To Yield the Light

by RoyalPonySisters

Chapter 7

I can’t believe she did that! I told the setting Sun furiously that evening.

She’s always been out to get us. She probably made the schedule extra full just to make it more exhausting.

I don’t think that’s true…, I responded, unsure.

Raven has always tried to make us miserable. Just like Luna, the Sun said.

Really? It was so hard to believe Raven and Luna would do that.

Of course. Who separated us? Luna. She’s always hated us. Since Nightmare Moon. And look at her now, taking me away from you, making us miserable, the sun spat. Raven is probably secretly helping her.

Oh, I hope not, I sighed. I bid the Sun good night and tried to get some sleep.

When I dragged myself to the breakfast table Luna was already sitting there, looking perfect as always. Which made me very happy, actually.

Luna was eating moonberry pancakes. “Celestia, do you want any?” she asked.

I shook my head. “I’m not hungry.”

I haven’t been hungry in days. How can I be, when it will never sate me like the Sun did.

I need you, it called to me. Celestia, I need you. Don’t leave me with her. Celestia-

“Celestia!” My thoughts were interrupted. I looked up at Luna blankly.

“I was just asking you where Raven is. She should be here by now.”

“Oh,” I said dully. “She quit.”

Luna looked shocked. “She… what? Why?”

“Family matter,” I said. It was true, kind of, if you stretched it.

Luna looked distraught. “How are we supposed to carry out our duties without her keeping track of the schedule?”

“I’m sure you’ll figure something out,” I muttered.

Luna looked at me curiously. “Celestia, are you alright? I know you and Raven were close. And you seem awfully tired.”


I did feel awful. I’m so, so cold and tired. But it’s not Raven I miss. Still, the thought of trying to make it through the day without her exhausts me already. I just can’t do it. Anyways, Luna basically handles everything now anyways.

“Actually, I feel rather tired. I did a lot last night. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go back to bed for now.”

“Well alright, Celestia. Feel better.” Luna said. It sounded kind, I guess.

I concentrated on dragging myself back to my bedroom. If only I had my magic, I could teleport myself and be back in an instant. Instead, it takes all my legs and my wings working together to drag me there, quite slowly. The Sun coaxed me the entire time. Come, Celestia, I’m waiting for you under the blanket. Come so I can be warm. But when I get there I was still freezing and the blankets didn’t help. What I needed was Philomena.

“Philomena,” I called out to her. “I know you hate this; I’m sorry, but can you please lie down with me?”

I heard an annoyed response but I didn’t see her anywhere.

“Philomena?” I called out again. “Where are you?”

I heard a louder response from the side and turned my head to look. It was coming from the fireplace. Philomena loves sitting in it. Since she’s a phoenix, it’s perfectly safe for her. She looked so comfortable and… warm in there. “Please come out,” I pleaded with her. “I know you like it there but I need you.” She shook her head angrily. Poor Philomena was sick and tired of being my Sun substitute for the past few weeks. I couldn’t really blame her for it. I had been making her sleep with me far more times than she was happy to. But I still felt so cold!

I stole a furtive glance at the hot fireplace. The dancing flames looked so warm and inviting. I knew I wasn’t supposed to go in there, but why not? Philomena was there and she was comfortable. It was just so nice and warm. I couldn’t really think of any good reason why I shouldn’t go in. I decided to compromise and go in for a short time.

I bent my head down and crawled into the fireplace. I was instantly filled with the wonderful, Sun-like heat I craved. I felt a vague sensation of discomfort on my skin but it was easily ignored. The flames jumped playfully around me as I took in their heat. It just felt so good. There was no way I was leaving this place anytime soon. “Look Philomena,” I laughed. “I’m here with you!”

Philomena looked up at me from preening her feathers and squawked loudly in alarm. “What is it, girl?“ I asked, reaching out to her. She immediately darted out of the fireplace and flew right out of my doorway, screeching loudly all the while. I had no idea what got into her, but I didn’t have the energy to follow her and find out. The fireplace was irresistible. I decided to go to sleep in this most comfortable place.