Spike's Kingdom

by Guardian Dragon


"Here we go," Princess Luna is on the balcony, preparing to enter the dream realms to locate Spike's door in the Dragon Lands without an issue.

Princess Luna concentrates on her magic, transporting herself into the dream realms. Within the dimension, Princess Luna sees many bubbles full of good dreams and nightmares her subjects are enduring. The plains are light blue with sparkling dots as stars in the background. Usually, her priorities are to subdue every pony's nightmare so that they can sleep soundly and peacefully heading into the following day; however, her objective is to find Spike and understand his motives as Dragon Lord since Twilight and Rarity explained with their emotions going erratic and Discord has the tendency of speaking vaguely to keep everyone guessing.

Princess Luna's eyes turn white as she ignites her horn, creating a pathway to follow. She flies down the path while seeing different dreams that her subjects are enjoying blissfully or suffering. "Forgive me." Princess Luna formally apologizes to those that cannot overcome their nightmares due to the stress of their day or lives.

An hour within the dimension passes; Princess Luna is in front of a shallow territory unknown to her. She extends her left hoof across a black line; it's the Equestrian Borders of the dream realms. "Interesting." There is no blockade, and she continues her path to locate Spike.

Princess Luna follows the light, leading away from the Dragon Lands and into a forest not far from the Dragon Lands' border. Only one door is present, and Luna hears Spike's cries within the dream bubble; it's dark, pitched-black as Spike screams. It was enough for Princess Luna to enter his dreams and defeat the demons that attempted to corrupt Spike's mind.

Spike can't escape from a dark abyss with walls around him; he tries to scratch the surface of it, hoping to find the light to end the shadows that shroud him. Then, all of a sudden, the walls start cracking like an egg, light outshines the darkness, and everything goes blank with the arrival of Princess Luna, pulling Spike out of his dream and into the dimension.

"Princess Luna..?" Spike didn't anticipate seeing the Princess in his dreams. It's a first since Spike normally envisions himself being with Rarity or eating dozens of gemstones to his delight, never getting a belly ache. Then, it hit him; Spike groaned that he passed out after hearing the awful revelation from Princess Ember mentioning the Dragon Eggs raid.

"Hello, Dragon Lord Spike," Princess Luna formally addresses the new leader of the Dragons with respect, from one royalty to another. Also, she wonders why Spike sounded distraught after he groaned.

"Why are you here?" Spike wonders what business Princess Luna inquires about. Could it be about the withdrawal of the conference meeting, how Discord wrote the letter addressing the situation, or his status as Dragon Lord since Twilight believes he can't rule a nation into prosperity?

"Princess Twilight and Rarity revealed their perspectives on your achievement to become Dragon Lord; I read what Discord wrote about you, and now I want to hear from you."

"You don't believe I'll be a great leader, don't you?" Spike believes that Twilight wanted Princess Luna to discuss the decision about returning to Twilight and forfeiting his status to Princess Ember or some other Dragon.

"I know you can and will achieve great things in life, Spike. You saved the Crystal Empire, and the Crystal Ponies endorsed you as Spike the Brave and Glorious. You are the only Dragon with vast knowledge of Friendship to educate all Dragons within your kingdom. There's no other Dragon that values Friendship like yourself; also, you are the one who wrote the Friendship lessons detailing what Twilight and her friends learned for Princess Celestia. As far as things are concerned, you obtained more than anyone and will apply those lessons to your nation. I know you'll be a wise King, taking the time to understand and learn how Dragons operate to make better decisions that benefit them and not yourself."

"Thank you, Luna," Spike smiles. He needed to hear from a different Princess who believed in him, unlike Twilight, who belittled him and sought to control Spike with authority, attempting to override the command of the new Dragon Lord. "Princess Luna, can I ask you a favor?"

"Sure, Dragon Lord Spike. What can I help you with?" Princess Luna wonders what Spike would want besides a comfortable bed.

"Ask Princess Celestia how Equestrian Ponies procured Dragon Eggs years ago."

That question stuns and bothers Princess Luna. She feels uneasy about her subjects hoarding Dragon Eggs, knowing it's unlawful in every way to kidnap an unborn youngling from any sentient species. The idea of an egg raid makes Luna want to vomit by how sickly and demented the plan is.

"I-I-I-I will," Princess Luna stutters with the idea that her sister committed a crime worse than her tyranny as Nightmare Moon. "What gave you the idea of Equestrian Ponies accumulating Dragon Eggs, Spike?"

"Princess Ember told me that years ago, a brigade of Ponies led by a wretched Pony Princess stole Dragon Eggs; I believe Ember saw the fallout and held the grudge for many years. I think I'm a survivor of that invasion."

