Helen Juwel

by Kawat3ngusan

Das Treffen mit dem sanften Dieb

Das Treffen mit dem sanften Dieb
Meeting the Gentle Thief

Poor Gelbes and Helen, now without a home or a place to stay, were forced to live in an alley of the city, where they had built a shelter with wooden crates, barrels and old sheets, and being unable to eat they were forced to beg, but sadly not all ponies were generous, and what they managed to keep was just enough for a loaf of bread.

Helen went to buy some bread with what she had begged for, she gave a bigger piece to her mother.

-“ Take it, mom, eat“-

-"But... my baby, you're the one who has to eat the most"-

-"But you're not eating much, you gave me more bread last time"-

-“Ja, but….you're younger, oh my, if only we weren't in this situation, I miss your father, and also Hunk, when I think about the day he allowed us to live here, and by now it's all over, due to a fire“-

-"It wasn't only the fault of the fire, but also of dad's killer, who also killed Hunk"-

-“But now he'll hunt you down, you've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble Helen“-

-“ I have an idea, we can leave for the city of Eichel“-

-“To do what, my baby?”-

-“Hunk knew a certain Father Arthur, we can stay there, we will work in exchange for room and board, we are poor ponies they will help us“-

-“But it's a long journey of two or three days, we will be able to find bandits and monsters, we don't know how to defend ourselves“-

-"But I do"-,

Helen showed the dagger that Hunk had given her, her mother wanted to know where it came from, so the little pegasus told about the times that Hunk taught her how to fight with the dagger, even about the time she fought against the Wolpentingers.

Needless to say, her mother wasn't happy about it, but then she calmed down,

-“Even if you know how to fight, it doesn't mean that you could defeat monsters much bigger than you, if we find a Troll, a pack of Timber Wolves or Wechselbalg what would you do?“-

-“I would hit them fast, I'm fast with the dagger“-

-"If I only knew where Eichel is, I would have wanted to give you the education you deserved Helen, I didn't want you to be illiterate like me"-

-“But I already know how to read and count“-

-“But you are still at the beginning, you need someone who has studied, like the monks, and then who knows how much they would ask for your education“-

-"Mom? Do we have a choice? We have to start from here, if we stay here that unicorn could kill me, and then even if we are tired we have to try, we have nothing left to lose, this city no longer belongs to us"-

-“However, you are very wise to be seven years old“-,

Gelbes was thinking about the opportunity to go to Eichel even if it would have been a long journey full of dangers, but Helen was right, if anyone could help them it was the friars of the Monastery of Eichel, also because even if it was not the only monastery of the kingdom, the friar who ran that monastery knew Hunk, and therefore the two of them could find help thanks to that old friend of Hunk's.

Gelbes fell asleep, but Helen was still hungry so she thought of doing something for her mother, she wanted to go back to their farm, and get some fruit from their trees.

Helen remembered that the trees had survived the fire, and had many apples on their branches, she wasn't actually about to steal, as the farm hadn't yet been put up for sale.

She arrived at the farm, she saw that all the animals had been taken away, and she saw that as she well remembered the trees were full of apples, and so she flew off to get some.

She took a dozen, though she struggled to carry them all, but before she left she heard noises, she Helen looked around the back of the farmhouse, and saw some Wechselbalg (Changelings) who had surrounded a small brown dragon.

Helen felt something inside her, she let go of the apples and took the dagger to go and protect the little dragon.

-“Hey, ihr hässlichen Monster, raus hier (Hey, you ugly monsters, get away from here)“-, The Changelings heard her and growled at her, Helen was scared, but she plucked up courage, there were five of them and one at a time the they flew against.

But Helen was very fast, sometimes she dodged them and sometimes she hit them several times with the dagger, even if the Changelings got up Helen managed to hit them right away.

