//------------------------------// // Chapter Two: Not the best Hearts and Hooves day // Story: Not the best training // by PurpleArtist //------------------------------// Hearts and Hooves Day was in full swing and Purple looked down from his balcony watching young and old couples out buying romantic stuff or going out for a romantic lunch. Great thing I'm single because I don't want to find a restaurant with an opening on a day like today, Purple thought sarcastically, I wonder how Base and the rest of my family can woo any mare without trying and yet every mare melts in their hooves like butter on a hot knife yet when I tried I get called a sexist prick. Its life and Karma coming back to me. Then Purple got up and started to walk. "You going out Purple?" asked Princess Twilight, "If so every restaurant and diner is going to be busy."   Purple replied, "Just going to go home and hate myself some more. No I can't, there's nothing I can do to make amends and do as much good as I can before I die in nine hundred and forty years!" Purple expresses the belief that he is beyond redemption and even if he had a wife and a few foals of his own to him he wouldn't be able to fully move on. "Why don't you spend some time with the Guardians?" said Princess Twilight. Purple replied, "So I can be trapped in a building with each other slow dancing and kissing and what not? I'm fine, I'm just going to go home." "Why don't you see if Sapphire Rose wants to hang out because you two are friends?" asked Princess Twilight. Purple replied, "I went on nine hundred and thirty eight dates. I heard 'Let's be friends instead' and nine hundred and thirty seven times and the mares only wanted to get free stuff and what not. She's probably the same as them. And out of nine hundred and thirty eight mares I dated, only half of them came crawling back because they're pregnant and want me to be a baby daddy to my brother or another stallion in my family but I turned them down. We're not friends and my friends are either dead or they moved on with their lives and have families of their own." "But just get to know her though," said Princess Twilight, "I have a feeling she does want to be friends." Purple replied, "What I know about her is that she lives in isolation, she's a mare, she has dark brown hair, and blue fur, I don't know her tail color or cutie mark because I count that as staring at a mare's ass and I'm not Base or the rest of my family. I also know that she's three thousand and one hundred years old. Yeah I overheard that at the restaurant. It's a part of my training to overhear things that's important. I know that she lives in Isolation because we were at her house like the day you gave her the card I wrote but I was planning on burning anyway." Purple lit up his horn and teleported home. If my life was a video game then it would be a mix of red for anger, orange for tense and dark blue for sad. Purple thought, Just waiting for another war to start so I can go and not come back. Purple set up some paper targets at a range of 100 meters or 328 feet with the closet being 30 meters or 98 feet. "Equestrian M3 Carbine rifle, 5.8 pounds, 15 round magazine," said Purple, "This one? It's called 'Lighting Bruiser' and it belonged to my deceased best friend Jackpot and he wanted to teach his daughter how to shoot. But he died when his daughter was only a week old and it's my fault that he never got a chance to meet his daughter and his daughter never got to meet him besides photographs of each other." Purple just fired the rifle at the targets and they were pictures of family members who he hates and he filled every picture with bullets. *** The next day. "Alright Purple, Head Guardian Sapphire finally approved so you can fight two Reserve Guardians at once in the ring," said Master Shi. "Okay I want a clean fight not a fight to the death!" Master Shi got out of the ring and while Master Shi was busy leaving the ring Purple just straightened his olive drab tiger striped camouflage uniform which has his rank of Lieutenant-General with three silver stars on both sides of the collar. Purple pacified an Earth pony stallion with ease just knocking him out with one punch. The Crystal Pony Pegasus mare didn't find Purple because he snuck up on her, disabled his invisibility spell and knocked her out with the handle of his M3 Fighting knife knocking her out and kept the pointy end of the blade towards him. Purple carried them to Doctor Snake and he also made a get well soon card for them as well. He ran around the track which is the size of two hundred buckball fields and Purple had no problem running the entire thing without breaking a sweat. After the training Purple left the training center and he went to a flower shop and he bought some Carnation, Orchid, and Tulip flowers. He put them on his adoptive parents grave and his two close best friend graves. "I miss you mom, dad, Jackpot, and Scrumptious. Thanks for giving me the best nineteen years and three hundred and sixty four days of my life," said Purple. "Mom? I know you're really my adoptive mother and Dad I know you're really my adoptive father... But mom? I'm sorry that I can't fulfill the pinkie promise I gave to you that you would be surrounded by grandfoals from me and I'm sorry that I broke it by not finding somepony to be with. I miss all four of you deeply. I wish it was me instead of all four of you." Then Purple went back to the Guardian training center and continued to run around the track in his freetime.