//------------------------------// // Chapter 19 — The Coup 3 // Story: Dictators Of Ponyville // by Dragon-In-Black //------------------------------// Scootaloo and Spike couldn’t believe what they were witnessing. The explosions from the airship were strong enough to shake the town and that statement was accurate after they saw the ship release another set of explosions. The town shook as the creatures who were fighting storm guards fell to the ground with grunts. Scootaloo had put her hooves on the window reeling so she wouldn’t fall. Spike on the other hoof fell to the floor with a grunt of his own. “Ow, what is that airship releasing?” Spike muttered with annoyance. Scootaloo glanced at the purple-scaled dragon. “I don’t know but it could be a magical bomb of some sort, but it doesn’t seem like any creature is hurt.” Spike nodded and got up on his two feet and picked up the spear he had dropped and made his way to the window. Looking around, he tried to find any of the soldiers that they had sent out but he couldn’t find them. Their war cries were heard, though. “We should go, they need us,” Spike stated while looking out the window. “I know, but we need to be extra careful. Who knows what that airship is releasing? It’ll be best if we made our way through the buildings,” The orange filly responded. They jumped out of the window and landed on a nearby roof. The night sky was getting difficult to see because of the smoke that was emitting from the burning buildings. There were sounds of weapons clashing along with warcries from the two different conflicts. The battles were taking place everywhere. The soldiers were fighting on the streets, nearby roofs, and everywhere. There wasn’t a single spot that did not have at least some kind of warfare. The vision made Scootaloo smirk. She could imagine how powerful she would be when she would tell her subjects how bravely they all fought. She would also make sure that every creature knew that she was the one who saved and battled the Storm King. In her opinion it was fair. Spike looked around the area, trying to find the best building to run to. Most of the buildings had battles and he would rather find a way to avoid the fighting. He couldn’t allow his supreme leader to be hurt in any way shape or form. Luckily, there was one building that had no fighting from what he could hear and see. He nudged his leader and pointed with his finger to the open window. Scootaloo nodded and they ran to the window and jumped inside in the nick of time because a storm soldier had landed beside where they had stood seconds earlier. Scootaloo looked frantically around from where she stood. To her right she saw multiple doors that were either slightly open or wide opened. To her left, there was a wide-open door that revealed a bathroom with a window in it. She dashed to it with Spike hot on her tail and looked out the window to see Capper fighting a storm soldier with a sword. The soldier tried to sweep Capper but the agile cat dodged in time. He responded with an attack, swinging his sword towards the soldier's head who screamed like a little filly and jumped so high, Scootaloo momentarily lost sight of him. The soldier landed on his feet and ran away as quickly as he could. When the soldier was completely out of view, and Capper was certain there were no enemies around, he dropped to his knee while coughing like he had smoked for the last decade. Scootaloo broke the window and jumped out, landing on her hooves and dashed towards her captain. “Capper!” The shout prompted the cat to look up, only to see his supreme leader run towards him with a frantic look marring her features. “Are you alright!?” She asked while checking the cat for any injuries. “I saw the battle, it’s a good thing you're still relatively healthy,” The cat allowed a small affectionate smile. While the young pegasus did not realise it, she showed that she still deep down cared about her friends old and new. “I’m okay, just a little tired. I didn’t think the battle would easily knock me out,” he admitted with a small sigh escaping his lips. Scootaloo seemed worried at this. “You can still fight right?” Capper looked at the filly questioningly. “Yes, I can still fight. I have no problems in that department. But I am worried about that airship,” he looked up as he said that and they saw the terrifying vehicle turn slowly in their direction. Spike felt his neck hairs raise, and he knew something bad would soon happen. “We gotta get outta here!” He shouted and grabbed the young pegasus’ hoof and rushed towards an open building with crumbling rocks left and right. It was a depressing sight because while Klugetown was not the prettiest city in the world, it certainly wasn’t the ugliest. Capper was hot on their tail while looking back every five seconds to make sure no soldiers were searching for them or had seen them which was impossible to tell because of the war going on outside. They made it to a large living room with rock debris covering most of the floor and a coffee table with one leg broken and the walls colour all but destroyed from an explosion. The sofa was torn up as if some creature had been searching for something and there was a large hole that gave a clear view of the destroyed houses and streets that were covered with soldiers. Luckily, thank Celestia, no one was seriously injured. Scootaloo saw a few of her soldiers fighting against the Storm Kings’ and knew that she had to help them. What kind of leader would she be if she didn’t help her subjects? Despite all the anger and hate she once had in her heart, she would never abandon her subjects like her old hometown once had done. Grabbing a knife from her suit that she had hidden away in case she would need it, she then rushed towards the battlefield with her captain and lieutenant shouting at her to stop. The orange-coated pegasus jumped into the fray and blocked an attack that was about to land on one of her dragons and flung the sword across the field of tired soldiers who lay on the ground exhausted. The soldier jumped back and tried to attack Scootaloo but the young filly was smarter and jumped away from the attempted punch. Dropping