Luckily those Changelings had no element they were simple Changelings, but they were still tough, and the last two decided to hit the filly together, they immediately flew at her, Helen struck a pose, but then a guy with a brown coat came and hit both Changelings, he was a green unicorn and used two daggers with magic, but then took one to stab a Changeling right in the chest.

The unicorn saved Helen, he turned to her, he had blue eyes and a green mane and tail, in addition to his cloak he wore a jacket of the same color and a mask on his face, when he looked at Helen he took off his mask and called her back,

- “Was machst du hier? Du warst kurz davor zu sterben(What are you doing here? You almost died)“-

-“D…danke for saving me, I just wanted to save that little dragon“-

-“The Wechselbalg are evil beings, who feed on the blood of creatures and their lifeblood, you shouldn't be here“-

-“But this was my farm“-

-"Really? I thought old Hunk lived here"-

-“You….did you know him?”-

-“Let me introduce myself, my name is Axel Juwel, and I am a thief“-, Helen saw a design embroidered on the inner cloak, it was a red woodpecker.

-“That drawing…you are from Roter Specht(red woodpecker), that's why you knew Hunk, he showed me that drawing“-

-“How did you know Hunk?”-

-“He was my grandfather“-

-“Interesting, tell me about yourself“-.

For some strange reason Helen felt that she could trust that thief since he belonged to the Roter Specht (Red Woodpecker).

So she told her the whole story of her, and how she and her mother were reduced.

He was struck by the story.

-“Look Helen, maybe I can help you, I'm in this city because I have to talk to a pony, his name is Doctor Hans“-

-“I know him, he's the one who tried to save my father and Hunk“-

-“For now, take this bag of coins and buy something for your mother, once I talk to Dr. Hans, I'll come looking for you, you said you wanted to go to Eichel, didn't you?”-

-“Ja, I wanted to go there“-

-“I ask you to give me just one day, I have to talk to the doctor, then I will come and look for you and your mother, because I come from Eichel, I could take you there, in that city there is no Black Feather, and then there is a base of the Red Woodpecker, just try to be patient“-.

So Axel accompanied Helen to the city, but they both noticed that the little dragon was following them,

-“What does that little dragon want?”-

-“I think he is following me, because I saved his life“-

-"So you risked your life for a little dragon?"-

-“He was in danger and I wanted to save him“-, Helen took the little dragon and put him on her back,

-“How cute, I think I'll call him Stachel, he'll be my friend“-

-“It's a rock dragon“-

-“A rock dragon?”-

-"Trust me, I've seen different types, I know them, they are rock-skinned dragons, they are very strong and very resistant, and they are also very grumpy"-

-“He doesn't look so bad to me“-

-“Now, but then he will grow up“-.

Axel went to Doctor Hans' house, while Helen instead bought some food for her and her mother with the money Axel had given her.

Helen told her mother about meeting Axel.

-“Have you met a thief? And you were attacked by Wechselbalg? Are you crazy?"-

-"Mom? He saved me, and then now we have a new member in the family“-

-"That is, another mouth to feed"-

-"But look at how much money he gave us, he's not a bad thief, he's part of the Red Woodpecker, so he's as good as Hunk was, and then he promised to take us to Eichel, he'll defend us from danger"-

-"I'd rather talk to him to know better his intentions"-.

At that moment Helen saw that her mother was cooking some strange vegetables on the fire,

-“Where do those come from?”-

-“Oh, a soldier gave me these strange vegetables, we can eat these in addition to the food you bought“-.

Towards evening Axel arrived in the alley, who at the moment was staying at Doctor Hans's house, Gelbes wanted to speak to him.

