank you!” Derpy says gratefully to Stern Wing along with a very shy blush. “We should at least check it out sometime before we fully commit to this,” Feather Wind advises seriously. “I'm sure the Doctor won't object to this either at some point.” “Ooo! I would love to show you all my native home of Ponyville!” Derpy expresses very cheerfully. “It'll be great! I can show you my parents and my friends and Sugar Cube Corner and . . . ooo-ooo! Sweet Apple Acres! You'll just love it there. I know it.” “You're probably right about that,” Feather Wind agrees. “I'm already on friendly terms with the Orchard Family who have later renamed to the Apple family somewhere along the way.” “I'm guessing their focus on apple production in Ponyville probably had something to do with it,” Stern Wing surmises. “That is my assumption as well,” Feather Wind agrees again. “Granny Smith still lives there, and you know her,” Derpy mentions. “You can just ask her about things like that. I'm sure she'd have a tale, or two, to keep you compony for a while. Trust me, she's famous for that.” “And reveal the fact we're time travelers?” Feather asks skeptically before shaking his head. “I'd rather avoid freaking her out if at all possible, especially at that age.” “That said, most of the other citizens of Ponyville don't know us,” Stern Wing points out. “If we're avoiding Granny Smith because she might actually know us and freak her out, we don't have that excuse with anypony else. Plus, even with Granny Smith in the picture, that still wouldn't be a problem with Derpy and Vision, or even the Doctor, I suspect. She only knows you and me, Feather.” “True,” Feather agrees then looks at the hallway as he hears, then sees, the Doctor return. Feather then flashes Derpy and Stern another glance as he says, “We'll finish this discussion later. Right now we need to focus on our current mission.” Both mares nod in agreement. “How is she, Doctor?” Derpy checks with the brown-coated and green necktie-wearing Time Lord stallion. “Stable for now, but I did have to tweak her medication a bit,” the Doctor reports. “She's still running a high fever so I'm very grateful to you for staying here and looking after her. She'll have to be monitored closely. “That said, I recommend lots of water and plenty of bed rest. She's mostly settled on the latter, although it is fitful bed rest.” The Doctor sighs in regret as he shakes his head. “Quite frankly, the poor little filly can hardly handle anything else right now. Fortunately for her, this is precisely what she needs to recover. I may recommend a change in her diet and more exercise when she is stronger, but for now, it is bed rest that'll keep the doctor away.” “I'll keep a close eye on her. I promise,” Derpy vows. “So you all go on ahead knowing she will be fine.” “Wasn't she coughing earlier?” Stern Wing checks with the Doctor. “You don't think she's contagious, do you?” The Doctor shakes his head as he says, “I think she's well over that hurdle now. Even when this illness was fresh, the treatment I gave her should have kept a good lid on that particular issue, so those treating her should be fine. “So then,” the Doctor continues as he tightens and adjusts his green necktie, “if you're all done with your heated little debate here, let us be off! To adventure, my friends!” “You heard us?” Stern Wing asks in amazement. “No, but I don't have to,” the Doctor answers. “The story is clearly written on all of your faces, and speaking of which, Derpy,” he focuses on her, “please attend to your patient. Monitor her closely. I also left a device by her bedside which you can use to contact me just in case things go south. Be warned that I may not be able to immediately respond, but I'll get back to you as soon as I can. You have my word on that, and in the meantime, you can at least be assured that I'll be alerted to your situation.” “Yes, Doctor! Right away,” Derpy says seriously then hops up and actually flies into the hallway just to get there more quickly. As predicted by most, however, she has an accident down there when her wing clips the wall several feet down the hallway. From there, she crashes and tumbles several feet, but then quickly calls out, “I'm alright! I am oh-kay. Just . . . being me again.” The Doctor scoffs with an amused snicker but then narrows his eyes slightly at Feather Wind as he observes the young stallion viewing the hallway with concern. “Feather Wind,” the Doctor calls out to the young unicorn which draws the blue stallion's attention to him. With it, the Doctor says, “Be aware that Derpy made her choice. We have to respect that, even if we partly disagree with it. Keep in mind that the best thing we can do for her, right now, is to hold our heads high. The less we seem to feel guilty about her decision, the less reason she has to feel guilty in return.” Feather Wind widens his eyes at the Doctor. “Now then, shall we?” the Doctor proclaims in a sudden chipper tone. “Onwards and Upwards, my friends.” With that, the Doctor trots his way out of the TARDIS. Stern Wing almost follows, but she hesitates when she notices Feather Wind isn't following yet. Instead, he just has his eyes wide open with an amazed expression followed by an embarrassed one. He then shuts his eyes and rubs the bridge of his muzzle. “What is it? What's wrong?” Stern Wing asks her friend in cautious concern. Feather Wind casts a long sigh before lowering his hoof back to the ground, shaking his head, and cracks his eyes open before saying, “One of these days I am finally going to learn to stop underestimating the Doctor.” “Uh,” Stern Wing winces, “what do you mean?” Feather glances at Stern for a second then looks out the now open exit of the TARDIS as he says, “Earlier, I thought the Doctor was being callous on how accepting he was of Derpy's decision. Little did I realize he was thinking at least ten steps ahead of me as usual. When am I ever going to learn?” “Um . . . I don't have the answer to that question right now,” Stern Wing replies, “but I do know that you're the brightest pony aboard this ship aside from the Doctor. If there is anypony who surely will learn what he needs to know, it's you.” Feather thinks about that compliment for a moment before flashing Stern a side grateful smile as he says, “Thanks. It's good to know you think so highly of me.” “And for good reason,” Stern assures. “You're one of the most amazing ponies I know.” “Well,” Feather returns his gaze to the exit as he says, “we better get a move on and join the Doctor out there. We can work on all of these other problems later. For now, as you said earlier, we should focus on what's in front of us.” “Indeed,” Stern agrees as she looks at the exit as well. “Let's move.”