Princess Luna feels heartbroken that her sister would stoop to a new level of wickedness, stripping many families of the Dragon Lands of their newborns; she covers her mouth with her front hooves, quieting her gasps as tears stream down her face. Nightmare Moon was the darkness that wanted an eternal night to rule with an iron hoof on her subjects; however, if what Spike said is true, what Princess Celestia committed is a felony of epic proportions.

"How.., can you be certain.., Spike?" Princess Luna needs one more piece of evidence to commence her investigation. She hopes Queen Chrysalis devised a ruse to lure Dragons into starting warfare with Equestrian Ponies; she hopes that her sister wouldn't arrange a twisted directive.

"If what Ember saw was true, I want to say other Dragons her age witnessed the outcome and developed egg hunting. Dragons target smaller creatures for sport; also to smash the eggs since they believe that's what Ponies have done to their kin. From one twisted angle to another, it's their way of having fun and possibly coping. I was part of a Phoenix Swipe with Garble and his friends; when I caught an egg, they encouraged me to break it. However, I did not."

Princess Luna's jaw drops; she becomes devastated that her sister's influence tainted the younger Dragons into practicing horrid atrocities. Learning that Spike partook in the event is all that she can bear. "Grrrrrrrr!" Princess Luna's irises turn, similar to a snake with the shade of hue of Nightmare Moon; she's livid. She growls in anger.

"Princess?!" Spike gets startled at the sight of Princess Luna in an enraged state.

The dimension around the two changes from blue with white dots for stars into pitch black; Princess Luna snarls while imagining the misery, mourning, anguish, and woe that many families in the Dragon Lands suffered from her sister's course of action. "Never again!" Princess Luna shouts in her royal tone and stomps her front hooves on the platform, shattering the dimension from blackness to light.

Spike is clinging to a dream bubble when Princess Luna shatters the ground; he's scared about Princess Luna's motives. "Princess!" Spike still can't fly and is worried about falling into an endless chasm.

Princess Luna exhales heavily and uses her magic to levitate Spike on her back. "Sorry that you saw that," Princess Luna sighs deeply. "I understand the food chain network of different creatures; however, Equestrian Ponies are not carnivores. My subjects taking Dragon Eggs makes no sense unless..," Princess Luna's eyes widen in horror. "That stupid school of the giiiifteeeed!" She groans as the answer becomes apparent.

"What about the.., no..," Spike shakes his head in disbelief. "No, no, no, no, no! NOOOOOOO!" Spike refuses to accept that Princess Celestia took Dragon Eggs for young Unicorns to use their magic and bring birth. He starts crying.

Princess Luna shares her sadness with her friend after realizing the horrific divulgement of the unborn Dragons that never experienced life due to unfortunate mishaps caused by younglings in Celestia's School For Gifted Unicorns.

After shedding tears, Princess Luna puts Spike on the ground, ensuring not to worry about falling. "I have to go; however, I want to visit you about my progress during my investigation."

"I'll inform my Dragons of your arrival for private affairs with Princess Ember. If what Princess Celestia has committed validates your evidence and eyewitness testimonies from the brigade and Dragons, we will hold a trial where your sister will receive due punishment."

Princess Luna nods in agreement. Although the idea of watching her sister enduring a trial she may not win, no one should ever separate an unborn child from their family. It's unlawful, no matter the status and reputation anyone upholds.

"If found guilty, I'll remove my sister from her position and take control of all Equestrian province. Then, we'll mend a peace treaty if Celestia is found guilty. If my sister is innocent, we will find the culprit."

"That we will, Luna, that we will," Spike sees Princess Luna departing. The dream realms turn black, and Spike hears Ember's voice echoing; she's calling his name.

"SPIKE!" Ember finished cooking the Manticore. She held onto Spike and hoped that he woke up after passing out three hours ago.

Spike blinks several times and yawns. He turns to Ember. "Ooooooh, what happened..? OOOF!" Spike feels Ember hugging him too tight and feels some tears from Ember.

Ember looks down at Spike after hugging him; she's worried. Genuinely worried about Spike's state of mind after hearing what she said about the Dragon Egg raiding. Spike sees the distress written on Ember's face and enjoys the hug, even though she's scared. For Spike, it's an embrace of trust and love.

"Ember," Spike sits up and stares at her with concern.

"Yes, Spike?" Ember mentally prepares herself to answer another question and hopes the next answer doesn't cause Spike to faint a second time.

"Princess Luna came to me while I was dreaming; there's something you should know about."