-“ So you are the thief who saved my daughter?“-

-"Ja, madam, Helen told me everything, I will be happy to accompany you to the monastery of Eichel, at the moment there is no Father Arthur, he is travelling, but there is Father Rufus who manages the monastery in his place, If there is a friar to trust, it is Rufus."-

-“So you are telling me that you will bring us and Dr. Hans?”-

-“Ja, that's right“-

-“ Why he wants to leave the city?“-

-"I shouldn't tell you, but he saw the face of a member of the Black Feather and so it's better if he runs away from here, the same goes for your daughter"-

-“Well, if you are a good thief like Hunk was, I can trust you“-

-“We will leave tomorrow morning, be ready“-

-“Danke, Axel“-.

Axel returned to Hans, while Gelbes, Helen and Stachel were preparing to eat.

Helen found those strange vegetables that mother had from a soldier very tasty, perhaps not all soldiers were bad, even little Stachel ate those vegetables.

They still had food thanks to Axel, but Gelbes thought of saving supplies for the trip, Helen agreed but suddenly she noticed something strange, her mother was starting to cough, she put her hoof on her chest and spat blood.

Helen got scared,

-“ Mom? Was ist los? (Mom? What's wrong with you?)“-

-“Ich weiß nicht, Helen (I don't know Helen), but I don't feel well, it's like it’s burning my stomach“-.

Gelbes fainted on the floor, but Helen with all her strength loaded her on,

-“I'll take you to Dr. Hans, it will definitely be an illness, hold on“-.

Helen went to the pony doctor and explained everything that had happened.

Doctor Hans was surprised,

-"But .. she suddenly started coughing?"-

-“Ja, and he said that she felt burning inside“-

-“I have to take her to my patient room, you Helen, stay here with Axel“-.

Axel hugged little Helen to comfort her.

-“Helen? But what happened?”

-"I don't know, we had finished eating and then she felt bad"-

-"What did you eat?"-

-"Strange vegetables that looked like stones, you saw them too, mum was cooking them on the fire, but we didn't eat anything else"-

-“Ah, are you talking about those vegetables?”-

-"Why? Do you know them?"-

-“Ehm…..no, I don't think I saw them“-

-"Me and Stachel ate them too but nothing happened to us"-,

Time passed and Dr. Hans had no good news.

-“Helen, I'm sorry, but your mother won't make it, she was poisoned“-

-“Poisoned? How is it possible?"-

-“She must have eaten something poisoned, I knew the soldiers were poisoning poor families on the street, but I didn't know how“-

-"How is it possible? My little dragon and I ate the same things as her and we are not poisoned” -

-"Evidently you have been miraculous, unfortunately your mother has little time left, just an hour to live, so tonight we will take her to the cemetery, I will have her buried together with your father and your grandfather Hunk"-

-“Nein, nein, I don't want to live without my mother”-

-“I'm sorry, but I don't have the right antidote for this poison“-,

Helen went to her mother, her filly hugged her crying, her mother wanted to talk to her,

-“Helen? My baby, the doctor was clear, and unfortunately I don't have much time left "-

-“Nein, mom, don't leave me, I have only you“-

-“Don't worry, soon you can go to Eichel, if that Axel is really as good as he looks you can get the education I wanted you to have“-

-"But...but I want you to be there with me"-

-"Don't cry, you have to be strong, always have faith in life, now I'm here today, but maybe if the Merciful Pony will allow me tomorrow I will watch over you like an angel, up there in Ponyparadise, promise me that you will be strong, and that you will use head and heart, that you will be judicious and strong, you must be strong, I could not die happy to see you cry“-.

Then Gelbes took two gold rings from her hoof and gave them to Helen.

-“Here, Helen, your father gave me these rings when we got engaged, now I want you to have them, take care of them, so it will be as if I will always be with you, my baby“-

-“Ja, mom, it will be as if you were always with me“-.

Helen hugged her mother again, but tried not to cry for her, because she didn't want to see her cry.

It was now late in the evening, Axel, Hans and Helen with Stachel were in the cemetery with a friar who was praying for poor Gelbes who was now dead and the coffin was already down in the ditch.

Helen tried not to cry but a few tears streamed down her, and Stachel tried to comfort her by licking her tears, this tickled Helen.