the knife, she used her hooves to cling to the soldier’s face causing the creature to see nothing and tried to get rid of the pony. “Is she crazy?!” Spike shouted as he jumped into the battle with a storm guard about to attack a fellow dragon. “I don’t know!” Capper shouted while grabbing the knife Scootaloo had dropped. He looked at the odd scene with Scootaloo jumping from the creature’s face. “I think she might be!” Scootaloo jumped from an attempted kick and dodged another punch from another soldier. She was in her zone. Suddenly, there was a loud explosion. Every creature stopped what they were doing and turned to the sound where it came from and everything slowed. There was a thick fog of debris quickly sweeping over the battlefield like a quilt. They were flung back by the force and Scootaloo in particular hit her head. The last thing she saw before it went dark was the figure of Capper and Spike running towards her. 13 hours later Scootaloo felt her entire body aching. That was the first thing she felt when she woke up. Her back had aged several decades and her hooves felt as though they had worked non-stop without a single break. Her head felt heavy and her eyes barely opened up. She grunted but didn’t move. Slowly, she opened her eyes and saw that there was a fan on the ceiling that was spinning at a moderate pace. The fan was made from wood and was connected to the white-coloured ceiling that had lost a small amount of colour over the years most likely from the decades of being there. She turned her head to the side and was met by a wall so she turned her head to the other side and saw that she was in a small room. There was a wardrobe, a full-body mirror and a door that led Celestia-knows where. The walls were painted in the same white colour as the roof, but it looked to be fresh as if it had been recently painted. The door had the same distinct dark wooden colour that belonged to a cottage in the woods. Scootaloo tried to get up but she couldn’t. Her body refused to do what she wanted. It bothered her sense of pride, but she decided that it would be best to catch some extra sleep. Her eyelids felt heavy and her body was demanding sleep. Instead of refuting, she closed her eyes and fell asleep. 25 hours later Scootaloo woke up once again this time, the pain was less than it was previously. She looked around the room and saw that it hadn’t changed since she last saw it. ...How long had she been asleep? Before she could continue her musings, there was a knock on the door. Scootaloo didn’t know what to do, she wasn’t sure if she was in enemy territory or friendly. The last she remembered was Capper and Spike running towards her but who is to say that they saved her? What if one of her enemies grabbed hold of her and fled with her? As outlandish as it sounded, it was a strong possibility. Instead of having the creature waiting, she decided to test fate. “Come in,” The door creaked open as the creature on the other side slowly opened which revealed a creature standing on two legs. The creature wore a military suit that had... Scootaloo’s eyes widened when she saw her mark on the creature's left shoulder. It bared the mark she had crafted that would signify equality and prosperity. But the creature... she didn’t recognise it. The creature looked quite similar to a... storm soldier... “No need to fret, supreme leader Scootaloo, I am a defector of the Storm King,” the creature introduced with a bow. Scootaloo looked at the creature in suspicion. “Where am I?” She asked in a neutral voice. The creature looked into her eyes. “Your inside of my home. Your captain and lieutenant are here. Shall I call for them?” The pegasus filly simply nodded and the creature bowed again and didn’t return until a few moments later when the cat and dragon walked inside. Capper looked worried and Spike had a neutral look on his face. Scootaloo smiled at them, a very rare smile she rarely showed any creature other than her two best friends. “I see you made it,” was the best thing Scootaloo could think of saying but mentally kicked herself. The other two noticed her silent distress and tried to soothe her. “Yeah, no need to worry about us. We made it out alive. Well, everyone made it out alive, but we have a few hurt soldiers who need your strength at the moment.” Capper hit Spike silently to stop him from making Scootaloo get out of bed and worsen her injuries. “I suspected as much, I, however, cannot get out of bed for another day at the very least,” Scootaloo admitted which for others would have been hard to admit, but when you are dedicated to sports, you learn when your body is in tip-top shape after an accident. Capper looked surprised but didn’t say anything, while Spike still held a neutral expression on his face. “Did we win?” Capper, Spike and the defector looked at each other nervously. They didn’t know if it was a good idea to tell the filly what had happened or if they should. Noticing their plight, Scootaloo decided to play frustrated. “C’mon, what happened?” Capper gulped. “Well, we lost,” he said in a quiet tone. “Lost, what do you mean lost?!” Scootaloo shouted with fury in her voice. The three creatures inside the room flinched at her tone. “We lost many soldiers, they were captured and brainwashed by the Storm King to fight for him. We lost,” Capper looked defeated and the harsh glare Scootaloo sent his way didn’t make his mood lighten. “Completely utterly useless creatures!” She shouted and shocked them all by getting out of bed. “How can you lose so easily, huh?! You think I’ll accept defeat by a king who acts all high and mighty until someone strong like me comes and take everything away!” Her rant was far from finished. “I’m the supreme leader, the greatest leader to have ever lived on this entire planet! You think I will allow my subjects to live under a tyrannical rule like the Storm King’s?!” They didn’t respond nor did they dare say that she needed to go back to bed. “I will not allow this to be considered defeat! I will succeed in this coup!” She shouted and left the room while banging the door so hard it almost flew off its hinges. The three creatures looked at one another and sighed.