After the funeral, Hans decided it was time to leave Kieselstein and so he asked everyone to go back to his house, but Helen stopped, she saw Axel looking at Hunk's grave.

-“What are you doing Axel?“-

-“I was just…just saying hello to a pony I knew“-

-“Did you know Hunk?”-

-“Ja….but it's too complicated to explain, so don't think about it“-.

Everyone went to Hans' house.

The doctor thought that perhaps it was better to rest before leaving at night, Axel decided to sleep together with Helen, but the green unicorn was keeping watch instead of sleeping.

Helen kept thinking about her mother, she had slipped the rings into her left hoof and thought about her, now she had lost her whole family, she only had her new dragon friend left, and she didn't know how she would manage without her parents , but she certainly couldn't stay there since her life was in danger, she had to leave the city of her fillyhood.

Suddenly, noises were heard from a room and a scream, Helen ran to see.

She opened the door and saw that Doctor Hans's room was in a mess as if there had been a fight, she went to open another door and saw an ugly sight, Doctor Hans was on the floor bleeding, and next to him there was a unicorn with a torn cape, Helen had no doubts that was her father's and Hunk's killer.

-“You…..killed Doctor Hans, Du bist ein böses Wesen (You are evil)“-, the blue unicorn saw her,

-“I found you, very well now I can kill you too“-.

Helen began to back away, she tried to take Hunk's dagger, but the unicorn took her hoof with his magic and was ready to kill her.

-“ Begrüßen Sie Dr. Hans aus dem Jenseits (Greet Dr. Hans from the other side for me)“-,

Helen screamed, but luckily the unicorn didn't touch her because at that moment, Axel arrived, who attacked him with his daggers,

-“Do you take it out on the fillies? Let's see how strong you are against me“-.

Helen was safe, but she couldn't do anything she was scared, she hugged Stachel and asked for help, at that moment Stachel lit up and spat a powerful flame that hit the evil unicorn, which screamed in pain and escaped from a window.

Axel took advantage of the moment,

-“Quick Helen, we have to get out of here right now, I can't do anything for the doctor now, but you're still alive and I swear on my honor that I'll get you out of here safe and sound“-.

Helen hurried after Axel and as she ran she held Stachel on her back, when they were out they checked that there were no other members of the Black Feather.

-“Why didn't you come immediately to help the doctor?”-

-“There were other Black Feather thugs outside, they held me back, now we have to get you out of here“-.

They drove out of town to Hunk's farm, where Helen took her grandfather's old cart.

-“What do you want to do with it, Helen?”-

-“This place was mine, so this cart belongs to me and then it could be useful to you“-

-“But you really have the qualities of a thief“-

-"I don't think so, but this way I can take a piece of the farm with me"-

-"Come on, get on the cart, I'll take you away"-

-"but you haven't even rested"-

-“It doesn't matter, I'll rest on the ride, it's a long way to Eichel, and I'll take you to a new place that you can call home“-

-“But without my parents“-, Axel looked into her eyes,

-“Listen Helen, I lost my parents too, I was a little older than you, but I grew up in Eichel monastery and I grew up well“-

-“Does that mean you really live there? You? A thief? “-

-“You said you knew Father Arthur was once a thief“-

-“Ja, but now he is a friar“-

-“But he uses the monastery as one of the Red Woodpecker's secret bases, and that's where me and two of my friends live, I'm sure they'll welcome you well“-

-"Are you sure?"-

-“Father Rufus has always been like a father to me, and he is the best of the friars in that monastery, I'm sure he will accept you, now hurry up, you and Stachel get on the cart and let's go“-.

So Axel took the cart and drove out of the city, Helen looked back, and said goodbye to the city where she had grown up, and where she had left everything, with the hope that Axel was right, but still she had to be strong, just like promised to her mother .

To be continued…….

My Little Pony by Lauren Faust & Hasbro